I just sent an email out over the users list.

Over a couple nights this week, I added SOLR integration into Virgil.
(Virgil is that REST layer that we've been building out over in Apache

I just wanted to through an idea out to the dev list...
I plan to migrate the current implementation in Virgil to use AOP.  That
will provide a good separation of concerns between Cassandra Storage and
the SOLR indexing.  Doing it with AOP will also allow us to move it into
the main codebase if/when we want to.  We would simply move the AOP to
surround CassandraServer. (or lower... even down into Storage)

Let me know if you think that is worth exploring further.


Brian ONeill
Lead Architect, Health Market Science (http://healthmarketscience.com)
blog: http://weblogs.java.net/blog/boneill42/
blog: http://brianoneill.blogspot.com/

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