
This years CloudStack Collaboration Conference (CCC) will be co-located with 
Apachecon North America, which is running September 28th - October 2nd at the 
Sheraton, New Orleans.

We have got commitment from the Apachecon organisers to have two rooms for 3 
days - so CCC will be a 3 day event.  This will allow us to run 2 x talk tracks 
for the first 2 days and a hackathon for the 3rd  day. This was the format we 
used this year in Las Vegas, which was very successful. We are waiting for 
confirmation on which days we will have rooms

Submit your Cloudstack talks/presentations

Last year, CCC was so successful primarily because of the excellent & varied 
talk content from this community

The CFP for CCC is run via the ApacheCon CFP, which is now open at
Talks will then be selected by a panel selected by the Cloudstack PMC.

The CFP will close on Friday 1 May 2020 8am (UTC-5). As per last year, I 
apologise that this date is so far ahead of the actual conference. Personally I 
find it very difficult to even think of suitable subjects 5 months ahead  - but 
it is a framework that we have agreed to work with.

These conferences only work if we all are prepared to share our experiences, 
the work we've been doing and our ideas around Cloudstack - so I ask everybody 
in our community to think about submitting a talk.  Yes, that is difficult 5 
months ahead, but please do try. Speakers get a free pass to the conference.

The CFP is at and remember to choose 
Cloudstack in the track.

Kind regards

Amadeus House, Floral Street, London  WC2E 9DPUK

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