Re: Releasing from trunk

2007-02-14 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Simone Gianni wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

I've been working on the release for the past couple of hours. As it's
late here, I need some sleep. Unfortunatly this means that the trunk
is broken ATM. I will continue later today and fix all poms.

Sorry for any inconveniences.

Just a quick question. Why don't we use version ranges instead of fixed
version numbers in our internal pom dependencies?

While using a version range on an external dependency can be dangerous
'cause we are not sure they will respect versioning rules, we could use
them for internal dependencies and save a lot of work when the version
of a single component changes and avoid having to cleanup the
repository, rebuild everything, change the version in the pom, re-clean
the repository and so on. Also because when we will have "1.0.0" version
of a block published on public repository it will be a real pain to
debug which components are still pointing to instead than to the new
1.0.1 version.

Is there some hidden problem with version ranges?

Simone, I have to admit that I don't understand the problem that will be solved 
by version ranges.

Let's assume that you use cocoon-forms-1.0.0.jar which has a dependency on 
cocoon-core-2.2.0.jar. After a while we release cocoon-core-2.2.1.jar. If you 
upgrade your own project descriptor to the new version, Maven will use this 
instead of the version set in cocoon-forms.

What would be different with version ranges?

Reinhard Pötz   Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


Re: Releasing from trunk

2007-02-14 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:
The build runs through again, at least for me. I tested with an 
empty local repository. Could others please verify?

Consistently fails with

 T E S T S
Running org.apache.cocoon.portal.event.impl.DefaultEventManagerTestCase
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger 

log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
[DEBUG] XMLizer: Default parser is 
[DEBUG] XMLizer: Default parser is 
[DEBUG] XMLizer: Default parser is 
[DEBUG] XMLizer: Default parser is 
[DEBUG] XMLizer: Default parser is 
[DEBUG] XMLizer: Default parser is 
[DEBUG] XMLizer: Default parser is 
Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 7, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.6 sec 

Strange :-(

Can you run the tests from within your IDE and find out what exactly is failing?

Do others see this behaviour too?

Reinhard Pötz   Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


Re: [VOTE] new excalibur release

2007-02-14 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Leo Simons wrote:

Hey Jorg,

w00t! Good goings! This has been a lng process :-)

On Feb 14, 2007, at 6:46 PM, Jorg Heymans wrote:

The new release of excalibur is long overdue, but finally here it is :

Thanks Jorg!

One question: I would like to use the new artifacts with Cocoon trunk. Does some 
staging Maven repository containing the new artifacts exist that could be used 
for this purpose?

Reinhard Pötz   Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


Re: [VOTE] new excalibur release

2007-02-14 Thread Leo Simons

Hey Jorg,

w00t! Good goings! This has been a lng process :-)

On Feb 14, 2007, at 6:46 PM, Jorg Heymans wrote:

The new release of excalibur is long overdue, but finally here it is :

Also-1: i have provided the release binaries in maven layout.  
Should we provided other packagings ?

While I can see how we can live with mostly just having these .jar  
releases these days (as weird as this maven 2 thing still feels to  
me, when I learned release management, installing javadocs offline  
was still important :-)), I do thing we should provide *some* sort of  
source release. Even if its just

cd excalibur/trunk/buildsystem
cat > <svn export -r 507711 
maven2-release-working-tag excalibur-r507711-20070214

tar cjf excalibur-r50771-20070214.tar.bz2 excalibur-r507711-20070214
md5sum -b excalibur-r50771-20070214.tar.bz2 > excalibur- 
echo gpg --armor --output excalibur-r50771-20070214.tar.bz2.asc -- 
detach-sig excalibur-r50771-20070214.tar.bz2
echo scp excalibur-r50771-20070214.tar.bz2


svn add
svn commit "Release script for excalibur- 

gpg --armor --output excalibur-r50771-20070214.tar.bz2.asc --detach- 
sig excalibur-r50771-20070214.tar.bz2
scp excalibur-r50771-20070214.tar.bz2

(just made this up on the spot; not tested). Does that make sense to  

Please cast your votes.

+1 from me.

On the release notes...

Here's two jira shared filters y'all should be able to see: 
there just isn't much there; I wouldn't bother with making release  
notes out of them. Instead, below is me spitting through two years of  
our SVN logs...


- Leo

Excalibur-r50771-20070214 release notes
This is a backwards-compatible maintainance release of all maintained
software, including packages formerly part of the  

avalon-framework, avalon-logkit, and avalon-cornerstone.

This is the first set of new excalibur releases since August 29, 2005.

The binary version of the distribution takes the form of a maven2- 
structured jar repository.
The main change has been a complete repackaging to work well with  
maven2-structured builds.

All version numbers of all components have been bumped significantly  
to reflect the new


Changes not related to the rework to use maven 2:

removal of the "Component" marker interface on interfaces inside  
excalibur's components

  * re-instated excalibur-i18n package
  * updated license text and policies to comply with revised ASF  
licensing standards

  * code reformattings, cleanups, javadoc additions and corrections
  * r492440, fix for EXLBR-32, proper closing of URLConnection in  
  * r468933, fix for EXLBR-31, handle multi-level stylesheet caching  
in excalibur-xmlutil
  * r467579, more robust dealing with missing classes on default  
excalibur-fortress startup
  * r437037, reset lexical handler before reusing JAXP parser in  

  * r391887, better debug handling for SMTP targets in excalibur-logger
  * r390538, fix broken timeout feature in URLSource in excalibur- 
  * r374681, remove call to System.out.println() in JAXP parser in  
  * r366060, make fortress' TestContainer public for external use in  
  * r359876, improve null handling for logger in metainfo collector  
in excalibur-fortress
  * r358988,r358989,r358990, fix for FORTRESS-21, maven2 plugin for  
metainfo collection
  * r330744,r330745,r330799 add more reporting for resource limiting  
pools in excalibr-pool
  * r280457, add new removeCurrentContext() to ContextMap in avalon- 
  * r278681,r279496,r279498,r280510,r327966,r329206,r329208,r349071,  
extensive rework of
excalibur-instrument, reporting on more details, fixing handling  
of null and NPEs,

looking prettier

Security-related changes:

  * none

This is the best available release of excalibur software today. We  
recommend you upgrade if

  * you make use or intend to make use of a maven2-structured  
repository layout

  * you use any of the following packages:
* excalibur-instrument
* excalibur-fortress
* excalibur-i18n
* excalibur-sourceresolve
* excalibur-xmlutil

This release has not been tested with JDK/J

Postable source and servlet services problem

2007-02-14 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski


I would like to start implementing postable source and special pipeline 
components supporting them; all leading to implementation of servlet 
services general concept. Before going into implementation details I 
would like to express my main concern.

Sitemap realization

Daniel proposed[1] postable source and bunch of special pipeline 
components calling servlet services. Let's focus only on transforming 
case as others (reading, generation and serialization) are similar or 
simpler cases. Now, we have to think about two main problems.

Unnecessary serialization/deserialization
Daniel proposed[2] making servlet request and response objects 
SAX-aware. It's good idea, additionally we should provide fall back 
mechanism if target servlet was not SitemapServlet. Then stream of sax 
events should be seen as serialized into request body. In detail, we 
should conform with HTTP POST semantics. On the target sitemap side we 
would have pipeline like this:

If request is SAX-aware ServiceConsumer would just provide it's sax 
stream. If not, generator would try to parse request body (octet data) 
as XML and provide SAX stream. Service producer would work 
symmetrically. This way we could have generic servlet service pipeline 
without introducing new syntax into sitemap language. Also, we get fall 
back mechanism. I think it's really clean solution and non intrusive 
into any pipeline/sitemap code.

Caching problems
That's really tricky part. Main problem is that ServiceConsumer has no 
information that could be used to calculate caching key. Caching key is 
unique (in component's context) identifier that identifies resource 
state (data) on processing stage. Normally generator provides some URI 
to the original resource or so. In our case, resource is SAX stream 
after some transformations applied. Thus, key must be an aggregation of 
the keys provided by components that applied some processing before 
service was called. Ok, so servlet service request should contain this 
aggregation (as ETag header or some request parameter). This is a right 
time to take a look on caller's sitemap:


We would like service transformer to pass cache key of generator to the 
request object created for calling the service. The problem is that 
AFAIK there is no way to obtain cache keys of the components that occur 
before any other component.

I think we hit here little design flaw. Transformer is atomic sitemap 
component, but servlet service is pipeline fragment. We try to treat 
pipeline as transformer and this leads to problems like outlined above. 
From the user and elegance of the sitemap point of view it's justified 
to treat servlet service as exactly one transformer (or any other 
component) because it's aimed to hide any implementation details of the 
service and service really does the processing exactly the same 
(semantically) way as transformer. Even though it's technical problem, 
it *is* serious problem and I have to admit that have no idea how to fix 
it in a clever, clean way.

Comments? Thoughts?

Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: [VOTE] new excalibur release

2007-02-14 Thread Vadim Gritsenko

Jorg Heymans wrote:
Also-2: i have not signed the release, if someone can help me out on how 
to do this that would be great as well.

I usually follow [1], worked fine.



[jira] Subscription: COCOON-open-with-patch

2007-02-14 Thread jira
Issue Subscription
Filter: COCOON-open-with-patch (98 issues)
Subscriber: cocoon

Key Summary
COCOON-2010 ServletConnection and ServletSource cache-aware
COCOON-2009 Pipelines more HTTP-compliant (respecting and producing HTTP 
headers and status codes)
COCOON-2002 HTML transformer  only works with latin-1 characters
COCOON-1997 Configure servlet: links rewriting
COCOON-1996 New input module: StringConcatMetaModule
COCOON-1994 Make Forms resources loaded directly
COCOON-1993 Make Forms resources loaded directly
COCOON-1992 Make Ajax resourced loaded directly from cocoon-ajax-impl
COCOON-1974 Donating ContextAttributeInputModule
COCOON-1973 CaptchaValidator: allow case-insensitive matching
COCOON-1964 Redirects inside a block called via the blocks protocol fail
COCOON-1963 Add a redirect action to the browser update handler
COCOON-1960 Pipeline errors for "generator/reader already set" should provide 
more information
COCOON-1955 [Patch] Allow shielded class loading for a single block
COCOON-1954 [Patch] RequestProcessor swallows exceptions in blocks case
COCOON-1949 [PATCH] load flowscript from file into specified Rhino context 
COCOON-1946 [PATCH] - Javaflow Sample errors trying to enhance Javaflow classes 
and showing cform templates
COCOON-1932 [PATCH] correct styling of disabled suggestion lists
COCOON-1929 [PATCH] Reloading classloader in Cocoon 2.2
COCOON-1917 Request Encoding problem: multipart/form vs. url encoded
COCOON-1915 Nullable value with additional String or XMLizable in 
COCOON-1914 Text as XMLizable in EmptySelectionList
COCOON-1899 [PATCH] Cocoon XML:DB Implementation should not depend on Xindice
COCOON-1898 [PATCH] XPatch support for maven-cocoon-deployer-plugin
COCOON-1893 XML-Binding: Problem creating a new element
COCOON-1887 Host selector should be case insensitive
COCOON-1877 [PATCH] Pageable Repeater
COCOON-1870 Lucene block does not store attributes when instructed so
COCOON-1846 [PATCH] BooleanField and radio do not send on-value-changed at the 
rigth time with IE
COCOON-1843 LDAPTransformer: add-entry tag doesn't work
COCOON-1842 LDAPTransformer: ClassCastException with Binary fields
COCOON-1838 Always use 3-digit version number
COCOON-1810 [PATCH] JMSEventMessageListener does not work
COCOON-1807 Workaround for IE Bug in
COCOON-1794 [PATCH] Propagation of namespaces to a repeaters child bindings and 
implementation of a move-node binding
COCOON-1738 double-listbox problem in repeaters
COCOON-1726 Implementation of Source that supports conditional GETs
COCOON-1717 Use custom cache keys for caching uri coplets using input modules.

[jira] Commented: (COCOON-1987) Unable to get the object model from the context

2007-02-14 Thread Felix Knecht (JIRA)


Felix Knecht commented on COCOON-1987:

Now I'm getting some other error probably because of the configurations. I'll 
work on this and provide a patch as soon as I get the sample up and running.

BTW: I think I haven't enough Karma to close the issue as I'm not a committer.

> Unable to get the object model from the context
> ---
> Key: COCOON-1987
> URL:
> Project: Cocoon
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Blocks: Authentication Framework
>Affects Versions: 2.2-dev (Current SVN)
>Reporter: Felix Knecht
> Assigned To: Carsten Ziegeler
> Fix For: 2.2-dev (Current SVN)
> Can't run blocks/cocoon-authentication-fw-sample because of:
> 2007-01-22 08:34:23.388::WARN:  Failed startup of context [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]/,file:/home/felix/svn/apache/cocoon-2.2.x/core/cocoon-webapp/target/cocoon-webapp/}
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Unable to initialize 
> Avalon component with role 
> org.apache.cocoon.webapps.authentication.AuthenticationManager; nested 
> exception is org.apache.cocoon.components.ContextResourceNotFoundException: 
> Unable to get the object model from the context.
> Caused by: org.apache.cocoon.components.ContextResourceNotFoundException: 
> Unable to get the object model from the context.
> at 
> org.apache.cocoon.components.ContextHelper.getObjectModel(
> at 
> org.apache.cocoon.webapps.authentication.components.DefaultAuthenticationManager.configure(
> at 
> org.apache.avalon.framework.container.ContainerUtil.configure(
> at 
> org.apache.cocoon.core.container.spring.avalon.AvalonBeanPostProcessor.postProcessBeforeInitialization(
> at 
> at 
> at 
> at 
> at 
> at 
> at 
> at 
> at 
> at 
> at 
> org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader.createWebApplicationContext(
> at 
> org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader.initWebApplicationContext(
> at 
> org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener.contextInitialized(
> at 
> org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.startContext(
> at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Context.startContext(
> at 
> org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.startContext(
> at 
> org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.doStart(
> at 
> org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.doStart(
> at 
> org.mortbay.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(
> at 
> org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerCollection.doStart(
> at 
> org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandlerCollection.doStart(
> at 
> org.mortbay.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(
> at 
> org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerCollection.doStart(
> at 
> org.mortbay.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(
> at 
> org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.doStart(
> at org.mort