[TEST] please ignore

2008-03-28 Thread Andreas Hochsteger
Just a test to see if my messages arrive on the list.

[TEST] please ignore (2)

2008-03-28 Thread Andreas Hochsteger
Just a test to see if my messages arrive on the list.

[TEST] please ignore (3)

2008-03-28 Thread Andreas Hochsteger
Just a test to see if my messages arrive on the list.

Re: Javaflow - major memory issue

2008-03-28 Thread Torsten Curdt

On Mar 28, 2008, at 04:29, Joerg Heinicke wrote:

On 27.03.2008 10:33, Torsten Curdt wrote:

Just have a look at the quote from the original. It gives the  

relationships in the memory. BufferedOutputStream takes 50% and is
hold in HttpEnvironment which is hold in TreeProcessorRedirector
which is hold in ContinuationContext. I wondered why it is there.

Ah ...well, the ContinuationContext should be short living. Maybe
there is a dangling reference to it?

Ah, getting closer :)

It's the Continuation that holds the ContinuationContext [1]:
Hm... it should set clear the reference in 'finally'. See the  
execute method


The output I showed pointed to  
org.apache.cocoon.components.flow.java.Continuation which only seems  
to exist in Cocoon 2.1. Nothing unsets the context there.

Hah - well spotted!

Having a look into the code continuations are only handled by  
JavaInterpreter. There are two methods callFunction(..) and  
handleContinuation(..) calling Continuation.registerThread() and  
deregisterThread() in a finally block. From a brief look I have no  
idea if I can just unset the ContinuationContext there as well. You  
might know more about it.

We should add a try/finally block in Continuation.suspend() that  
clears the context after a suspend. That should fix it.


Code freeze is over

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

Therefore I propose:
1. Make a 1.0.0 of SSF as it's now so Cocoon users can consume it and we
will be able to release other artifacts in final version. (Remember: we
can't release Cocoon Core 2.2 final if we don't have final release of 

Ok. Then I will create the release artifacts for


this afternoon.

Please don't do any commits in the relevant parts of our repository. 

 - o -

The rest will follow as soon as COCOON-2179 is fixed, if time permits 
this week otherwise in the first week of April.

Thanks to Grek who fixed COCOON-2179 more quickly than expected, I was able to 
create all the other M2 release artifacts. This means that the code freeze is over.

Before I can call for a vote I have to create all the Non-Maven release 
artifacts which will happen the next days.

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-28 Thread Rainer Pruy

Reinhard Poetz schrieb:
 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
 The question is now if we need support for caching in the low level
 apis or if it is possible to have a layered approach - which would
 make the entry barrier much easier.
 Yes, this layered approach is what I'm aiming for. All the reactions in
 this thread make me think that everybody, who has commented on this
 mailing list so far (except Carsten), believes that we want to throw
 away good things that have profed to be useful in many situations.
 Rest assured, that's not the case. Carsten and I only want to break up
 this all-or-nothing situation that we (still) have now.
 What I want to see is a concise pipeline API that comes with only little
 overhead in terms of its learning curve and its dependencies on
 third-party software. Usually this means that we stick with standard
 APIs as much as possible - and I think this rule applies for our
 situation too.
 This means that the user of the API only needs to learn as little as
 possible. When he wants more, we offer additional modules that help him.
 Since he has a concrete need, the motiviation to learn something new is
 much higher than when he has to learn everything right from the beginning.
 If you want to learn how this whole concept *might* apply for a next
 generation Cocoon, have a look at Steven's and my Exploring Corona
 mail from last week
 The idea of Corona is having a concise core that doesn't have any
 dependencies on a particular component container (Spring, OSGi, etc.),
 source resolving mechanisms or environment (http, java  only, etc.) or
 even the type of the components (XML-SAX event stream, XML-Stax event
 stream, binary streams, etc.) that are linked together in a pipeline.
 A simple scenario could be:
   Pipeline API  +  java.net.URL   +  XML-SAX components
 A more advanced scenario could consist of
   Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap Engine
 or maybe you need the full stack that corresponds to Cocoon Core 2.2 -
 here you are:
   Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  HTTP-enabled  +  Sitemap Engine  + 
 This layered approach makes Cocoon easily embeddable in any Java
 application and Cocoon's learning curve becomes more gradual.
 Is such a situation only appealing to Carsten, Steven and me?

It's appealing to me also.

However, I'm not sure I did get the layers correctly.

I did see:

Pipeline API: responsible for composing different components, introduces the 
notion of Producer/Consumer and first and last component

Sitemap API: responsible for executing pipelines

Spring:  responsible for setting up layers and identifying implementations to 
wildcard functionality
(not really a layer for itself?)

URI API (had no better term at hand):  responsible for interpreting protocol 
strings for resource access.
Currently two implementations in dicussion: URL and SourceResolver

Pipeline Components? really a layer or just implementations of Pipeline API

Can we line out the intended or existing layers?
I do feel this would help focussing the discussion.

We then can have a track reflecting actual layers, a track exploring 
interaction among layers (e.g caching, configuration...), and a
track pondering implementation aspects.


Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-28 Thread Rainer Pruy

Reinhard Poetz schrieb:
 Dev at weitling wrote:
 But (maybe I have missed some mails) how do you want to make this
 Pipeline API?
 E.g. a SAX-based pipeline is something different than image data
 running through several filters. How do you want to prevent the use of
 a SAX-events generating component together with an image data
 transformer? What about something like it's used in clipboards: each
 component offers a list of importable and exportable formats?
 See http://marc.info/?l=xml-cocoon-devm=120611990603725w=2
 Do the explanations that this mail answer your question?

They answer a number of questions.

Nevertheless, the question of connection type is still open.

Ok, the answer given is it is up to the components to ensure compatibility.

However, what does this mean practically?
Will there be different Interfaces for different type of data to e processed.
(SAX events will use SAX interfaces, image data will use others)

Or will there be some tagging where a component be asked for a list of 
types it will be able to process?
(An image resizer will state PNG JPEG and GIF as being acceptable inputs 
for consumer side and PNG the type being produced, or
something along?) And compatibility will be assumed if a linked pair of 
producer and consumer share a common tag string?

Thus answering the type question might effect back to the API definitions...


Re: Exploring Corona

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Intersting stuff - thanks Reinhard and Steven for starting this and 
sharing it with us.

Finally I had time to have a *brief* look at it and I have some remarks :)


I think the pipeline api and sitemap api should be separate things. So 
the invocation should rather be in the pipeline api as the base of 
executing pipelines. We could than split this into two modules.

good idea

I'm not sure if actions belong to the pipeline api; i think they are 
rather sitemap specific. All they do wrt to the pipeline is to change 
the invocation perhaps. So this could also be done before starting the 
pipeline and get the action stuff out of the pipeline api.

Since I wasn't sure if we need actions in the sitemap language at all, we just 
made them work. Maybe we can merge them with the controller integration which 
hasn't been thought through either.

The classes should be put into different packages: we should separate 
between the pure api, helper classes and implementations. This makes it 
easier to use the stuff in an osgi environment.

ok. Steven and I will work on Corona next week again so that the code reflects 
the layered design that we have discussed recently. When doing this we will 
also improve the package structure to make it becomes cleaner in general (and 
more OSGi friendly in particular).

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Exploring Corona

2008-03-28 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

Reinhard Poetz wrote:
ok. Steven and I will work on Corona next week again so that the code 
reflects the layered design that we have discussed recently. When 
doing this we will also improve the package structure to make it becomes 
cleaner in general (and more OSGi friendly in particular).

Great :) I'll hold my breath till then (and try to get some ideas about 
the url and caching stuff)


Carsten Ziegeler

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Rainer Pruy wrote:

Reinhard Poetz schrieb:
The idea of Corona is having a concise core that doesn't have any 
dependencies on a particular component container (Spring, OSGi, etc.), 
source resolving mechanisms or environment (http, java  only, etc.) or even

the type of the components (XML-SAX event stream, XML-Stax event stream,
binary streams, etc.) that are linked together in a pipeline.

A simple scenario could be:

Pipeline API  +  java.net.URL   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap Engine

or maybe you need the full stack that corresponds to Cocoon Core 2.2 - here
you are:

Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  HTTP-enabled  +  Sitemap Engine  + 
Spring XML-SAX componnents

This layered approach makes Cocoon easily embeddable in any Java 
application and Cocoon's learning curve becomes more gradual.

Is such a situation only appealing to Carsten, Steven and me?

It's appealing to me also.

However, I'm not sure I did get the layers correctly.

Note: All my answers are related to Corona. Here we go:

I did see:

Pipeline API: responsible for composing different components, introduces the
notion of Producer/Consumer and first and last component

the pipeline api will be enough to execute pipelines too.

Sitemap API: responsible for executing pipelines

no, the sitemap is a builder that builds pipelines and is put on top of the 
pipeline API.

Spring:  responsible for setting up layers and identifying implementations to
wildcard functionality (not really a layer for itself?)

Corona has a SpringComponentProvider which is used by the sitemap to lookup its 
components. Spring manages the components but is completly hidden behind the 
ComponentProvider interface. This makes it very easy to use alternative 
containers (e.g. OSGi).

URI API (had no better term at hand):  responsible for interpreting protocol
strings for resource access. Currently two implementations in dicussion: URL
and SourceResolver

yes. And as Sylvain and you pointed out, we maybe don't even need the 
Sourceresolver anymore.

Pipeline Components? really a layer or just implementations of Pipeline API

Steven came up with the idea of having components that belong to different 
layers. The first type is useable in every environment. This could be a 
SAX-based FileGenerator or a SAX-based XSLTTransformer. There is no need for any 
ties to the ServletAPI. Then there might be a second group of components that 
are based on e.g. the Stax-API.

A third group of components has relations to the ServletAPI in order to produce 
useful results.

In short, the idea is that the pipeline API is completly independant from any 
environments. It can only connect components that belong together.

Can we line out the intended or existing layers? I do feel this would help
focussing the discussion.

I hope that my explanations above are already helpful. Steven and I will work on 
Corona next week again and we hope that we can show how this layered design 
can be applied in code.

We then can have a track reflecting actual layers, a track exploring
interaction among layers (e.g caching, configuration...), and a track
pondering implementation aspects.

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Rainer Pruy wrote:

Hi, I was off the net for some time and while catching up this discussion I
also got the feeling of being somehow lost a bit in the different aspects of
the discussions

From what I see the starting point was

the (technical) question of how to get rid of a unwanted dependency.

From that it changed to the conceptual question of how to provide flexible
support for arbitrary URI strings.

(out-of-the-box support for standard protocols and an easy extensibility
for more complex needs)

If I did get it right, the main difference between the two approaches in
discussion (URL vs. SourceResolver) is support for caching.

It was noted (and I fully agree) that adding caching later on will require
support from the lower level. (e.g. caching a file will need info about
modification times. caching a resource accessed via http might need access to
the expires header for example. This is not a place for talking about cache
*implementations* or what kind of caching is suited for what layer, it is
just a question of what information will any kind of caching require from
lower levels and will the intended implementation provide such info).

The standard URL implementation does not provide related methods (for
accessing cache control data). On the other hand URL has the benefit of being
plain standard and familiar to a large community of developers.

This to answer the initial question of can we drop SourceResolver support, 
we must answer the question Can URL be extended to support cachable

implementations of protocols? and if true Is it possible to override
standard (non-cachable) implementations of protocols with cachable ones?

If both question can be answered with YES, then it will be possible to
implement the uri interpreting layer using plain Java URL and to drop use of
source resolver.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think we have to get our hands dirty now to 
figure out all the details.

This will raise questions of semantic differences remaining. E.g. was the
default protocol implementation used for path values without protocol
different with different locations (e.g. per component implementation?)
Probably, it will then be necessary to add some glue code to keep semantics,
or point out differences for migration guidelines.

The question is also, *where* we will introduce this change (if we do it at 
all). Corona doesn't impose any constraints in terms of backwards-compatibility, 
whereas we can't drop important contracts in 2.2.

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Rainer Pruy wrote:

Reinhard Poetz schrieb:

Dev at weitling wrote:
But (maybe I have missed some mails) how do you want to make this 
Pipeline API? E.g. a SAX-based pipeline is something different than image

data running through several filters. How do you want to prevent the use
of a SAX-events generating component together with an image data 
transformer? What about something like it's used in clipboards: each 
component offers a list of importable and exportable formats?

See http://marc.info/?l=xml-cocoon-devm=120611990603725w=2 Do the
explanations that this mail answer your question?

They answer a number of questions.

Nevertheless, the question of connection type is still open.

Ok, the answer given is it is up to the components to ensure compatibility.

However, what does this mean practically? Will there be different
Interfaces for different type of data to e processed. (SAX events will use
SAX interfaces, image data will use others)

yes, that's the idea (and IIRC it is already implemented this way Corona).

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Meeting in Amsterdam

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Is there anybody who is going to attend the ApacheCon in Amsterdam? I'll be 
there at the two Hackathon days (Mon full day, Tue till 3pm) and would love to 
have some discussions about Corona.

What about a meeting on Monday 2pm at the official Hackathon room? (Though I 
don't know if this conflicts with other community events 
Sling/Jackrabbit/Wicket/... Could people involved with these communities clearify?)

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Meeting in Amsterdam

2008-03-28 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Is there anybody who is going to attend the ApacheCon in Amsterdam? I'll 
be there at the two Hackathon days (Mon full day, Tue till 3pm) and 
would love to have some discussions about Corona.

Me too :) I'll be there from monday 1pm until friday.

What about a meeting on Monday 2pm at the official Hackathon room? 
(Though I don't know if this conflicts with other community events 
Sling/Jackrabbit/Wicket/... Could people involved with these communities 
Jackrabbit is tuesday morning and I think wicket is tuesday afternoon. 
Monday afternoon is the portals meetup.

As you'll be away tuesday afternoon, I would suggest monday afternoon.


Carsten Ziegeler

SVGSerializer for Batik 1.7

2008-03-28 Thread Karel Vervaeke
Hi, due to circumstances I had to create a SVGSerializer that works with
Batik 1.7.  You can find it in the Daisy codebase [0] - feel free to add
it to Cocoon if you think it is functional enough.


* AbstractDOMSerializer is based on AbstractDOMTransformer.
* SVGSerializer is based on the old SVGSerializer

There is an extra DOM-to-SAX round because I could not figure out how to
use Batik's SAXDocumentFactory as a ContentHandler (It does not look
like it was meant to be used as a ContentHandler even though it
implements the ContentHandler interface)

Note that I only needed it to generate PNG's so much remains untested


Re: Exploring Corona

2008-03-28 Thread Steven Dolg

Carsten Ziegeler schrieb:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:
ok. Steven and I will work on Corona next week again so that the code 
reflects the layered design that we have discussed recently. When 
doing this we will also improve the package structure to make it 
becomes cleaner in general (and more OSGi friendly in particular).

Great :) I'll hold my breath till then (and try to get some ideas 
about the url and caching stuff)

How about:

URL url = new URL(some url);
UrlConnection connection = url.openConnection();

Not sure it this really works in all cases, but appears to be quite 
suitable and easily extensible.


Re: Exploring Corona

2008-03-28 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

Steven Dolg wrote:

How about:

URL url = new URL(some url);
UrlConnection connection = url.openConnection();

Not sure it this really works in all cases, but appears to be quite 
suitable and easily extensible.

Yes, this works for many cases, but not for cases like where you have an 
expiry date etc. What do you mean by easily extensible?


Carsten Ziegeler

Re: Meeting in Amsterdam

2008-03-28 Thread Torsten Curdt

On Mar 28, 2008, at 11:04, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Is there anybody who is going to attend the ApacheCon in Amsterdam?  
I'll be there at the two Hackathon days (Mon full day, Tue till 3pm)  
and would love to have some discussions about Corona.

Will someone actually bring Corona? :-D

I will be around! ...speaking of which. I still need a place to stay :)
Anyone willing to share a room for Sunday and Monday? ...or at least  


Re: Meeting in Amsterdam

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Is there anybody who is going to attend the ApacheCon in Amsterdam? 
I'll be there at the two Hackathon days (Mon full day, Tue till 3pm) 
and would love to have some discussions about Corona.

Me too :) I'll be there from monday 1pm until friday.

What about a meeting on Monday 2pm at the official Hackathon room? 
(Though I don't know if this conflicts with other community events 
Sling/Jackrabbit/Wicket/... Could people involved with these 
communities clearify?)
Jackrabbit is tuesday morning and I think wicket is tuesday afternoon. 
Monday afternoon is the portals meetup.

As you'll be away tuesday afternoon, I would suggest monday afternoon.

Carsten, what time do you prefer?

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Exploring Corona

2008-03-28 Thread Steven Dolg

Carsten Ziegeler schrieb:

Steven Dolg wrote:

How about:

URL url = new URL(some url);
UrlConnection connection = url.openConnection();

Not sure it this really works in all cases, but appears to be quite 
suitable and easily extensible.

Yes, this works for many cases, but not for cases like where you have 
an expiry date etc. What do you mean by easily extensible?
url.openConnection() actually returns a subclass of URLConnection 
depending on the protocol of the URL.
So own protocol implementations can return own subclasses that implement 
this (and other methods) accordingly.
And - at least theoretically - provide additional methods for handling 
specific stuff, e.g. expiration dates.


Re: Meeting in Amsterdam

2008-03-28 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Is there anybody who is going to attend the ApacheCon in Amsterdam? 
I'll be there at the two Hackathon days (Mon full day, Tue till 3pm) 
and would love to have some discussions about Corona.

Me too :) I'll be there from monday 1pm until friday.

What about a meeting on Monday 2pm at the official Hackathon room? 
(Though I don't know if this conflicts with other community events 
Sling/Jackrabbit/Wicket/... Could people involved with these 
communities clearify?)
Jackrabbit is tuesday morning and I think wicket is tuesday afternoon. 
Monday afternoon is the portals meetup.

As you'll be away tuesday afternoon, I would suggest monday afternoon.

Carsten, what time do you prefer?

2pm or 3pm.


Carsten Ziegeler

Re: Meeting in Amsterdam

2008-03-28 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 11:39 AM, Reinhard Poetz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ... Carsten, what time do you prefer?...

Note this great (swiss made) tool to arrange meetings: http://doodle.ch


Re: Meeting in Amsterdam

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 11:39 AM, Reinhard Poetz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

... Carsten, what time do you prefer?...

Note this great (swiss made) tool to arrange meetings: http://doodle.ch

... and I was thinking that Switzerland only stands for knives and cheese :-D

Seriously, everybody who wants to attend, please add yourself to this list:


Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Meeting in Amsterdam

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

 how about having
dinner together somewhere on Monday night?

great. Count me in!

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Meeting in Amsterdam

2008-03-28 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Reinhard Poetz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  ...Is there anybody who is going to attend the ApacheCon in Amsterdam? I'll 
  there at the two Hackathon days (Mon full day, Tue till 3pm) and would love 
  have some discussions about Corona.

I'll be around but attending Sally's media training on Monday
afternoon, and taking part in the JCR meetup [1] on Tuesday.

So don't worry about me, but I'd be happy to talk about Corona (and
maybe have some Corona with you guys as well ;-) - how about having
dinner together somewhere on Monday night?


[1] http://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/JcrMeetupApril2008

Re: Meeting in Amsterdam

2008-03-28 Thread Torsten Curdt

On Mar 28, 2008, at 11:57, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

how about having
dinner together somewhere on Monday night?

great. Count me in!

...keep in mind there is also the BarCamp on Monday night.


Re: Exploring Corona

2008-03-28 Thread Ralph Goers

Consider this:

URL baseUrl = new URL(file:///C:/temp/);
Pipeline pipeline = new NonCachingPipeline();
pipeline.addComponent(new FileGenerator(new URL(baseUrl, xyz.xml));
pipeline.addComponent(new XSLTTransformer(new URL(baseUrl, xyz.xslt));
pipeline.addComponent(new XMLSerializer());
pipeline.invoke(new InvocationImpl(System.out));

This simple pipeline has these potentially cacheable components; 
xyz.xml, xyz.xslt, the result of the XSLT transformation, and the final 
result of the pipeline. As it relates to the pipeline I don't see how 
the URL.getLastModified() really helps as it could apply to any of these 
items, two of which aren't even URLs.


Steven Dolg wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler schrieb:

Steven Dolg wrote:

How about:

URL url = new URL(some url);
UrlConnection connection = url.openConnection();

Not sure it this really works in all cases, but appears to be quite 
suitable and easily extensible.

Yes, this works for many cases, but not for cases like where you have 
an expiry date etc. What do you mean by easily extensible?
url.openConnection() actually returns a subclass of URLConnection 
depending on the protocol of the URL.
So own protocol implementations can return own subclasses that 
implement this (and other methods) accordingly.
And - at least theoretically - provide additional methods for handling 
specific stuff, e.g. expiration dates.


Re: Exploring Corona

2008-03-28 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

Ralph Goers wrote:

Consider this:

URL baseUrl = new URL(file:///C:/temp/);
Pipeline pipeline = new NonCachingPipeline();
pipeline.addComponent(new FileGenerator(new URL(baseUrl, xyz.xml));
pipeline.addComponent(new XSLTTransformer(new URL(baseUrl, xyz.xslt));
pipeline.addComponent(new XMLSerializer());
pipeline.invoke(new InvocationImpl(System.out));

This simple pipeline has these potentially cacheable components; 
xyz.xml, xyz.xslt, the result of the XSLT transformation, and the final 
result of the pipeline. As it relates to the pipeline I don't see how 
the URL.getLastModified() really helps as it could apply to any of these 
items, two of which aren't even URLs.

Hmm, I think this isn't different to what we have today with sources.
Today: FileGenerator, XSLTTransformer use a source as input
   For caching: this source provides a validity object
URLs: FileGenerator, XSLTTransformer use a url as input
   For caching: this url provides a last modified date
XMLSerializer in both cases returns a fake (or always valid) validity 
object/last modified.

Now, as I responded to Steven, last modified covers most use cases but 
not all of the use cases the validity object can handle. This is where 
we have to think about a good way to have the same.

Carsten Ziegeler

Re: Exploring Corona

2008-03-28 Thread Rainer Pruy
It is essential to keep the different layers straight here.

The example is somewhere at the level of the pipeline api or probably sitemap 
api implementation..
Here caching is a question of the implementation of the components.
It actually will depend on different implementations of generators, 
transformers or serializers (cache-enabled or not).

URL cache support is an issue for implementing the cache support within a 
e.g. the FileGenerator might use .getLastModified() or alike methods for 
determining cache control info for its own cacheability...
Also the transformer might use such information for determining whether the 
script used is still valid.

Thus, it is not really surprising that the example will not really benefit from 
cache parameter info methods provided from URL
implementations - it's a different layer.

However, e.g. when trying to decide whether the cached result of the 
FileGenerator() *component* is still valid, it will come handy
to have information on whether the file did change in between.


Ralph Goers schrieb:
 Consider this:
 URL baseUrl = new URL(file:///C:/temp/);
 Pipeline pipeline = new NonCachingPipeline();
 pipeline.addComponent(new FileGenerator(new URL(baseUrl, xyz.xml));
 pipeline.addComponent(new XSLTTransformer(new URL(baseUrl, xyz.xslt));
 pipeline.addComponent(new XMLSerializer());
 pipeline.invoke(new InvocationImpl(System.out));
 This simple pipeline has these potentially cacheable components;
 xyz.xml, xyz.xslt, the result of the XSLT transformation, and the final
 result of the pipeline. As it relates to the pipeline I don't see how
 the URL.getLastModified() really helps as it could apply to any of these
 items, two of which aren't even URLs.
 Steven Dolg wrote:

 Carsten Ziegeler schrieb:
 Steven Dolg wrote:
 How about:

 URL url = new URL(some url);
 UrlConnection connection = url.openConnection();

 Not sure it this really works in all cases, but appears to be quite
 suitable and easily extensible.

 Yes, this works for many cases, but not for cases like where you have
 an expiry date etc. What do you mean by easily extensible?
 url.openConnection() actually returns a subclass of URLConnection
 depending on the protocol of the URL.
 So own protocol implementations can return own subclasses that
 implement this (and other methods) accordingly.
 And - at least theoretically - provide additional methods for handling
 specific stuff, e.g. expiration dates.


Re: Exploring Corona

2008-03-28 Thread Steven Dolg

Carsten Ziegeler schrieb:

Ralph Goers wrote:

Consider this:

URL baseUrl = new URL(file:///C:/temp/);
Pipeline pipeline = new NonCachingPipeline();
pipeline.addComponent(new FileGenerator(new URL(baseUrl, xyz.xml));
pipeline.addComponent(new XSLTTransformer(new URL(baseUrl, xyz.xslt));
pipeline.addComponent(new XMLSerializer());
pipeline.invoke(new InvocationImpl(System.out));

This simple pipeline has these potentially cacheable components; 
xyz.xml, xyz.xslt, the result of the XSLT transformation, and the 
final result of the pipeline. As it relates to the pipeline I don't 
see how the URL.getLastModified() really helps as it could apply to 
any of these items, two of which aren't even URLs.

Hmm, I think this isn't different to what we have today with sources.
Today: FileGenerator, XSLTTransformer use a source as input
   For caching: this source provides a validity object
URLs: FileGenerator, XSLTTransformer use a url as input
   For caching: this url provides a last modified date
XMLSerializer in both cases returns a fake (or always valid) validity 
object/last modified.

Thanks for responding ;-)
This is exactly the way I implemented the simple caching approach for 
Patch from me is still due (I know, shame on me) - work load is 
currently quite high...

Now, as I responded to Steven, last modified covers most use cases but 
not all of the use cases the validity object can handle. This is where 
we have to think about a good way to have the same.


[jira] Created: (COCOON-2186) Suggest list .. initial value not being displayed

2008-03-28 Thread imran pariyani (JIRA)
Suggest list .. initial value not being displayed 

 Key: COCOON-2186
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COCOON-2186
 Project: Cocoon
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Blocks: Ajax, Blocks: Forms
Affects Versions: 2.1.11
Reporter: imran pariyani
Priority: Minor

For the forms field of type suggest with a suggestion list the initial value is 
not being displayed ... this dint happen for version 2.1.10 .. but when i 
upgraded to version 2.1.11 it no longer sets the initial value .. this bug is 
also present for the sample 

Initial value of the widget is 16, the widget must show Bruno Dumon.  
fd:datatype base=integer/
  fd:suggestion-list type=javascript

after debugging i found out that the widgets value is being set but it isnt 
passed on to DOJO as initial value when the DOJO widget is created ..

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You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Created: (COCOON-2187) Sitemap parameters get lost in JX templates

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz (JIRA)
Sitemap parameters get lost in JX templates

 Key: COCOON-2187
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COCOON-2187
 Project: Cocoon
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Blocks: Templating
Reporter: Reinhard Poetz

This template doesn't work with trunk:

page xmlns:jx=http://apache.org/cocoon/templates/jx/1.0;
jx:import uri=servlet:/it/${cocoon.parameters.doc}/

The second time when the 'doc' parameter is read, it is empty.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Updated: (COCOON-2187) Sitemap parameters get lost in JX templates when used in jx:import

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz (JIRA)


Reinhard Poetz updated COCOON-2187:

This template doesn't work with trunk:

page xmlns:jx=http://apache.org/cocoon/templates/jx/1.0;
jx:import uri=servlet:/it/${cocoon.parameters.doc}/

The second time when the 'doc' parameter is read, it is empty. That only 
happens when the parameter is used within a jx:import expression.

This template doesn't work with trunk:

page xmlns:jx=http://apache.org/cocoon/templates/jx/1.0;
jx:import uri=servlet:/it/${cocoon.parameters.doc}/

The second time when the 'doc' parameter is read, it is empty.

Summary: Sitemap parameters get lost in JX templates when used in 
jx:import  (was: Sitemap parameters get lost in JX templates)

 Sitemap parameters get lost in JX templates when used in jx:import

 Key: COCOON-2187
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COCOON-2187
 Project: Cocoon
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Blocks: Templating
Reporter: Reinhard Poetz

 This template doesn't work with trunk:
 page xmlns:jx=http://apache.org/cocoon/templates/jx/1.0;
 jx:import uri=servlet:/it/${cocoon.parameters.doc}/
 The second time when the 'doc' parameter is read, it is empty. That only 
 happens when the parameter is used within a jx:import expression.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Commented: (COCOON-2187) Sitemap parameters get lost in JX templates when used in jx:import

2008-03-28 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski (JIRA)


Grzegorz Kossakowski commented on COCOON-2187:

Interesting problem. Reinhard, any chance to have a IT or sample block 
exhibiting this problem? This should greatly reduce my response time to this 
bug report. :-)

 Sitemap parameters get lost in JX templates when used in jx:import

 Key: COCOON-2187
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COCOON-2187
 Project: Cocoon
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Blocks: Templating
Reporter: Reinhard Poetz

 This template doesn't work with trunk:
 page xmlns:jx=http://apache.org/cocoon/templates/jx/1.0;
 jx:import uri=servlet:/it/${cocoon.parameters.doc}/
 The second time when the 'doc' parameter is read, it is empty. That only 
 happens when the parameter is used within a jx:import expression.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Issue Comment Edited: (COCOON-2187) Sitemap parameters get lost in JX templates when used in jx:import

2008-03-28 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski (JIRA)


grek edited comment on COCOON-2187 at 3/28/08 9:38 AM:

Interesting problem. Reinhard, any chance to have a IT or sample block 
exhibiting this problem? This should greatly reduce my response time to this 
bug report. :-)

Actually, the test-case for cocoon-template-impl would be the best. We have 
planty of them already so it should be quite easy to provide one testing this 

  was (Author: grek):
Interesting problem. Reinhard, any chance to have a IT or sample block 
exhibiting this problem? This should greatly reduce my response time to this 
bug report. :-)
 Sitemap parameters get lost in JX templates when used in jx:import

 Key: COCOON-2187
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COCOON-2187
 Project: Cocoon
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Blocks: Templating
Reporter: Reinhard Poetz

 This template doesn't work with trunk:
 page xmlns:jx=http://apache.org/cocoon/templates/jx/1.0;
 jx:import uri=servlet:/it/${cocoon.parameters.doc}/
 The second time when the 'doc' parameter is read, it is empty. That only 
 happens when the parameter is used within a jx:import expression.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Commented: (COCOON-2187) Sitemap parameters get lost in JX templates when used in jx:import

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz (JIRA)


Reinhard Poetz commented on COCOON-2187:

My first guess is that this only occurs when a sub-request (in this case 
invoked by the jx:import statement) is being executed. Therefore I've added an 
integration test to cocoon-webapp and cocoon-template-sample.

 Sitemap parameters get lost in JX templates when used in jx:import

 Key: COCOON-2187
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COCOON-2187
 Project: Cocoon
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Blocks: Templating
Reporter: Reinhard Poetz

 This template doesn't work with trunk:
 page xmlns:jx=http://apache.org/cocoon/templates/jx/1.0;
 jx:import uri=servlet:/it/${cocoon.parameters.doc}/
 The second time when the 'doc' parameter is read, it is empty. That only 
 happens when the parameter is used within a jx:import expression.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

Disabling JavaPrimitiveWrap in flowscript

2008-03-28 Thread Tobia Conforto


I'd like to disable JavaPrimitiveWrap globally in Cocoon flowscripts.

JavaPrimitiveWrap is a Rhino feature that, when disabled, will return  
strings and numbers from Java calls as native Javascript types,  
instead of wrapped Java objects.

One can disable it on a (flowscript-)thread by thread basis by calling:


but I'd like to disable it globally for all threads, continuations, etc.

Any hint will be welcome.


[RT] Do we need URL/Source in SSF?

2008-03-28 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Hi guys,

The discussion initiated by rather *technical* question about JNet integration with SSF turned into 
heated discussion on whether standard URL API is capable enough to replace Excalibur's 
Source/SourceFactory interfaces. Actually, it was Rainer Pruy who gave a nice summary[1] of 
discussed aspects up to now.

Even though, it's real fun to see interesting solutions like one proposed by Sylvain[2] I'm still 
rather interested in that particular COCOON-2176[3] problem at the moment as it blocks any out of 
Cocoon world SSF usage.

 --- o0o ---

Right from the beginning of my playings with JNet and URL replacement for SourceResolver I had 
constant feeling that something is stinky about the approach I taken. That's been reflected in bunch 
of dirty hacks in first, prototype implementation of JNet integration.

I've taken a closer look at our current Source interface usage pattern. Obviously, started with 
blockcontext source that I'm mostly interested in at the moment and seen something like this in 

String blockContext = (String) blockContexts.get(blockName);

// construct the path relative the block context
String resolvedPath = blockContext + path;


resolver = (SourceResolver) 
return resolver.resolveURI(resolvedPath);

Some comments explaining what's happening here. If you try to resolve blockcontext:/myBlock/path it 
will obtain blockContext from Map of contexts. This map contains base URLs for corresponding blocks. 
Current implementation allows file: and jar: protocols.

As you see, BlockContextSourceFactory returns Source implementations of protocols that have 
_nothing_ to do with BlockContextSource. Let's have a look at how resolved source is used (in 

  source = resolver.resolveURI(contextPath);
  contextPath = source.getURI();

Where contextPath contains blockcontext:/myBlock/path at the beginning of processing. It's clear 
now, that ServletFactoryBean is interested only in String representation of base URL (Source) and 
nothing else.

Don't you think that is little bit weird that following instructions:

  contextPath = blockcontext:/myBlock/path;
  source = resolver.resolveURI(contextPath);
  contextPath = source.getURI();

Will result with file://.../myBlock/path stored in contextPath instead of original 
I think that contract of URL/SourceFactory should be to to act as identity transform when above code 
is being executed. I mean, returned URL/Source instance should always be implementing the protocol 
we asked for.

Do you agree?

 --- o0o ---

My conclusion is that SSF exploits semantics of Source/SourceFactory interfaces for resolving 
*expressions*. My view on blockcontext:/myBlock/path is that we deal with an expression that 
should be resolved to real URL with real protocol implementation available.

Having said all of this I would like to propose treating strings in contextPath attribute as 
expressions and using cocoon-expression-language-api module for resolving them. Then 
cocoon-servlet-service-components could provide implementation of blockcontext expression language 
that would use blockContext Map for resolving expressions to real base URLs.

This way we can get rid of dependency on CocoonSourceResolver and Excalibur in one go. Moreover, it 
means that SSF won't mess with URL/Source handling anymore which was my intention right from the 
beginning. I think such functionality is far from SSF scope and should be implemented elsewhere, 
probably as a Spring AOP's /around advice/ so you could get more fine-grained control in which 
servlets you want to have extended URL support.


[1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.xml.cocoon.devel/77432
[2] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.xml.cocoon.devel/77352
[3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COCOON-2176

Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: [RT] Do we need URL/Source in SSF?

2008-03-28 Thread Rice Yeh
  I have a guts feeling that Spring's Resource and ResourcePatternResolver
have similar functions as Source and SourceResolver, hence we could just
depend on Spring's Resource to achieve the same functionality in SSF.


On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 5:48 AM, Grzegorz Kossakowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi guys,

 The discussion initiated by rather *technical* question about JNet
 integration with SSF turned into
 heated discussion on whether standard URL API is capable enough to replace
 Source/SourceFactory interfaces. Actually, it was Rainer Pruy who gave a
 nice summary[1] of
 discussed aspects up to now.

 Even though, it's real fun to see interesting solutions like one proposed
 by Sylvain[2] I'm still
 rather interested in that particular COCOON-2176[3] problem at the moment
 as it blocks any out of
 Cocoon world SSF usage.

  --- o0o ---

 Right from the beginning of my playings with JNet and URL replacement for
 SourceResolver I had
 constant feeling that something is stinky about the approach I taken.
 That's been reflected in bunch
 of dirty hacks in first, prototype implementation of JNet integration.

 I've taken a closer look at our current Source interface usage pattern.
 Obviously, started with
 blockcontext source that I'm mostly interested in at the moment and seen
 something like this in

 String blockContext = (String) blockContexts.get(blockName);

 // construct the path relative the block context
 String resolvedPath = blockContext + path;


 resolver = (SourceResolver) this.serviceManager.lookup(
 return resolver.resolveURI(resolvedPath);

 Some comments explaining what's happening here. If you try to resolve
 blockcontext:/myBlock/path it
 will obtain blockContext from Map of contexts. This map contains base URLs
 for corresponding blocks.
 Current implementation allows file: and jar: protocols.

 As you see, BlockContextSourceFactory returns Source implementations of
 protocols that have
 _nothing_ to do with BlockContextSource. Let's have a look at how resolved
 source is used (in

   source = resolver.resolveURI(contextPath);
   contextPath = source.getURI();

 Where contextPath contains blockcontext:/myBlock/path at the beginning
 of processing. It's clear
 now, that ServletFactoryBean is interested only in String representation
 of base URL (Source) and
 nothing else.

 Don't you think that is little bit weird that following instructions:

   contextPath = blockcontext:/myBlock/path;
   source = resolver.resolveURI(contextPath);
   contextPath = source.getURI();

 Will result with file://.../myBlock/path stored in contextPath instead
 of original
 I think that contract of URL/SourceFactory should be to to act as identity
 transform when above code
 is being executed. I mean, returned URL/Source instance should always be
 implementing the protocol
 we asked for.

 Do you agree?

  --- o0o ---

 My conclusion is that SSF exploits semantics of Source/SourceFactory
 interfaces for resolving
 *expressions*. My view on blockcontext:/myBlock/path is that we deal
 with an expression that
 should be resolved to real URL with real protocol implementation

 Having said all of this I would like to propose treating strings in
 contextPath attribute as
 expressions and using cocoon-expression-language-api module for resolving
 them. Then
 cocoon-servlet-service-components could provide implementation of
 blockcontext expression language
 that would use blockContext Map for resolving expressions to real base

 This way we can get rid of dependency on CocoonSourceResolver and
 Excalibur in one go. Moreover, it
 means that SSF won't mess with URL/Source handling anymore which was my
 intention right from the
 beginning. I think such functionality is far from SSF scope and should be
 implemented elsewhere,
 probably as a Spring AOP's /around advice/ so you could get more
 fine-grained control in which
 servlets you want to have extended URL support.


 [1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.xml.cocoon.devel/77432
 [2] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.xml.cocoon.devel/77352
 [3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COCOON-2176

 Grzegorz Kossakowski