ajax and auto-save cocoon 2.1.x

2006-08-15 Thread Chris


I did post this on the users list:

I have not heard anything yet.  If anybody has thought about or implemented
an auto-save feature in a cocoon-forms application I would like to
hear about it.  This is like the concept of auto-save/backup in MS-Word.
The application crashes before a save, but there is a restore file.

In a webapp instead of application crash it is browser-crash/close or
session timeout.  I am thinking ajax in cforms could be part of the solution.
This is an appliation where the user can be on one form for 5 to 20 minutes.

I would appreciate any ideas, thanks,


Re: Cocoon and Axis

2005-06-05 Thread Chris Holmes
If you're looking to do mapping stuff there is a whole body of
specifications, and open source implementations, to do exactly what
you want.  To get a map you can use the Web Map Service specification
- there is a Java implementation called GeoServer -
http://geoserver.sourceforge.net and a strong C implementation called
MapServer - http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/  The specs are done by the
Open Geospatial Consortium - http://opengeospatial.org - and the WMS
one is quite mature, at the time they developed it SOAP was quite
young - they're making soap bindings for their web services now.  WMS
spec is here: http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=5316

Unfortunately there is no real good intro to the WMS spec, when I find
time I may just do one.  There is a not very good 'cookbook' here:
http://www.opengeospatial.org/resources/?page=cookbooks  And I'm happy
to answer any further questions on the geoserver lists.

A WMS will easily return maps as gifs, or other formats, and indeed
there are many clients that will allow you to zoom and navigate, and
to overlay the map you're requesting with maps from other WMS servers.
 You make requests generally with key value pairs in the url, or
through XML post requests.

(sorry for the random post without introducing myself - I'm mostly
lurking on the list for the discussion of micro kernel stuff - we're
thinking about many similar issues in the context of geoserver,
wanting a plug-in architecture for geospatial applications.)

best regards,


On 6/3/05, Sebastien Arbogast [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BTW I forgot to mention something. The purpose of my webservices is
 not to create some RPC interface to my business code. In fact I want
 to use the document style to generate XML documents using Cocoon
 sitemap facilities and feed them into my SOAP responses. And of course
 I want to use parameters I can extract from the SOAP request message
 body as parameters for the code that generates those documents. For
 example I receive this kind of SOAP request :
 SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/;
location x=23.764578 y=87.875468 z=.7688/
range radius=1000 unit=meters/
 And I want to send back a SOAP response with a graphic map in
 attachment spotting all the wifi hotspots 1000meters around the
 specified position. Maybe something like :
 soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/;
img src=map.gif/
 With map.gif in attachment of course.
 I know it's not very frequent as a usage of webservices but I need
 something like that.
 I hope it gives you a better idea of what I'm trying to achieve...
 Sebastien ARBOGAST

RE: Integratign a W3C XForms implementation into the Cocoon Project?

2003-08-28 Thread Chris Clark
Surprised you didn't see this:


I haven't looked at in depth so it might not be what you're after, but the Chiba site 
has a Chicoon project that is labeled as an integration of Cocoon and Chiba.

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Simmons [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 4:31 PM
 Subject:  Integratign a W3C XForms implementation  into the Cocoon Project?
 One thing that I would like to see is Cocoon supporting the XForms 1.0 standard
 as described on W3C.
 There is currently a product in the open source community called Chiba that
 accomplishes a good portion of this integration. This could be built upon using
 the higher developer resources to the benefit of Cocoon.
 I think it might be worth it to have Cocoon and Apache talk to the developer of
 Chiba about integrating it into the Cocoon project. Although XMLForms is useful,
 it simply isnt the standard anymore. Why implement what is already most of the
 way working?
 -- Robert

RE: Cocoon in Business Environements and its shortfalls

2003-08-28 Thread Chris Clark
 2) Monitoring is not intuitive. If you are deploying a business application
 with 20 cocurrent Cocoon instances, you need a way to cohesively monitor the
 health of the entire cluster. Separate log files just arent sufficient.
 Something like JMX instrumentation would be ideal.

 Understood.  Keep in mind that Cocoon does have some instrumentation 
 to it through Avalon's instrumentation package.  It has a nice client that 
 connect to remote servers.  That way you can monitor your Cocoon instances 
 your desk, and see their relative happiness.

(More appropriate for the User's list, yes, but since it was mentioned here...)

Is there any documentation on this?  How to use/access?  I don't remember 
reading anything about this on the Cocoon site...  For reference, I'm currently just 
using the bundled version of Jetty.


RE: Personality in docs (Was: Re: 'Production' build for Cocoon?)

2003-08-26 Thread Chris Clark
Being the guy that started this little storm I thought I'd wade in with my 2 cents 

I don't mind the humour in the install.txt.  I thought it was refreshing to see 
somebody who admits that by-and-large, developers hate reading docs and would rather 
just dive in and figure it for themselves.  Granted, if the reader is not a developer, 
but somebody less tech-savvy (say, a Project Manager) then I could certainly see where 
the humour could be lost on them and make a bad first impression.

I think everything could be improved with slightly better organization.  I was looking 
for information on building a Production build.  So I looked for build or deploy 
documents.  I didn't think of going back to the install.txt (after all, I had already 
installed it, right?), although I had read the entire file when I downloaded and 
installed it the first time.

If it were up to me (and yes, I know it could very well be if I had the time!), I 
would create a readme.txt that would point the user to one of install.txt, build.txt, 
deploy.txt and maybe an overview.txt or welcome.txt.  The install could be left pretty 
much the same (just make sure there's a link to the website with all the 
version-specific helps).  The build.txt could cover the modifications to the 
local.build.properties and maybe go into a bit more detail (sentence each) on what the 
various things control.  The welcome/overview could be targeted at the less tech-savvy 
crew (with appropriate language/tone).

So, my vote would be to keep the personality, just flesh out what's there a little 
more and maybe make a concessionary personality-free doc for the non-developer 
audience that expects sterile business language.


 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Collen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 12:54 PM
 Subject:  Personality in docs (Was: Re: 'Production' build for Cocoon?)
 Roger I Martin PhD wrote:
  Right now INSTALL.txt needs some things cut out of it:
 I'd like to point out a few Theses of the Cluetrain which apply here:
 14. Corporations do not speak in the same voice as these new networked 
 conversations. To their 
 intended online audiences, companies sound hollow, flat, literally inhuman.
 15. In just a few more years, the current homogenized voice of business - the 
 sound of mission 
 statements and brochures - will seem as contrived and artificial as the language 
 of the 18th century 
 French court.
 16. Already, companies that speak in the language of the pitch, the dog-and-pony 
 show, are no longer 
 speaking to anyone.
 17. Companies that assume online markets are the same markets that used to watch 
 their ads on 
 television are kidding themselves.
 18. Companies that don't realize their markets are now networked person-to-person, 
 getting smarter 
 as a result and deeply joined in conversation are missing their best opportunity.
 19. Companies can now communicate with their markets directly. If they blow it, it 
 could be their 
 last chance.
 20. Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.
 21. Companies need to lighten up and take themselves less seriously. They need to 
 get a sense of humor.
 22. Getting a sense of humor does not mean putting some jokes on the corporate web 
 site. Rather, it 
 requires big values, a little humility, straight talk, and a genuine point of view.
 I don't mind making the docs a little more pofessional sounding but I'd really, 
 really hate to see 
 the personality stripped from them as well.  We're all people here, not robots.  I'd 
 rather read 
 someone's genuine opinion about why Cocoon kicks so much ass instead of reading 
 about the latest 
 buzzword of the day.

Production build for Cocoon?

2003-08-22 Thread Chris Clark
Just wondering if there's any easy way of making a Production build of Cocoon.  The 
default build compiles all of the samples and makes them available which is fine for 
development.  However, when we eventually go live, we'd like to be able to deploy a 
minimal build that doesn't have the samples or javadoc, etc.

We took a quick stab once at trying to remove the samples after doing the full, 
default build but started running into various file-not-found problems as the master 
sitemap tried to load various sample-related items.

We're okay with using the master Cocoon sitemap (saves us a lot of declaring and 
configuring) and letting it mount our stuff, but we'd like to be able to do a build 
that leaves out all of the samples, etc.

Is this possible?  Is it already there or are there some straightforward instructions 
on what to delete from the full build and still have things work?


RE: Production build for Cocoon?

2003-08-22 Thread Chris Clark
I had read it, but I'd forgotten about the properties files as it was some time ago 
and the install.txt isn't something I generally go back and read after I've finishing 
installing something and it's working.

 -Original Message-
 From: Giacomo Pati [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 9:25 AM
 Subject:  Re: Production build for Cocoon?
 Ever read the INSTALL.txt?
 On Fri, 22 Aug 2003, Chris Clark wrote:
  Just wondering if there's any easy way of making a Production build
  of Cocoon.  The default build compiles all of the samples and makes
  them available which is fine for development.  However, when we
  eventually go live, we'd like to be able to deploy a minimal build
  that doesn't have the samples or javadoc, etc.
  We took a quick stab once at trying to remove the samples after doing
  the full, default build but started running into various
  file-not-found problems as the master sitemap tried to load various
  sample-related items.
  We're okay with using the master Cocoon sitemap (saves us a lot of
  declaring and configuring) and letting it mount our stuff, but we'd
  like to be able to do a build that leaves out all of the samples, etc.
  Is this possible?  Is it already there or are there some
  straightforward instructions on what to delete from the full build and
  still have things work?
 Giacomo Pati
 Otego AG, Switzerland - http://www.otego.com
 Orixo, the XML business alliance - http://www.orixo.com

RE: Checkboxes in JXForms - javascript OK, java NOT

2003-08-21 Thread Chris Clark
I think there may be a bug then...

When I try to use a String array in my Java class, I get the following error:

Exception trying to set value with xpath validchecks; Cannot modify property: 
elrsproto.FormBean.validchecks; Cannot convert value of class java.lang.String to type 
class [Ljava.lang.String;; Cannot convert class java.lang.String to class 

That's why I tried to use just a straight String.  And it works, except that it only 
gets the value of the first check.

Whether I use the nodeset or not, I get the same behaviour.

I did verify that I don't need to use the nodeset if I specify all of the controls 
ahead of time in the form definition.  Thanks.

For now my work-around is to use a javascript array object for the form and then copy 
it into my Java class.  That works.  Odd.

 -Original Message-
 From: Giacomo Pati [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 3:06 AM
 Subject:  Re: Checkboxes in JXForms - javascript OK, java NOT
 On Wed, 20 Aug 2003, Chris Clark wrote:
  Based on the samples, I've been looking at checkboxes in JXForms and have a few 
  Given the following snippet from an xform definition:
  xf:select ref=validchecks appearance=full
xf:labelCheck if field is Present amp; Legible/xf:label
xf:itemset nodeset=fieldset
  xf:label ref=key/
  xf:value ref=value/
  1) Do you have to use the nodeset?  This is fine if you want multiple
  checks, but if I just want one checkbox?  I tried a number of things,
  but none worked.  e.g. an xf:input with a hard-coded type=checkbox.
  This displayed okay, but the checked/unchecked state wasn't recorded
  anywhere that I could find.  If you don't need the nodeset, is there a
  sample and/or docs?
 IIRC no. See below
  2) I got the above to work in javascript with the following structure.
var modelObj= {
validchecks: [],
// define a nodeset (list of all checkboxes in a group)
fieldset: [{key:Description, value:desc},// key=what to display, 
  value=what to store in var
   {key:Name, value:name},
 You can do:
 xf:select ref=validchecks appearance=full
   xf:labelCheck if field is Present amp; Legible/xf:label
  When I hit submit, the validchecks is filled out with the value of
  anything that was checked.
  3) Instead of using an object defined in javascript, I wanted to use
  my own Java Bean (to facilitate access to the form data after submit).
  The javascript now looks like:
var modelObj = new Packages.elrsproto.FormBean();
  The FormBean looks like this:
  public class FormBean
  private String validchecks;
  private FieldBean[] fieldset = {
 new FieldBean(Description, desc),
 new FieldBean(Name, name),
  FieldBean is a helper class that contains two strings named key and
  This displays correctly on screen (i.e. looks the same as the totally
  javascript version).  The plain edit controls on the form and their
  String representations in the FormBean (not shown) work fine.
  However, only the value of the first selected checkbox shows up.  If I
  check five checkboxes, I only see one value in the validchecks 
  variable.  When I do this in javascript, I see a comma-delimited list
  with all of the selected values.
  Does this fall under the heading of you aren't supposed to do that,
  so don't?  Is this a bug?  Do I just have the syntax wrong?  (I tried
  a number of things, like making the validchecks an array, but they all
  threw errors of varying sorts.)
 You have to use a String array for validchecks to get all checked keys.
 This is also used for prepareing all checkboxes for display with values
 in validchecks switched on (have a look at the hobby part in the jxform
 Giacomo Pati
 Otego AG, Switzerland - http://www.otego.com
 Orixo, the XML business alliance - http://www.orixo.com

RE: Checkboxes in JXForms - javascript OK, java NOT

2003-08-21 Thread Chris Clark
I'm using xf:itemset at the moment.  Never seen the jx:ForEach before which gets back 
to one of my original questions:
Are there any docs for jxForms yet?  If so, where?

Regardless of whether I use the itemset or not, I can get my checkboxes to display 
correctly on the screen.
The problem comes when I want to capture the state of the checkboxes.

If I define my model in javascript with a var results[] then it works okay.  I get 
back an array of strings.

If I define my model in a Java Bean and pass it to the form after instantiating with 
var model = new Packages.path.class(),
then it doesn't work.  If the bean defines the results as a String[], then I get the 
cast exception (previous email).  If I define results as a single String, then I get 
the id of the first checked checkbox, but none of the others.  I tried initializing my 
array of Strings in my java class but it didn't make a difference whether it was or 

Right now I'm going with the slightly kludgy workaround of using a javascript model 
for the form and then copying it to my Java Bean after submission.

 -Original Message-
 From: Christopher Oliver [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 2:21 PM
 Subject:  Re: Checkboxes in JXForms - javascript OK, java NOT
 Why not use xf:itemset in this case instead of jx:forEach?
 Giacomo Pati wrote:
 On Thu, 21 Aug 2003, Chris Clark wrote:
 I think there may be a bug then...
 When I try to use a String array in my Java class, I get the following error:
 Exception trying to set value with xpath validchecks; Cannot modify property: 
 elrsproto.FormBean.validchecks; Cannot convert value of class java.lang.String to 
 type class [Ljava.lang.String;; Cannot convert class java.lang.String to class 
 That's why I tried to use just a straight String.  And it works, except that it 
 only gets the value of the first check.
 Whether I use the nodeset or not, I get the same behaviour.
 I did verify that I don't need to use the nodeset if I specify all of the controls 
 ahead of time in the form definition.  Thanks.
 For now my work-around is to use a javascript array object for the form and then 
 copy it into my Java class.  That works.  Odd.
 Ok, let check:
 We use a Java Bean that has a:
 private String [] m_roles;
 which gets initialized with an array from a database and the array size
 fits the numbers of item we've stored in the database (even a
 'm_roles = new String[ 0 ]' works for us).
 with setter/getter
 public void setRoless( String [] roles )
 m_roles = roles;
 public String [] getRoless(  )
 return m_roles;
 and the form snipped we use look like:
 xf:select ref=/roless appearance=full
   jx:forEach var=role items=${allRoles}
 Hope this helps.
 Giacomo Pati
 Otego AG, Switzerland - http://www.otego.com
 Orixo, the XML business alliance - http://www.orixo.com

Checkboxes in JXForms - javascript OK, java NOT

2003-08-20 Thread Chris Clark
Based on the samples, I've been looking at checkboxes in JXForms and have a few 
Given the following snippet from an xform definition:

xf:select ref=validchecks appearance=full
  xf:labelCheck if field is Present amp; Legible/xf:label
  xf:itemset nodeset=fieldset
xf:label ref=key/
xf:value ref=value/

1) Do you have to use the nodeset?  This is fine if you want multiple checks, but if I 
just want one checkbox?  I tried a number of things, but none worked.  e.g. an 
xf:input with a hard-coded type=checkbox.  This displayed okay, but the 
checked/unchecked state wasn't recorded anywhere that I could find.  If you don't need 
the nodeset, is there a sample and/or docs?

2) I got the above to work in javascript with the following structure.

  var modelObj= {
  validchecks: [], 
  // define a nodeset (list of all checkboxes in a group)
  fieldset: [{key:Description, value:desc},// key=what to display, 
value=what to store in var
 {key:Name, value:name},  

When I hit submit, the validchecks is filled out with the value of anything that was 

3) Instead of using an object defined in javascript, I wanted to use my own Java Bean 
(to facilitate access to the form data after submit).  The javascript now looks like:

  var modelObj = new Packages.elrsproto.FormBean();

The FormBean looks like this:

public class FormBean
private String validchecks;
private FieldBean[] fieldset = {
   new FieldBean(Description, desc),
   new FieldBean(Name, name),

FieldBean is a helper class that contains two strings named key and value.

This displays correctly on screen (i.e. looks the same as the totally javascript 
version).  The plain edit controls on the form and their String representations in the 
FormBean (not shown) work fine.  However, only the value of the first selected 
checkbox shows up.  If I check five checkboxes, I only see one value in the 
validchecks variable.  When I do this in javascript, I see a comma-delimited list 
with all of the selected values.

Does this fall under the heading of you aren't supposed to do that, so don't?  Is 
this a bug?  Do I just have the syntax wrong?  (I tried a number of things, like 
making the validchecks an array, but they all threw errors of varying sorts.)



JXForm w/ Schematron namespaces - oversight or bug?

2003-07-24 Thread Chris Clark
Using the 2.1m2 Scratchpad JXForm sample as I base, I managed to get my own forms with 
JXForm working.  I then tried to implement validation with Schematron.  Everything 
went reasonably smoothly except that the error messages would not display on screen 
like they do in the sample.

I finally tracked the problem down to the following line that XMLSpy had inserted into 
my xhtml source file:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN 

When I deleted this, everything worked just fine.  As near as I can figure, something 
(browser, Jetty, ??) assumed that the error tag belonged to the xhtml namespace 
instead of the JXForm one and this broke the XSLT.

The problem is that the error tag under the xf:form tag has no namespace 
associated with it when it gets returned from the generator.  The xf:violations tag 
is also odd in that it's defined as xf:violations in the form source file, but for 
some reason it gets changed to violation xmlns=... when the form comes back to you.

Anyway, it would be nice to see the error tag get an explicit namespace in the 
future.  It'd be especially nice if it worked as xf:error.

Not sure if this qualifies as a bug so I haven't put it in bugzilla.  It just seems to 
be a very odd oversight, but something that I thought the community should know about.

-- Chris

JXForms Concerns/Questions

2003-07-11 Thread Chris Clark
 I'm involved in a large development project that will involve a lot of large form 
 filling out/processing.  We are planning on using Cocoon and have laid out a UI 
 model.  Currently we're trying to decide on a form architecture and after looking at 
 samples and docs, there are a few things we'd like to raise here--don't need to 
 focus on how-to's, but rather architectural implications.
 1) Do you need a separate flowscript and therefore a separate sitemap for each 
 JXForm?  The samples imply that each form has to have a script and each script is 
 associated with a sitemap.  This would lead to a huge number of subdirectories and 
 sub-sitemaps for our project which is not desirable.  We can live with one java 
 class/form as XMLForm seems to need, but one directory with a script and associated 
 pages per form is unacceptable.
 2) For a simple, one-page form, do you need to have a script?  Is there a sample of 
 a single-page form using JXForm?
 3) Do you have to use javascript with flow or can you substitute something else (a 
 java class)?  We don't have any experience with javascript and were hoping to keep 
 our development technologies limited to XML/HTML, XSLT and Java classes.
 4) Is it possible to dynamically pre-populate a JXForm from a database?  The sample 
 has the data hard-coded and as we're not javascript fluent, we don't know if it's 
 5) We have some concerns with the continuation model's scalability.  Making the 
 assumption that there is something memory-resident on the server side, how does one 
 clean up old continuation objects?  what is the lifecycle?  what is the memory 
6) Regarding the recent discussions of refactoring JXForm and XMLForms and possible 
deprecation of the Cocoon XMLForm codebase.  If we embark on an XMLForm development 
effort - which we were planning to do, we are concerned about impact to our project.  
Will the Cocoon committers consider continued support of XMLForms?

7) If XMLForms code base is retained, is the community considering refactoring 
enhancements in XMLForm.org code base back into Cocoon XMLForm codebase?  We would be 
very interested in this.

And one specific question:

8) JXForm documentation in general - is there any/where is it?  (I haven't been able 
to find anything.)

Sorry for the length, but we're at a crucial decision point in our project and as 
Cocoon seems to be at a similarly crucial decision point, we felt it worthwhile to ask 
these questions.

J. Chris Clark
Senior Developer
Teraview Development

Teranet Inc.
1 Adelaide St. E.
Toronto, ON, M5C 2V9

Proud to be one of Canada's Top 100 Employers 2003

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