After experiencing some interesting behavior with Invalid Continuation Errors I have performed some tests and have found that no matter what I set the time-to-live value to in cocoon.xconf the continuations always expire after 10 minutes. Is the time-to-live attribute of the continuations-manager not being honored? Where is the default value of 10 minutes being set?

Some more information based on the tests I ran is below.

It seems that the period and offset are being followed, I can see this in the log files, but the time to live is being ignored. The session is not timing out at 10 minutes. The session is set to 30 minutes and the log file for the session show the sessions ending correctly.

<continuations-manager continuation-sharing-bug-compatible="false" logger="flow.manager" session-bound-continuations="true" time-to-live="60000">
   <expirations-check type="periodic">

Every 30 seconds I see a continuation check being run, but it is 10 minutes before the continuation is cleaned up.

<continuations-manager continuation-sharing-bug-compatible="false" logger="flow.manager" session-bound-continuations="true" time-to-live="1800000">
   <expirations-check type="periodic">

These are the settings that I run with in my development environment. 30 minutes time to live, with a 15 minute offset and period. When running with these settings, continuations are still deleted after 10 minutes. It is harder to observe this happening in this environment, as the period of 15 minutes can mask this.

To get a better picture I ran with

<continuations-manager continuation-sharing-bug-compatible="false" logger="flow.manager" session-bound-continuations="true" time-to-live="1800000">
   <expirations-check type="periodic">

Still a 30 minute time-to-live, but a 1 minute offset and period. With these settings the continuations are cleaned up 10 minutes after they are created.


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