FlowJXPathSelectionListBuilder selected item

2005-08-15 Thread Philippe Guillard

Hope i'm not wrong, but i seems to me that the 

is missing something to add the html tag selected for the item 
selected in a selection-list.

Then we could do:
fd:selection-list type=flow-jxpath list-path=foo value-path=value 
label-path=label *selected-path=selected*/

Should i open a bugzilla?

AJAX in CForms for response

2005-07-06 Thread Philippe Guillard


I checked the AJAX samples today : Great for use with 
repeater/unions/selction-lists. I also understand i get there some cform 
validation before submit!.

I have another case in mind:
A lightweight form may contain a few simple fields, and often the 
response page would be nothing more than this  : OK,  successfully 
saved!. That would be the perfect use case of another XHR call...
I detected the point in cforms.js where the form has been validated and 
a response header X-cocoon-ajax=continue is received. There i could add 
another request that could launch the continuation, then flow would 
process things and end with  a cocoon.sendPage() rendering XML or even 
text response.

I'd like to know what people here think about this, specially because i 
don't see if it would be a good practice to launch the continuation from 
a XHR call, though it should work if it contains the right continuation.



Reset cachingURI coplet

2005-05-26 Thread Philippe Guillard

Hi all,

I try there since i get no answer on the user-list. My question is also
the same as this old mail

I'm looking for some idea/solution to refresh a cachingURI coplet
content after a form in portal has been submitted. Then a user going to
other tabs and going back would not see the success page again.
This may explain better my need:

function show(form) {

function resetCoplet() {
 // this is pseudo code remember!
 // Now next time this coplet will be generated from scratch

This is what i have written at the moment. I see no exceptions, but with
no effect at all:

function resetCoplet(instanceName) {
   var service = null;
   try {
  // get portal service
  service =
  // get profile manager
  var componentManager = service.getComponentManager();
  var profileManager = componentManager.getProfileManager();
   var cid = profileManager.getCopletInstanceData(instanceName);
   var event = null;
   var path = temporaryAttributes/application-uri;
   var value = cocoon://portal/coplets/profiler/profile;
   if ( cid != null ) {
   // create event
   event = new
path, value);
   // subscribe it

   // invalidate cache
  var cachingURICopletAdapter = new
   } catch ( e ) {
  cocoon.log.info(Error, e);
   finally {
  cocoon.releaseComponent( service );

Somebody can help?


Re: Reset cachingURI coplet

2005-05-26 Thread Philippe Guillard

Thanks Jean-Baptiste,

Looks really good. Unfortunately it does the same for me, no errors and 
the succes page is still displayed!
It seems  i do  not cache the response, the coplet temporaryURI is still 
with the continuation, so the response is regenerated because flowscript 
starts again at the continuation point. 

I suppose you added something else, but can't get what!?



Jean-Baptiste Quenot wrote:

* Philippe Guillard:


I'm  looking  for some  idea/solution  to  refresh a  cachingURI
coplet content after a form in portal has been submitted. Then a
user  going to  other  tabs and  going back  would  not see  the
success page again.

Here is what we do:


And here is the magic function:

function doNotCacheCopletResponse(copletId)
 cocoon.log.debug(doNotCacheCopletResponse:  coplet=+copletId);

 var service = cocoon.getComponent(org.apache.cocoon.portal.PortalService.ROLE);
 var profileManager = service.getComponentManager().getProfileManager();
 var coplet = profileManager.getCopletInstanceData(copletId);
 // tells the coplet not to cache the his content
 // Note : this code comes from CachingURICopletAdapter

This prevents caching for the success page.


Re: Reset cachingURI coplet

2005-05-26 Thread Philippe Guillard

Thanks a lot!

I finally get i didn't invalidate the coplet cache correctly and used 
your way.

Below is what i have all-in-one, if others are interested...



function resetCoplet(copletId, tempURI) {
   var service = null;
   try {
  // get portal service/profile manager/coplet
  service = 

  var componentManager = service.getComponentManager();
  var profileManager = componentManager.getProfileManager();
  var coplet = profileManager.getCopletInstanceData(copletId);

   var path = temporaryAttributes/application-uri;

   var value = tempURI;
  var cachingURICopletAdapter = new 

   if ( coplet != null ) {
   // invalidate cache


   cocoon.log.debug(cache invalidated for coplet=+copletId);
   // create event and suscribe it
   var event = new 
path, value);
   cocoon.log.debug(tempURI changed for coplet=+copletId);
   } else {
   cocoon.log.error(This coplet doesn't exist=+copletId);   
   } catch ( e ) {

  cocoon.log.info(Error, e);
   finally {
  cocoon.releaseComponent( service );

Jean-Baptiste Quenot wrote:

* Philippe Guillard:


Looks really  good. Unfortunately it  does the  same for  me, no
errors and  the succes page is  still displayed!  It seems  i do
not  cache  the  response,  the  coplet  temporaryURI  is  still
with the  continuation, so  the response is  regenerated because
flowscript starts again at the continuation point.

Theform actionpointstoa pipelinecalled
invalidateCacheForCoplet,  and  in  turn  calling  a  flowscript
to  invalidate  the  coplet  upon form  submission.   And  finally
the  request  is  forwarded  to   portal.   We  don't  use  this
temporary:application-uri hack.

Here is what it looks like:

function invalidateCacheForCoplet(copletId)
 // Get the coplet
 var service = cocoon.getComponent(org.apache.cocoon.portal.PortalService.ROLE);
 var profileManager = service.getComponentManager().getProfileManager();
 var coplet = profileManager.getCopletInstanceData(copletId);
 // Set the cache of the coplet as invalid
 // Note : this code comes from CachingURICopletAdapter



2005-03-28 Thread Philippe Guillard
I was happy/surprised to discover the xhr_carselector in 2.1.7 samples, 
and just want to get news about it (Sorry i can't access Bugzilla today, 
and before didn't find much on bug 34077).
I imagine this feature needs lots of work, maybe CForms re-work, so i 
just wonder what is the situation.


Re: Enctype + CachingURI Coplet

2005-03-11 Thread Philippe Guillard
I startedthis thread before without success, here i try to describe it 
better : i still can't use the upload widget in a cachingURI coplet of 
the portal. (I'm in 2.1.6Release)
When i submit the form i get back with the same form and loose my 
inputs.  I seems to me there is a problem handling other form attributes 
like cocoon-portal-event as soon as i introduce the enctype attribute.

Hope somebody can help. Below some details.
In my CForm template :
ft:form-template action= method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data
Before i made it work (was on a 2.1.5 cvs before 2.1.5rls)  :
form xmlns:coplet=http://apache.org/cocoon/portal/coplet/1.0; 
method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data onsubmit=forms_onsubmit(); 
input type=hidden name=cocoon-portal-event value=13input 
type=hidden name=cocoon-portal-action value=4
input name=forms_submit_id type=hidden
input value=8554468513292720183b3511558b4372455a4727 type=hidden 

Now on rls2.1.6  (and maybe something i did wrong...)
form xmlns:coplet=http://apache.org/cocoon/portal/coplet/1.0; 
method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data onsubmit=forms_onsubmit(); 
input name=forms_submit_id type=hidden
input value=1d811e2d7b1d01456276098053273c3f61413582 type=hidden 

If i remove enctype attribute i get the things look better to me:
form xmlns:coplet=http://apache.org/cocoon/portal/coplet/1.0; 
method=POST onsubmit=forms_onsubmit();  action=portal
input type=hidden name=cocoon-portal-event value=3input 
type=hidden name=page value=group.Profile
input name=forms_submit_id type=hidden
input value=8b851d7e3a153157001c7d295a8d534f38417322 type=hidden 

Philippe Guillard wrote:
It seems Revision *27956* 
http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi?rev=27956view=rev was fixing the 
enctype problem, this was removed in Revision *28123* 
http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi?rev=28123view=rev  to handle more 
generally attributes. I builded with last revision ( Revision *122957* 
http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi?rev=122957view=rev), adding :
final String encType = attributes.getValue(enctype);
  if ( encType != null ) {
  newAttributes.addCDATAAttribute(enctype, encType);
Now i get the continuation but form.lookupWidget(upload).getValue() 
seems always null. At the same time i discovered the file uploaded is 
only available in the same pipeline.
Any advice welcomed !

Philippe Guillard wrote:
I know that portal-html-eventlink doesn't delete enctype attribute 
anymore (http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=28095)
Anyway i can't make my upload form work anymore in a cachingURI 
coplet, cocoon2.1.6, (I updated HTMLEventLinkTransformer.java to last 
revision 122957 that i found.)

I get visually no continuation and the form is submitted again, 
loosing my input.
The point is, when i suppress the part 'enctype=multipart/form-data 
', i have continuation ok!!

My Template

ft:form-template action= method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data
(tried also  ft:form-template action=#{$continuation/id}.continue 
method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data with stemap equivalent)

Rendered html, that seems ok to me

form xmlns:coplet=http://apache.org/cocoon/portal/coplet/1.0; 
method=POST onsubmit=forms_onsubmit();  action=portal
input type=hidden name=cocoon-portal-event value=3input 
type=hidden name=page value=group.Photos
input name=forms_submit_id type=hidden
input value=471a230555871e150852245c031e67725c6e406c type=hidden 

Anybody any idea ??

Re: Enctype + CachingURI Coplet

2005-02-23 Thread Philippe Guillard
It seems Revision *27956* 
http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi?rev=27956view=rev was fixing the 
enctype problem, this was removed in Revision *28123* 
http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi?rev=28123view=rev  to handle more 
generally attributes. I builded with last revision ( Revision *122957* 
http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi?rev=122957view=rev), adding :
final String encType = attributes.getValue(enctype);
  if ( encType != null ) {
  newAttributes.addCDATAAttribute(enctype, encType);
Now i get the continuation but form.lookupWidget(upload).getValue() 
seems always null. At the same time i discovered the file uploaded is 
only available in the same pipeline.
Any advice welcomed !

Philippe Guillard wrote:
I know that portal-html-eventlink doesn't delete enctype attribute 
anymore (http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=28095)
Anyway i can't make my upload form work anymore in a cachingURI 
coplet, cocoon2.1.6, (I updated HTMLEventLinkTransformer.java to last 
revision 122957 that i found.)

I get visually no continuation and the form is submitted again, 
loosing my input.
The point is, when i suppress the part 'enctype=multipart/form-data 
', i have continuation ok!!

My Template

ft:form-template action= method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data
(tried also  ft:form-template action=#{$continuation/id}.continue 
method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data with stemap equivalent)

Rendered html, that seems ok to me

form xmlns:coplet=http://apache.org/cocoon/portal/coplet/1.0; 
method=POST onsubmit=forms_onsubmit();  action=portal
input type=hidden name=cocoon-portal-event value=3input 
type=hidden name=page value=group.Photos
input name=forms_submit_id type=hidden
input value=471a230555871e150852245c031e67725c6e406c type=hidden 

Anybody any idea ??

Enctype + CachingURI Coplet

2005-02-19 Thread Philippe Guillard
I know that portal-html-eventlink doesn't delete enctype attribute 
anymore (http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=28095)
Anyway i can't make my upload form work anymore in a cachingURI coplet, 
cocoon2.1.6, (I updated HTMLEventLinkTransformer.java to last revision 
122957 that i found.)

I get visually no continuation and the form is submitted again, 
loosing my input.
The point is, when i suppress the part 'enctype=multipart/form-data ', 
i have continuation ok!!

My Template

ft:form-template action= method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data
(tried also  ft:form-template action=#{$continuation/id}.continue 
method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data with stemap equivalent)

Rendered html, that seems ok to me

form xmlns:coplet=http://apache.org/cocoon/portal/coplet/1.0; 
method=POST onsubmit=forms_onsubmit();  action=portal
input type=hidden name=cocoon-portal-event value=3input 
type=hidden name=page value=group.Photos
input name=forms_submit_id type=hidden
input value=471a230555871e150852245c031e67725c6e406c type=hidden 

Anybody any idea ??

Client side validation for CForms

2005-02-06 Thread Philippe Guillard
Hi all,
My idea is to systematically use server-side validation as it is 
necessary, + some client-side to be confortable for the user.
I used the (great) patch found in 
Anyway i get trouble when i think about string lenght limitation.
The main hack in this patch is this:
   xsl:for-each select=..//fi:field
 validation_register_widget( 'xsl:value-of select=@id/',
select=fi:datatype/fi:convertor/@pattern/' );

Problem:  fi:validation/fd:length/@max seems not to be disponible in 
output of the  CForm transformer.

that part is a big one! So i ask if somebody has another idea/did it/ or 
can give me hints to do it.


Re: [Poll] Portal deployment / Cocoon portal usage

2005-01-25 Thread Philippe Guillard
Responses inside.
1. Are you currently using the Cocoon Portal Framework? 

A) Yes we are using it for our Website under development
3. Why did you choose the Cocoon portal framework?
A) We were already using Cocoon 
B) A strategic decision was made to use Open Source 

4. What do you think is currently missing from the Portal framework?
D) Better Documentation : 
Like any cocoon block new users would need more, but the code is there open :-).

5. How do you get support for the framework 

A) Through the mailing lists 
B) Reading the documentation and other publications 

6. Details/Comments (Optional) 
As i said i can't compare to other portals, i believe it is today the biggest and most difficult block in cocoon, so i still lack experience.
Still, i think it misses some flexibility concerning Layout and renderers. For example :
- Change the disposition of tab,link-tab layout, put some coplets over the menus (Actually this is my question today on users-list: i don't think we can do much change there)
- Access to the request and session inside the renderers
- Possibilities to pass sitemap-parameters to the layout stylesheets


Re: Navigation and Cocoon Portal

2004-08-15 Thread Philippe Guillard

I suggest you adapt the portal stylsheets with a dynamic parameter
passed from sitemap and then show or not show your extra tab. (In
/portal/skins/common/styles/tab.xsl or


On Sun, 2004-08-15 at 23:58, Jennifer Yip wrote:
 Hi guys,
 Quick question as I struggle through work on a Sunday afternoon.
 I have spent a week or two now looking at Cocoon and the new portal block - 
 loving it to death - you guys are doing a great job.
 ok quick question for newbie (but learning quick)
 I am trying to work out how to be able to add a tab containing a portlet to 
 a users config dynamically - ie I have a popup tree of things and when 
 selected each thing should be displayed in a coplet window - ie
 popup contains - Sheep, Cow, Dog
 User selects and this somehow make a new tab appear in portal with a mapped 
 is that possible?
 or do I modify the pipeline that supplies the initial layout to be dynamic 
 and somehow do it that way?
layout-user-load uri=cocoon:raw:/load-user-profile?profile=layout/
 kind regards
 It's fast, it's easy and it's free. Get MSN Messenger today! 

RE: [portal] Implementing Login coplet with CForms

2004-07-21 Thread Philippe Guillard
I try again if somebody succeded or has any suggestion how to process
for that topic ?


On Fri, 2004-07-02 at 16:48, Philippe Guillard wrote:
 Is there some fresh news about that topic ? I mean somebody succeded ?
 On Thu, 2004-05-27 at 03:33, Alex Romayev wrote:
  --- Carsten Ziegeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Alex Romayev wrote:

Ok, I'm a bit confused and not sure where to

This is what I'm trying to achieve.  I'd like to
portal login form with CForm (using actions, not
   flow), to 
use its validation.  So the most interesting use
   case is:

1. User does not enter username/password 2. The
   form is 
re-displayed with error messages 3. User enters
username/password 4. The form calls do-login url,
   which then 
redirects to portal using authentication-fw.


1. Initially I assumed that if I just configured
   the coplet 
with handleParameters = true, CForms would have
   access to 
request parameters.  Not true.  Does this mean
handleParameters only works in conjunction with 
html-event-link transformer?

   Yes (unfortunately I think).
  :-(  I actually find that having request parameters
  directly available to coplets would simplify things
  quite a bit in general.  However, come to think of it,
  it probably wouldn't have helped my case, since I
  would still need to do the redirect to do-login inside
  my portlet pipeline. 
2. I switched to using html-even-link trasformer 
configuration.  Now could get through steps 1-3. 
However, in step 4, calling do-login results in
   portal being 
displayed *inside* my login coplet.  I've looked
HTMLEventLinkTransformer code, and it makes
   external = 
true/false distinction only for links, not for
   forms.  At the 
same time, event if it did, I don't see how it
   would work in 
my case anyway, since in step
2 I would need to have external=true and in step
   4, external= 
false for the same form?  Am I making sense here
   at all?

   Yes, makes sense to me :)
Seems like I'm just missing some basic
   information, but ATM 
completely lost :-)

   Hmm, no the problem is that your call to do-login
   happens inside
   the coplet. So it's the content of your coplet that
   you change
   with the call - not the whole portal itself.
   I'm not sure if this is possible at all - at least I
   don't see
   a solution right now (which doesn't mean that there
  I've been thinking about this for a while, let me see
  if I can collect my thoughts and make a separate post
  on this topic.
   For the current login coplet in the demo portal we
   used a hack.
   The form is not processed by the coplet itself but
   directly in
   the sitemap *before* the portal is rendered. This
   allows us
   to do what you need. You could do the evaluation
   before the
   portal is rendered and put some error messages in
   the session
   and retrieve it later on when your coplet is

RE: [portal] Implementing Login coplet with CForms

2004-07-02 Thread Philippe Guillard

Is there some fresh news about that topic ? I mean somebody succeded ?



On Thu, 2004-05-27 at 03:33, Alex Romayev wrote:
 --- Carsten Ziegeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Alex Romayev wrote:
   Ok, I'm a bit confused and not sure where to
   This is what I'm trying to achieve.  I'd like to
   portal login form with CForm (using actions, not
  flow), to 
   use its validation.  So the most interesting use
  case is:
   1. User does not enter username/password 2. The
  form is 
   re-displayed with error messages 3. User enters
   username/password 4. The form calls do-login url,
  which then 
   redirects to portal using authentication-fw.
   1. Initially I assumed that if I just configured
  the coplet 
   with handleParameters = true, CForms would have
  access to 
   request parameters.  Not true.  Does this mean
   handleParameters only works in conjunction with 
   html-event-link transformer?
  Yes (unfortunately I think).
 :-(  I actually find that having request parameters
 directly available to coplets would simplify things
 quite a bit in general.  However, come to think of it,
 it probably wouldn't have helped my case, since I
 would still need to do the redirect to do-login inside
 my portlet pipeline. 
   2. I switched to using html-even-link trasformer 
   configuration.  Now could get through steps 1-3. 
   However, in step 4, calling do-login results in
  portal being 
   displayed *inside* my login coplet.  I've looked
   HTMLEventLinkTransformer code, and it makes
  external = 
   true/false distinction only for links, not for
  forms.  At the 
   same time, event if it did, I don't see how it
  would work in 
   my case anyway, since in step
   2 I would need to have external=true and in step
  4, external= 
   false for the same form?  Am I making sense here
  at all?
  Yes, makes sense to me :)
   Seems like I'm just missing some basic
  information, but ATM 
   completely lost :-)
  Hmm, no the problem is that your call to do-login
  happens inside
  the coplet. So it's the content of your coplet that
  you change
  with the call - not the whole portal itself.
  I'm not sure if this is possible at all - at least I
  don't see
  a solution right now (which doesn't mean that there
 I've been thinking about this for a while, let me see
 if I can collect my thoughts and make a separate post
 on this topic.
  For the current login coplet in the demo portal we
  used a hack.
  The form is not processed by the coplet itself but
  directly in
  the sitemap *before* the portal is rendered. This
  allows us
  to do what you need. You could do the evaluation
  before the
  portal is rendered and put some error messages in
  the session
  and retrieve it later on when your coplet is

RE: portal-html-eventlink transformer and req-params ?

2004-06-29 Thread Philippe Guillard
Thanks a lot Carsten!

Just one more quick question : It seems to me that portal-html-eventlink
transformer doesn't transform html anchors to eventsaction on
2.1.5release, as it was doing before (2.1.5dev) and after (head cvs). Am
i right?



On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 21:33, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
 If I understand you correctly, the problem is in the pipeline calling
 your coplet pipeline (calling page2?a=1).
 The statement is in the sitemap in coplets/html/sitemap.xmap:
 {coplet:temporaryAttributes/application-uri} should be replaced with the
 original URI: page2?a=1, so the src for the generator will be
 which is obviously not a valid URL. If you don't need the coplet id in your
 pipeline, you could remove the ?copletid={coplet:#} from the statement.
 If this is your problem, we could solve it by either using a different
 to build the uri or by always including the copletid in the uri. This could
 be done by the html-eventlink transformer.
  -Original Message-
  From: Philippe Guillard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 6:42 AM
  Subject: portal-html-eventlink transformer and req-params ?
  On last cvs 2.1, with cachingURI coplet adapter and 
  portal-html-eventlink transformer, links like a 
  href=page2?a=1page2/a are transformed in action=xevent=y
  I discovered the original request-params like a are put 
  before the question mark in the query string :
  I get the request param a that is before ? from sitemap 
  or XSP Ok, but i don't know which method i should use to get 
  it directly from the servlet, i can only get what is behind 
  the ?. Any idea?

portal-html-eventlink transformer and req-params ?

2004-06-28 Thread Philippe Guillard

On last cvs 2.1, with cachingURI coplet adapter and
portal-html-eventlink transformer, links like a
href=page2?a=1page2/a are transformed in action=xevent=y

I discovered the original request-params like a are put before the
question mark in the query string :

I get the request param a that is before ? from sitemap or XSP Ok,
but i don't know which method i should use to get it directly from the
servlet, i can only get what is behind the ?. Any idea?



portal-html-eventlink transformer and req-params ?

2004-06-28 Thread Philippe Guillard

On last cvs 2.1, with cachingURI coplet adapter and
portal-html-eventlink transformer, links like a
href=page2?a=1page2/a are transformed in action=xevent=y

I discovered the original request-params like a are put before the
question mark in the query string :

I get the request param a that is before ? from sitemap or XSP Ok,
but i don't know which method i should use to get it directly from the
servlet, i can only get what is behind the ?. Any idea?

