Carsten Ziegeler ha scritto:
You might want to have a look at the Avalon-Spring bridge from the Apache Cocoon project. This allows you to use Avalon/Excalibur configurations and components as Spring beans - which is very interesting if you already have used Avalon in the past and want to reuse your stuff in Spring.

Hi Carsten,

in the JAMES project we also developed something similar to an Avalon-Spring bridge. We most often call it a Spring based Avalon container compatible with the Phoenix configuration.

It currently is 99% generic but at the moment is part of james main source tree and includes a couple of things specific to james:

I searched for Avalon-Spring bridge from cocoon but I didn't find much information: can you give me more detail (links?).

Maybe we can merge the Avalon-Spring bridge efforts with Cocoon, and maybe the avalon website should provide some information about the tool, WDYT?


PS: sorry for the crosspost to cocoon and james dev lists in CC, please use the excalibur list for replies.

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