Re: How to build cocoon trunk?

2006-02-10 Thread Vilya Harvey

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
If you are brave enough, the best bet is by starting by taking a copy 
of the cocoon-webapp, rename it to something appropriate. The you 
update the pom to a new artifactId and to depend on the blocks that 
you need. You also need to copy the component (and other) 
configuration files _manually_ from the blocks to WEB-INF in your 
webapp, they are located in the WEB-INF directory of the blocks. This 
was done by the ant task before, but no one have written any Maven 
replacement yet.

After this it might work ;)


Thanks a lot for your help Daniel.



How to build cocoon trunk?

2006-02-07 Thread Vilya Harvey

Hi there,

After spending some time developing on Cocoon, I thought it was 
time to try and get up to date. I've checked out the Cocoon trunk from 
SVN and tried to follow the instructions in the README.m10n.txt file, 
but seem to keep getting problems.

The first problem was that the cocoon-deployer module (in the 
cocoon-block-deployer subdirectory) wouldn't build. I found another 
thread related to that which indicated (if I understood correctly) that 
cocoon-deployer was not needed; I've commented it out for now.

Now I'm gettting a lot of warnings about Maven being unable to get 
resources from various directories. I'm not very familiar with Maven yet 
- are these things I can ignore, or will they come back to bite me later 
if I do?

Finally, once I have got it all downloaded and building correctly, what 
is the intended way of developing applications for it? I read a passing 
comment somewhere that user code would be written as a block and would 
just declare dependencies on the blocks it needs. Is that the case? If 
so, where can I find information about writing blocks? If not, how 
*should* I be writing applications for Cocoon 2.2?

Any help would be very much appreciated!



Re: Location of cforms stylesheets

2005-05-26 Thread Vilya Harvey

Antonio Gallardo wrote:

On Jue, 26 de Mayo de 2005, 5:21, Reinhard Poetz dijo:

sorry, I don't understand this. Do you mean that some people complelty
the stylesheets?

Yep. Maybe not a full rewrite, but changes some things to meet some criteria.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

FWIW that's what we've done for our app (made changes, not a full rewrite).


Re: [cForms] Errors coming from service layer

2005-03-15 Thread Vilya Harvey
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Thank you!
This means that the service layer is aware of which widgets exist? I'm 
not sure if I (and especially my customer) likes this bi-directional 
dependency ...
I agree it's a bad idea for the service layer to know about the widgets. 
In our case there's a fairly simple correspondence between error types 
and widgets, so we're able to infer it all in the UI layer. For more 
complicated cases I could imagine using some kind of mapping, along the 
same sort of lines as the form bindings. I haven't tried that out, so I 
don't know how well it would work in practice.

BTW, the code to set a validation error on a widget looks like:
var myWidget = form.lookupWidget("...");
var myError = new;

(hope that doesn't get word-wrapped...)

Re: [cForms] Errors coming from service layer

2005-03-14 Thread Vilya Harvey
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Thank you!
This means that the service layer is aware of which widgets exist? 
I'm not sure if I (and especially my customer) likes this 
bi-directional dependency...

Nono! Your validation code has to catch the exception and translate it 
into a validation error. This means you can have "regular" validation 
errors (i.e. the backend could be reached but detected invalid data) 
and communication-level errors, e.g. "could not validate data, try 
again later".
Exactly! Although in our case, the exception gets caught and translated 
into multiple validation errors, rather than just a single one.


Re: [cForms] Errors coming from service layer

2005-03-14 Thread Vilya Harvey
Reinhard Pötz wrote:
Imagine following scenario: You have a service layer that is exposed 
as web services. cForms already does as much validation as possible 
but some complex checks can only be performed by the backend.

If I call a webservice (via Axis client) this webservice can return 
errors (how this is done hasn't been defined yet).

Are there any best practices or experiences how to map errors coming 
from the service or domain layer to cForms widgets? (The error has to 
appear at widget level.)
In your flowscript, you can create your own ValidationError object and 
explicitly set that on the apppropriate widget.

What we did was to define our own type of exception which included 
information about all validation errors that were found, then wrote a 
simple(-ish) flowscript function which handled looking up the relevant 
widgets, creating the error objects and setting them into the widgets.

Hope that helps!

Re: CForms in whiteboard with macros and macro repositories

2005-01-14 Thread Vilya Harvey
Tim Larson wrote:
As discussed previously, I made a copy of cforms in the
whiteboard and added macro and macro repository support
to the form model, binding, and template code.
The code works, but there are still issues to resolve,
such as svn propset's, code reorganizations, design
issues, etc.  I just had a narrow window of time to work
on this commit today, so I thought it best to commit
now while I had the chance, so others can see and work
on the code, because I do not know when I will get my
next chance to work on it myself.
This looks really useful. I'd like to find out more & see how I can 
help. I've been having a look at the code in svn; is there a Wiki page 
on it as well, or some other place I should look for more info?


Re: [RT] A Groovy Kind of Sitemap

2004-07-30 Thread Vilya Harvey
You raise a few good points, but I don't agree with all of them.
You're right that XML is a given for working with Cocoon. That's not a bad 
thing. But people already need to know a lot more than just XML in order to 
understand a sitemap. There seems to be a cutoff point in the development of 
a cocoon site. Up to the cutoff, the pipelines stay fairly straightforward: 
generator, a few transforms, and a serializer; after the cutoff it becomes 
necessary to start adding more complex behaviour: actions, nested matchers, 
etc. I suspect these latter sorts of pipeline could be expressed much more 
clearly using a scripting language.

You mention people generally have a background which includes JavaScript 
because it's hard to avoid learning it. If that's the case, perhaps those 
people wouldn't be so fazed by seeing a scripting language in the sitemap.

Really it's about using the most suitable representation for the task at 
hand. A scripting language feels like overkill for simple pipelines, but the 
XML syntax is very awkward for more complicated ones. The appropriate choice 
comes down to how soon you feel that cutoff occurs, for the kind of sites 
you develop.

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Re: [RT] A Groovy Kind of Sitemap

2004-07-28 Thread Vilya Harvey
Ugo Cei wrote:
Il giorno 28/lug/04, alle 09:56, Vilya Harvey ha scritto:
Interesting idea. Just out of curiosity, why Groovy and not JavaScript?

I wrote it in my RT, because it's trendy ;-)
Fair enough. :-) Do you intend to use Groovy in other places throughout 
Butterfly, or just for the sitemap? It would be nice to be able to use it 
for flow control, form validators/event handlers, etc.

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Re: [RT] A Groovy Kind of Sitemap

2004-07-28 Thread Vilya Harvey
Interesting idea. Just out of curiosity, why Groovy and not JavaScript?
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Re: ClassCastException in binding framework.

2004-07-08 Thread Vilya Harvey
Joerg Heinicke wrote:
On 07.07.2004 18:01, Vilya Harvey wrote:
With the Cocoon 2.1.5 release, the binding framework throws a 
ClassCastException if you use anything other than an  in the 
 part of a repeater binding. Is this intentional 
behaviour, or a bug?

It's a known feature ;-)
Thanks for the pointer Joerg, that does explain things a bit.
It might work for you the same way as I did it here: 
I was trying to do something slightly different from that when I came across 
this problem: I wanted an identifier that I could use to distinguish between 
different rows in the form, but I only needed it in the form and not in the 
XML (i.e. direction="load" rather than direction="save"). I was trying to 
use  inside the  element to generate them. The 
workaround I found, in this case, was to get rid of the identity element 
altogether and move the javascript into an  instead.

Thanks for the reponse,
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ClassCastException in binding framework.

2004-07-07 Thread Vilya Harvey
With the Cocoon 2.1.5 release, the binding framework throws a 
ClassCastException if you use anything other than an  in the 
 part of a repeater binding. Is this intentional behaviour, or 
a bug?

The offending code comes from
 * Get the identity of the given row. That's infact a list of all the
 * values of the fields in the form model that constitute the identity.
 * @param thisRow
 * @return List the identity of the row
private List getIdentity(Repeater.RepeaterRow row) {
  List identity = new ArrayList();
  JXPathBindingBase[] childBindings =
  if (childBindings != null) {
int size = childBindings.length;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
  String fieldId =
  Widget widget = row.getChild(fieldId);
  Object value = widget.getValue();
  return identity;
The first line inside the for statement, which retrieves a field ID, is 
where the exception occurs. If you're using an  binding to 
generate IDs dynamically, for example, the value in the childBindings array 
will be an instance of JavaScriptJXPathBinding - which cannot be cast to 

I'm guessing that the correct thing to do would be to use only methods from 
the JXPathBindingBase class to retrieve the identity values, but I can't see 
how. I'm probably overlooking something, as I'm not very familiar with the 
internals of the binding framework (yet!).

Can anyone shed any more light on this?
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Re: [cforms] separating API and implementation classes

2004-06-23 Thread Vilya Harvey
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
I'd like to organize the package layout of CForm classes in order to 
cleanly separate API classes from implementations classes.
The changes you propose all sound pretty sensible. Anything that makes it 
easier to extend CForms gets my vote!

A nesting is currently required for convertors, since they are attached 
to a particular datatype. To remove this need, we may use a naming 
convention, prefixing the convertor and format name by the corresponding 
datatype component name, i.e. "long-formatting", "date-formatting", etc.
Not so sure about this. Wouldn't it be better to have a datatype attribute 
on the convertor? Something like

for example?
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Re: Custom widgets in CForms

2004-06-15 Thread Vilya Harvey
Scott Yeadon wrote:
Has anyone tried to create custom widgets within the Forms framework? 
Beyond the business logic of their validation rules, etc, I cannot find 
the code which actually creates the widgets visible user interface? 
Anyone got a how-to on any of this?
This recently created page on the cocoon wiki may help:

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Re: Looking for a HowTo on adding widgets to CForms.

2004-06-14 Thread Vilya Harvey
Thanks for that.
I've been filling out the page on creating widgets as I've discovered 
things. Hopefully it'll help other people trying to do the same thing. I'd 
appreciate someone casting an experienced eye over it though, to make sure 
I'm not doing anything stupid.

Andreas Hochsteger wrote:
Hi Vilya,
I'm sorry that I can't point you to an existing HOWTO.
I had the same problem some time ago when I wanted to write a new data type
for CForms.
Perhaps it's time to collect this information on the wiki.
I've created two pages which can be filled by those who know something about
these things or are forced to learn it (hint!):
Vilya Harvey wrote:

Hi all,
Lately I've been trying to add my own widget to CForms. The CForms code 
is fairly clear, but there seems to be a lot of places where things need 
to be changed/added. Is there a HowTo document anywhere which describes 
the necessary steps?

For those that are interested, the widget I'm trying to add is an 
extension of the standard repeater which has built-in support for 
pagination. I'm fairly new to Cocoon in general, so if there's a better 
way to get the same result I'd love to hear it! I can imagine adding 
support for other widgets in future though (tree widget, anyone?), so it 
would definitely be helpful to have a Widget HowTo.


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Looking for a HowTo on adding widgets to CForms.

2004-06-10 Thread Vilya Harvey
Hi all,
Lately I've been trying to add my own widget to CForms. The CForms code is 
fairly clear, but there seems to be a lot of places where things need to be 
changed/added. Is there a HowTo document anywhere which describes the 
necessary steps?

For those that are interested, the widget I'm trying to add is an extension 
of the standard repeater which has built-in support for pagination. I'm 
fairly new to Cocoon in general, so if there's a better way to get the same 
result I'd love to hear it! I can imagine adding support for other widgets 
in future though (tree widget, anyone?), so it would definitely be helpful 
to have a Widget HowTo.

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