Re: CONTRIBUTION: repeater-widget (insert row): InsertRowsActionDefinition

2005-07-05 Thread depub2
Hi Sylvain,

I just downloaded a snapshot of CVS  a few days ago (post 2.1.7 release) and
noticed that the InsertRows functionality you had added from my contributed
code is missing in that release... Is there a way to get this permanently
added to the cocoon distribution?

Best Regards,

David Epperly

depub2 wrote:

 David's notes: see below

 Sylvain Wallez
 Thu, 24 Feb 2005 09:07:07 -0800

 Added. When including your patch, I had a quick look at Excel and
 found that the row insertion command adds rows _before_ the selected
 rows as you initially suggested. So I added it that way. I made a
 small change though by clearing the selection after executing the action.

 If you'd like your name to be included for fame and posterity in
 Cocoon's release notes, please give us your full name as David is a
 bit unprecise.

 I think it would be better to not clear the selections and here's why:
 if there is a need to insert, say 32 empty rows, it is much easier if
 the ones that are already checked remain checked; so the use case
 looks like, check 1, insert; check the new one (old one still
 checked), insert; check 2, insert; check 4, insert; check 8 (old 8
 still checked), insert; done! It is very easy to have some very short
 client-side javascript/buttons that uncheck-all or check-all (we
 have it in our application), so the need to auto-uncheck is not really
 needed - and in fact for the above use-case, hindering.

Ok, it makes sense. I changed it and the selection is now left untouched.

Best Regards,

Sylvain, Andrew,

Thanks for your assistance.. It's a lot of work for me to submit this as a
patch.. so attached are the source code files (one is new, one has a very
small change) that should be placed in the directory:

Note that the file that was changed was taken from the 1/6/2005 cvs
snapshot. Please confirm that you've received this message.



Hi David,
On 25 Jan 2005, at 01:36, depub2 wrote:
I would like to make a small contribution to the cocoon repeater-widget
(insert row) and would like someone (Sylvain Wallez?) to accept my code; so
I'll be a ghostwriter as it does not make sense for me to maintain this
small piece of code.

The best way to contribute this is to submit it as a patch via bugzilla,
then as soon as someone (perhaps Sylvain!) gets a chance, they will be able
to review it and add it to Cocoon.

Information on creating diffs can be found here: contrib.html#How+to+Generate+Differences

Bugzilla can be found here:



Andrew Savory, Managing Director, Luminas Limited
Tel: +44 (0)870 741 6658  Fax: +44 (0)700 598 1135
Orixo alliance:
 * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel;

import org.apache.cocoon.forms.event.ActionEvent;
import org.apache.cocoon.forms.event.ActionListener;

 * The definition for a repeater action that inserts rows before the selected 
rows of a sibling repeater.
 * @author a href=;Epp ghostwriter for 
Sylvain Wallez/a
 * @version CVS $Id:,v 1.1 2005/01/25 21:49:23 
depp Exp $
public class InsertRowsActionDefinition extends RepeaterActionDefinition {

private String selectName;

public InsertRowsActionDefinition(String repeaterName, String selectName) {
this.selectName = selectName;

this.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
Repeater repeater = 
for (int i = repeater.getSize() - 1; i = 0; i--) {
Repeater.RepeaterRow row = repeater.getRow(i);
 * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may

[FYI] How IE handles PDFs

2005-03-29 Thread depub2

How to use FOP in a Servlet

Here's what we did in cocoon:
  map:parameter name=expires value=access plus 20 seconds/
  map:match pattern=PDFstaticcontent/*/*/*.pdf
map:read mime-type=application/pdf


Notes on Microsoft Internet Explorer
Some versions of Internet Explorer will not automatically show the PDF or
the servlet multiple times. These are well-known limitations of Internet
Explorer and are not a problem of the servlet. However, Internet Explorer
still be used to download the PDF so that it can be viewed later. Here are
some suggestions in this context:

Use an URL ending in .pdf, like http://myserver/servlet/stuff.pdf. Yes, the
servlet can be configured to handle this. If the URL has to contain
parameters, try to have both the base URL as well as the last parameter end
.pdf, if necessary append a dummy parameter, like
http://myserver/servlet/stuff.pdf?par1=apar2=bd=.pdf. The effect may
on IEx version.

Give IEx the opportunity to cache. In particular, ensure the server does not
set any headers causing IEx not to cache the content. This may be a real
problem if the document is sent over HTTPS, because most IEx installations
will by default not cache any content retrieved over HTTPS. Setting the
Expires header entry may help in this case:
response.setDateHeader(Expires, System.currentTimeMillis() +
cacheExpiringDuration * 1000);
Consult your server manual and the relevant RFCs for further details on HTTP
headers and caching.

Cache in the server. It may help to include a parameter in the URL which has
timestamp as the value min order to decide whether a request is repeated.
is reported to retrieve a document up to three times, but never more often.

Depending on the versions, IE sends 2 or 3 requests for a single PDF
file. That sucks badly, especially with non-cachable pipelines!


Sylvain WallezAnyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member Research  Technology Director

RE: CONTRIBUTION: forms-calendar-styling defect when widget disabled

2005-03-29 Thread depub2
Pardon me, but I appreciate all of your discussion about this... I simply
ask that you place
TWO LINES OF CODE in forms-calendar-styling.xsl to support hidden and
disabled widgets associated with calendars.

As an extra convenience to me and other users, I'd also appreciate it if you
also include the passthru readonly test - no direct widget support needed;
security concerns not relevant - just keeping simple users from getting
confused, not trying to protect from hackers. Impact of adding support for

Just do it - Nike

The change was simple, in
I added:
xsl:if test=not(fi:{at-symbol}disabled='disabled'] or
fi:{at-symbol}readonly='readonly'] or fi:{at-symbol}hidden='hidden'])
around the calendar HTML anchor.The modified code segment in that file now

   !-- calendar popup --
   xsl:if test=not(fi:{at-symbol}disabled='disabled'] or
fi:{at-symbol}readonly=readonly'] or fi:{at-symbol}hidden='hidden'])
   a href= name={$id} id={$id}
 img src= border=0 alt=Calendar/
   /xsl:ifAll that I added was the surrounding xsl:if block. It works

 So, to sum it up: readonly as attribute is supported in
 the current
 version of the styling XSL files, but there will be no
 widget support
 for this due to security issues. If treatment of the readonly
 attribute should differ from the current situation, it is up to the
 user to modify the styling XSL files.

 Exactly. Very good summary!

 Furthermore, the choice between readonly/disabled is IMO really a
 presentation concern, and not an application concern. That's why I
 consider that distinguishing them at the widget level by
 introducing an additional state would be useless.

So there is one action left: where do we put this information to inform
the original requester and to avoid a recycle of this discussion?

Bye, Helma

RE: Re: CONTRIBUTION: forms-calendar-styling defect when widget disabled WAS repeater-widget (insert row): InsertRowsActionDefinition

2005-03-15 Thread depub2

Well actually, the readonly="readonly" works! Try it!!! And there are 
  some cases where disabled="disabled" is problematic (binding/saving) and I 
  think something else I can't remember right now (pulldown selections? calendar 
  selections? - can't remember). (note {at-symbol} above must be translated to @ 
  - seems that symbol is not allowed on the archives.) 
but I really don't know what you're talking about. Is this 'readonly' in the 
binding? If so, what's the relation with the styling XSLs??

It is in the template file, 
fi:styling tag. I believe that readonly="readonly" simply gets passed 
along as an attribute to the "input" tag and is valid xhtml which the browser 
then interprets to be like disabled="disabled", but slightly different. Here's 
an example usage:

id="StatusMessage" fi:styling readonly="readonly" 
type="textarea" rows="4" cols="75" 

Anyway, inserting that small code 
segment in the source (see below) and then playing with the samples to disable 
the calendar widget will show you what I mean - and try readonly as a styling 
attribute to see that at work too. Then try disabling the calendar without my 
modifications and you'll notice that the date can be changed, even though the 
widget is disabled.
Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }Also, I have a "2 line" minor tweak to the forms-calendar-styling.xsl that
disables the "calendar icon/popup" when a datetype="date" widget is set to
readonly, disabled, or hidden (in these cases, we don't want an icon or
popup - ESPECIALLY when the widget is supposed to be "hidden").The change was simple, in
cocoon/samples/blocks/forms/resources/forms-calendar-styling.xslI added:
xsl:if test="not(fi:{at-symbol}disabled='disabled'] or
fi:{at-symbol}readonly='readonly'] or fi:{at-symbol}hidden='hidden'])"
around the calendar HTML anchor.The modified code segment in that file now reads:
   !-- calendar popup --
   xsl:if test="not(fi:{at-symbol}disabled='disabled'] or
fi:{at-symbol}readonly=readonly'] or fi:{at-symbol}hidden='hidden'])"
   a href="" name="{$id}" id="{$id}"
 img src="" border="0" alt="Calendar"/
   /xsl:ifAll that I added was the surrounding xsl:if block. It works great!!Should I move this to a separate CONTRIBUTION thread or is this simpleenough that you would just get it into the cvs archive??

Re: CONTRIBUTION: repeater-widget (insert row): InsertRowsActionDefinition

2005-03-11 Thread depub2

David's notes: see 
Sylvain WallezThu, 24 Feb 2005 
09:07:07 -0800
depub2 wrote:

  what do you guys think? Does 7 days of silence amount to agreement??I'll 
  be happy to make any mods you suggest and resubmit source to you 
Added. When including your patch, I had a quick look at 
Excel and found that the row insertion command adds rows _before_ the selected 
rows as you initially suggested. So I added it that way. I made a small change 
though by clearing the selection after executing the action.

If you'd like your name to be included for fame and posterity 
in Cocoon's release notes, please give us your full name as "David" is a bit 

I think it would be better to 
notclear the selectionsand here's why: if there is a need to insert, 
say 32 empty rows, it is much easier if the ones that are already checked remain 
checked; so the use case looks like, check 1, insert; check the new one (old one 
still checked), insert; check 2, insert; check 4, insert; check 8 (old 8 still 
checked), insert;done! It is very easy to have somevery short client-side _javascript_/buttons that 
"uncheck-all" or "check-all" (we have it in our application), so the need to 
auto-uncheck is not really needed - and in fact for the above use-case, 

Also, we liked your suggestion that, 
for our GUI, we use "add-rows" rather than "insert-rows" - so,when I get a 
chance, I'll submit that code to you for inclusion so the designer of future 
GUI's can havetheir choice depending upon their needs. We also thought 
that, if nothing is checked, add-rows automatically adds one row at the end - 
perhaps it would be good if "insert-rows" did this also. We really like the way 
that "feels".

If you like toinclude my name, 
it is David Epperly, but I don't need kudos - it's a pleasure to just be working 
with you. I'm including some notes from an earlier email in case they 

Again, after I hear back from you, 
I'll send some updated code to you... (sorry for the delay, I don't check 
the threads so often lately).

 As you mention it, I think 
"add-rows" would be as-good or better than"insert-rows". Since the 
change is fairly trivial to the tested "insert-rows" code you now have 
from me, it might even be worthwhile to have both "insert-rows"and 
"add-rows" and allow the user / GUI designer to select their choice. 
Perhaps the repeater samples code could be modified to only demonstrate 
"add-rows" to "steer" a GUI designer in that more favorable 
direction. One nice side-effect of multiple-checked 
insert-rows/add-rows capabilityis that multiple-selection enables 
one to rapidly insert multiple rowsthrough exponentially increasing 
iterations of inserts. (check 1, check 2, check4, check 8...) Just 
to clarify, "my code's" behavior is that a _single_ rowis inserted 
above (below is fine too) every selected row. Adding 32 new/blank rows 
is simply a 5x "add-rows" operation. Perhaps it would be helpful to 
"pre-select" the rows that were added so that this multiple exponential 
insert is even easier on the user, so they don't have to check the 
boxes. Woe unto them that later perform "delete-rows" without 
deselecting first.

Also, I have a "2 line" minor tweak to the forms-calendar-styling.xsl that
disables the "calendar icon/popup" when a datetype="date" widget is set to
readonly, disabled, or hidden (in these cases, we don't want an icon or
popup - ESPECIALLY when the widget is supposed to be "hidden").The change was simple, in
cocoon/samples/blocks/forms/resources/forms-calendar-styling.xslI added:
xsl:if test="not(fi:{at-symbol}disabled='disabled'] or
fi:{at-symbol}readonly='readonly'] or fi:{at-symbol}hidden='hidden'])"
around the calendar HTML anchor.The modified code segment in that file now reads:
   !-- calendar popup --
   xsl:if test="not(fi:{at-symbol}disabled='disabled'] or
fi:{at-symbol}readonly=readonly'] or fi:{at-symbol}hidden='hidden'])"
   a href="" name="{$id}" id="{$id}"
 img src="" border="0" alt="Calendar"/
   /xsl:ifAll that I added was the surrounding xsl:if block. It works great!!Should 
  I move this to a separate CONTRIBUTION thread or is this simpleenough that 
  you would just get it into the cvs archive??
Sorry, but there's no "readonly" attribute on fi:styling 
(you should use the "disabled" state instead) and type="hidden" is handled 
globally for the whole field and not only for the calendar 
image.But I'm wondering if you're looking at the right source 
when you say "cvs archive". Cocoon has moved from CVS to Subversion for a while 
now and you may have looked at an 

RE: Re: CONTRIBUTION: repeater-widget (insert row): InsertRowsActionDefinition

2005-02-18 Thread depub2
Well, what do you guys think? Does 7 days of silence amount to agreement??
I'll be happy to make any mods you suggest and resubmit source to you for

Also, I have a 2 line minor tweak to the forms-calendar-styling.xsl that
disables the calendar icon/popup when a datetype=date widget is set to
readonly, disabled, or hidden (in these cases, we don't want an icon or
popup - ESPECIALLY when the widget is supposed to be hidden).

The change was simple, in

I added:
xsl:if test=not(fi:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'disabled'] or
fi:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'readonly'] or fi:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'hidden'])
around the calendar HTML anchor.

The modified code segment in that file now reads:
!-- calendar popup --
xsl:if test=not(fi:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'disabled'] or
fi:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'readonly'] or fi:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'hidden'])
a href=# name={$id} id={$id}['[EMAIL 
{$format}'); return false;
  img src={$resources-uri}/cal.gif border=0 alt=Calendar/

All that I added was the surrounding xsl:if block. It works great!!

Should I move this to a separate CONTRIBUTION thread or is this simple
enough that you would just get it into the cvs archive??

Thanks again - I hope these contributions are seen more helpful than the
pain they are to include them in the distribution... (And IMHO, how can you
get a better deal than a free ghost-writer?? ;-)


-Original Message-
From: depub2 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 2:32 PM
To: CocoonDev
Subject: Re: CONTRIBUTION: repeater-widget (insert row):

Can we get a few quick yay/nays??

Sylvain is considering incorporation of the changes noted below... Could we
hear a few words of encouragement (or discouragement) from a couple of
people so this item can be closed and completed.

Thanks to all! David

 Sylvain wrote:

depub2 wrote:

Hello Folks,

I would like to make a small contribution to the cocoon repeater-widget
(insert row) and would like someone (Sylvain Wallez?) to accept my code; so
I'll be a ghostwriter as it does not make sense for me to maintain this
small piece of code.

Specifically, I would like to add something like:
  package org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel;
  public class InsertRowsActionDefinition extends RepeaterActionDefinition

It will act like DeleteRowsActionDefinition; but instead will insert a
single row in front of each of the selected rows. This sure seems like a
natural need for the repeater! Yes?!?

Sorry, it doesn't seem natural to me, and I never saw such behaviour,
particularily inserting several rows at once and inserting them before
the selected row.

Now I understand that the set of available repeater-actions is currently
limited, and that add-row that inserts a new row at the end of the
repeater may not be the most convenient when you want to insert a row at
an arbitrary place in the repeater (although you have the add-after

So IMO the behaviour of an add-rows action should be to add rows
_after_ the selected rows. This kind of interaction usually involves a
single selection, but we could find it acceptable that it is generalized
to inserting a row after all selected rows.

What do people think?


 Hi Sylvain,
 As you mention it, I think add-rows would be as-good or better than
 Since the change is fairly trivial to the tested insert-rows code you
 now have from me, it might even be worthwhile to have both insert-rows
 add-rows and allow the user / GUI designer to select their choice.
 Perhaps the repeater samples code could be modified to only demonstrate
 add-rows to steer a GUI designer in that more favorable direction.

 One nice side-effect of multiple-checked insert-rows/add-rows capability
 that multiple-selection enables one to rapidly insert multiple rows
 exponentially increasing iterations of inserts. (check 1, check 2, check
 check 8...) Just to clarify, my code's behavior is that a _single_ row
 inserted above (below is fine too) every selected row. Adding 32 new/blank
 rows is simply a 5x add-rows operation. Perhaps it would be helpful to
 pre-select the rows that were added so that this multiple exponential
 insert is even easier on the user, so they don't have to check the boxes.
 Woe unto them that later perform delete-rows without deselecting first.

 As it turns out, multiple-select insertion was easier to implement than
 single-selection, based on copying the delete-rows code and minor tweak.

 If you find it difficult to modify the samples code, I could probably
 do it and email it to you.
 Best, David Epperly -depub2

Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training

Re: CONTRIBUTION: repeater-widget (insert row): InsertRowsActionDefinition

2005-02-11 Thread depub2
Can we get a few quick yay/nays??

Sylvain is considering incorporation of the changes noted below... Could we
hear a few words of encouragement (or discouragement) from a couple of
people so this item can be closed and completed.

Thanks to all! David

 Sylvain wrote:

depub2 wrote:

Hello Folks,

I would like to make a small contribution to the cocoon repeater-widget
(insert row) and would like someone (Sylvain Wallez?) to accept my code; so
I'll be a ghostwriter as it does not make sense for me to maintain this
small piece of code.

Specifically, I would like to add something like:
  package org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel;
  public class InsertRowsActionDefinition extends RepeaterActionDefinition

It will act like DeleteRowsActionDefinition; but instead will insert a
single row in front of each of the selected rows. This sure seems like a
natural need for the repeater! Yes?!?

Sorry, it doesn't seem natural to me, and I never saw such behaviour,
particularily inserting several rows at once and inserting them before
the selected row.

Now I understand that the set of available repeater-actions is currently
limited, and that add-row that inserts a new row at the end of the
repeater may not be the most convenient when you want to insert a row at
an arbitrary place in the repeater (although you have the add-after

So IMO the behaviour of an add-rows action should be to add rows
_after_ the selected rows. This kind of interaction usually involves a
single selection, but we could find it acceptable that it is generalized
to inserting a row after all selected rows.

What do people think?


 Hi Sylvain,
 As you mention it, I think add-rows would be as-good or better than
 Since the change is fairly trivial to the tested insert-rows code you
 now have from me, it might even be worthwhile to have both insert-rows
 add-rows and allow the user / GUI designer to select their choice.
 Perhaps the repeater samples code could be modified to only demonstrate
 add-rows to steer a GUI designer in that more favorable direction.

 One nice side-effect of multiple-checked insert-rows/add-rows capability
 that multiple-selection enables one to rapidly insert multiple rows
 exponentially increasing iterations of inserts. (check 1, check 2, check
 check 8...) Just to clarify, my code's behavior is that a _single_ row
 inserted above (below is fine too) every selected row. Adding 32 new/blank
 rows is simply a 5x add-rows operation. Perhaps it would be helpful to
 pre-select the rows that were added so that this multiple exponential
 insert is even easier on the user, so they don't have to check the boxes.
 Woe unto them that later perform delete-rows without deselecting first.

 As it turns out, multiple-select insertion was easier to implement than
 single-selection, based on copying the delete-rows code and minor tweak.

 If you find it difficult to modify the samples code, I could probably
 do it and email it to you.
 Best, David Epperly -depub2

Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

Re: CONTRIBUTION: repeater-widget (insert row): InsertRowsActionDefinition

2005-02-03 Thread depub2
 Sylvain wrote:

depub2 wrote:

Hello Folks,

I would like to make a small contribution to the cocoon repeater-widget
(insert row) and would like someone (Sylvain Wallez?) to accept my code; so
I'll be a ghostwriter as it does not make sense for me to maintain this
small piece of code.

Specifically, I would like to add something like:
  package org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel;
  public class InsertRowsActionDefinition extends RepeaterActionDefinition

It will act like DeleteRowsActionDefinition; but instead will insert a
single row in front of each of the selected rows. This sure seems like a
natural need for the repeater! Yes?!?

Sorry, it doesn't seem natural to me, and I never saw such behaviour,
particularily inserting several rows at once and inserting them before
the selected row.

Now I understand that the set of available repeater-actions is currently
limited, and that add-row that inserts a new row at the end of the
repeater may not be the most convenient when you want to insert a row at
an arbitrary place in the repeater (although you have the add-after

So IMO the behaviour of an add-rows action should be to add rows
_after_ the selected rows. This kind of interaction usually involves a
single selection, but we could find it acceptable that it is generalized
to inserting a row after all selected rows.

What do people think?


 Hi Sylvain,
 As you mention it, I think add-rows would be as-good or better than
 Since the change is fairly trivial to the tested insert-rows code you
 now have from me, it might even be worthwhile to have both insert-rows
 add-rows and allow the user / GUI designer to select their choice.
 Perhaps the repeater samples code could be modified to only demonstrate
 add-rows to steer a GUI designer in that more favorable direction.

 One nice side-effect of multiple-checked insert-rows/add-rows capability
 that multiple-selection enables one to rapidly insert multiple rows
 exponentially increasing iterations of inserts. (check 1, check 2, check
 check 8...) Just to clarify, my code's behavior is that a _single_ row
 inserted above (below is fine too) every selected row. Adding 32 new/blank
 rows is simply a 5x add-rows operation. Perhaps it would be helpful to
 pre-select the rows that were added so that this multiple exponential
 insert is even easier on the user, so they don't have to check the boxes.
 Woe unto them that later perform delete-rows without deselecting first.

 As it turns out, multiple-select insertion was easier to implement than
 single-selection, based on copying the delete-rows code and minor tweak.

 If you find it difficult to modify the samples code, I could probably
 do it and email it to you.
 Best, David Epperly -depub2

Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

CONTRIBUTION: repeater-widget (insert row): InsertRowsActionDefinition

2005-01-24 Thread depub2
Hello Folks,

I would like to make a small contribution to the cocoon repeater-widget
(insert row) and would like someone (Sylvain Wallez?) to accept my code; so
I'll be a ghostwriter as it does not make sense for me to maintain this
small piece of code.

Specifically, I would like to add something like:
  package org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel;
  public class InsertRowsActionDefinition extends RepeaterActionDefinition

It will act like DeleteRowsActionDefinition; but instead will insert a
single row in front of each of the selected rows. This sure seems like a
natural need for the repeater! Yes?!?

I am now prototyping and testing the code and will provide it to the project
when I find someone (Sylvain Wallez??) who is willing to take responsibility
for it. How can I get it into the distribution so our next download of the
cocoon snapshot a few weeks from now will include it??

Best Regards,


RE: Defect: booleanfield (checkbox) submit-on-change does not work

2004-09-21 Thread depub2
The booleanfield (checkbox)
 fi:styling submit-on-change=true/
fails to submit the page when the checkbox value is changed
and yeilds an error when the page is submitted with the field unchecked.

The incorrect behavior may be observed by adding to
 fi:styling submit-on-change=true/
for the choose widget; the entire code segment (with surrounding context)
in that file would be:

  td valign=topft:widget-label id=number//td
  td valign=topft:widget id=number//td
  td valign=topft:widget id=choose

  fi:styling submit-on-change=true/

  ft:widget-label id=choose//td
  td valign=topft:widget-label id=sex//td
  td valign=topft:widget id=sex//td

Then simply access:
and verify that changing the value of the checkbox does not submit the form.

Thanks for putting this on the bug list... (and fixing it :))


Internet Explorer 6.0 cocoon reader PDF defect?

2004-03-29 Thread depub2
I am unable to get MS IE 6.0 to display a PDF file that
comes from a reader. It works fine when using the fo2pdf
serializer, but I need to use the reader to read a file.

The following sitemap excerpt behaves nicely with Mozilla
and MS IE 5.5; BUT NOT MS IE 6.0.

map:match pattern=PDFdebug/*.pdf
  map:read mime-type=application/pdf  src={1}.pdf/

Using cocoon 2.1.4 release.

Help!! What's the problem??


Cocoon/woody windows-only platform defect

2004-03-29 Thread depub2

The following defect is limited to the MS windows platform,
it does not occur
on the linux platform. Both platforms were setup with tomcat
and cocoon 2.1.4.

On the windows platorm, a woody form will lose it's data
the enctype=multipart/form-data is specified in the form
for example:

wt:form-template action=#{$continuation/id}.kont
method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data

This enctype is required for proper operation of the upload

In the test case, (very similar to the XML Binding demo), a
which uses the showForm() function does not exit.

It is believed that the showForm() call in the flowscript
never exits because
validation always fails because we have a required field
(which is filled
in with valid data by the user) and that field is null
because the
widget is not being updated with the request data because of
this defect
when enctype=multipart/form-data.

Again, this problem only occurs on the MS Windows platform
and works
fine on a linux platform. The problem does not appear to be

To see the problem for yourself, simply add
to the form-template in the XML Binding sample.

Windows only defect using form tag with enctype set

2004-03-08 Thread depub2

The following defect occurs ONLY on the MS windows platform,
it does NOT occur on the linux platform.
Both platforms were setup with tomcat 4.1.29, and cocoon 2.1.4.

On the windows platorm, a woody form will lose it's data when
the enctype=multipart/form-data is specified in the form
template, for example:

wt:form-template action=#{$continuation/id}.kont
method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data

This enctype is required for proper operation of the upload

To see the problem for yourself, on a windows based server, simply add
to the form tag (see above) in
and then run the XML Binding sample.

In the test case, (very similar to the XML Binding demo), a
flowscript which uses the showForm() function does not exit.

It is believed that the showForm() call in the flowscript
never exits because validation always fails because we have a required field
(which is filled in with valid data by the user) and that field is null
because the widget is not being updated with the request data because of
this defect when enctype=multipart/form-data.

Again, this problem only occurs on the MS Windows platform
and works fine on a linux platform. The problem does not appear to be
browser dependent.

Cocoon/woody windows-only platform defect

2004-02-23 Thread depub2

The following defect is limited to the MS windows platform,
it does not occur
on the linux platform. Both platforms were setup with tomcat
and cocoon 2.1.4.

On the windows platorm, a woody form will lose it's data
the enctype=multipart/form-data is specified in the form
for example:

wt:form-template action=#{$continuation/id}.kont
method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data

This enctype is required for proper operation of the upload

In the test case, (very similar to the XML Binding demo), a
which uses the showForm() function does not exit.

It is believed that the showForm() call in the flowscript
never exits because
validation always fails because we have a required field
(which is filled
in with valid data by the user) and that field is null
because the
widget is not being updated with the request data because of
this defect
when enctype=multipart/form-data.

Again, this problem only occurs on the MS Windows platform
and works
fine on a linux platform. The problem does not appear to be

To see the problem for yourself, simply add
to the form-template in the XML Binding sample.

Woody multivaluefield widget xml binding support

2004-02-19 Thread depub2
First, is there a better place for CocoonForms (Woody)

Second, any idea when the Woody multivaluefield widget will
be supported by the xml binding (bugzilla 25884)? I am using
2.1.4 and it still doesn't work for me. Seems like lot's of
folks would need that... we certainly do..

What I'm looking for is something bound to
path=filenames/filename where each item selected in the
multivaluefield will produce something like:


When will we have it?
