Re: [Poll] Portal deployment / Cocoon portal usage

2005-02-07 Thread Ralph Goers
Finally getting around to this. See below.
Matthew Langham wrote:
1. Are you currently using the Cocoon Portal Framework? 

A) Yes we are using it for ... 
B) No we are not, but currently considering it 
C) No, we are using commercial alternative xyz 
D) No, we are using Open Source alternative xyz 
E) We don't currently need a portal 

A) We have one product that is currently using it and several more in 
the pipeline (pun intended).  The portal will most likely become the 
framework that we use for all site layout management.

The following questions only if you are using a portal 

2. Why did you choose the specific portal solution you are using?
A) Given IT strategy 
B) Cost 
C) Technology 
D) No real alternative 
E) Don't know 
F) Other reason (please add)

F)  We need  JSR-168 portlets and need to be able to have one webapp 
support thousands of  portal configurations.

The following questions only if you are using the Cocoon Portal framework 

3. Why did you choose the Cocoon portal framework?
A) We were already using Cocoon 
B) A strategic decision was made to use Open Source 
C) Becaus of the features of the framework 
D) Don't know 
E) Other reason (please add) 

A, C, E) We have been using Cocoon to develop some other products which 
have not been completed yet. We suffered trying to use a commercial 
portal product for one product and it failed miserably. No others would 
support the requirements of an ASP.  Cocoon allows everything, including 
the layout definitions, to be dynamically generated and/or located.

4. What do you think is currently missing from the Portal framework?
A) Tools (which?) or tool support
B) WSRP support 
C) Better JSR168 integration 
D) Better Documentation 
E) Other (please add)

C, D) The JSR168 support is still not complete. The documentation 
definitely needs more information added.

5. How do you get support for the framework 

A) Through the mailing lists 
B) Reading the documentation and other publications 
C) We are Cocoon portal gurus 
D) We get external help 
E) Other (please add)

C) I commit it (or email Carsten!).
6. Details/Comments (Optional) 
Please feel free to add any details you think may be of interest 

I absolutely love the Cocoon Portal.  I'm not completely sold that 
putting event ids in the URLs was the right thing to do though. I've had 
to back away from that on JSR-168 Portlets and will probably need to do 
that for other events as well to get the desired behavior to work.

I also absolutely appreciate the patches and suggestions other Portal 
users have been making.


Re: [Poll] Portal deployment / Cocoon portal usage

2005-01-25 Thread Philippe Guillard
Responses inside.
1. Are you currently using the Cocoon Portal Framework? 

A) Yes we are using it for our Website under development
3. Why did you choose the Cocoon portal framework?
A) We were already using Cocoon 
B) A strategic decision was made to use Open Source 

4. What do you think is currently missing from the Portal framework?
D) Better Documentation : 
Like any cocoon block new users would need more, but the code is there open :-).

5. How do you get support for the framework 

A) Through the mailing lists 
B) Reading the documentation and other publications 

6. Details/Comments (Optional) 
As i said i can't compare to other portals, i believe it is today the biggest and most difficult block in cocoon, so i still lack experience.
Still, i think it misses some flexibility concerning Layout and renderers. For example :
- Change the disposition of tab,link-tab layout, put some coplets over the menus (Actually this is my question today on users-list: i don't think we can do much change there)
- Access to the request and session inside the renderers
- Possibilities to pass sitemap-parameters to the layout stylesheets


[Poll] Portal deployment / Cocoon portal usage

2005-01-24 Thread Matthew Langham
Hi everyone,

In the past months we have seen an increase in the use of the Cocoon portal
framework, which is really great. However it is still obvious that the
portal has low visibility when it comes to anyone creating a list of Open
Source java portals. In order to perhaps correct this and gain a better
impression of who is using the portal framework - what for and maybe also
why not, I have put together a short poll. 

It would be great if you could take a few minutes to answer the questions
(even if you are not actually using a portal) and send me your answers. I
will collect the results and then publish an overview on the Cocoon wiki.
Hopefully we will then also have a better understanding of what features -
for example - may be missing.

Thanks for your time.

Matthew Langham


1. Are you currently using the Cocoon Portal Framework? 

A) Yes we are using it for ... 
B) No we are not, but currently considering it 
C) No, we are using commercial alternative xyz 
D) No, we are using Open Source alternative xyz 
E) We don't currently need a portal 

The following questions only if you are using a portal 

2. Why did you choose the specific portal solution you are using?

A) Given IT strategy 
B) Cost 
C) Technology 
D) No real alternative 
E) Don't know 
F) Other reason (please add)

The following questions only if you are using the Cocoon Portal framework 

3. Why did you choose the Cocoon portal framework?

A) We were already using Cocoon 
B) A strategic decision was made to use Open Source 
C) Becaus of the features of the framework 
D) Don't know 
E) Other reason (please add) 

4. What do you think is currently missing from the Portal framework?

A) Tools (which?) or tool support
B) WSRP support 
C) Better JSR168 integration 
D) Better Documentation 
E) Other (please add)

5. How do you get support for the framework 

A) Through the mailing lists 
B) Reading the documentation and other publications 
C) We are Cocoon portal gurus 
D) We get external help 
E) Other (please add)

6. Details/Comments (Optional) 
Please feel free to add any details you think may be of interest