Hi Guys

I really think I have a bug ..... but before I escalate this, could someone give me a sanity check ?

I have a bunch of Strings in an ArrayList in provider.resourceList :

function addInstrument(form) {
    . . .
    var unit = {
        . . .
form.showForm(screen, {resources:getSimpleSelectionList (provider.resourceList)});
    . . .

// make a Selection List from a List of Strings
function getSimpleSelectionList(list) {
    var out = new Array(list.size());
for (var i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) out[i] = {value: list.get (i)};
    return out;


    <fd:multivaluefield id="resources">
<fd:label><i18n:text i18n:catalogue="editor">instrument.resources.label</i18n:text></ fd:label>
      <fd:datatype base="string"/>
      <fd:validation><fd:value-count min="1"/></fd:validation>
<fd:selection-list type="flow-jxpath" list-path="resources" value-path="value" label-path="value"/>

Binding :

<fb:multi-value id="resources" parent-path="." row- path="resources" direction="both"/>

Template :

<ft:widget id="resources"><fi:styling list-type="checkbox"/></ ft:widget>

So, you start off with a form with a list of Checkboxes, all selected.
        X Item One
        X Item Two
        X Item Three

You uncheck Items Two and Three, your resulting list contains Item One, Item Two. Instead if you uncheck One and Two, your resulting list contains Item Three, Item Two. Instead you uncheck One and Three, your resulting list contains Item Two, Item Two.

Is this as broken as it seems? Or have I done something stupid with my binding (etc.) ?

Thanks for any suggestions.

regards Jeremy

On 25 May 2005, at 18:50, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

Hi All,

I am using a multivaluefield and I am having strange effects.

I have a form to edit a Bean. The Bean has an ArrayList which is populated with a bunch of Strings. The form displays this ArrayList in a multivaluefield, which has all entries initially selected by having identical items in both the selectionlist and the Bean. You use the Form to deselect some of the entries.

I found that I was getting deselected (and sometimes duplicated) entries in the Bean after the form had been used.

What appears to be happening, is that when o.a.c.forms.bindingMultiValueJXPathBinding calls multiValueContext.removeAll(this.rowPath), not all entries are removed.

I started with a Bean that had 4 items in it's ArrayList.

I counted the items in the ArrayList either side of the call to removeAll :

    multiValueContext.getValue("count(" + this.rowPath + ")");

The first time it is called it reports 4, after removeAll it reports 3.

In fact removeAll in this case only ever seems to remove one entry. So the reason that this does not show up in the "form2_bind_bean" CForms Sample, appears to be that it has only 2 items in the Bean to start with and has validation to only allow 2 to be submitted.

Looking at org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.JXPathContextReferenceImpl.removeAll I do not see any obvious reasons why it is not working.

Any suggestions anyone ?

Can anyone else replicate this problem ?

Or am I barking up the wrong tree ?

regards Jeremy

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