On Jan 11, 2007, at 8:35 AM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

I described how to use Eclipse as that is what I have experience with. But if you can ensure that the Maven Jetty plugin gets the blocks as directories rather than jars at its classpath, that should work as well.

That was going to be my next question... :-)

One of my clients has other people who work on Cocoon web sites that I create. They do content updates, and one of them can do some CSS and a few elementary things in XSLT to tweak the site layout/styling. But these are pretty much non-technical peeps; for them Eclipse is a chewing gum [1]. And they don't know how to build these webapps on their own computers and run them locally, that's just beyond them. They work by remotely editing files in place in a development instance of the application running up on a server. Then, one of them I've taught how to do svn commits from dev and then update into the production instance (sometimes it gets botched and I have to go clean up a subversion mess by hand, but 95% of the time this works OK).

So to move these apps forward to 2.2, I will need a no-brainer way for them to make live changes on the development instance in a server environment. But I think now that I understand all about what we're discussing here [2], I will probably end up keeping root-level application resources directly in the webapp module instead of servletizing them in a separate block. I think that will take care of most of our issues.

[1] - http://www.wrigley.com/wrigley/products/products_eclipse.asp
[2] - sorry, no reference for discussion thread "every new webapp a block?" — I can't find it on marc.theaimsgroup.com for some reason?


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