
I suggest you adapt the portal stylsheets with a dynamic parameter
passed from sitemap and then show or not show your extra tab. (In
/portal/skins/common/styles/tab.xsl or


On Sun, 2004-08-15 at 23:58, Jennifer Yip wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Quick question as I struggle through work on a Sunday afternoon.
> I have spent a week or two now looking at Cocoon and the new portal block - 
> loving it to death - you guys are doing a great job.
> ok quick question for newbie (but learning quick)
> I am trying to work out how to be able to add a tab containing a portlet to 
> a users config dynamically - ie I have a popup tree of things and when 
> selected each thing should be displayed in a coplet window - ie
> popup contains - Sheep, Cow, Dog
> User selects and this somehow make a new tab appear in portal with a mapped 
> Coplet..
> is that possible?
> or do I modify the pipeline that supplies the initial layout to be dynamic 
> and somehow do it that way?
>    <layout-user-load uri="cocoon:raw:/load-user-profile?profile=layout"/>
> kind regards
> Jenny
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