[lang] math expression parser

2011-01-05 Thread frank asseg
hola guys,

i am currently working on a math expression parser, and wanted to ask if
there is interest in adding such a functionality to commons-lang?

it's a simple algorithm and id be happy to contribute to this project...

have fun!
*frank asseg*
sebastian-kneipp-strasse 14a
79104 freiburg i. brsg.
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mail: frank.as...@congrace.de

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Re: [lang] math expression parser

2011-01-05 Thread frank asseg
Hola Paul,

On 05.01.2011 20:51, Paul Libbrecht wrote:
 I don't see why langs would have this, especially since it generally involves 
 variables, scopes, objects, etc.
 Can you compare that to JEXL ?
In comparison to JEXL i was looking for a possiblity to pass a simple
math expression to an evaluator containing some simple functions from
java.lang.Math like Math.sin(double x). An example taking user input
like 2^log(2-3) and evaluating the result at runtime in a java
 I did try using the Scripting engine in Java but firing it up and
evaluating expressions in this way is quite slow. With an unwarmed
javascript engine it took 1sec for 800 evaluations, while the evaluation
using a java implementation was done in 8ms.
 I thought this was of interest for commons-lang because i looked in the
lang.math.* package if there was an expression evaluator there.

have fun!

*frank asseg*
sebastian-kneipp-strasse 14a
79104 freiburg i. brsg.
tel.: ++49-761-88790001
fax.: ++49-761-88790002
mail: frank.as...@congrace.de

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Re: [lang] math expression parser

2011-01-05 Thread frank asseg
Hola Ted,

On 05.01.2011 21:02, Ted Dunning wrote:
 Or bsh or jruby or rhino or groovy?
sorry, i did not make myself clear but i was talking about a pure
mathematical expresssion parser, intended for evaluating user input and
the like, not a turing complete grammer but simply a way to evaluate
thigs like log(2)^2.4 at runtime.

Have fun!

*frank asseg*
sebastian-kneipp-strasse 14a
79104 freiburg i. brsg.
tel.: ++49-761-88790001
fax.: ++49-761-88790002
mail: frank.as...@congrace.de

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Re: [lang] math expression parser

2011-01-05 Thread frank asseg
Hola Paul,

On 05.01.2011 21:49, Paul Libbrecht wrote:
 I find the classname PostfixExpression pretty bizarre... should it be simply 
 MathExpressionParser ?
heh, you got me there, the naming is pretty awkward and stems from the
fact that an infix expression 2 + 2, where the operator stands between
the operands is gets translated into postfix notation (2 2 +).
 But i can see your point and will give the naming of the classes some
more thought.

have fun!

*frank asseg*
sebastian-kneipp-strasse 14a
79104 freiburg i. brsg.
tel.: ++49-761-88790001
fax.: ++49-761-88790002
mail: frank.as...@congrace.de

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Re: [lang] math expression parser

2011-01-05 Thread frank asseg
Hola Gary!

On 05.01.2011 22:04, Gary Gregory wrote:
 Why should this be in [lang] instead of [math]?
I actually thought about posting on [math] but when i browsed the math
library i gained the impression that it's much more concerned with more
complex mathematical issues like integration of numerical analysis
rather than parsing user input, so imho i decided to post to [lang], the
library which i always associate with Strings ;)

have fun!

*frank asseg*
sebastian-kneipp-strasse 14a
79104 freiburg i. brsg.
tel.: ++49-761-88790001
fax.: ++49-761-88790002
mail: frank.as...@congrace.de

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