On 1 September 2013 05:30, Steven J. Hathaway <shath...@e-z.net> wrote:

> For ASF associates that wish to contribute time and ideas for student
> senior projects, here is an opportunity hosted by Oregon State University
> in Corvallis, Oregon.
> I have already volunteered a project and will be a mentor if it is
> accepted.

Thx for the hint, I have added a project on behalf of AOO, which I would
like to mentor if accepted.

jan I.

> The students and professors are very anxious to support the open source
> development community.  A major hosting of Apache infrastructure is
> done at their Open System Labs (osuosl.org) on the Oregon State University
> campus.
> Sincerely,
> Steven J. Hathaway
> <shathaway@a.o>
> ______________________________**__________
> From: mike bailey [m...@eecs.oregonstate.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 2:37 PM
> To: m...@eecs.oregonstate.edu
> Subject: Are you interested in proposing an OSU Senior Design Project?
> Colleagues --
> Have you always wanted a particular software tool developed for your use,
> but have never had the time to do it yourself?  Well then, read on.
> Have I got a deal for you!
> My name is Mike Bailey.  I am the professor who runs the OSU Computer
> Science Senior Capstone class.  The Capstone class is a 3-quarter
> (Fall, Winter, Spring) "career preparation" experience.
> The major piece of this is doing a significant 2-4 member team project.
> When the students come to the first class on September 23, I want to
> present them with a list of exciting, creative, and real-experience
> software engineering project possibilities.  This is where you come in.
> I am looking for you to use your needs and experience to propose those
> project possibilities.
> A web site has been setup to give you more information, and let you
> enter and edit your project proposals:
> http://cs.oregonstate.edu/**capstone/proposeproject2013.**html<http://cs.oregonstate.edu/capstone/proposeproject2013.html>
> You have until September 23 to get yours in.  That is the date the
> students will see them, and will start the selection process.
> In that process, I ask the students to "bid" on their top 5 choices.
> I ultimately make the final project assignments, but I try to take
> their preferences into account.  I find I get better results that way.
> There will likely be more projects proposed than students teams to do them.
> *So, really sell your project.*  Definitely don't understate its cool-ness
> factor!
> Give me a call or send me an email if you want to discuss "cool-ness".
> After projects have been selected, we follow a client-contractor model in
> which I "run" the software contract company and you are one of our valued
> clients.
> The students "report" to me, but you, as client, work directly with them to
> design the requirements, set the timeline, and approve the progress.  You
> also
> get to assign 20% of their grades.
> Any project can be proposed from anybody.  I don't care where you are
> from, just
> that your project represents an excellent software engineering learning
> experience
> for the students.
> Do remember, however, that these are seniors. They have taken the core
> classes so
> far, but most have not taken some of the electives that would really help
> in some projects,
> such as graphics, AI, computer vision, etc.  They can learn some of those
> things
> on the fly, but that takes some time away from the project development.
> Keep that in mind when proposing.
> If you have questions or want to discuss project possibilities, feel
> free to contact me at:
>         Mike Bailey
>         Professor, Computer Science
>         Oregon State University
>         2117 Kelley Engineering Center
>         541-737-2542
>         m...@cs.oregonstate.edu
> Thanks for your time -- I look forward to working with you!
>                         -- Mike Bailey
> ------------------------------**------------------------------
> Mike Bailey, PhD
> Professor, Computer Science
> 3D Graphics, Scientific Visualization, GPU Computing
> Oregon State University
> 2117 Kelley Engineering Center
> Corvallis, OR  97331-5501
> 541-737-2542            FAX: 541-737-1300
>  m...@cs.oregonstate.edu
>   http://cs.oregonstate.edu/~mjb

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