Jared, I like your descriptions! If you replace sponsor with vendor it should
be very familiar to us all!
All the best,
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 22, 2022, at 4:12 PM, Jarek Potiuk wrote:
> Hey Roman,
> I like it too. Happy to help too. I think it's not very far for Tidelift to
> adjust their model.
> Maybe what could be helpful is to have some page/policy where we describe
> what can/cannot/should be from a Sponsor/PMC and contributor in exchange
> for money:
> I see for example (I am not native speaker/legal, so this might be a poor
> trial - but might be a good start):
> Sponsor:
> * Respect the right of the individual to make the best decisions for the
> project even if they might not fully follow the Sponsor's guidelines
> * Might mention sponsoring particular individuals including
> mentioning their affiliation with the projects they sponsor (that might be
> somewhat controvertial)
> PMC:
> * Cannot promote/endorse the sponsor of individual's work on their official
> pages (if sponsorship is for code development, not resources)
> * Cannot commit to coding/standard requirements specified by the sponsor
> The individual (no matter what merit the individual has):
> * Can endorse and promote the sponsor as long as they make it as an
> individual and not PMC representative
> * Should have disclaimer to continue working on the project regardless of
> the sponsorship
> * Should act according to the
> https://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/responsibility.html for branding
> and endorsement when they act as PMC members especially (if they are PMC
> members)
> Just initial thinking about it.
> J.
>> On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 8:36 PM Roman Shaposhnik
>> wrote:
>> Jim said:
>>> IMO, the foundation and the project should do nothing associated with
>> this. It should neither encourage or condone it. In no way should we enter
>> into any agreement, contract, whatever, w/ Tidelift. If Tidelift wishes to
>> work independently and directly w/ people, that's fine. But having the ASF
>> and/or the project involved at any level should be disallowed.
>> This is exactly what I said on the LEGAL JIRA. So +1 to this framing. Now,
>> personally, I think Tidelift can be a great ally of Open Source in general
>> and as such I'm personally extremely willing to work with them to make sure
>> they come up with tweaks for their model that make sense to us and other
>> Open Source projects. More on that below:
>>> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 7:56 AM Sam Ruby wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 4:50 PM Ralph Goers
>>> wrote:
Hello all,
Recently the Logging Services PMC was approached by Tidelift offering
>> to
>>> provide monetary support either to the project or individual committers.
>> To
>>> obtain that sponsorship the project has to agree to the terms at
>> https://support.tidelift.com/hc/en-us/articles/4406309657876-Lifter-agreement
>> .
>>> It appears that Struts has accepted this already.
>>> Perusing the agreement, I see talk of payment, license, and trademark.
>>> So let's cover that, and the topic we want to cover, the Apache Way.
>>> Let's be welcoming and friendly, and focus more on what they need to
>>> do, rather than on what they must not do
>> Huge +1 to the above. I really feel that Tidelift is onto something here
>> and am very much willing to work with them (even in my personal capacity).
>>> Outline:
>>> * So you want to pay a contributor? Great! If that is something you
>>> wish to do, do so directly with each contributor as this is not a
>>> service the ASF provides. Just make sure that each contributori is
>>> aware of each of the five points listed on The Apache Way page[1]. In
>>> particular, be aware that each individual contribution will be
>>> evaluated on its merits and require consensus before being accepted.
>>> * All code must be licensed only under the Apache Software License,
>>> with no additional conditions. Should an individual contributor
>>> become a committer, they will be required to sign an ICLA. You are
>>> welcome to sign a CCLA.
>>> * You are welcome to make nominative use of our trademarks. If you
>>> require anything more, see out Trademark Policy[2].
>>> [1] https://www.apache.org/theapacheway/
>>> [2] https://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/
>> I'd like to refocus this thread (or perhaps fork a new one) on expanding
>> this useful list started by Sam. I also plan to talk to Tidelift later this
>> week so having as much data points as I possibly can would be super useful.
>> Anyone has anything else they feel like adding to the above list?
>> Thanks,
>> Roman.
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