Re: Community docathon in Halifax?

2023-10-13 Thread Dave Fisher

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 13, 2023, at 2:08 PM, Shane Curcuru  wrote:
> A few of us talked briefly in Halifax, but didn't get time to do much work 
> together.  One key concept we discussed was defining the various audiences 
> that ComDev serves, so we can organize (and edit) content to make the most 
> sense to different kinds of readers.
> One key audience I don't see us having much content for yet: managers, 
> marketers, engineers, etc. who are employed to work on ASF projects as 
> part(s) of their day job.  We've had a number of people who "get it" from 
> various vendors talk about this in the past, but I don't think we've ever 
> really had an organized effort to collect great examples of how vendors can 
> *positively* contribute in terms of their policies.
> I met two people in Halifax who talked about exactly this kind of training at 
> their companies, and I also remember (at the time) a good slide deck and 
> training from Alan Gates way back when [1].  There have got to be other good 
> stories that some of the respectful vendor teams out there can tell that 
> would be good examples we could use to help other vendors understand how to 
> best work with our communities.
> What's a good way to name this kind of audience, and how could we usefully 
> solicit some stories like this?

IIRC Sally had developed some material with a handful of vendors.


> -- 
> - Shane
>  ComDev PMC
>  The Apache Software Foundation
> [1]
> -
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Re: Community docathon in Halifax?

2023-10-13 Thread Shane Curcuru
A few of us talked briefly in Halifax, but didn't get time to do much 
work together.  One key concept we discussed was defining the various 
audiences that ComDev serves, so we can organize (and edit) content to 
make the most sense to different kinds of readers.

One key audience I don't see us having much content for yet: managers, 
marketers, engineers, etc. who are employed to work on ASF projects as 
part(s) of their day job.  We've had a number of people who "get it" 
from various vendors talk about this in the past, but I don't think 
we've ever really had an organized effort to collect great examples of 
how vendors can *positively* contribute in terms of their policies.

I met two people in Halifax who talked about exactly this kind of 
training at their companies, and I also remember (at the time) a good 
slide deck and training from Alan Gates way back when [1].  There have 
got to be other good stories that some of the respectful vendor teams 
out there can tell that would be good examples we could use to help 
other vendors understand how to best work with our communities.

What's a good way to name this kind of audience, and how could we 
usefully solicit some stories like this?

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation


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