ASF promotional material - slides etc

2014-04-03 Thread Dave Cottlehuber
Next week I’m giving a talk to some compsci students at a university. Naturally 
ASF will be prominently mentioned. Does anybody have any existing slides or 
content to help me introduce the ASF? I’ve found the excellent content already BTW.

Dave Cottlehuber
Sent from my PDP11

Re: How can we support a faster release cadence?

2014-02-13 Thread Dave Cottlehuber
On 13 February 2014 04:25, Brian LeRoux wrote:
 I'd like to throw out some thoughts in support of this thinking and help
 explore how we can support faster releases at Apache.

 Cordova has bias to shipping. We started shipping on a schedule mid 2011
 and this was a very deliberate choice, after two years of scattered, and
 frankly reactionary, releases.

 At that time we called the project PhoneGap and we realized our offering
 was playing cat and mouse with the very fast moving dependencies of iOS and
 Android. Being reactionary made shipping a fire drill, inevitably drawn out
 since we didn't exercise those muscles enough, and ultimately this made our
 software a risk for adoption. We didn't want to be a risk for adoption. We
 also did not want our volunteer committership killing themselves every time
 iOS or Android landed a patch.

 Moving to a schedule acted as a forcing function to exercise those muscles,
 find our cadence, and only positives to the code and community
 resulted. Shipping brought our core together. It meant if we didn't have a
 fix for a feature the branch would land in the next release which is only a
 month away. This built huge confidence in our team by our community. Our
 code become better tested, and more streamlined. A consistent release
 cadence not only helped us find more quality in our code, but that
 confidence really helped us build our committer and developer community.
 The story is hardly unique: Chrome, Ubuntu, Docker, Firefox, and many
 others have adopted this model in recent years.

I agree; in the CouchDB community we had a similar experience. Addressing it
has been positive both for our brand and for our community. It's also been
a triumph of Apache values of community over code, demonstrating that the
incubator process, as well as addressing legal concerns via due diligence,
is also capable of sustaining communities who can survive the acrimonious
departure of the founder. Moving to a time-driven release has helped us

 I feel anything that can be considered a better practice for higher quality
 code and driving community confidence, and subsequently adoption, really
 embodies Apache ideals.

The faster our code is distributed, the faster we get feedback, as Stephen's
also said.

 The current process could be largely automated and the vote doesn't
 necessarily have to be in the form of an email. I've found these past weeks
 the act of voting seems near cultural at Apache so I hope that doesn't
 sound crazy! I mean well.

 Another issue I am personally unclear on is the wide variety of artifacts
 destinations that an Apache project can be shipped today. Maven has some of
 these smarts built in but projects like the npm registry do not. Another
 area we need to address is the proliferation of various app stores. I'm not
 a fan of them, but they happen, and we should have a mechanism for our
 projects to deliver to them.

 On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 3:02 AM, Stephen Connolly wrote:
 So what is it that gets in the way with release votes:

 * The 72h soft requirement for vote duration

 * The actions that a PMC member is required to perform before they can
 vote. See which states:

  Before voting +1 PMC members are required to download the signed
 source code package, compile it as provided, and test the resulting
 executable on their own platform, along with also verifying that the
 package meets the requirements of the ASF policy on releases.

This last piece is important - I'll bring it up later on.

 So how exactly do these things get in the way?

 Well as I see it the 72h vote duration isn't necessarily a big deal... we
 need some duration of notice about what is going into the release, there
 will always be people who feel the duration is either too short or two
 long... but with a 7 day cadence and maybe a few hours before the release
 manager closes out the vote and then you wait for the release to finished
 syncing to the mirrors and then the release manager gets a chance to verify
 that the release has synced to at least one mirror... you could easily lose
 half a day's duration in that process... oh look the release is out 3.5
 days after it was cut... and we're cutting another one in 3.5 days... it is
 likely we will not get much meaningful feedback from users in the remaining
 3.5 days... so essentially you end up with a ping-pong of break... skip...
 fix since if a bleeding edge user finds an issue in 4.0.56 we will have cut
 4.0.57 by the time they report it to us and the fix ends up in 4.0.58...
 with a shorter vote duration, say 12h, the bleeding edge user reports the
 issue, we fix and the next release is the one they can use.

Surely 27 hours is a *guidance* not a law. If a project's community wants to
run fast then presumably they also have the commit rate to drive this, and a
diversity across the community, committers  PMC to feel that this isn't 

Re: Apache Ambassadors

2013-07-09 Thread Dave Cottlehuber
On 7 July 2013 03:30, wrote:

 At most of the meetings I attend, T-shirts are not proper attire.

 I do, however, print business cards with the Apache Feather
 and Apache Software Foundation logo, and include my name
 and email address on these cards.

If the logos etc can be made available in some sensible formats,
people can print their own and save the foundation shipping costs.


Re: Setup development software for Macs?

2013-06-27 Thread Dave Cottlehuber
On 27 June 2013 03:20, Shane Curcuru wrote:
 I just switched to a Mac for much of my stuff, and am wondering how other
 committers organize their Macs and what kind of software they use.

Install xcode and the commandline tools that come with it (look in

I use homebrew in preference to macports.

apple's term is good, but I like better.

 In particular, what's the best GUI-ish SVN clients? is free if you give atlassian an email address.

 Your favorite basic text editors?  I don't need a big IDE, just simple
 markdown/python/ruby, and occasional web page editing. is a super-simple markdown editor that imho gets
things right.

bikesheds galore :-). I spend 80% of my day in komodo ide (but the
free komodo edit is very nice too), 20% vi, occasionally sublime text,
but I never really liked it. Aquamacs is nice for people who drank the

 Also, a silly question, I know, but if I have my work on SSD, is there any
 reason that I should *not* configure FileVault?  It seems like a no brainer
 for any laptop.  Similarly, any reason to turn off the built-in Firewall?

Other stuff I use:

## passwords  there are fancier tools but it's opensource

## communicating

skype but I would love a SIP-based OSS alternative

IRC: textual  is nice, BSD licenced,
but you can buy a built copy from app store. is another popular option.

## apps

vlc for watching videos.

firefox nightly + chrome canary for web dev.

If you sign up for the free microsoft MSDN deal that ASF gets, you can
install excel/word/powerpoint etc if you need them.

Amazon's free for reading books (lots of gutenberg project
ones  similar free stories in mobi format)
calibre for managing all my ebooks (on an
aging Kindle DX). turns browser windows into separate apps

vmware fusion + vagrant  ansible for spinning up instances everywhere
and configuring them.

## storage

MacZFS is pretty good, albeit an old
version. once I got past 4GiB of RAM I've had no trouble. SSD with zfs
compression is nifty, I have it on a 2nd internal drive.

I use openafs instead of dropbox.

backup: arq I used backblaze and
time machine for backups, but I prefer controlling my own storage.

github  bitbucket for really important stuff.

## productivity

launchers -
  others swear by quicksilver, the latter is
free and ALv2 licenced.

pomodoro app is great, BSD licenced
but you can buy from app store is a more
GTD-heavy app, with a free option.


Re: Setup development software for Macs?

2013-06-27 Thread Dave Cottlehuber
On 27 June 2013 11:40, Dave Cottlehuber wrote:

Last but not least, how could I forget ?

Re: Feedback on Flex board report

2013-04-26 Thread Dave Cottlehuber
On 26 April 2013 18:18, Alex Harui wrote:
 It is true that there is less negativity about git every day in the Flex
 community.  I doubt we will go back to SVN.

 I'm not sure it is worth blogging it.  The draft of the report is captured
 on the dev@flex.a.o archives so it is public and searchable.

 Alex Harui
 Flex SDK Team
 Adobe Systems, Inc.

Hi Alex,

I'm sorry to hear there were issues, but I can understand how git is
very confusing at first (and sometimes later on too).

I think broadly for CouchDB, it's been a success with very little
real-world issues. I'd love to hear what didn't work and see if
collectively we can put together some useful information that helps
people  projects in future -- let me know where  how we could do
this if you're interested.
