خداب-------- پیام اصلی --------از: Myrle Krantz <my...@apache.org> تاریخ: 
۰۸/۰۳/۲۰۱۷  ۰:۲۲  (GMT+03:30) گیرنده: dev@community.apache.org, Greg Stein 
<gst...@gmail.com>, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>, Sharan Foga 
<sharan.f...@gmail.com>, Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>, 
brit...@apache.org, lars.fran...@gmail.com, Jacek Laskowski <ja...@japila.pl>, 
Mark Struberg <strub...@yahoo.de>, Catherina Weiss <we...@silpion.de> موضوع: 
Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent 
Hey all,

Without asking me first, Chris told Solutions.Hamburg that I would
take over the Apache coordination of the conference.  He is
over-committed.  Unfortunately, I also don't have much time.  At this
point, I see three options:

* Everyone who has volunteered to give a talk sends me their title(s)
and abstract(s) and bio(s?) by midnight on Thursday evening (timezone:
CET), thus removing the effort involved in chasing people down for
this, or
* someone else takes over the effort of chasing people down, or
* we withdraw Chris' suggestion from Solutions.Hamburg.

Let's not do this last, one, since it may make Apache look bad.

I still need titles, bios, and/or abstracts from the following people:

Greg Stein, Jacek Laskowski, Justin McLean, Mark Struberg, Lars
Francke, Christofer Dutz, Sharan Foga, and myself.  I've put together
an overview of topics and slots using the information y'all have
already given Chris and me.  Some of the information was in German.
I've translated most of that into English, and put it beside the
original German below.  Those of you who speak German are welcome to
submit in German, but the rest of you are equally welcome to submit in

I look forward to working with all of you on this,


<title needed> -- Greg Stein

<abstract needed>

<bio needed>

Apache Dev-Day

German description:
Wir bieten euch beim Apache Dev-Day die Möglichkeit, nicht nur von den
Experten zu lernen, sondern vielmehr direkt von den Machern. Dieser
Tag ist verstärkt auf Entwickler ausgerichtet und soll einen
Querschnitt durch die aktuell heißesten Themenbereiche der Apache
Software Foundation liefern: BigData, IoT, Enterprise Java, uvm. Alle
Speaker sind Committer in den jeweiligen Projekten und können nicht
nur interessante Details über die Software, sondern auch über die
Projekte selbst und natürlich stehen diese auch Rede und Antwort für
eure Fragen.

English description:
We offer you the opportunity not only to learn from experts, but
directly from the committers.  This day is focused on developers, and
should provide an overview of the hottest topics at the Apache
Software Foundation: big data, internet-of-things, java, and more.
All speakers on committers in their projects and can not only provide
interesting details about the software but also about the projects.
They stand ready to answer your questions.


* Spark Structured Streaming  <title needed> -- Jacek Laskowski

<abstract needed>

<bio needed>

* IOT <title needed> -- Justin McLean

<abstract needed>

<bio needed>

* “ASF Java Enterprise ecosystem” -- Mark Struberg

<abstract needed>

(Giving an overlook about the following projects and topics:

TomEE as complete EE server,
Meecrowave as Minimal/Microprofile server
Tomcat as servlet container
OpenWebBeans as CDI container
Johnzon as JSON-P, JSON-B implementation
CXF for JAX-RS and WS
Geronimo for various tools like specs, TxMgr, etc
BatchEE for JBatch.

Will of course also cover JavaEE 8 and the status of Java9.)

<bio needed>

* “Apache Commons - Beyond StringUtils” -- Benedikt Ritter

Apache Commons ist ein Apache Projekt mit Fokus auf wiederverwendbaren
Java Komponenten. So enthält die Commons Lang Bibliothek
beispielsweise die allbekannte StringUtils Klasse. Aber Apache Commons
hat viel mehr zu bieten als nur StringUtils. In dieser Präsentation
gibt Benedikt Ritter einen Überblick über das Apache Commons Projekt.
Darüber hinaus zeigt er Beispiele für einige der weniger bekannten
Features in Apache Commons.

Bio: https://www.codecentric.de/team/benedikt-ritter/

Apache Ops-Day

German description:
Wir bieten euch beim Apache Dev-Day die Möglichkeit, nicht nur von den
Experten zu lernen, sondern vielmehr direkt von den Machern. Dieser
Tag ist verstärkt auf den „Ops“ Teil ausgerichtet und soll einen
Querschnitt durch die aktuell heißesten Themenbereiche der Apache
Software Foundation liefern. Alle Speaker sind Committer in den
jeweiligen Projekten und können nicht nur interessante Details über
die Software, sondern auch über die Projekte selbst und natürlich
stehen diese auch Rede und Antwort für eure Fragen.

English description:
This day is primarily focused on operations.

* BigData Storage <title needed> -- Lars Francke

<abstract needed>

<bio needed>

* BigData Processing <title needed> -- Jacek Laskowski

<abstract needed>

<bio needed>

* Security around the Hadoop ecosystem <title needed> -- Lars Francke

<abstract needed>

<bio needed>

* “Developing and Releasing an Open Source Microservices architecture”
-- Myrle Krantz

Abstract: Backwards compatibility in a distributed, scalable
environment has two major components: interface compatibility, and
persistence compatibility. Components in this environment can be
integrated in two manners: statically and dynamically. Changes to any
given component can be backwards compatible, or backwards
incompatible. But in all these cases, your customer wants 100% uptime.
These variables, and the distributed nature of open-source development
present interesting problems for a project’s release cycle.

Myrle Krantz will propose a general set of rules for achieving a
regular release cycle within this environment. First she will explain
in detail the various kinds of backwards compatibility problems, and
how they interact with the ways in which code is deployed.

Bio: As Solution Architect at Kuelap, Inc and as Vice President of
Apache Fineract, I am combating poverty by developing an open source
core-banking system. I have done extensive work on API design and
large scale applications with various technologies over the last 18
years. My current focus is on REST Microservices.

* Big Picture – How the different parts of Apache fit together? <title
needed> -- Christofer Dutz

<abstract needed>

Bio: https://www.codecentric.de/team/christofer-dutz/

Apache Foundation Day

German description:
Den Meisten sollte die Apache Software Foundation und generell
Open-Source ein Begriff sein. Allerdings werden hiervon die Meisten
Apache eher mit einzelnen Produkten, wie dem HTTPD Webserver oder dem
allseits beliebten Tomcat in Verbindung bringen. Die wenigsten wissen
mehr über die Organisation hinter all diesen Projekten. In diesem
Track wollen wir dem interessierten Zuhörer vermitteln: Was ist die
ASF? Wie funktioniert sie? Warum lohnt es sich in Open-Source zu
investieren? Wie kann man sich engagieren?

English description:
Most developers have heard of the Apache Software Foundation, and open
source in general.  Most, however only know of individual products
such as httpd or Tomcat.  Few know more about the organisation behind
all of these projects.  In this track we wish to introduce the
audience to the ASF: What is it? How does it work? Why is it
worthwhile to invest in open source? How can you get involved?

* “The Apache Way” -- Sharan Foga

<abstract needed>

<bio needed>

* “The Apache Incubator: Raising up projects to raise up the world” --
Justin McLean & Myrle Krantz

<abstract needed>

<bios needed>

* “Licenses, Trademarks and the ASF” -- Mark Struberg

<abstract needed>

<bios needed>

* „Wie funktioniert die Apache Software Foundation?“ -- Christofer Dutz

<abstract needed>

Bio: https://www.codecentric.de/team/christofer-dutz/

Best Regards,

On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 1:20 PM, Christofer Dutz
<christofer.d...@c-ware.de> wrote:
> Hi Myrle,
> the organizers have given me access to their conference planning tool. I have 
> started setting up the Metadata and have submitted the Track-Names for the 
> three days. I am currently waiting for them to confirm them and then I could 
> start entering the schedule.
> Those people volunteering to do a talk would be great if they could provide a 
> concrete talk title as well as a short abstract so I can enter them. As a 
> start I would enter the “working titles”.
> Also currently discussing the Key Note speaker thing with the planners.
> Chris
> Am 25.07.17, 08:58 schrieb "Myrle Krantz" <my...@apache.org>:
>     Hi Sharan,
>     We've got just enough speaker volunteers a 3 day track.  More would be
>     better, but slight adjustments to the plan we have would make it
>     possible for the speakers we have to cover it.
>     Christofer? Where do we stand with the conference organizer?  Is the
>     plan still on the table for them? And have we made any progress on
>     questions like who's paying for the intercontinental flights? I'm
>     assuming we need to get on this soon.  Train travel can be pretty
>     spontaneous, but we don't want people to have to book flights at the
>     last minute since that can get expensive.
>     Best Regards,
>     Myrle
>     On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 10:31 AM, Sharan Foga <sha...@apache.org> wrote:
>     > Thanks Myrle - great idea to summarise what we have in a simple way! 
>(And also to Chris for the launching the initiative in the first place)
>     >
>     > So what is latest status with this? (as it sounds like a really great 
>opportunity for Apache to showcase quite a few projects and technologies).
>     >
>     > Is it still a possibility or have we already cancelled being part of it?
>     >
>     > Thanks
>     > Sharan
>     >
>     >
>     > On 2017-07-18 11:58 (+0200), Myrle Krantz <my...@apache.org> wrote:
>     >> Hi all,
>     >>
>     >> I've charted out the suggestions we currently have in a doodle, using
>     >> Christofer's suggested agenda as the framework:
>     >>
>     >> http://doodle.com/poll/a2xquraqu27nekd3
>     >>
>     >> The way I see it, we'd need at least 2 more speakers to make this
>     >> work.  Better would be 4.  If anyone's interested in giving a talk in
>     >> Hamburg on a technical topic around your project, or a project you're
>     >> using, go to the doodle and enter yourself for the slot your talk
>     >> matches. If you have a suggestion which doesn't match with one of the
>     >> given slots, there is an "other" entry you can mark.
>     >>
>     >> We also still need someone to talk on the Apache Way.
>     >>
>     >> Best Regards,
>     >> Myrle
>     >>
>     >>
>     >> On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 8:32 AM, Christofer Dutz
>     >> <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> wrote:
>     >> > Hi Benedict,
>     >> >
>     >> > Thanks for the reply … the thing I that right now I would have about 
>3-4 of 12 Tracks covered, I have no feedback at all if others agree to the 
>agenda I put up. So, I think later today I’ll contact the solutions guys and 
>cancel this initiative. I simply don’t have the power right now to fight yet 
>another one of these conference fights on my own again.
>     >> >
>     >> > Chris
>     >> >
>     >> >
>     >> >
>     >> > Am 17.07.17, 08:27 schrieb "Benedikt Ritter" <brit...@apache.org>:
>     >> >
>     >> >     Hello Christofer,
>     >> >
>     >> >     I’m currently buried in work. Sorry for the late reply. I can do 
>my „Apache Commons - Beyond StringUtils“ talk if that fits into the program.
>     >> >
>     >> >     Cheers,
>     >> >     Benedikt
>     >> >
>     >> >     > Am 12.07.2017 um 11:19 schrieb Mark Struberg 
>     >> >     >
>     >> >     > As already noted: I could do a 'EE ecosystem @ Apache' talk on 
>the Dev day.
>     >> >     > Giving an overlook about the following projects and topics:
>     >> >     >
>     >> >     > TomEE as complete EE server,
>     >> >     > Meecrowave as Minimal/Microprofile server
>     >> >     > Tomcat as servlet container
>     >> >     > OpenWebBeans as CDI container
>     >> >     > Johnzon as JSON-P, JSON-B implementation
>     >> >     > MyFaces
>     >> >     > OpenJPA
>     >> >     > CXF for JAX-RS and WS
>     >> >     > Geronimo for various tools like specs, TxMgr, etc
>     >> >     > BatchEE for JBatch.
>     >> >     >
>     >> >     > Will of course also cover JavaEE 8 and the status of Java9.
>     >> >     >
>     >> >     > Just ping me if it looks interesting.
>     >> >     >
>     >> >     > LieGrue,
>     >> >     > strub
>     >> >     >
>     >> >     >> Am 12.07.2017 um 09:50 schrieb Christofer Dutz 
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >> Ok … after Sharan gave me access, I added a new page where I 
>wrote down my ideas.
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >> 
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >> Last night I remembered that Brooklyn would be a perfect 
>match for the Ops Day (I think).
>     >> >     >> Feedback highly appreciated and highly needed.
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >> Chris
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >> Am 11.07.17, 14:49 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>   If someone here could give me the karma for the Comdev 
>confluence page, I would simply create a page for solutions …
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>   Chris
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>   Am 11.07.17, 14:30 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>       Ok … English seems to be Ok
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>       That opens a lot more options ;-)
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>       Chris
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>       Am 11.07.17, 14:02 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>>> - How to make money with Open-Source?
>     >> >     >>>
>     >> >     >>>  Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small 
>freelance consultant point of view or something bigger? What would work better 
>at the conference?
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>           I was thinking about how companies … that giving 
>back to the community can be beneficial or even a business model. Would be 
>cool to have some war stories of both.
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>           I asked regarding the language thing … if they are 
>Ok with (some) English talks that would make things easier ;-)
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>           Chris
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>           Am 11.07.17, 13:55 schrieb "Justin Mclean" 
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>               Hi,
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>> Dev-Day:
>     >> >     >>> - IoT (Mynewt?, Edgent?) – An Introduction into the 
>Framework with some examples on what you can do with it?
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>               I can help out here if no one else puts their 
>hand up.
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>> - The Incubator (Lifecycle of an Apache Project)
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>               As mentioned previously myself and Mryle can 
>help here.
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>> - How to make money with Open-Source?
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>               Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you 
>thinking small freelance consultant point  of view or something bigger? What 
>would work better at the conference?
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>> And probably the talks should be in German … but I’ll double 
>check that with the organizer of the conference right away.
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>               A couple of conference I’ve spoken at in 
>Germany about 1/2 - 3/4 of the content was in German the rest in English so 
>I’m hoping this will be the case because my German speaking ability is null.
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>               Thanks,
>     >> >     >>               Justin
>     >> >     >>               
>     >> >     >>               To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
>     >> >     >>               For additional commands, e-mail: 
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>       
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >> 
>     >> >     >> To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@community.apache.org
>     >> >     >> For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@community.apache.org
>     >> >     >>
>     >> >     >
>     >> >     >
>     >> >     > 
>     >> >     > To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@community.apache.org
>     >> >     > For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@community.apache.org
>     >> >     >
>     >> >
>     >> >
>     >> >     
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>     >> >
>     >> >
>     >>
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>     >>
>     >
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