Re: GitHub write access

2014-06-25 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 7:52 AM, Lisa Seacat DeLuca 

> Ah, okay.  I was hoping I'd be able to use the simple GitHub UX to quickly
> push a button to merge in my changes.

Background: The reason that we don't do this is that Apache needs the push
records to establish code provenance definitively.  In a DCVS local commit
content and metadata can be forged, but pushes to ASF Git repositories are
authenticated and the record of which ASF committer pushed what commits gets
captured to our email archives.

Were we to sync from a Github repo, the push record information would be
solely by Github and we would have subpoena them to obtain it in the event
a dispute -- assuming that Github keeps such information indefinitely and
they stay in business forever.

For further explanation, see this thread:

Marvin Humphrey

Re: Hangout

2014-06-10 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 7:13 PM, Michal Mocny  wrote:
> Curious to test if you can have multiple "owners" of the event to hit the
> broadcast button that way, and if the final youtube videos are labeled in a
> way that makes sense.

Good points -- I don't know the answers to either of those questions.  I've
used that technique to create a permanent channel, but we don't broadcast or
save archives.

Marvin Humphrey

Re: Hangout

2014-06-10 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 1:07 PM, Michal Mocny  wrote:
> Link for joining coming in 1 sec.  We'll figure this out one day, promise.

It's possible to set up a permanent Google hangout so that the link never
changes.  The essential technique is to create a Google+ event whose location
is a hangout and whose date is far in the future.  The details are fiddly; try
a web search for "google hangout permalink" for various recipes.

Marvin Humphrey

Re: minor bump to cordova-lib

2014-06-09 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Brian LeRoux  wrote:
> /me slow clap

Brian, I realize that you are deeply opposed to voting on releases, and I
understand and respect your arguments.  Were Cordova an independent project, I
would not come to the community proposing that release voting be adopted.

However, Cordova is at Apache and the policies are what they are.  You're
welcome to make the case that the org should change, but to be honest I doubt
such a change is achievable in the near term.  The policy has deep roots -- a
good chunk of the Foundation's legal structure is built in its service.  And
so I would argue that avoiding quixotic conflicts with the Board is in the
best interest of most Cordova stakeholders.

In the meantime, the question is how to make the best of things within
existing constraints.  For the record, there's nothing stopping Cordova
from releasing on a fixed cadence.

Marvin Humphrey

Re: minor bump to cordova-lib

2014-06-09 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 1:35 PM, Brian LeRoux  wrote:
> My understanding is that a VOTE was for ./dist and that anything npm is the
> domain of the person publishing.

Here's the policy:

  What Is A Release?

  Releases are, by definition, anything that is published beyond the group
  that owns it. In our case, that means any publication outside the group of
  people on the product dev list. If the general public is being instructed to
  download a package, then that package has been released. Each PMC must obey
  the ASF requirements on approving any release. [...]

So it's not that packages published to npm (or any other downstream
distribution channel) don't require a VOTE, it's that npm packages should also
be published to dist (and require a VOTE).

Marvin Humphrey

Re: ApacheCon session recording: Releasing Apache Software

2014-06-07 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Brian LeRoux  wrote:
> I think I might be soon (I accepted) though I'm not sure how it works
> behind the curtain.

Have you sent in the Membership application form to secretary@apache and
received an acknowledgment?

Please make sure that the paperwork gets taken care of well before the
deadline of 30 days after the Members meeting (which took place on May 27 this
year).  If the 30-day window expires, we can't bring you on until the next
Members meeting, probably a year from now.

Marvin Humphrey

Re: ApacheCon session recording: Releasing Apache Software

2014-06-07 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 10:59 AM, Joe Bowser  wrote:
> The only thing that SHOULD be private on the lists is the selection of
> PMC members and security issues, and a part of me doesn't even like
> the latter very much when things are already public elsewhere (i.e. in
> BugTraq).

Well, at the project level there are occasionally legal issues which are best
handled in private -- for instance, trademark violations, many of which can be
resolved with a polite note to the offending party.

> There's also the fact that people use
> private lists to say things that they wouldn't dare say in public.

Your experience matches my own.

> I'll happily be rude to someone in public to their face, because to do
> otherwise is dishonest.

Hmm.  I generally prefer discretion and diplomacy, which need not require

FWIW, many communities have found success with the approach of criticizing
ideas while avoiding ad hominem attacks.

Lots of good stuff here:

>> Ideally, only subjects which truly require discretion such as personnel
>> issues, security, trademarks and so on get discussed on private lists.
>> In practice, things are messy and sometimes conscious effort is required
>> to move conversations public, but the diversity of the ASF Membership
>> guards against subterfuge at the org level just as the diversity of the
>> Cordova PMC guards against it at the project level.
> What sort of subterfuge are you referring to?

Primarily excessive commercial influence.

Apache has a reputation as a place where competing companies can collaborate
on a common codebase.  However, even with our governance institutions, such
collaboration can become unstable when the interests of the various companies
who employ a project's PMC members are not aligned either with each other or
aligned with the interests of the Foundation.

The ASF Board of Directors is tasked with overseeing all Apache projects,
which includes enforcement of rules on project independence.  This starts with
ensuring that projects are operating according to the rules of meritocracy and
that new PMC members are being added and granted a full role in governance,
but in extreme circumstances it can extend to reconstituting PMCs and
terminating projects (both of which have happened, though not lately).

At the Foundation level, the ASF Membership[1] (effectively its shareholders) is
far too diverse for any one commercial entity to hold sway.  The Cordova
PMC[2] is likewise quite diverse -- but that's not true for all PMCs.

> It isn't related to this thread on legal, is it?

[See for the correct permalink.]

Heh.  It seems that Ross got his addresses mixed up and inadvertently sent a
message to legal-discuss@apache (public) that was meant for members@apache

To put that message in context, we're talking about how to streamline the
annual Members meeting while maintaining the safeguards provided by our current

I suppose that subject matter is indirectly related to the "subterfuge" I had
in mind.  Our bylaws are carefully drafted to ensure that the Foundation
cannot be legally hijacked by an illegitimate minority.  There's a *lot* of
money to be made in Apache software and conceivably some entity might be
motivated to pull a fast one if we don't watch out.

Marvin Humphrey


Re: ApacheCon session recording: Releasing Apache Software

2014-06-07 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 10:52 AM, Brian LeRoux  wrote:
> Pls elaborate on how we can be more efficient?

OK, the following suggestions are offered with no expectations and from
humility as a Cordova noob.

*   Avoid "retagging" during the release process.  Having the same version tag
mean different RCs at different times destroys history and causes all
sorts of confusion when testing, discussing, voting or performing
post-mortem analysis.
*   Be more rigorous with the term "release candidate".  Don't call something
a "release candidate" unless it's *immutable* and there's going to be
a *vote* on it.
*   Utilize RC numbers to differentiate release candidates.  Each time a new
one is created, add a new Git tag in the format `X.Y.Z-rcN`.
*   When in doubt, increment the RC number.  Skipping RC numbers is minimally
confusing because it is safe to assume that any earlier RC has been
withdrawn and is superseded by the later one.
*   Incorporate RC identifiers into VOTE thread subject lines.  For instance:
`[VOTE] cordova-firefoxos 4.0.0-rc2`
*   Since votes for each platform are held independently, consider isolating
release candidates within your dist/dev area using directory names
incorporating the RC identifier such as
`/dev/cordova/CB-/cordova-firefoxos-4.0.0-rc2` (which would hold the
files ``, ``,
etc.).  The idea is that each RC directory corresponds to one and only one
VOTE thread.
*   Only add the final `X.Y.Z` tag when the VOTE passes.

I recognize that implementing these suggestions would require both changes to
Coho and unlearning of ingrained habits.  But it seems to me that one reason
the Cordova community finds the release process so taxing is that you're
burdened by a mental model where "release candidates" are mutable.


Marvin Humphrey

Re: ApacheCon session recording: Releasing Apache Software

2014-06-05 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 12:50 PM, Joe Bowser  wrote:
> I'm asking because of this:
> So, another criticism of the ASF is the fact that as committers we
> have zero say on the process because committers aren't members, and
> only members can really cause any change.  I question the
> effectiveness of this given that the board for the most part hasn't
> changed in years.
> Furthermore, as a project of the ASF, we have no idea what's going on
> with the project that holds the copyright for our code.

The same situation exists with Cordova's project-specific private list
from the perspective of Cordova users who are not PMC members, no?
Ideally, only subjects which truly require discretion such as personnel
issues, security, trademarks and so on get discussed on private lists.
In practice, things are messy and sometimes conscious effort is required
to move conversations public, but the diversity of the ASF Membership
guards against subterfuge at the org level just as the diversity of the
Cordova PMC guards against it at the project level.

On a separate note, the notion that the ASF "holds the copyright for our
code" is not correct.  When you contribute code to an ASF project, you
maintain ownership but grant a copyright license under terms spelled out
in the ALv2 and the ICLA.  This is different from, say, the FSF, which
requires copyright assignment in order to ensure it will have "standing"
to sue for copyright violation and enforce the GPL.  The ASF does not
have the same priorities and has deliberately chosen not to require
copyright assignment.

> The fact that we hardly ever ship anymore
> thanks to "The Apache Way" and the cognitive dissonance that it's
> caused in its wake really hasn't helped matters.

My impression as someone with a deep understanding of Apache and an
admittedly superficial understanding of Cordova, is that Cordova's
release process is not very efficient in the way it goes about
satisfying Apache's requirements.  For what it's worth there have been a
few times I've thought about delurking to contribute specific
suggestions, but I have been concerned that they might not be taken
well.  Instead, I've just tried to make myself available as a resource
to Cordova contributors trying to make the best of things, and to
continue with more general initiatives (policy clarification, the
ApacheCon talk) which may help Cordova indirectly.

Marvin Humphrey

Re: ApacheCon session recording: Releasing Apache Software

2014-06-04 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Brian LeRoux  wrote:
> I'd also like to point out that some of the perceptions of the release
> process are currently being refined as they are not clear, and are not in
> place for legal reasons though sometimes characterized as such. (So take
> that presentation with a hefty grain of salt.)

As the person who is driving the clarification initiative, I'm confident that
the material in that presentation remains accurate and relevant.

(In retrospect, the only thing I would revise is to incorporate disposable
build servers into the presentation, which go some distance towards addressing
the security issues surrounding org-certified binaries.)

Marvin Humphrey

Re: ApacheCon session recording: Releasing Apache Software

2014-06-04 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 11:19 AM, Marcel Kinard  wrote:
> The Denver ApacheCon session had an good session on the Apache perspective
> on doing a release. I found it very informative, especially with the threads
> on this topic over the last few months.

Hi Marcel...

I'm gratified that you found it worthwhile, and I enjoyed meeting you and
other Cordova people in Denver.  Some of the presentation material was
tailored with Cordova in mind after I attended one of your hangouts a couple
months ago.

If there are questions, I'm lurking on this list, and might show up at another
hangout sometime.

Marvin Humphrey

Re: [DISCUSS] Automate signed icla to git commits

2014-04-28 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 9:20 AM, Andrew Grieve  wrote:
> Interesting! Going by this description, it sounds like we wound't need
> ICLAs for the majority of pull requests since pull requests details get
> forwarded to the mailing-list.

Legally, the party making the pull request implicitly asserts that they have
the right to contribute the commits under the ALv2 section 5.

However, if a release with infringing material escapes out into the wild,
having somebody to blame will be cold comfort.  Should the original copyright
owner request that we cease distributing the offending release, Cordova's
users are going to be in a bad situation regardless.

> New proposal: don't worry about CLAs at release time.

The key here is that the Cordova PMC needs to be vigilant with every pull
request from somebody who has not signed a CLA or is otherwise well-known to
be submitting clean IP.  The Cordova committer who accepts the pull request
and pushes to the ASF repo is the first line of defense.  However, the rest of
the PMC is also collectively responsible for reviewing all commits.

So the question is, how confident are you in the existing review process?  If
it's working as intended, then there's indeed no need to perform an additional
audit at release time.  On the other hand if it's porous, then building in
more checks might be wise.

Marvin Humphrey

Re: [DISCUSS] Automate signed icla to git commits

2014-04-25 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 12:42 PM, Jesse  wrote:
> We can accept trivial commits without an ICLA, so the commit hook would
> need a firm definition of 'trivial'.

Section 5 of the ALv2 covers contributions:

5. Submission of Contributions.

Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally
submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under
the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or
conditions. [...]

Technically, Apache doesn't require an ICLA or software grant for
submissions, no
matter what the size.  What we need is documentation of the contributor's
intent to contribute, captured within Apache-archived communication channels
(mailing list, bug tracker, etc.).  If we have that, then the ALv2 section 5
covers us legally.

The ASF requires an ICLA for all *committers* to cover submissions which are
committed directly into an Apache repo, but that's different.

Nevertheless, it's considered best practice to obtain additional documentation
from the contributor for large contributions, where "large" is not precisely
defined.  That documentation typically takes the form of a CLA or a software

So by establishing a hard requirement for an ICLA for *all* non-trivial
contributions, Cordova would actually be going further than is required by
Apache.  That might be a sound policy considering how active Cordova is, and
it's SOP at other places like the Eclipse Foundation.  What we definitely
would like to avoid is integrating important contributions from somebody
clueless submitting stuff they don't own or somebody whose identity is not
known.  Requiring an ICLA up front would guard against that, at the cost of
raising the barrier to entry.


Marvin Humphrey

Re: What should it mean to +1 a release

2014-04-25 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Joe Bowser  wrote:
> Well, there's a reason we do cadence.  Of course, Apache seems to
> despise cadence and the release early, release often thing.

There is no Apache policy stopping Cordova from scheduling release votes on a
fixed cadence.  CouchDB does it now -- here's Dave Cottlehuber singing its

I agree; in the CouchDB community we had a similar experience. Addressing
it has been positive both for our brand and for our community. It's also
been a triumph of Apache values of community over code, demonstrating that
the incubator process, as well as addressing legal concerns via due
diligence, is also capable of sustaining communities who can survive the
acrimonious departure of the founder. Moving to a time-driven release has
helped us enormously.

Marvin Humphrey

Re: What should it mean to +1 a release

2014-04-25 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Andrew Grieve  wrote:
> Had some discussions about this at ApacheCon, and I think it would be
> good to formalize this in a release-process doc within coho/docs.

I'd like to help with this.  ASF release policy is an area of expertise for
me, and I look forward in particular to suggesting mechanisms which reduce
overhead while keeping Cordova and the ASF in sync.

Marvin Humphrey

Re: Nomination for a new chair for Apache Cordova

2014-04-23 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 11:17 AM, Joe Bowser  wrote:
> That's actually insane that you can't quit until the meeting.  You can
> normally resign a post by writing a resignation letter in most places.
> Why is this?

Brian could resign, but that would leave a vacancy until the Board passes a
resolution appointing a new Chair.  It's possible for the Board to act outside
of the monthly meeting, it's just a pain.  (See below for gory details
excerpted from the Foundation's bylaws.)

I speculate that making it non-trivial for the Board to change project VPs was
done by design, but I don't know that for sure.

Marvin Humphrey

Section 5.12. Action Without a Meeting.

Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Board of
Directors or of any committee thereof may be taken without a meeting if
all the members of the board or committee, as the case may be, consent
thereto in writing, and such writing is filed with the minutes of the
proceedings of the board or committee. Such consent shall have the same
effect as a unanimous vote.

Section 6.4. Election and Term.

The officers of the corporation and the members of each existing Project
Management Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors or
appointed by an officer empowered by the Board to make such appointment.
Such appointment by the Board of Directors may be made at any regular
or special meeting of the Board...

[VOTE][DISCUSS] Cordova 3.1.0

2014-02-26 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Ian Clelland  wrote:
> I'm not sure about the lack of a NOTICE file; it otherwise indicates
> "This product includes software developed by
> Google Code Prettify ("
> which isn't covered by the cordova-3.1.0/NOTIFY file

Comparing the contents of 3.0.0 to 3.1.0, it seems that prettify is in one of
the directories that happened to be stripped
(cordova-docs/template/docs/default/prettify).  Since those bits aren't
bundled, there's no need to mention anything in LICENSE/NOTICE.

So there's no problem here that would affect the 3.1.0 release.

Actually, looking at google-code-prettify's licensing, both the bundled
version and the current upstream, they don't include a NOTICE file -- so
mentioning them in cordova-docs/NOTICE is actually a minor licensing
documentation bug.  (NOTICE should only include stuff that's absolutely
necessary, so that it's easier for downstream users to consume.)  I'd suggest
applying the patch below to cordova-docs.


Marvin Humphrey

--- NOTICE.orig 2014-02-26 10:12:04.0 -0800
+++ NOTICE 2014-02-26 10:12:13.0 -0800
@@ -4,5 +4,3 @@
 This product includes software developed by
 The Apache Software Foundation (

-This product includes software developed by
-Google Code Prettify (