LVL integration

2015-12-18 Thread jdhabolt

I'm in the final stages of development on my Cordova app and have been
working my way through the Android pre-release to-do lists. I'm hung up on
the bit about integrating Google Play Licensing.

There is precious little information about this on the web. It seems that
integrating the License Verification Library (LVL) is a big part of
protecting my app from piracy, but for all my looking I'm still wondering:
Is it even possible to integrate LVL into my Cordova app? If so, will
integration require Java knowledge? Has this issue been addressed on the
Cordova site somewhere and I'm just missing it?

Thanks in advance.

Cordova and Proguard

2015-12-14 Thread jdhabolt

I've been unable to find much info online regarding the issue I'm having
with Cordova and Proguard, so as a last ditch effort I'm emailing in hopes
that someone can point me toward a solution.

I've been developing a simple app via the Cordova CLI workflow (v. 5.4.1).
The Android launch checklist recommends obfuscating with Proguard (or other
tool) while building my release apk. I couldn't find anything  on the
Cordova site about Proguard, so I've been Googling around trying to figure
out how this works. The info I've been able to dig up suggests that I can
enable Proguard by adding a few lines to build.gradle (
) and/or (
) file(s). I've tried both to no avail. I've also come across a couple Jira
tickets that seem to indicate that Proguard may not be supported in Cordova



It's not clear to me whether the feature is unsupported or if I'm just
doing something wrong as I'm new to app development. Any clarity on this
would be much appreciated!
