Re: Elixir

2012-03-06 Thread Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya
I spent a (somewhat painful) weekend messing around with it - it basically reads like a bit of an unholy cross of _javascript_, Ruby, and erlang.  The "somewhat painful" bit is that both JS and Ruby give me hives (not as much as Java, but I 've suffered through *that* since 95).  Anyhow, the pseudo-OO nature is ok, if you like that sort of thing, and the 'language simplification" kinda sorta works, but I was basically left with an overwhelming feeling of "why?". There does seem to be an awful lot of "Make XXX work like Ruby" going on out there :-)Again, I'm a perl/erlang guy, so take *all* the above with a huge pinch of salt...cheers
Mahesh Paolini-SubramanyaCTO Vocalocity - Powering Small Business1375 Peachtree St. NE, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30309 USAOffice  |

On Mar 2, 2012, at 2:15 PM, Noah Slater wrote:Yo,What do peeps make of this:,N

Re: The Future

2012-01-08 Thread Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya
Part of the issue w/ couchDB in the recent past is that it got good enough, and 
that was, well, good enough for a lot of people (I offer myself up as candidate 
To put this in Marketing-Speak, in the Technology Adoption Lifecycle, we got to 
the 'Early Adopter' stage, but never managed to quite make it across the chasm 
to the 'Early Majority' stage.  
To put this differently, we got to a place where the product was good enough to 
satisfy the Visionaries - who 'got it', and worked around any pesky 
inconveniences that popped up because they 'got it'.  However, it was never 
good enough to satisfy the Pragmatists (who, face it, don't  want to have to 
work around stuff)

(Where am I going with this?  Hang on...)
So, to Mikeal's point about leadership - its not that there is any lack of 
leadership - there is plenty of it. Its just that leadership comes in many 
forms, and in the growth of any kind of disruptive product (which this was / 
is), the type of leadership necessary changes as it moves along the Technology 
Adoption Curve.  

A quick perusal of users/dev shows that there tend to be many discussions about 
point-features, and most of these tend to get resolved fairly easily.  So 
leadership in the technical/technological sense - Yes.
But thats pretty much where things tend to stop - i really don't see any person 
(or group of people) blasting through town with a banner saying Excelsior!  In 
short, Vision Leadership does tend to be somewhat in short supply.

All that said, I don't think this is really any kind of major crisis.  To 
paraphrase Benoit, its all noise, and not very interesting noise at that.  
There is clearly a group of people doing 'stuff', and quite happily doing it at 
that.  Get some releases out, talk about whats in the releases, and just as 
importantly, what these features do and who is using them, and a lot of the 
vision will pretty much make itself self-evident.


Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya
That Tall Bald Indian Guy...
Google+  | Blog   | Twitter

On Jan 7, 2012, at 2:55 AM, Mikeal Rogers wrote:

> Ok, we're on the same page on one thing, there is a problem. One release in a 
> year with this many great people contributing is not acceptable.
> Sure, my experience makes me believe, and I guess Damien's frustrations echo, 
> that part of this problem is Apache process. You may not agree with that, but 
> if you don't, and you admit that there *is* a problem, then what is it?
> The first step in CouchDB's 12 step program to get get it's mojo back has to 
> be admitting that it has a problem.
> As much as it's a problem, I don't think that lack of leadership is the real 
> problem, I think it's a symptom. I'm glad to see you say that we should get 
> up and do more.
> If you're stepping up to take on more leadership, say it, scream it! Own it!
> -Mikeal
> On Jan 6, 2012, at January 6, 20121:13 PM, Noah Slater wrote:
>> I have drafted a few responses to this.
>> At the core of all of them is one central point. This has nothing to do
>> with our consensus based approach. I find it frustrating that Damien
>> mentioned the Apache consensus based model as a concern, when to the best
>> of my knowledge he has not had any problems getting any feature he wants in
>> to CouchDB. I find it even more frustrating that you've used this as an
>> excuse to trot out your favorite hobby horse. Most people are aware of your
>> problems with Apache, but I don't think it's very helpful to bring them up
>> now, when they are tangental at best.
>> I do, however, agree that CouchDB could do with a bit more leadership. I
>> think we could do with being a bit more bold. Back in the old days, Jan
>> used to say it was easier to ask forgiveness than it was to ask permission.
>> I think that these days, we're too busy asking for permission most of the
>> time. I agree that there needs to be an attitude change within our ranks.
>> Be bold people! That's what I'll be doing with the website, shortly.
>> On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 8:08 PM, Mikeal Rogers wrote:
>>> The title of this reply is "Tough Love".
>>> On Jan 6, 2012, at January 6, 20129:08 AM, Noah Slater wrote:
>>>> Dear Community,
>>>> As some of you may have already read, Damien Katz, Apache CouchDB’s
>>>> original developer, has publicly announced that he intends to focus his
>>>> time exclusively on developing other products for his company. Damien has
>>>> had very little involvement in the CouchDB project for a year or more

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache CouchDB 1.1.0 has been released

2011-06-06 Thread Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya
Thanx all!cheers
Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya | CTO | | 703.386.1500 Ext. 9100593 Herndon Parkway | Suite 400 | Herndon, VA | www.aptela.comCheck out our Blog | Follow us on Twitter | Refer a Friend 

On Jun 6, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Robert Newson wrote:Hello,Apache CouchDB 1.1.0 has been released and is available for download: in this release: * Native SSL support. * Added support for HTTP range requests for attachments. * Added built-in filters for `_changes`: `_doc_ids` and `_design`. * Added configuration option for TCP_NODELAY aka "Nagle". * Allow wildcards in vhosts definitions. * More granular ETag support for views. * More flexible URL rewriter. * Added OS Process module to manage daemons outside of CouchDB. * Added HTTP Proxy handler for more scalable externals. * Added `_replicator` database to manage replications. * Multiple micro-optimizations when reading data. * Added CommonJS support to map functions. * Added `stale=update_after` query option that triggers a view update after   returning a `stale=ok` response. * More explicit error messages when it's not possible to access a file due   to lack of permissions. * Added a "change password"-feature to Futon.Apache CouchDB is a document-oriented database that can be queried and indexedin a MapReduce fashion using _javascript_. CouchDB also offers incrementalreplication with bi-directional conflict detection and resolution.CouchDB provides a RESTful JSON API than can be accessed from any environmentthat allows HTTP requests. There are myriad third-party client libraries thatmake this even easier from your programming language of choice. CouchDB's builtin Web administration console speaks directly to the database using HTTPrequests issued from your browser.CouchDB is written in Erlang, a robust functional programming language ideal forbuilding concurrent distributed systems. Erlang allows for a flexible designthat is easily scalable and readily extensible.Your Eternal ServantRobert Newson

Re: CouchOne + Membase = Couchbase

2011-02-08 Thread Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya
Good luck!cheers
Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya | CTO | | 703.386.1500 Ext. 91002250 Corporate Park Drive | Suite 150 | Herndon, VA | www.aptela.comCheck out our Blog | Follow us on Twitter | Refer a Friend 

On Feb 8, 2011, at 2:41 AM, Dirkjan Ochtman wrote:Congratulations to all of you!On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 07:41, Jan Lehnardt <> wrote:Instead of dwelling on the merger or technology, I'd like to address likely questions about the relationship between Couchbase and Apache CouchDB. It is simple, really: at CouchOne we were 100% committed on the Open Source side of things and at Couchbase we will continue to do so at the same degree. In terms of organisation, Couchbase will be it's own independent Open Source project that has Apache CouchDB and memcached as dependencies, but adds  a few things of its own that warrant being its own project. Our combined engineering team, led by Damien, will continue to contribute to Apache CouchDB in the same way as we've been to date, only more. I can't wait to share with you what we'll come up with :)And thanks for this summary of the technical side of things.Cheers,Dirkjan

Re: Introducing CouchDB Ltd.

2009-03-09 Thread Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya
I have to agree with Antony/Benoit here.  Again, I'm quite aware of  
all the opposing examples, but in the end I have a bit of a  
philosophical issue vis-a-vis having to recommend vs, etc.

Of course, obligatory caveats apply all over the place (I appreciate  
the work Jan et. al have put in, we're strongly (if somewhat silently)  
using CouchDB across most of our application base, etc. etc.)

Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya
CTO,  Aptela Inc.
(703.386.1500 x9100)

On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:33 AM, Antony Blakey wrote:

On 08/03/2009, at 11:47 PM, Benoit Chesneau wrote:

That said. I just would like to add i'm not against such service.
That's not the point. I like this idee and I hope it will work for
you. What I dislike, and I'm strongly against it, is that you use
couchdb name for **your** service. For me that mean i have to
reconsider the way I endorse couchdb in my projects and I feel bad. I
really hope you don't already make any legal administrative stuff
about it and that your are ok to change/think about another name.

Re: Proposal: Extending immutability

2009-01-05 Thread Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya

Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya
CTO,  Aptela Inc.
(703.386.1500 x9100)

On Jan 5, 2009, at 8:26 AM, Antony Blakey wrote:

I've cc'd this to couchdb-user, because I think this discussion
belongs on -dev, but everyone watches -user.

One of the great features of Couch is the use of optimistic locking
i.e. rev as a bedrock mechanism, and the way this is permeated through
the API. The combination of id + rev is a reference to an immutable
value (with some caveats, one subject of this proposal). This means
that you get caching for free. By keying off id + rev, you can cache
the document along with any (functional) derived values. Additionally
you can trivially memoize functions of multiple documents using that

I use this to good effect in my application, where I aggressively
cache the documents (which are sometimes large) and therefore don't
need the document content in queries. To take advantage of this
however this means that my views need to include the _rev as the
value, and transformation that would normally happen in the map
happens in the client.

It would be very useful to have the rev returned wherever an id is
returned, specifically in view results. You could then use a view
without include_docs, and get the ids and revs. You can keep a cache
(per view, pre db) of the results. The actual view results only need
to be fetched on a cache miss, which can be driven by the cache

The nice thing is that all of this caching machinery can be
transparently interposed. Except when the view definition is changed.
So I also propose to have the rev and id of the design doc returned in
the view results. And for completeness, every database should be
assigned a UUID when it is created. This UUID should be provided in
the dbinfo, and for every view and view-like result.

This means that from every view result you can construct a list of
universally unique references to immutable values e.g. DB UUID + (View
id + rev) + (Document id + rev). A form of referential transparency -
and with a cache and a little bit of 100% generic machinery, it can be
true referential transparency. Clients don't have to watch/be notified
about changes to design docs, or even database creation/deletion.
Systemwide transparent caching in particular becomes trivial.

So, in summary I propose:

1. Provide the document rev whenever the id is returned, such as view
results i.e. not in the document, but in the per-row hash.

2. Provide the design document id and rev in view results i.e. in the
top level hash.

3. Add a UUID to databases, and provide that in view results i.e. in
the top level hash, and all other database operation results.

I think you could do this even with reduce results, but I haven't
though a lot about it.

I think this generalised the current API in a very useful way, that
will greatly simplify, and hence 'robustify' client code. Although I
haven't checked the implementation code, my experience so far suggest
this isn't difficult.

Antony Blakey
CTO, Linkuistics Pty Ltd
Ph: 0438 840 787

Every task involves constraint,
Solve the thing without complaint;
There are magic links and chains
Forged to loose our rigid brains.
Structures, structures, though they bind,
Strangely liberate the mind.
  -- James Fallen