PMC Members,

This is a VOTE to create or amend our official documents.

It establishes a new Request For Comments (RFC) process through which
all major changes to Apache CouchDB must pass.

This includes modifying the Bylaws to explain the process, as well as
adding the new RFC template.

There are also minor changes proposed to the Bylaws to improve links to
external information resources, such as the new Pony Mail mailing list

The git branch with the proposed changes is here:

Two commits have been used to make it clearer which changes are purely
cosmetic, and which directly affect the text of the bylaws.

An important note: this vote explicitly excludes the mechanics of the
process in GitHub, focusing only on the proposal and voting procedures.
(Whether we store the RFCs in our main tree or the docs tree, and
whether we use issues or PRs for them don't have to go in the bylaws.)

Per our process, this vote occurs on the Main development list (dev@),
and requires a Lazy 2/3 majority, meaning it requires three binding +1
votes and twice as many binding +1 votes as binding -1 votes. Only PMC
Members can vote on this issue, and no veto is allowed.

This vote will run for one week, ending on 12 March 2019 23:59 UTC.


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