Loading HTTP OSGI transport only when needed

2010-01-11 Thread Sergey Beryozkin


Some users have reported that the CXF HTTP OSGI transport is causing issues in 
OSGI containers depending on the Spring DM 1.0.2 or earlier, due to Spring DM 
eagerly loading the CXF HTTP OSGI context but failing to deal with the 
(spring-)osgi-compendium related elements.

The only solution which seems to work in this case is to remove a cxf osgi 
transport bits altogether from a bundle given that the user reporting the issue 
is not using this transport.

This works but it is not ideal.
I'm also thinking that may be DOSGI might be affected a bit too given that 
DOSGI users do not use this transport as well but will have a /cxf context busy 
already, not that they need '/cxf'  but anyway...

I'm just wondering, what options we might have here ?
Perhaps one option is not to bundle this transport for cxf-minimal and 
cxf-jaxrs bundles ? Users who do need it, say ServiceMix users, can get it from 
the full bundle.

Another option is to add a CXF OSGI HTTP transport BundleActivator and 
repackage META-INF/spring/cxf-osgi-transport.xml into say 
META-INF/cxf//spring/cxf-osgi-transport.xml. Our BundleActivator will somehow 
delegate to META-INF/cxf//spring/cxf-osgi-transport.xml, I don't  know how yet, 
but I think, as far as I recall from writing SpringDM tests, it might be 
possible to point SpringDM to some custom location. However, before delegating, 
the BundleActivator will check, say a system property which if set would 
disable the osgi transport. Something along these lines.

Thoughts ?

cheers, Sergey

P.S. I might not be able to contribute to this thread until this coming 

RE: Questions regarding JAX-RS exception handling

2010-01-11 Thread Sergey Beryozkin
Hi Cyrille

thanks for your comments. No problems with the delay, you're leading this 
thread really well and I'm learning few bits myself too...I'll have to sign off 
shortly so will comment later on, I will have some time to think about what you 
I think it all looks/sounds quite good. May be we also need to modify 
JAXRSInInterceptor to add a handleFault method and ensure no leak occurs even 
if the fault is thrown by some custom CXF interceptor sitting between 
JAXRSInInterceptor and JAXRSInvoker, this fix can be added independently, may 
be before 2.2.6...
I'll add more comments later on.

thanks, Sergey

-Original Message-
From: Cyrille Le Clerc [mailto:clecl...@xebia.fr]
Sent: Sat 1/9/2010 7:16 PM
To: dev@cxf.apache.org
Subject: Re: Questions regarding JAX-RS exception handling
Hello Sergey,

Thank you to have taken the time to read my long email. I may not have
been clear enough on the behavior of the exception mapper handling I
suggest in my previous email, I tried to clarify it.

I add comments prefixed by CLC: in the text ; I hope I answered to
all your points.

I can propose a new version of the patch with the new thread locals
cleanup and an improved exception propagation to the servlet


PS : sorry for the delay of my answers but it takes me time to better
understand CXF internals and JAX-RS specs :-)
Cyrille Le Clerc


* Message serialization is mutualized in a AbstractJAXRSOutInterceptor
from which both JAXRSOutInterceptor and JAXRSFaultOutInterceptor
inherit, there is no longer the weird concept of a third interceptor

* Thread locals and reserved resources release are moved in a
JAXRSResourceCleanerOutInterceptor that is added to both the out and
faultOut interceptors chain,

 S.B. As you note below, there is a minor possibility of a leak if a given 
 chain is aborted earlier on. We can of course warn users to make sure they do 
 the cleanup if they try to abort the chain in their custom out/fault 
 interceptors, but I'd really like to make sure no leak occurs, no matter what 
 users do. So shall we move the cleanup code into AbstractJAXRSOutInterceptor 
 and update JAXRSOutInterceptor and JAXRSFaultOutInterceptor to clean up in 
 their finally blocks ?

 CLC: also convinced that risking to not cleanup thread locals is worrying,
 CLC: can you confirm my understanding that thread locals are related to 
 @Context and @Resource fields/setters and only apply to RequestHandler, 
 MessageBodyReader, serviceObject/Resource, MessageBodyWriter, 
 ResponseHandler and ExceptionMapper ?
 CLC: if so, almost each thread local is easy to cleanup in a finally block 
 because its scope is limited to one single method : 
 JAXRSInInterceptor.handleMessage(), JAXRSInvoker.invoke(), 
 JAXRSOutInterceptor.handleMessage() and 
 CLC: the only challenge I see is limited : the serviceObject/Resource is 
 injected thread locals in the JAXRSInInterceptors and the cleanup is done in 
 the JAXRSInvoker. I didn't yet figure how the thread locals are cleared if 
 an exception occurs between the two.

 CLC: as a general evolution, I would see great benefits in adding a 
 finally semantic in the interceptors. I already saw use cases with 
 implementing circuit breaker patterns or invocation concurrency 
 limitations (with semaphores) ; we do such things on my project with try 
 {} finally {} blocks in the service implementation because we fear leaks 
 due to aborted chains executions.

* JAXRSInvoker and JAXRSInInterceptor lose all their exception
handling and resource cleanup (thread local, etc) logic, they just
rethrow to let the PhaseInterceptorChain invoke the adhoc interceptors

 S.B this is related to the above comment. I guess I'm slightly nervous about 
 postponing the cleanup until later :-).

* JAXRSOutInterceptor gives most of its business logic to the
AbstractJAXRSOutInterceptor  (all the message serialization),

* JAXRSFaultOutInterceptor handles all the exception handling logic
(ExceptionMapper) :
 ** TODO : why the default fault is render in XML ? why not plain
text ?

S.B : this is what XMLFaultOutInterceptor does by default, and in fact, I know 
that some users would like just this, that is an xml-formatted error 
description, if no ExceptionMappper has been found and if the fault 
propagation to the container (in the form of ServletException) has been 

 CLC: Understood for the XMLFaultOutInterceptor.
 CLC: Regarding the exception propagation to the servlet container, would it 
 make sense to add a dedicated mechanism in the PhaseInterceptorChain, I 
 imagine it similar to the invocation suspension with the 
 SuspendedInvocationException. A PropagatedException would hold the 
 underlying exception (ServletException, IOException or RuntimeExcetpion) and 
 it would bubble until the ServletController.invoke() where the actual 