RE: Fediz IDP refactored, next steps

2013-04-12 Thread Beucher Thierry
New patch has been added to to 
achieve Spring Security and Spring Web Flow integrated to CXF-Fediz.

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Improvements for CXF OSGi packaging

2013-04-12 Thread Christian Schneider

Hi all,

we already have an extremely simple CXF installation in Apache Karaf 
with the feature file we provide. On other platforms it is much harder

to install cxf:

- Equinox
- Felix
- Eclipse RCP (for GUIs)

Currently people using one of these platforms often use the DOSGi 
distribution as it conveniently contains all needed bundles. Some use 
cases of cxf are not covered though as the necessary bundles are not 
part of the DOSGi distro.

Another big concern for me is that it is very hard to update the DOSGi 
distro to a new CXF version.  Basically this means to check and update 
all dependencies by hand.

So I would like to discuss how we could improve this.

The first thing is to make it easier to create the DOSGi distro. I have 
the idea to use the karaf feature files of CXF and DOSGi to create the 
DOSGi distro.
Probably we would need another feature that reflects the basic bundles 
that are normally already present in karaf and are a prerequisite for CXF.

The second thing is to create a P2 repository for each CXF release. The 
idea is to also use the feature files for this. The P2 repository would 
allow eclipse rcp users to easily and modularly add cxf to a target 
platform in the same way you can add eclipse features. The easiest way 
would be to publish the repo as a zip file in the maven repo. To make it 
more convenient we could also publish it as an update site on the web.

One last thing is the system package exports. In Karaf 2.3+ we support 
now special api jars that allow to exchange jdk apis and impls without 
tweaking the system package exports. Can we also do this for plain 
felix, equinox and eclipse rcp?

So what do you think? Should this be possible? Is it worth the effort?


Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect