I am trying to integrate Fediz Tomcat plug-in to talk to our Shibboleth IdP. 
The Fediz tomcat plug-in on the Service Provider talks SAML 1.0.

Sample Fediz configuration file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<!-- Place in Tomcat conf folder or other location as designated in this 
sample's webapp/META-INF/context.xml file.

     Keystore referenced below must have IDP STS' public cert included in it.  
This example re-uses the Tomcat SSL

     keystore (tomcat-rp.jks) for this task; alternatively you may wish to use 
a Fediz-specific keystore instead.



                <contextConfig name="/fedizhelloworld">






file="tomcat-rp.jks" password="tompass" type="JKS" />




subject=".*CN=www.sts.com.*" certificateValidation="ChainTrust"

name="DoubleItSTSIssuer" />




xsi:type="federationProtocolType" version="1.0.0">





type="String">some auth type</authenticationType>-->






type="a particular claim type" optional="true" />





I am trying to map the different values required by fediz plugin to talk to our 
Shibboleth IdP. Any help is much appreciated.



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