RE: JAX-RS Request Matching Wierdness

2009-07-13 Thread Tong, Gary
Ah nevermind.  Just read the spec again and I realized that I had misread it 
the first time and that CXF works as the spec says.

To be honest though, after reading the JSR the right way, the algorithm it 
talks about actually seems a bit less functional than it could be.  I would 
think that a initial scan of all root resource classes at startup and putting 
all valid resource/sub-resources into a gigantic mapping, and then filtering 
that map for each request would be a more robust way of doing things.

Anyway, thanks for looking into this.

-Original Message-
From: Sergey Beryozkin [] 
Sent: 12 July 2009 20:20
Subject: RE: JAX-RS Request Matching Wierdness

Hi Gary

The thing is that JAX-RS does not allow for checking on the multiple root 
resource classes - I think there was a discussion on cxf users list about 
extending the selection algorithm - I don't mind if it would actually make 
things simpler.

Please see few more comments prefixed with S.B below. Particularly I don't 
understand why the use of subresources affects the complexity of response 

Thanks, Sergey

-Original Message-
From: Tong, Gary []
Sent: 12 July 2009 11:52
Subject: RE: JAX-RS Request Matching Wierdness

Hi Sergey,

The problems come up in a number of situations, all involving multiple service 
beans.  The simplest case is the following:

public class AWebService {
  public String a() {
return a;

public class BWebService {
  public String b() {
return b;

One of the two will work, but not both.

This is of course the simplest case, but there are a number of other more 
concrete use cases that cause issues.  For instance, if I had the following 

GET /user
POST /user
GET /user/search?params

And I wanted to put the CRUD ops on UserWebService but the search stuff on a 
SearchWebService that uses @Path(/{type}/search) then that wouldn't work in 

 S.B :

public class UserService {}

public class SearchService {}

 S.B : - note the trailing '/' in SearchService. It might do the trick
in other cases too

Also, for instance if I had the following urls:

GET /posts
GET /user
GET /user/{id}/posts

/posts would go on PostWebService and /user would go on UserWebService, but if 
I wanted PostWebService to handle /user/{id}/posts as just a specialized 
version of /posts that would be tricky with CXF.  It's doable with sub-resource 
locators, but then my response objects start getting complicated.

 S.B : I'm not quite sure why the use of subresources affects the
complexity of the response objects. Can you give an example please ?


-Original Message-
From: Sergey Beryozkin []
Sent: 11 July 2009 21:28
Subject: RE: JAX-RS Request Matching Wierdness

Hi Gary

So what is the concrete problem you're facing ?

FYI, it is the map that sorts resource classes according a number of criteria. 
Another thing is that the JAX-RS selection algorithm does not have be 
implemented literally the way it's documented in the spec, rather the final 
result should be correct.

So let me know please what exactly is happening in your case

Thanks, Sergey 

-Original Message-
From: Tong, Gary []
Sent: 11 July 2009 16:57
Subject: JAX-RS Request Matching Wierdness


Hey guys, just fyi, CXF's jax-rs doesn't do request matching correctly.
According to JSR 311 in section 3.7.2, the jax-rs server is supposed to apply a 
series of steps to determine which URL to use for the request.
Instead, CXF applies a path filter at the class level, and then returns the 
first entry it finds.  Specifically the code that does this is in

if (!candidateList.isEmpty()) {
Map.EntryClassResourceInfo, MultivaluedMapString, String 
firstEntry =
return firstEntry.getKey();

Not sure if you guys know about this.


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RE: JAX-RS Request Matching Wierdness

2009-07-12 Thread Tong, Gary
Hi Sergey,

The problems come up in a number of situations, all involving multiple service 
beans.  The simplest case is the following:

public class AWebService {
  public String a() {
return a;

public class BWebService {
  public String b() {
return b;

One of the two will work, but not both.

This is of course the simplest case, but there are a number of other more 
concrete use cases that cause issues.  For instance, if I had the following 

GET /user
POST /user
GET /user/search?params

And I wanted to put the CRUD ops on UserWebService but the search stuff on a 
SearchWebService that uses @Path(/{type}/search) then that wouldn't work in 
CXF.  Also, for instance if I had the following urls:

GET /posts
GET /user
GET /user/{id}/posts

/posts would go on PostWebService and /user would go on UserWebService, but if 
I wanted PostWebService to handle /user/{id}/posts as just a specialized 
version of /posts that would be tricky with CXF.  It's doable with sub-resource 
locators, but then my response objects start getting complicated.


-Original Message-
From: Sergey Beryozkin [] 
Sent: 11 July 2009 21:28
Subject: RE: JAX-RS Request Matching Wierdness

Hi Gary

So what is the concrete problem you're facing ?

FYI, it is the map that sorts resource classes according a number of criteria. 
Another thing is that the JAX-RS selection algorithm does not have be 
implemented literally the way it's documented in the spec, rather the final 
result should be correct.

So let me know please what exactly is happening in your case

Thanks, Sergey 

-Original Message-
From: Tong, Gary []
Sent: 11 July 2009 16:57
Subject: JAX-RS Request Matching Wierdness


Hey guys, just fyi, CXF's jax-rs doesn't do request matching correctly.
According to JSR 311 in section 3.7.2, the jax-rs server is supposed to apply a 
series of steps to determine which URL to use for the request.
Instead, CXF applies a path filter at the class level, and then returns the 
first entry it finds.  Specifically the code that does this is in

if (!candidateList.isEmpty()) {
Map.EntryClassResourceInfo, MultivaluedMapString, String 
firstEntry =
return firstEntry.getKey();

Not sure if you guys know about this.


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JAX-RS Request Matching Wierdness

2009-07-11 Thread Tong, Gary

Hey guys, just fyi, CXF's jax-rs doesn't do request matching correctly.  
According to JSR 311 in section 3.7.2, the jax-rs server is supposed to apply a 
series of steps to determine which URL to use for the request.  Instead, CXF 
applies a path filter at the class level, and then returns the first entry it 
finds.  Specifically the code that does this is in 

if (!candidateList.isEmpty()) {
Map.EntryClassResourceInfo, MultivaluedMapString, String 
firstEntry =
return firstEntry.getKey();

Not sure if you guys know about this.


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2009-04-07 Thread Tong, Gary (IDEAS)
Would you want to give this to someone from GSoC?  This could actually be a 
pretty sweet project.

-Original Message-
From: Sergey Beryozkin [] 
Sent: 07 April 2009 12:14
Subject: Re: JSON in CXF

Hi Gary

 If you give me until next week I should be able to package something together 
 and send it to you.
it would be super, take your time please...

 Rewriting Sun libraries?  Working with JSON?  Hells yeah.

that's the right attitude :-).

cheers, Sergey

- Original Message -
From: Tong, Gary (IDEAS)
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 8:53 AM
Subject: RE: JSON in CXF

Hi Sergey,

If you give me until next week I should be able to package something together 
and send it to you.

Alternatively, this would be a great project for GSoC, if it's not too late to 
submit projects.  Rewriting Sun libraries?  Working with JSON?  Hells yeah.


-Original Message-
From: Sergey Beryozkin []
Sent: 06 April 2009 12:01
Subject: Re: JSON in CXF

Hi Gary

 I ended up writing my own converter for JSON that uses its own 
 annotations seperate from JAXB.  It's a pretty quick implementation, 
 and only does what I need it to do.  It depends on the JSON objects 
 from, which are also included in Jettison under a different 
 package.  The annotations can be used alongside JAXB like so:

 @XmlRootElement(name = response)
 public class MyResponse {
  private boolean success;
  @XmlElement(name = msg)
  @JsonField(name = msg)
  private String message;
  @XmlElementWrapper(name = errors)
  @XmlElement(name = error)
  @JsonField(name = errors, required = true)  private ListString 
 errors;  ...

Would you be interested in updating the existing CXF JSONProvider (the one 
based on Jettison) for it to support @JsonObject/etc annotations ? I was about 
to do it myself but given my JSON experience (not great so to say) I thought I 
would ping you first :-) we can introduce a new package, 
org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.providers.json, or org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.json, and add 
these annotations there, and then rely on the fact Jettison ships 

cheers, Sergey

 This will produce this JSON:

 {success: true, msg: Test Message, errors: [a, b]}

 And this XML:

 response success=truemsgTest

 Since this was written only for personal use, it's a fair bit aways 
 from being a full-featured library.  Stuff that needs to be done 
 before public

 1) Two-way serialization.  Currently it's only bean - JSON but not 
 the other way around.
 2) Reflection caching.  Currently all reflection happens in the 
 middle of serialization.  Breaking it up into reflection + 
 serialization phases as JAXB does it would speed things up considerably.
 3) Ability to switch between field/method accessors (currently it 
 only reads

 As well as some features that could be really useful such as:

 1) Pluggable annotation adapters that can be used to read directly 
 from JAXB annotations
 2) Type adapters that will allow custom marshalling/unmarshalling, 
 although this could also be done via getters/setters

 What's the interest level in putting something like this into CXF?


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Possibly retarded question

2009-03-12 Thread Tong, Gary (IDEAS)
Is there any value in allowing a method to respond to both GET and POST 

Currently something like:

class Foo {
  public String test() {...}

Only responds to @GET but does not respond to @POST.

I agree that conceptually, @GET and @POST should be completely different 
methods.  This is just something random that came up when working on our 
application.  One of the clients that we're using sends GET in some situations 
and POST in other situations.  As other libraries generally handle GETs and 
POSTs interchangably, this wasn't an issue until we migrated this to CXF.

In any case, it was easy enough to work around this, and I'm not even if I 
think it should be changed.  Mostly just curious to hear the team's thoughts 
and see if this issue has come up before.


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RE: ProviderFactory singleton?

2009-03-10 Thread Tong, Gary (IDEAS)
Proof of Concept Implementation:


public static ProviderFactory getInstance() {
return getInstance(/);

public static ProviderFactory getInstance(String baseAddress) {
Bus bus = BusFactory.getThreadDefaultBus();
ProviderFactoryMap providerFactoryMap = 
if (providerFactoryMap == null) {
providerFactoryMap = new ProviderFactoryMap();
bus.setExtension(providerFactoryMap, ProviderFactoryMap.class);
ProviderFactory pf = null;
synchronized (ProviderFactoryMap.class) {
pf = providerFactoryMap.get(baseAddress);
if (pf == null) {
pf = new ProviderFactory();
providerFactoryMap.put(baseAddress, pf);
return pf;


public class ProviderFactoryMap extends HashMapString, ProviderFactory {
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

Quick  dirty way of doing it.  Passes my tests.  Almost definitely not the 
best way of implementing it though.  It's not thread safe, and at the very 
least, seems like we should explicitly pass the bus around instead of using the 
thread local.  It looks like creating something like ProviderManagerImpl would 
fit conventions better.

Have the code checked out now.  Can work on a patch if there is interest.


-Original Message-
From: Daniel Kulp []
Sent: 09 March 2009 18:53
Cc: Tong, Gary (IDEAS)
Subject: Re: ProviderFactory singleton?

It's not just OSGi as well.   One way of setting up CXF with tomcat is to put
the CXF jars into the tomcat shared/lib directory and then deploy 100
wars/applications each using CXF with their own CXF servlet.   In that case,
anything static gets shared between all 100 services, although each
application would have it's own bus and stuff. Every single one of those
100 apps may have a service names /foo based off of it's base.   They
obviously need to be resolved correctly to the correct factories.

This is actually how I setup the JAX-WS tck to run.

One more note:  by sticking the factory onto the endpoint, it gets properly
garbage collected on undeploy.   The current setup stores all the factories in
a map.   They NEVER get removed.   Thus, undeploying the app would result in
memory leaks and such.That's one of the major advantages to popping the
data onto the endpoint object.   It pretty much gets cleaned up automatically.
For a while, ws-rm/ws-a did the same thing (store in static maps).   We had
problems getting everything cleaned up all the time.   Moved it all to storing
it on the endpoint, problem solved.


On Mon March 9 2009 6:54:38 am Tong, Gary (IDEAS) wrote:
 Hi Sergey,

 I've done a bit of work to allow two overlapping addresses to be
 deployed side-by-side.  It mostly involes doing all the configuration
 within a child context.  Small change really, which works fine except
 for the bit about the providers.

 I think Dan is talking about the same deployment issues as I am.  In
 OSGi you could have two bundles that both use CXF JAX-RS that end up
 stomping all over each other's singletons.  This really shouldn't
 happen, but some OSGi (most?) containers allow for shared classloading
 in one fashion or another, which could cause issues.


 -Original Message-
 From: Sergey Beryozkin []
 Sent: 09 March 2009 10:38
 To: Daniel Kulp;
 Subject: Re: ProviderFactory singleton?


 I wish someone explained me why things will get worse in OSGI, with
 ProviderFactory.getInstance(). There's a direct relationship between
 any given endpoint and a ProviderFactory instance and ProviderFactory
 does not rely itself on some FactoryFinders, etc...It's all quite
 straightforward really there and  at the moment I don't see why things
 will fail in OSGI, given that in fact I've seen CXF JAXRS working in
 OSGI, though withougt multiple endpoints being involved. Is it because
 ProviderFactory has static fields ? Are we talking here about multiple
 CXF JAXRS bundles being loaded ? I guess we will have multiple
 versions in this case so I don't see why classloading issues will arise in 
 such cases. What is it that I'm missing ?
 It simply encapsulates the requirement try user providers first,
 delegate to the defulat ones as the last resort.

  Each module has no knowledge of any other module its deployed next
  to, which is why multiple modules may easily have overlapping addresses.

 this is more intertesting to me really, as it's about the concrete
 problem which might occur at the deployment time. I honestly did not
 know that it were possible to have multiple jaxrs:endpoints with
 identical address values working even only with default providers
 involved (note, overlapping addresses, as in say '/bar' and '/' should
 work fine with per-endpoint

RE: ProviderFactory singleton?

2009-03-09 Thread Tong, Gary (IDEAS)
Hi Sergey,

I've done a bit of work to allow two overlapping addresses to be deployed 
side-by-side.  It mostly involes doing all the configuration within a child 
context.  Small change really, which works fine except for the bit about the 

I think Dan is talking about the same deployment issues as I am.  In OSGi you 
could have two bundles that both use CXF JAX-RS that end up stomping all over 
each other's singletons.  This really shouldn't happen, but some OSGi (most?) 
containers allow for shared classloading in one fashion or another, which could 
cause issues.


-Original Message-
From: Sergey Beryozkin []
Sent: 09 March 2009 10:38
To: Daniel Kulp;
Subject: Re: ProviderFactory singleton?


I wish someone explained me why things will get worse in OSGI, with 
There's a direct relationship between any given endpoint and a ProviderFactory 
instance and ProviderFactory does not rely itself on some FactoryFinders, 
etc...It's all quite straightforward really there and  at the moment I don't 
see why things will fail in OSGI, given that in fact I've seen CXF JAXRS 
working in OSGI, though withougt multiple endpoints being involved.
Is it because ProviderFactory has static fields ? Are we talking here about 
multiple CXF JAXRS bundles being loaded ? I guess we will have multiple 
versions in this case so I don't see why classloading issues will arise in such 
cases. What is it that I'm missing ? It simply encapsulates the requirement 
try user providers first, delegate to the defulat ones as the last resort.

 Each module has no knowledge of any other module its deployed next to, which 
 is why multiple modules may easily have overlapping addresses.

this is more intertesting to me really, as it's about the concrete problem 
which might occur at the deployment time. I honestly did not know that it were 
possible to have multiple jaxrs:endpoints with identical address values working 
even only with default providers involved (note, overlapping addresses, as in 
say '/bar' and '/' should work fine with per-endpoint providers), with CXF 
servlets providing the needed uniqueness to the actual adresses. I'll need to 
think how it can be accomodated - I'm just not sure yet how :-). Perhaps the 
validation rules invoked at the deployment time would ensure the uniqueness of 
jaxrs:endpoint addresses - but that depends on the availability of such rules - 
and again - if things are expected to work with multiple endpoints having 
identical @adress values then CXF JAXRS has to ensure per-endpoint providers 
don't clash with eath other.

thanks, Sergey

 On Fri March 6 2009 7:12:51 am Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

 One issue is that ProviderFactory is also used at the moment in the
 client api,

 Doesn't the Client API also use the Bus?   Could/Should it?   (example: does
 it currently use the HTTPConduit/transport?)   If so, hanging this off the bus
 is probably the best idea.I definitely agree that Singletons are a really
 bad idea.   It actually will get worse with OSGi as classloaders and stuff are
 different so that singleton could end up holding onto things and
 exposing things from other applications.


 though an endpoint info representation is also created there. So we
 might in principle have a thread local endpoint info storage, such
 that ProviderFactory.getInstance() would use thread-local endpoint
 info as a key to get the actual ProviderFactory instance.
 Perhaps a simpler option is to just keep a ProviderFactory instance
 with a given Endpoint. I need to think about it - it's getting a bit
 tight now, as 2.2 is likely to go out quite soon so such a change may
 not make it into the trunk say next week...

 But do you think the possible update as suggested above would not be
 quite acceptable in your case, even as a workaround? I'd like to
 understand better when it may be unrealistic to ensure that different
 endpoints have their own addresses : perhaps there're policies on
 which uri patterns go to web.xml or to resource classes, etc ?

 Cheers, Sergey

 -Original Message-
 From: Tong, Gary (IDEAS) []
 Sent: 06 March 2009 11:44
 Subject: RE: ProviderFactory singleton?

  Is it when you have multiple CXF servlets, each of them referencing

 different spring configuration files ?

 Yes exactly.

 -Original Message-
 From: Sergey Beryozkin []
 Sent: 06 March 2009 10:18
 Subject: RE: ProviderFactory singleton?

 Hi Gary

 I've updated a bit ProviderFactory on the trunk, there's a default
 ProviderFactory which hosts the default providers and a
 ProviderFactory instance per every endpoint address, for ex,
 ProviderFactory.getInstance() and ProviderFactory.getInstance(/)
 would return an instance keyed by '/', etc.
 So I thought that an endpoint address, as specified

RE: ProviderFactory singleton?

2009-03-06 Thread Tong, Gary (IDEAS)
I guess I just find that conceptually awkward.

Our use case is that we have a single war that hosts a variety of CXF services 
imported from module jars.  Each module is responsible for defining their own 
CXF server, and the war creates one CXF servlet for each module and places each 
one on their own context path.  The war also makes certain common services 
available to each module via spring, which allows common singleton-type objects 
to be shared across multiple modules (things like datasources, caches, 
threadpools, etc)

Each module has no knowledge of any other module its deployed next to, which is 
why multiple modules may easily have overlapping addresses.  We first came upon 
this issue when different modules defined different error handlers, which 
worked in each module independently, but broke when deployed.

As a spring-based application, I suppose the assumption is that any singletons 
in the system would be spring-style singletons, isolated at the bean factory 

Not a show-stopper for us, but since JAX-RS is a very nice easy-to-use library, 
as usage spreads I wouldn't be surprised if this issue comes up again as CXF 
JAX-RS is deployed into wierder and wierder containers.  An OSGi container with 
shared classloading comes to mind as an environment where this would break.

-Original Message-
From: Sergey Beryozkin []
Sent: 06 March 2009 12:13
Subject: RE: ProviderFactory singleton?

OK. I'm not sure yet what would be the best way to tackle it.
How restrictive would it be if we said that every jaxrs:endpoint should have 
its own unique address ?

For ex, at the moment :

CXFServlet1 : /1/* links to beans1.xml
CXFServlet2 : /2/* links to beans2.xml

jaxrs:server/@adress='/' in both beans1.xml and beans2.xml, presumably relying 
on separate resource classes, say the one in beans1.xml uses Resource.class 
with @Path(/r1) and the other one uses Resource2.class with @Path(/r2)

So one option would be to move /r1 and /r2 out of the resource classes into 
corresponding jaxrs:server/@adress(es) and just have @Path(/) for both 
resource classes.

One issue is that ProviderFactory is also used at the moment in the client api, 
though an endpoint info representation is also created there. So we might in 
principle have a thread local endpoint info storage, such that 
ProviderFactory.getInstance() would use thread-local endpoint info as a key to 
get the actual ProviderFactory instance.
Perhaps a simpler option is to just keep a ProviderFactory instance with a 
given Endpoint. I need to think about it - it's getting a bit tight now, as 2.2 
is likely to go out quite soon so such a change may not make it into the trunk 
say next week...

But do you think the possible update as suggested above would not be quite 
acceptable in your case, even as a workaround? I'd like to understand better 
when it may be unrealistic to ensure that different endpoints have their own 
addresses : perhaps there're policies on which uri patterns go to web.xml or to 
resource classes, etc ?

Cheers, Sergey

-Original Message-
From: Tong, Gary (IDEAS) []
Sent: 06 March 2009 11:44
Subject: RE: ProviderFactory singleton?

 Is it when you have multiple CXF servlets, each of them referencing
different spring configuration files ?

Yes exactly.

-Original Message-
From: Sergey Beryozkin []
Sent: 06 March 2009 10:18
Subject: RE: ProviderFactory singleton?

Hi Gary

I've updated a bit ProviderFactory on the trunk, there's a default 
ProviderFactory which hosts the default providers and a ProviderFactory 
instance per every endpoint address, for ex,
ProviderFactory.getInstance() and ProviderFactory.getInstance(/) would return 
an instance keyed by '/', etc.
So I thought that an endpoint address, as specified by jaxrs:endpoint, would be 
a unique enough key for ProviderFactory instances.

Do you have the case where multiple endpoints share the same 
jaxrs:endpoint/@address ?

Is it when you have multiple CXF servlets, each of them referencing different 
spring configuration files ?

Cheers, Sergey

-Original Message-
From: Tong, Gary (IDEAS) []
Sent: 06 March 2009 09:14
Subject: ProviderFactory singleton?

Been looking through the code, and why is ProviderFactory a singleton?
I would think it would be tied to a bus or a server.  It differentiates by 
address, but currently I'm working on something with two side-by-side CXF 
servlets that load completely different CXF configurations.  In this case, 
providers declared in one server are bleeding into the other because the 
ProviderFactory uses a singleton.

Worth fixing?  Also, are there any other uses of singletons in the system that 
maybe should be looked at?


RE: CXF dual-servlet issues

2009-02-24 Thread Tong, Gary (IDEAS)
As far as I can tell, this issue is caused by 

private void handleExtensionMappings(Message m, UriInfo uriInfo) {
String path = uriInfo.getPath(false);
for (Map.Entry?, ? entry : extensionMappings.entrySet()) {
if (path.endsWith(. + entry.getKey().toString())) {
updateAcceptTypeHeader(m, entry.getValue().toString());
updatePath(m, path, entry.getKey().toString());


UriInfoImpl.getPath takes the REQUEST_URI from message 
(/foo/foo/response.xml), the base address (/foo/), and sends it to 
HttpUtils.getPathToMatch(String, String, boolean) which strips the base address 
from the URI and returns /foo/response.xml.  This is then passed through the 
extension mappings bit.  If a match is found, then the Accept header is 
updated, as is the path.

The problem comes when the path is updated.  Previously, the path was 
/foo/foo/response.xml.  However, as uriInfo.getPath strips off the first 
/foo/ and returns /foo/response.xml, when updatePath is called, it ends up 
updating the REQUEST_URI to /foo/response instead of /foo/foo/response as 
it should.

Any number of ways to fix this, I suppose.  One way may be to add an updatePath 
method to HttpUtils and switch RequestPreprocessor.updatePath to use it.

public static void updatePath(Message m, String path) {
String baseAddress = getBaseAddress(m);
boolean pathSlash = path.startsWith(/);
boolean baseSlash = path.endsWith(/);
if (pathSlash  baseSlash) {
path = path.substring(1);
} else if (!pathSlash  !baseSlash) {
path = / + path;
m.put(Message.REQUEST_URI, baseAddress + path);

I'd submit a patch + unit tests, but I can't access the source repo from here.


-Original Message-
From: Sergey Beryozkin []
Sent: 20 February 2009 19:16
Subject: Re: CXF dual-servlet issues

I'm impressed :-) Looks like it's all down to a url pattern you choose :-) Yeah 
- I'm too exhausted :-) too at the moment so will check early next week.
I'm about to complete the client api stuff for 2.2. and will dedicate the 
remaining time to addressing the various issues raised recently

Cheers, Sergey

- Original Message -
From: Tong, Gary (FID)
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 6:59 PM
Subject: CXF dual-servlet issues

Will investigate more on Monday, but this is currently breaking in CXF 2.1.4:


?xml version=1.0?
beans xmlns=;

  import resource=classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml /
  import resource=classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jaxrs-binding.xml /
  import resource=classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-servlet.xml /

  jaxrs:server id=cxfMapping address=/
  bean class=sandbox.cxf.controller.FooController/
  entry key=json value=application/json/
  entry key=xml value=application/xml/



?xml version=1.0?
web-app xmlns=;







public class FooController {

public String text() {
return foo;

public Response response() {
return new Response(foo);


@XmlRootElement(name = response)
public class Response {

@XmlElement(name = msg)
private String message;

public Response() {

public Response(String message) {
this.message = message;

 * @return the message

CXF dual-servlet issues

2009-02-20 Thread Tong, Gary (FID)
Will investigate more on Monday, but this is currently breaking in CXF 2.1.4:


?xml version=1.0?
beans xmlns=;

  import resource=classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml /
  import resource=classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jaxrs-binding.xml /
  import resource=classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-servlet.xml /

  jaxrs:server id=cxfMapping address=/
  bean class=sandbox.cxf.controller.FooController/
  entry key=json value=application/json/
  entry key=xml value=application/xml/



?xml version=1.0?
web-app xmlns=;







public class FooController {

public String text() {
return foo;

public Response response() {
return new Response(foo);


@XmlRootElement(name = response)
public class Response {

@XmlElement(name = msg)
private String message;

public Response() {

public Response(String message) {
this.message = message;

 * @return the message
public String getMessage() {
return message;

 * @param message
 *the message to set
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;



GET /foo/foo/text - 200 foo
GET /foo/foo/response.xml - 404
GET /foo/foo/response.json - 404

But change web.xml from




GET /wtf/foo/text - 200 foo
GET /wtf/foo/response.xml - 200 ...
GET /wtf/foo/response.json - 200 ...


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2009-02-10 Thread Tong, Gary (FID)
Hi guys,

I really like how CXF provides both JSON and XML out of the box.  However, 
after working with the JSON serializer a bit, it's obvious that the JAXB 
annotations translate poorly to JSON, and that while you have great control 
over XML via JAXB, JSON via JAXB definitely leaves something to be desired.

Do you guys know of any jaxb-quality, annotation-driven JSON serializers?


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2009-02-10 Thread Tong, Gary (FID)
I think it's a limitation of the underlying JSON library.  Something like:

public class Foo {
  private ListString values

Gives XML like:


And json like:
{foo: {values: {value: [foo, bar]}}}

Whereas really, if this is an API that you want to publicize, you really want:

{values: [foo, bar]}

Seems like the JSON is generated via JAXB and an XMLStreamWriter, which 
unfortunately is too limited to provide real control over the JSON.


-Original Message-
From: Sergey Beryozkin [] 
Sent: 10 February 2009 10:48
Subject: Re: JSON in CXF

Hi Gary

 JSON via JAXB definitely leaves something to be desired.

Do you reckon it's the limitations of the underlying JSON library that we use 
(Jettison) or do you refer to the insufficient number of hooks for our JSON 
JAXRS reader/writer whiich would help in producing a better quality JSON ?

Can you post some examples please - I hope it will help us to improve what we 

Thanks, Sergey

Hi guys,

I really like how CXF provides both JSON and XML out of the box.  However, 
after working with the JSON serializer a bit, it's obvious that the JAXB 
annotations translate poorly to JSON, and that while you have great control 
over XML via JAXB, JSON via JAXB definitely leaves something to be desired.

Do you guys know of any jaxb-quality, annotation-driven JSON serializers?


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2009-02-10 Thread Tong, Gary (FID)
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the quick responses.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about.  Let's say I wanted to expose an 
API for blog posts, and I wanted reasonable responses in both XML and JSON 

The XML should probably look like:

  titleMy Blog Post/title
  textTest Blog/title
  authorSome Guy/author
  authorSome Other Guy/author
  textTest Comment/text

And the JSON should probably look like:
  title: My Blog Post,
  text: Test Blog,
  author: Some Guy,
  comments: [{
author: Some Other Guy,
text: Test Comment

The bean should look like:

class Post {
  private String title;
  private String text;
  private String author;
  private ListComment comments;

These are just the resonably intuitive response formats for each format.  The 
problem is that the packaged providers (JSONProvider and JAXBElementProvider) 
cannot provide both formats from the same bean without some ugly hacks.

Getting the bean to output the correct XML means that you end up with JSON that 
looks like this:

  title: My Blog Post,
  text: Test Blog,
  author: Some Guy,
  comments: {
comment: [{
  author: Some Other Guy,
  text: Test Comment

And getting the bean to output the correct JSON means that you end up with XML 
that looks like this:

  titleMy Blog Post/title
  textTest Blog/title
  authorSome Guy/author
authorSome Other Guy/author
textTest Comment/text

The problem is that because the JSON provider piggybacks off the JAXB XML 
annotations, you only get indirect control of the way the bean is marshalled, 
and if you need tight control over both the XML and JSON representations, 
things get either messy or impossible.

My solution to this is to replace the standard JSON provider with my own 
implementation.  I was curious about 2 things

1) Do you guys know of any jaxb-quality, annotation-driven JSON serializers?
2) Are you guys interested in replacing the existing JSON provider, or making 
an alternative one available that allows a bit more control over how the JSON 
is rendered?


-Original Message-
From: Sergey Beryozkin [] 
Sent: 10 February 2009 13:23
To: Sergey Beryozkin;
Subject: Re: JSON in CXF

I think going with ContextResolverJAXBContext may be a workable workaround, 
but I'd like to ask for some clarification in meantime...

I've talked to Dejan who is a Jettison commiter and perhaps Jettison can get 
enhanced a bit in some time to deal with such cases natively with the help of 
some additional configuration (which will obvioulsy be available at a 
JSONProvider level). However we'd like to get some additional clarifications

 Gives XML like:


 And json like:
 {foo: {values: {value: [foo, bar]}}}

 Whereas really, if this is an API that you want to publicize, you really want:

 {values: [foo, bar]}

Gary - is it a typical requirement for developers producing JSON ? How it can 
be characterized ? We can see that a root element needs to be dropped and names 
of children of an element marked with @XmlElementWrapper need to be ignored 
too. Can you please explain a bit more ? Any links will be appreciated. 
Likewise, few more samples with slightly different object graphs but showing 
the same pattern in action would help us to come up with a new feature 
enhancement request for Jettison

Thanks, Sergey

 - Original Message -
 From: Tong, Gary (FID)
 Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 11:24 AM
 Subject: RE: JSON in CXF

 I think it's a limitation of the underlying JSON library.  Something like:

 public class Foo {
  private ListString values

 Gives XML like:


 And json like:
 {foo: {values: {value: [foo, bar]}}}

 Whereas really, if this is an API that you want to publicize, you really want:

 {values: [foo, bar]}

 Seems like the JSON is generated via JAXB and an XMLStreamWriter, 
 which unfortunately is too limited to provide real control over the JSON.


 -Original Message-
 From: Sergey Beryozkin []
 Sent: 10 February 2009 10:48
 Subject: Re: JSON in CXF

 Hi Gary

 JSON via JAXB definitely leaves something to be desired.

 Do you reckon it's the limitations of the underlying JSON library that 
 we use (Jettison) or do you refer to the insufficient number of hooks for our 
 JSON JAXRS reader/writer whiich would help in producing a better quality JSON 

 Can you post some examples please - I hope it will help us to improve 
 what we have

 Thanks, Sergey

 Hi guys,

 I really like how CXF provides both JSON and XML out of the box

Issue with multiple CXF servlets (and proposed fix)

2008-12-22 Thread Tong, Gary (FID)

I'm having issues with creating multiple CXFServlets.  I'm trying to insantiate 
2 independent CXF servlets and deploy them at different URLs.  The relevant 
part of the web.xml looks like:





This, unfortunately, doesn't work.  My test-servlet.xml file looks like:

?xml version=1.0?
beans xmlns=;

  import resource=classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml /
  import resource=classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jaxrs-binding.xml /
  import resource=classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-servlet.xml /

  jaxrs:server id=cxfMapping address=/
  ref bean=testController/
  entry key=xml value=application/xml /

  bean id=testController class=test.TestController/


And foo-servlet.xml looks much the same.  This configuration gives me a No 
service was found. response.  However, if I move the import statements to the 
base spring application context, both the test and foo servlets end up serving 
up test-servlet.xml and foo-servlet.xml gets ignored.

As far as I can tell, this problem occurs because the configs specified in 
config-location aren't loaded until the majority of the servlet has been 
initialized.  Because of this, most of the settings in test-servlet.xml and 
foo-servlet.xml are ignored during initialization.

The order of initialization in CXFServlet seems to be:

1. Find the spring app context.
2. Create a new bus based on the app context.
3. Set up the servlet transport factory
4. Create the controller
5. Load the additional configuration from the config-location servlet param

My proposed fix is to change the order of initialization to:

1. Find the spring app context.
2. Load the additional configuration from the config-location servlet param
3. Create a new bus based on the new child context (or original spring app 
context if there is no additional configuration)
4. Set up the servlet transport factory
5. Create the controller

The attached diff does this and fixes the problem that I have with creating two 
CXFServlets.  Hopefully this is the right way to do this.


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