This discussion should be on dev@daffodil list. Or it is now for posterity.

From: Beckerle, Mike <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 10:25 AM
To: Lawrence, Stephen <>; Adams, Joshua 
Subject: Re: new PCAP without the self-defined variables

I don't think an SDE is required. It's a nice to have maybe.

Given a schema with choices and dispatching, and backtracking, etc. I can 
imagine there are situations  where it would not be possible to rule out static 
cycles that can't or shouldn't occur depending on how the choices go.

I.e., if the schema compiler said any possibility of a cycle is an SDE, that 
could rule out some legitimate kinds of usage.

So I think a processing error that detects the cycle is probably fine.
From: Lawrence, Stephen <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 9:36 AM
To: Beckerle, Mike <>; Adams, Joshua 
Subject: Re: new PCAP without the self-defined variables

Does this mean that defaultValue and setVariable expressions in NVI that
reference itself should be considered an SDE? I imagine right now this
just triggers a "variable read with no value" error?

Also, reading the spec, I noticed this line about newVarialbeInstance:

> If the instance is not assigned a new default value then it inherits
> the default value specified by dfdl:defineVariable or externally
> provided by the DFDL processor.

Do we implement this logic? I don't recall seeing it when doing code

On 3/2/21 3:48 PM, Beckerle, Mike wrote:
> I recast PCAP so that there are two variables priorRemainingDottedAddress, and
> remainingDottedAddress.
> I think this will eliminate your need for the "hack".
> This also enabled massively cleaning up the schema.
> There's now a parameter DFDL variable named ipAddressElement (maybe not a 
> great
> name), but it serves as a parameter to a shared
> group which is a subroutine for parsing the type ip addresses when
> unparsing.
> Before this "code" was duplicated for IPSrc and IPDest. Now they that common
> group is sharable, parameterilzed by
> the one variable.
> This compiles, but of course deadlocks when run on my daffodil 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT
> currently.
> I've pushed it to my branch pcap-9-nvi, so it should show up as part of the 
> same
> Pull Request you are working from.
> Mike Beckerle | Principal Engineer
> <>
> P +1-781-330-0412
> Connect with us!
> <><>
> <>
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