
On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 8:34 PM, Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@adobe.com> wrote:
> Am Sonntag, den 20.02.2011, 18:27 +0000 schrieb Justin Edelson:
>> Shay's question(s) have got me thinking... is there a need to
>> formalize the HTTP API exposed by the webconsole plugins (or at least
>> the *core* plugins)? Other than maven-sling-plugin, do other
>> applications use the webconsole as an HTTP service? Or is that just a
>> quirk of the history of the webconsole?...

I am starting to use the webconsole HTTP API to create testing
examples in SLING-1981, where bundles are installed during integration

> There are two parts of the API: The input (client-to-server requests)
> which has been stable over the last few releases and the output
> (server-to-client responses) which have been changed now and then while
> converting to JQuery.
> So, I agree we probably (1) have to document the input side and (2)
> better formalize the output side ...

FWIW, up to date docs are cool but IMO integration tests are almost as
good, and much easier to keep in sync.

For Stanbol and Sling I'm creating some testing utilities that lead to
very readable tests [1], I think such tests can complement docs
nicely. The (small) library that I'm working on for that is at [2] and
has no stanbol or sling dependencies, so if someone wants to play with
it feel free.



[2] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/stanbol/trunk/commons/testing/http

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