Re: TLF Tables

2013-12-01 Thread Gavriel Harbater
Some more rambling:

The more I'm working through this, the more I'm convinced that the current 
implementation is fundamentally broken. The cell Parcels really can't be in the 
same ParcelList as the Containers. I'm pretty sure that not only 
multi-container text threads are broken, but multi-column containers are broken 
as well.

It seems to me that there needs to be a separate ParcelList for table cells 
that are separate from the container parcel list. Table parcels don't exactly 
fit into the concept of container parcels either because they should be nested 
inside other parcels (which normal parcels are not). I think I should subclass 
Parcel as TableCellParcel which would have a parcel as a parent. I'm also 
going to have to either modify ParcelList to track the cell parcels or subclass 
it for dealing with cell parcels.


On Dec 1, 2013, at 2:42 PM, Harbs wrote:

 This is really difficult, because I'm not sure what is supposed to work in 
 the current implementation. I'm trying to reverse engineer how tables work 
 when they don't really work. Trying to sift out what I don't understand from 
 what simply doesn't work from what is poorly implemented is a huge pain.
 I'm going to ramble a bit. I hope that things will become clearer to me as I 
 ramble on… ;-)
 If someone who understands how text flow in TLF is supposed to work would 
 either confirm or correct me, I'd appreciate it.
 Here's how I understand the way TLF works with parcels:
 Each composition has a ParcelList which contains one or more parcels. Each 
 ContainerController has one or more parcels in the ParcelList. Generally, 
 there is one parcel per column. (If a ContainerController has more than one 
 column, the composition of each column is done separately as a separate 
 For normal text frames, this is all pretty straight-forward.
 With tables things get a bit more muddled. Each table cell is in effect a 
 separate composition area. If every composition area gets its own parcel, I 
 guess this would mean that every cell in the table would get its own parcel. 
 If I'm reading the code correctly, it's supposed to be doing this. I think 
 another way to look at it, would be to look at each column of each table 
 within a specific Container as a separate composition area (parcel) and 
 position the text within that. I'm not sure this makes any sense, though. The 
 more I'm looking at how parcels work (i.e. vj, etc.), the less this makes 
 So, basically, every cell in the table would be a separate parcel, and these 
 parcels need to be organized into rows and columns. Keeping track of the 
 columns and the placement of the rows has some level of complexity. Adding 
 header and footer rows to the mix should make it more interesting.
 Here's what I'm not (yet) totally clear on (or even if it works right):
 1) The logic of placing the table parcels relative to the container parcels. 
 The way I see it, the table parcels should be arranged within the bounds of 
 the column parcels of the containing container(s).
 2) How the calculations of the parcel placement goes. This is especially true 
 for tables that might span more than one parent parcel.
 3) The placement of the table parcels relative to the container parcels they 
 are contained within. (Should there be a separate ParcelList for table 
 parcels, or should it be part of the main ParcelList?)
 4) What I'm not clear on… ;-)
 On Nov 28, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Harbs wrote:
 I'm back on this, and starting to make some (slow) progress.
 I've started a Google Docs document to try to make some order out of the 
 chaos that is the current state of TLF Tables. This is just a place where 
 I'm jotting down my findings as I go and my thoughts on direction as I work 
 on this. I made the document publicly editable and would love input. If 
 there's anyone out there that has answers to the questions I'm posing, it 
 would be very helpful!
 On Sep 10, 2013, at 11:22 PM, Harbs wrote:
 My first tests are not very encouraging…
 Trying to compose the table results in this function returning null:
 static tlf_internal function beginFactoryCompose():SimpleCompose
 var rslt:SimpleCompose = _factoryComposer;
 _factoryComposer = peekFactoryCompose();
 _savedFactoryComposer = null;
 return rslt;
 Looks like I need to the composition process...
 FWIW, it made no difference whether I added the rows to a TableBodyElement 
 or to the table directly.
 On Sep 10, 2013, at 7:17 PM, Alex Harui wrote:
 Hi Harbs,
 I see code for Tables, but I'm not sure it is officially there.  Or even
 complete, or even working at a prototype-level.
 So good luck with it.  I might be able to ask folks who used to work on it
 a few questions, but I'm 

Re: Copy/Paste in TLF

2013-11-03 Thread Gavriel Harbater
Okay. After researching this, it looks like the problem is as follows:

The TextFlow is saved to the clipboard as a string which is the markup 
representation of the TextFlow. The markup is produced using 
BaseTextLayoutExporter.export(). The markup produced from that is missing 
custom user styles. My custom user styles are actually quite complex classes.

I'm looking for suggestions on the best way to handle this problem. I can think 
of three possible angles:
1) Somehow write user styles into the TextFlow markup. I'm not sure if there's 
a way to markup custom styles and complex ones are definitely an issue.
2) Write complex objects to the clipboard. Is this possible? If yes, why are 
strings currently used?
3) Skip the clipboard altogether and create some static function to call when 
the clipboard content is pasted to apply custom styles.


On Nov 3, 2013, at 10:13 AM, Harbs wrote:

 Looking into an issue I had, I noticed that user styles in TLF are not 
 preserved on copy/paste. (Actually, it would probably be more correct to say 
 that they're not preserved on copy.)
 I'm looking into TextScrap/TextClipboard now, but if anyone has experience 
 here as to why the styles are being dropped, I'd love to know…

Re: [ASDoc] TextFlow

2013-03-19 Thread Gavriel Harbater

 Also, I'd think that flow.getElementsByTypeName(ParagraphElement) should 
 return an array of the ParagraphElements in the flow. This does not seem to 
 work. It retruns an empty array in my tests. Am I going about it wrong, or is 
 this a bug?

Okay. This was my error. This: flow.getElementsByTypeName(ParagraphElement) 
Should be this: flow.getElementsByTypeName(p) 

I think the docs should be clearer on what to specify here. I propose the 

Instead of: Returns all elements that have typeName set to typeNameValue.
Returns all elements that have typeName as the TextFlow markup tag set to 

Re: Bogdan Components [Was: Getting source working in Flash Builder]

2013-02-22 Thread Gavriel Harbater
2) ColorPicker: It does not seem to allow setting the dataProvider or handle 
anything beyond an Array of color values. Arrays of Objects for named colors is 
pretty important. If this in fact missing, I guess I'll work at expanding the 

3) Alert: Does not show the error message. It looks to me that the problem is 
here that the messageDisplay is null.
if (messageDisplay) {
messageDisplay.text = _message;

On Feb 21, 2013, at 10:20 PM, Harbs wrote:

 Some questions on the components:
 1) ProgressBar: It does not seem to have feature parity with the mx version. 
 There does not seem to be a way to specify an indeterminate progress bar. 
 There's no mode property. Am I missing something? There's also no label 
 property. Is the text set by specifying the percentDisplay.text? Will that 
 get overwritten as the progressbar updates?