Re: Streaming video to FMS?

2017-09-27 Thread Peter Ginneberge

>> So, if we could fake the mp4 stream to appear like a camera stream then
>> this should work wouldn't it?

You'd have to use a virtual camera software/driver to do so.
ManyCam is one that pretty much does what you want.

The output resolution is limited though for the free version.

Also keep in mind that ManyCam will recompress the input (video file).

Once installed, a ManyCam virtual camera will appear as an option in 


On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 5:22 PM, David Frank  wrote:

Thank you, Nick and Peter. Yeah, the FFMPEG option was my backup in case
this didn't work.

So, if we could fake the mp4 stream to appear like a camera stream then
this should work wouldn't it? I tried exploring the NetStream instance but
there doesn't seem to be anything obvious enough to do this. Any way of
doing this in Air?

Thank you,

-----Original Message-
From: Peter Ginneberge []
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: Streaming video to FMS?

One way to do it would be via FFMpeg.

You can run FFMpeg via a NativeProcess from AIR. However, the air
application then needs to be compiled as a native application (exe, dmg).


On 25/09/2017 23:25, Nicholas Kwiatkowski wrote:


Unfortunately, Adobe's FMS (now Adobe Media Server) does not support
sending content from Flex/AIR/JS, unless it is from a camera input.
No idea why they didn't implement it, but you have to use their
proprietary client to do the streaming.

Wowza allows you to stream MP4 files via an HTTP Post, which you can
do with AIR/Flex.  The only gotcha I would note is the file size that
you want to stream -- anything over 2GB will start to cap out the
memory in the AIR client and won't produce favorable results.


On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 3:49 PM, David Frank 


Hi there Flex experts!

Does Apache AIR SDK have support for streaming a video file (mp4) to
a media server (FMS/Wowza)? I know how to stream a camera feed to a
media server. But what I need is to be able to stream a local mp4
file to a media server. This mp4 file will then get re-streamed to
other peers from the media server.

Is this possible using the NetStream/NetConnection/Other classes? If
it isn't directly possible to do this, then is there a way I can
simulate the video as a camera feed and then attach this to the

NetStream instance?

Thank you,
David Frank

Re: Streaming video to FMS?

2017-09-25 Thread Peter Ginneberge

One way to do it would be via FFMpeg.

You can run FFMpeg via a NativeProcess from AIR. However, the air application 
then needs to be compiled as a native application (exe, dmg).


On 25/09/2017 23:25, Nicholas Kwiatkowski wrote:


Unfortunately, Adobe's FMS (now Adobe Media Server) does not support
sending content from Flex/AIR/JS, unless it is from a camera input.  No
idea why they didn't implement it, but you have to use their proprietary
client to do the streaming.

Wowza allows you to stream MP4 files via an HTTP Post, which you can do
with AIR/Flex.  The only gotcha I would note is the file size that you want
to stream -- anything over 2GB will start to cap out the memory in the AIR
client and won't produce favorable results.


On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 3:49 PM, David Frank  wrote:

Hi there Flex experts!

Does Apache AIR SDK have support for streaming a video file (mp4) to a
media server (FMS/Wowza)? I know how to stream a camera feed to a media
server. But what I need is to be able to stream a local mp4 file to a media
server. This mp4 file will then get re-streamed to other peers from the
media server.

Is this possible using the NetStream/NetConnection/Other classes? If it
isn't directly possible to do this, then is there a way I can simulate the
video as a camera feed and then attach this to the NetStream instance?

Thank you,
David Frank

Re: [DISCUSS] Name of the FlexJS Fork

2017-09-20 Thread Peter Ginneberge

I kept repeating "Bead" over and over in my head and all of a sudden turned it 
into "Beadle", which I think has a much nicer ring to it.

Then looked it up and apparently it's an existing word (didn't think it was, 
but then again, English isn't my native language).

Beadle: sometimes spelled "bedel", is an official of a church or synagogue who 
may usher, keep order, make reports, and assist in religious functions; or a 
minor official who carries out various civil, educational, or ceremonial duties.


On 19/09/2017 23:09, Alex Harui wrote:

That's a valid point, although I keep hoping we'll hit on a name that
makes everyone go "Yeah!".

I had the idea to look into obscure god/deity.

I found some references to:

Arazu:  Babylonian god of completed construction
Kulla:  Sumero-Babylonian brick-god

Mušdam: the divine architect at the outset when laying a foundation for a

There is already a company called Arazu Web Design and App Development.  I
would take the diacritics off and just use Musdam and it is also spelled


On 9/19/17, 1:30 PM, "Erik de Bruin"  wrote:

Isn't it about time to reduce the number of names we're considering, not
think of more? With the VOTE already running and such...


Re: [FlexJS] Setup Error

2015-07-31 Thread Peter Ginneberge

On 31/07/2015 18:21, Alex Harui wrote:

Looks like it is [1].  If you already have Creative Cloud subscriptions,
I’ve heard you can get it through that as well, but I could be wrong about



I have FB 4.7 as part of Creative Cloud 2014.


Re: [FalconJX] JS.swc actionscipt source for asdocs with the swc

2015-06-14 Thread Peter Ginneberge

To include asdocs in a (Flex) swc library, the following is required:

- Generate asdocs adding the following arguments (via Ant):
keep-xml = true
skip-xsl = true

- Create the swc as usual

- Add the generated asdocs to the swc minus 2 files that aren't needed 
(ASDoc_Config.xml and overviews.xml).

I've posted an ANT build that I use for one of my libs:

There's an article with some more info and another Ant sample build here:

Hope this is what you were looking for :)


On 14/06/2015 8:16, Alex Harui wrote:

On 6/13/15, 3:15 PM, "Michael Schmalle"  wrote:


I was just curious if we can include the source for asdoc in the JS swc.
IMHO it's pretty important dealing with the hundreds of classes and 1000's
of fields and members a lot have some docs and most all have at least 1
@see tag that directs you to the w3c or whatever documentation.

Not to mention @param and @return have pure JSType I am emitting that
callback API on passed callback functions.

I have no idea how to include this stuff.

Me either.  I think there is something called a fat swc?


Re: Can we unify spark and mx Sort and SortField?

2015-06-10 Thread Peter Ginneberge

I had a quick look yesterday and when I toggled "mx only" vs "spark only" I 
saw the mx.swc swapped for the spark.swc. A sparkskins.swc is added for "spark 
only" while there is no equivalent for "mx only".

For AIR projects a sparkair.swc is also added, there is again no mx equivalent.

Both component sets have a framework.swc, which I guess contains common 
functionality used in both sets.


On 10/06/2015 12:59, Mihai Chira wrote:

Great points, thanks all.

Does anyone know how I can check which swcs are included in mx-only
projects and which in spark-only projects, so I can see where I can put the
common functionality if that's the route I / we'll choose? Thanks.

On 10 June 2015 at 12:40, Kessler CTR Mark J 

Issues I see or agree with.

-MX only or Spark only projects.
-Inheritance of these classes / child classes.
-Possible different behavior.


Re: Can we unify spark and mx Sort and SortField?

2015-06-09 Thread Peter Ginneberge

I don't know which classes end up in which swc, but the same rule may apply 
for Spark only projects in which case Spark classes extending mx ones may be a 
no no as well.


On 9 June 2015 at 15:35, Alex Harui  wrote:

Peter is correct that you want to be careful about having mx-only classes
depend on Spark classes.

You could try making mx classes the base class for the Spark classes, so
the Spark subclasses would add in the AdvancedStyleClient, but the guts of
the work is all done in the mx base classes.


Re: Can we unify spark and mx Sort and SortField?

2015-06-09 Thread Peter Ginneberge

This may affect mx only projects (in FB at least) where spark related swc's 
are removed when selecting "mx only" as the project's component set.

On 9/06/2015 13:33, Mihai Chira wrote:

I'm making lots of changes to SortField and Sort, and I'm realising
that having two versions of these files is error prone and duplicates
effort. From what I can see, the differences are:

Between mx.collections.SortField and spark.collections.SortField:
1. lots of asdocs changes
2. spark version ignores the caseInsensitive option
3. spark version extends AdvancedStyleClient, and has some more
functions for dealing with styles (like a "locale" style)
4. spark version uses a SortingCollator to compare strings, while mx
version uses ObjectUtil.stringCompare(), which uses
String.localeCompare(). Not sure how different these are.
Apart from a couple of bug fixes applied to both (except the bugs I'm
working on right now, which I currently only applied to the mx
version), they both arrived from the Adobe donation with these

Between mx.collections.Sort and spark.collections.Sort:
1. again, lots of asdocs changes
2. again, spark version extends AdvancedStyleClient, and has some more
functions for dealing with styles (like a "locale" style)
3. mx version uses Array.sortOn when it can, while spark version
doesn't (in the sort() function)
And the same as above, apart from a couple commits, they both came
from the Adobe donation with these differences.

1. Can the spark versions be used with the mx components which
currently use the mx versions of Sort and SortField? I.e.
AdvancedDataGrid, DataGrid and DefaultCubeImpl. Or would there be
problems about these new style functions, or other issues?
2. If we can get the above to work, can we get rid of the mx versions?
I think it's really important to remove duplication, because all
changes to one version (e.g. the ones that I'm now making to sorting)
might have unintended consequences when ported to the other version
(or, even worse, we'll simply forget to do it, and still keep the bug
in the other version), and maintaining two almost identical sets of
unit tests is just impractical - not only would we have to make
changes and fixes in two places, but we'd also have to update two sets
of unit tests each time.


Re: OSMF bugs

2014-08-27 Thread Peter Ginneberge


On 27/08/2014 6:40, aYo ~ wrote:

Oh I definitely think it's something to have

On Aug 27, 2014 5:01 AM, "Alex Harui"  wrote:

Don't know anything about OSMF.  Would we want it, or would it be a
separate Apache project.  Seems like it has its own community already?

I'll try to figure out who is in charge at Adobe.


On 8/26/14 7:42 PM, "Justin Mclean"  wrote:


I notice that recent bugs in Adobe bug base on OSMF have been closed with
"NotEnoughTime" as the reason. Does any one know if Adobe has considered
donating the framework to Apache and f not could we make that happen?


Re: Looking for string translation for ES,GR and NL

2014-07-11 Thread Peter Ginneberge

Iets te letterlijk vertaald :)

nl_NL: Installeer Apache Flex SDK {0} voor gebruik in uw IDE


nl_NL: Installeer Apache Flex SDK {0} voor uw IDE

On 11/07/2014 7:44, Erik de Bruin wrote:

nl_NL: Installeer Apache Flex SDK {0} voor het gebruik in uw IDE


On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 2:15 AM, João Fernandes <> wrote:

Hi, currently there is an invalid translation for the key INFO_WINDOW_TITLE
for the installer
The current english text is "Install Apache Flex SDK {0} for use with your
IDE" and we need someone to translate to the 3 missing locales.



João Fernandes

Re: Adobe wants your thoughts on AIR's Webkit/HTMLLoader

2014-06-11 Thread Peter Ginneberge

I'd rather see webkit replaced with chromium.

On 12/06/2014 0:17, OmPrakash Muppirala wrote:

Please feel free to post your feature requests here [1]

For me, having StageWebView expose an ExternalInterface would be the best


Re: How to pronounce?

2014-04-03 Thread Peter Ginneberge

>> I used to pronounce them SWIK and SWIF ... is that the officially correct
>> form?

 I don't know about official, but that's how I (and others I know) have
 pronounced them ever since they existed.

> If you pronounce it any other way, I will cry bitter tears.

 And kittens will die :(

On 3/04/2014 11:45, Avi Kessner wrote:

If you pronounce it any other way, I will cry bitter tears.

brought to you by the letters A, V, and I
and the number 47

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Christofer Dutz


I had a demo rehersal of my speach back here at my current company.

Here there were some quesions on pronounciation of SWC and SWF ...

I used to pronounce them SWIK and SWIF ... is that the officially correct


Re: [Builds/Jenkins] Help and advise needed

2013-12-10 Thread Peter Ginneberge
To avoid the window, run the service under a different user, e.g. 
"System" instead of a specific user or vice versa.


On 10/12/2013 22:55, Maurice Amsellem wrote:

According to jenkins gui, there are 4 ways of starting the slave :
- Java web start (JNLP)
- command line from master
- via SSH on Unix machines
- as a Windows Service.

I am using JNLP, but maybe the other launch methods don't get a window.
I am going to try "as a Windows Service".

Is there a way to know how the slave is launched on b.a.o?


Re: Garbage Collection Concern

2013-10-12 Thread Peter Ginneberge

Extend the list and add Event metadata of the additional events you want the 
item renderers to dispatch.

Here's an example of a custom TileList I'm currently using in a project.

[Event(name="watch", type="")]
[Event(name="visit", type="")]
[Event(name="follow", type="")]

public class TwitchTileList extends TileList {


The TwitchListEvent then has constants for all these event types.

 public static const IMAGE_CLICK:String = "imageClick";
 public static const WATCH:String = "watch";
 public static const VISIT:String = "visit";
 public static const FOLLOW:String = "follow";
 public static const UNFOLLOW:String = "unfollow";
 public static const DOWNLOAD:String = "download";

The custom event extends ListEvent and also "carries" the index of the item (selectedIndex) that dispatched the event as the custom 
list itself is not selectable.

To determine the index from within the item renderer, I use the following.

  private function getItemIndex():int {
   var list:ListBase = owner as ListBase;
   return list.itemRendererToIndex(this);

I also dispatch the event on the item renderers "owner" - data typed as 
ListBase - rather than using bubbling.

  private function dispatchTwitchEvent(type:String):void {
   var idx:int = getItemIndex();
   var evt:TwitchListEvent = new TwitchListEvent(type);
   evt.itemRenderer = this;
   evt.index = idx;

If you want to get rid of the visual selection of an item in a list control, look into overriding the following methods and have 
them return nothing:


Peter Ginneberge

- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Wright" 

To: ; "Jeffry Houser" 
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: Garbage Collection Concern

So - now, after attempting to add some event handlers here,  I remember why
I did what I did.
How on earth do you dispatch events from itemrenderers, and successfully
add handlers dynamically to the view?
First off, the mxml for the list is such that you merely indicate the class
to be utilized as an event handler so there's no way to actually add an
event handler (at least that I can see) for working object.
Second, handler's would need to be dynamically created and destroyed as
itemrenderers are created and destroyed - but if I can't access the working
objects as they're being created.
I mean, I guess I can listen for the creation of the ir object from the
list, and then add an event handler - but still, even if I do that, it
seems I can only add the handler to the list class - but it's the list
class. Do I need to extend it? No - I guess I can reference it, add a
handler, then point the handler to the view? If so, that's still doing the
same thing I was doing before. I'm calling a function of a parent class
from within a child.
This is starting to sound much more complicated than I'd imagine it should
Is there an easy way round these issues? Am I missing the point? I found a
few "suggestions" on stackoverflow - but they're just as hacky as anything
I've tried or thought of.

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 10:19 AM, Thomas Wright  wrote:

Ok, thanks.
I can't remember why I even started doing this in the first place -
I do remember having problems with dispatching an event in one particular
circumstance, so I did this and didn't look back.
Bad habits die hard I guess.
Thanks for the response :)

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 9:24 AM, Jeffry Houser wrote:

On 10/10/2013 11:14 AM, Thomas Wright wrote:

Second - is there a better way to handle this, or is this legit?

 From an encapsulation perspective, the renderer shouldn't know its
 I always recommend dispatching an event, that bubbles from the renderer
and then handling it in the component that contains the list.

 In terms of memory management; I'm not sure though.  With your approach
you are creating a dependency on the list itemRenderer to its parent two
levels up.
 By using events that bubble, you are not creating that dependency.

Jeffry Houser
Technical Entrepreneur

*Thomas Wright*
Software Engineer
Extension: 1054
Office: [801] 464.4600

Corporate Division

*Thomas Wright*
Software Engineer
Extension: 1054
Office: [801] 464.4600

Corporate Division

Re: Apache Flex 4.10.0 release

2013-08-06 Thread Peter Ginneberge

I haven't been following the release discussion closely, but just wanted to let 
you all know that AIR 3.8 is currently broken:

Now I understand this doesn't affect the Flex SDK, however if the Flex installer installs AIR 3.8, I don't know if that's a good 
