Re: Flex - I’m having an AWFUL time getting this website to work in IE10.

2013-06-10 Thread aaronk
Yeah I am a little bit confused I guess it could just be old school flash with 
object tag... But I'm pretty sure that the boss said it used flex a few months 

Would love to learn more about flex.. Is there a flex for dummies tutorial 
where I can learn the ropes??

I use dreamweaver for other projects and I really don't know much about flash 
or flex.. But I'm interested in submitting a couple of screenshots tomorrow.

Basically there are rumors that we have to run our app in ie8 mode.. But I just 
get confused about quirks mode vs comparability mode. 

Basically I try to use this ie ten machine today.. we are looking twards 
rolling out ie ten but im having hard time understanding what I need to do to 
get it working in ten.

Can't u just run websites in ie8 comparability mode??

It works in ie nine but not ie ten. I don't understand that.. I mean to say I 
don't like it.

So in ten i go to sign into my website via IP address and it just returns a 
simple xsl file and no content.. It's basically just a blank page. But it works 
great from another machine.. I've tried fiddling with the request headers .. 
Sorry if I'm using the wrong adjective.

I just can't for the life of me get Internet explorer ten to run this app and I 
put a couple two hours into testing to today..

In the big picture I'm interested in writing some sort of test harness that can 
download reports from our erp automagically and save them to a unc path... I 
would be a hero if I could do that.

Technically I'm already a hero .

But we have small IT dept. in Pittsburgh that calls all the shots.. And we're 
probably going to purchase another company in a few months so I'm rapidly 
losing my window of opportunity.

The erp system runs on progress database and we have about twenty percent of 
the data coming out to a data warehouse that is where I come in..  Long term we 
add more data to dw but short term we need to come up with some sort of 
automation solution to keep this app in scope.

I see a fair amount of web service calls and of course getting any sort of 
visibility to the web services would really open a ton of doors for us.

Can someone give me a thirty second over lview of how web services and flex and 
flash interoperate??

Anything I could do sign in programmatically and either download data or screen 
scrape or jam data into web services it would just be crazy how many doors that 
would open for us.

We basically have a hosted data silo and it's frustrating as heck that we 
cannot get to our data in some sort of open and honorable ways.

I'm sorry if I'm rambling.. Would be glad to send some screenshots tomorrow but 
it will take a couple of hours before I could generate the errors I've been 
getting that make me think it is using flex...

My bosses boss is way too busy to talk to me about this app... I'm just dying 
to find a wsdl or something along those lines.. 

I know that about half of the complex data entry forms use flash.. Sometimes I 
get error messages and I can't really follow what technology it is using .. But 
it looks chock full of flash and web services .. And every where I turn we have 
new users with ie comparability problems.. And now we can't push out windows 
eight or even server 2012 without being able to use our erp system from those 
machines .

I just wish I could somehow look behind the curtains to find out more about 
this app.

We have three proper environments production, day old copy and test.. And I'm 
just dying to get to understand more about this app.

Again sorry for being vague.. 

My company got purchased in December the parent company that bought us had only 
fifteen employees on their corporate office while we had more like 300.. And 
the parent company had bought a new company like every twelve to eighteen 
months ..

And we're laying off all of our programmers but me so I've just got to make 
some progress to help save our users from mindless data entry.

I think that I'm the only one in our company than really does any webdev other 
than my bosses boss.. But I am sorely out of date myself..

Ideally.. I'd consider using the web browser control in vb in order to automate 
downloading a couple of reports..  Or if i could use a test harness that used 
ie it would really save a lot of time for us.

Right now we literally have temps that download reports once every fifteen 
minutes and then emails to about 100 people so that we can actually shop 
products.  I'm building systems that parse the reports once they are downloaded 
and shares the data via sql server .. We're making some good progress but it's 
just difficult to keep chugging along without asking the bigger questions.

It's just like nothing I've ever seen.

253 318 4292 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 10, 2013, at 5:36 PM, "Jeffry Houser"  wrote:

> If you desire help; I strongly recommend you describe your problem.
> You say you are having an AWFUL time getting this website to work in IE10?  
> How com

Flex - I’m having an AWFUL time getting this website to work in IE10.

2013-06-10 Thread aaronk

My name is Aaron Kempf.
I work for a company that is using BlueBee ERP.

I believe that we use Adobe/Apache Flex internally as part of our ERP system.
Our system is ONLY compatible with Internet Explorer.
And today- we’re just in the middle of a migration and some over-zealous IT 
manager pushed IE10 to my terminal server..
And I’m having an AWFUL time getting this website to work in IE10.

I’ve been fiddling with the F12 Developer Toolbar, and I just cannot – for the 
life of me- get this app to run.

Again, this is our ERP software.. and I don’t really have a choice but to get 
to the bottom of this.

I don’t have anything to offer.. except my eternal gratitude.
I’m a HUGE fan of Dreamweaver- I’m hoping to get my company to purchase me a 
copy this year.


-Aaron Kempf
Database Administrator
McFarland Cascade / Stella-Jones
Work: (253) 572-3033
Cell: (253) 318-4292