[Falcon][Discuss] Modularity, extensibility and configurability of the Falcon compiler framework

2013-01-27 Thread Roland Zwaga
Good day to all of you :)

Hold on, I think this is going to be a long message...

Moving on from the latest discussion between Erik and Frank about the ideal
implementation of AS->JS cross-compilation,
I think its perhaps an interesting venture to talk a little bit about some
possible changes we could make to Falcon itself.

Let me preface this with giving my opinion about both Erik's and Frank's
proposed solution. I believe both gentlemen know
their business and are passionate about their respective solution. I'm not
going to abuse this thread by choosing sides.

I also believe the discussion actually shouldn't have to take place. I
believe there should be place for both solutions so that
potential users of Apache Flex can choose the output that best fits their

For instance, Frank's solution might be interesting for folks who don't
want to go through the process of installing Closure, or
who simply don't like Closure (for whatever reason, valid or not). Whereas
Erik's implementation might even make sense in
a larger project where multiple parties are adding Javascript to a shared
codebase, but all of them use different technologies
to generate that Javascript. If all of them make sure that the JS they
provide is in the form that Closure expects it, all of their output
could be part of a larger build system that involves Closure at the end of
the line. (Just thinking out loud here)

So therefore I believe that both avenues need to be explored and quite
probably both avenues ought to find their place in a future
release of Apache Flex.

Right, using this introduction I'd like to start some sort of discussion
about the design of Falcon at the moment. (And what I understand
of it at the moment, so Michael, Alex, Gordon, if I start talking out of m
y a**, please correct me).

Currently there seem to be three compilers: MXMLC, COMPC and ASC. All three
(and now a fourth called 'ASJS' I guess) are a kind
of monolithic class that creates all of its dependencies internally. So, if
we want to compile mxml/as we invoke MXMLC and if we
want to compile pure as3 we invoke ASC, etc. Come to think of it, there's
even a fifth one, if we count Michael Schmalle's ASDoc
compiler implementation.

I think it might make more sense to create a single point of entry for all
types of compilation. Let's call this point of entry FLEXC (credit:
 Michael Schmalle). Wouldn't it be cleaner to use this FLEXC compiler as a
sort of factory for all the different types of compilers that
make up the Falcon framework? FLEXC could use an XML configuration file
that describes the various compilers and could create
a fully configured instance. (Essentially FLEXC would be a specialised DI
container for Falcon compilers).

The XML configuration for FLEXC could look like this (very simplified):


This way FLEXC could invoked with a *-swf* parameter so that FLEXC knows it
has to return an instance of the swf target. All parameters
coming *after* the *-swf* param would be ignored by FLEXC and instead
passed on to the instance that it created.

This way the frontends and/or backends could receive additional







Obviously the configuration doesn't HAVE to be XML, I'm just using it as an

So, by way of the configurability/modularity of Falcon and the examples
above, I come to the notion of extensibility.
Currently there is no plugin architecture in place in the Falcon framework
(at least, not that I'm aware, please correct me if I'm wrong).

Now, IMHO, things would become extremely interesting if we do identify a
number of hooks into the compiler process where a potential
plugin could add or manipulate functionality. In the best case, I even
believe that ALL functionality should basically be viewed as pluggable.
As the configuration example shows, in theory it ought to be possible to
override the entire frontend and plug your own custom AS3 parser.
(Not a lot of folks would choose to do so, but in the spirit of clean
design I think it would make sense :))

Coming back to the case of Erik's and Frank's proposal of Javascript
emission. If the Falcon backends will be designed (and I believe Michael
Schmalle has already done so in his ASJS implementation) then we don't need
to fight over which implementation Apache Flex should officially
choose. Folks can build both and offer them to the Apache Flex community as
a configurable option.

I haven't looked very deeply into the ABC backend yet, so I have no clear
picture how different Michael Schmalle's backend is from the ABC backend,
but ideally there would be some consolidation between the two (if
necessary). That way a standardized way of configuring the emitter
for a specific backend could be defined. (Because, if I recall correctly,
currently Erik's and Frank's solutions are basically different
implementations of
an emitter, right?)

As you can read in my example configuration, I also added this entry:

Re: [Falcon][Discuss] Modularity, extensibility and configurability of the Falcon compiler framework

2013-01-27 Thread Michael Schmalle

+1 on this.

FYI, As the Apache way suggests, itch your scratch... This one is  
going to happen and I will be working on it with Roland. We are  
looking for constructive criticism, not a blessing. :)

I already have 2 compilers to work with and it's ridiculous one parse  
session can't be used for multiple targets, I think in a nut shell  
this is what Roland is getting at here.

Yes, FLEXC rhymes with sexy. ;-) And this compiler frontend-backend  
will be sexy for sure.

In the spirit of understanding, with a prototype we are going to  
develop it in a non intrusive way to the existing compilers. There is  
no plan to go hacking into the existing code if we don't have to at  
this point, plus that would be completely stupid IMHO.

I think the proof of concept will use the FlaconJx and ASDoc compilers  
to prove our configuration concept, which verifies we will not touch  
the existing MXMLC or COMPC code for now.


Quoting Roland Zwaga :

Good day to all of you :)

Hold on, I think this is going to be a long message...

Moving on from the latest discussion between Erik and Frank about the ideal
implementation of AS->JS cross-compilation,
I think its perhaps an interesting venture to talk a little bit about some
possible changes we could make to Falcon itself.

Let me preface this with giving my opinion about both Erik's and Frank's
proposed solution. I believe both gentlemen know
their business and are passionate about their respective solution. I'm not
going to abuse this thread by choosing sides.

I also believe the discussion actually shouldn't have to take place. I
believe there should be place for both solutions so that
potential users of Apache Flex can choose the output that best fits their

For instance, Frank's solution might be interesting for folks who don't
want to go through the process of installing Closure, or
who simply don't like Closure (for whatever reason, valid or not). Whereas
Erik's implementation might even make sense in
a larger project where multiple parties are adding Javascript to a shared
codebase, but all of them use different technologies
to generate that Javascript. If all of them make sure that the JS they
provide is in the form that Closure expects it, all of their output
could be part of a larger build system that involves Closure at the end of
the line. (Just thinking out loud here)

So therefore I believe that both avenues need to be explored and quite
probably both avenues ought to find their place in a future
release of Apache Flex.

Right, using this introduction I'd like to start some sort of discussion
about the design of Falcon at the moment. (And what I understand
of it at the moment, so Michael, Alex, Gordon, if I start talking out of m
y a**, please correct me).

Currently there seem to be three compilers: MXMLC, COMPC and ASC. All three
(and now a fourth called 'ASJS' I guess) are a kind
of monolithic class that creates all of its dependencies internally. So, if
we want to compile mxml/as we invoke MXMLC and if we
want to compile pure as3 we invoke ASC, etc. Come to think of it, there's
even a fifth one, if we count Michael Schmalle's ASDoc
compiler implementation.

I think it might make more sense to create a single point of entry for all
types of compilation. Let's call this point of entry FLEXC (credit:
 Michael Schmalle). Wouldn't it be cleaner to use this FLEXC compiler as a
sort of factory for all the different types of compilers that
make up the Falcon framework? FLEXC could use an XML configuration file
that describes the various compilers and could create
a fully configured instance. (Essentially FLEXC would be a specialised DI
container for Falcon compilers).

The XML configuration for FLEXC could look like this (very simplified):


This way FLEXC could invoked with a *-swf* parameter so that FLEXC knows it
has to return an instance of the swf target. All parameters
coming *after* the *-swf* param would be ignored by FLEXC and instead
passed on to the instance that it created.

This way the frontends and/or backends could receive additional







Obviously the configuration doesn't HAVE to be XML, I'm just using it as an

So, by way of the configurability/modularity of Falcon and the examples
above, I come to the notion of extensibility.
Currently there is no plugin architecture in place in the Falcon framework
(at least, not that I'm aware, please correct me if I'm wrong).

Now, IMHO, things would become extremely interesting if we do identify a
number of hooks into the compiler process where a potential
plugin could add or manipulate functionality. In the best case, I even
believe that ALL functionality should basically be viewed as pluggable.
As the configuration example shows, in theory it ought to be possible to
override the entire frontend and plug your own custom AS3 parser.
(Not a lot of folks would choose to do so, but in the spirit of cle

Re: [Falcon][Discuss] Modularity, extensibility and configurability of the Falcon compiler framework

2013-01-27 Thread Erik de Bruin

Me likey.

Some comments and suggestions inline:

> I think it might make more sense to create a single point of entry for all
> types of compilation. Let's call this point of entry FLEXC (credit:
>  Michael Schmalle). Wouldn't it be cleaner to use this FLEXC compiler as a
> sort of factory for all the different types of compilers that
> make up the Falcon framework? FLEXC could use an XML configuration file
> that describes the various compilers and could create
> a fully configured instance. (Essentially FLEXC would be a specialised DI
> container for Falcon compilers).

Big +1 here.

> So, by way of the configurability/modularity of Falcon and the examples
> above, I come to the notion of extensibility.
> Currently there is no plugin architecture in place in the Falcon framework
> (at least, not that I'm aware, please correct me if I'm wrong).
> ...
> Coming back to the case of Erik's and Frank's proposal of Javascript
> emission. If the Falcon backends will be designed (and I believe Michael
> Schmalle has already done so in his ASJS implementation) then we don't need
> to fight over which implementation Apache Flex should officially
> choose. Folks can build both and offer them to the Apache Flex community as
> a configurable option.
> ...
> for a specific backend could be defined. (Because, if I recall correctly,
> currently Erik's and Frank's solutions are basically different
> implementations of
> an emitter, right?)

This is pretty much how Mike set it up. The code for the emitters is
really nicely compartmentalized and you can easily switch out the
backend for another. After Mike helped me set up the Goog emitters and
I got how it worked,  it was really easy for me to start an
AMD/RequireJS version, to help out Frank with his contribution. It's
not quite abstracted to the level of a plugin structure, and it's
beyond me to create that (I only started doing Java to help out Mike
and implement Goog), but it certainly should be possible, IMHO.

> I'd love to hear some opinions, so let the games begin :)

In my opinion you've hit the nail on the head. Now all we need to do
is to take it from theory to implementation, after we get all the
compiler factions on the same page... Good luck ;-)


Ix Multimedia Software

Jan Luykenstraat 27
3521 VB Utrecht

T. 06-51952295
I. www.ixsoftware.nl

RE: [Falcon][Discuss] Modularity, extensibility and configurability of the Falcon compiler framework

2013-01-28 Thread Michael A. Labriola
>In the spirit of understanding, with a prototype we are going to develop it in 
>a non intrusive way to the existing compilers. There is no plan to go hacking 
>into the existing code if we don't >have to at this point, plus that would be 
>completely stupid IMHO.
>I think the proof of concept will use the FlaconJx and ASDoc compilers to 
>prove our configuration concept, which verifies we will not touch the existing 
>MXMLC or COMPC code for now.

I am all about this. I already started porting all of Randori to AS and plan to 
check it in here in my whiteboard

Right now we can't compile it with Falcon in a way that will run, but it is an 
excellent gap analysis of what I need to help write. Randori is about 
cross-compiled business logic, integrated with existing JS components and 
intrinsic Dependency Injection. We are deploying apps this way today but using 
C# as our source language. The apps work, and the approach works well. 

Ironically, the most difficult part is finding reasonable JS components that 
aren't full of coupling, but let's hope that these continue to evolve or some 
of the efforts here on Flex provide us with an excellent JS component set going 

In either case, this is where I plan to spend my time,
