Re: [VOTE] Squiggly 1.0 release candidate 0

2014-08-28 Thread Alex Harui
-1 just because the final license wasn't in the kit and we need to figure
out the dictionary dependencies.  Otherwise, good enough for a 1.0.

Java 1.7
OS: Mac OS X x86_64 10.8.5
Source kit signatures match: y
Source kit builds: y
README is ok: y
NOTICE is ok: y
LICENSE is ok: y
No unapproved licenses or archives: y
No unapproved binaries: y

On 8/27/14 6:13 PM, "Justin Mclean"  wrote:

>This is a  Squiggly Release Candidate 0. Please see the RELEASE_NOTES and
>the README.
>As this is the first release please check it carefully as there are
>likely to be some issues.
>The release candidate can be found here;
>Before voting please review the section,"What are the ASF requirements on
>approving a release?", at:
>Please vote to approve this release:
>+1 Approve the release
>-1 Veto the release (please provide specific comments to why)
>This vote will be open for at least 72 hours or (more likely) as long as
>The vote passes if there is:
>- At least 3 +1 votes from the PMC
>- More positive votes than negative votes
>People who are not in PMC or who are not an committer are also encouraged
>to test out the release and vote, although their votes will not be
>Please put all discussion about this release in the DISCUSSION thread not
>this VOTE thread.

Re: [VOTE] Squiggly 1.0 release candidate 0

2014-08-28 Thread OmPrakash Muppirala
On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 5:48 AM, Justin Mclean 

> Hi,
> > -1 Binding
> Which issues do you think are actual blockers?
1, 2 and 5.


> Thanks,
> Justin

Re: [VOTE] Squiggly 1.0 release candidate 0

2014-08-28 Thread Justin Mclean

> -1 Binding
Which issues do you think are actual blockers?


Re: [VOTE] Squiggly 1.0 release candidate 0

2014-08-28 Thread OmPrakash Muppirala
-1 Binding

See details in the [DISCUSS] thread.


On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 9:10 PM, Justin Mclean 

> Hi,
> +1 binding
> - packages name etc good
> - LICENSE needs to be double checked by someone else  but at the moment I
> can't seen anything that need to be added to the standard boillerplate
> - NOTICE good
> - source package contains no binary files
> - all source files have apache header
> - can compile swcs from source package
> - could get simple example working
> Minor issues:
> - One swc doubles up on ApacheFlex name
> - Would be nice to have better instructions on how to use these swcs
> - A few directories and files still have "Adobe" in there name, probably
> should rename
> - This file [1] contains trademarked / company names and should be changed
> to something else
> - perhaps swap points 3 and 4 in README
> Thanks,
> Justin
> 1. main/Tools/AdobeSpellingDictGen/sample/sampleWordList.txt

Re: [VOTE] Squiggly 1.0 release candidate 0

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean


+1 binding
- packages name etc good
- LICENSE needs to be double checked by someone else  but at the moment I can't 
seen anything that need to be added to the standard boillerplate
- NOTICE good
- source package contains no binary files
- all source files have apache header
- can compile swcs from source package
- could get simple example working

Minor issues:
- One swc doubles up on ApacheFlex name
- Would be nice to have better instructions on how to use these swcs
- A few directories and files still have "Adobe" in there name, probably should 
- This file [1] contains trademarked / company names and should be changed to 
something else
- perhaps swap points 3 and 4 in README


1. main/Tools/AdobeSpellingDictGen/sample/sampleWordList.txt