According to Thorsten:

> I have to admit that I am *really* disappointed about the communication
> of the conference planer and the whole organization of this conference.
> I personally have send three mails (other threads) before to the
> conference but still waiting for an answer (and I am not the only one).
> I reckon this one will not be different. :(

Your last email regarding BOFs was submitted by you to the
ApacheCon planners 18 May and answered by me today (at 1:30 am).
The other two emails you submitted end of March where regarding
a session proposal for the conference. It was submitted after
our CFP deadline and actually after our final planning meeting.
We usually cannot accept proposals received after the deadline
as this would be unfair to the other people that submitted
proposals. As far as I remember we answered your email and told
you that we cannot consider the proposal for ApacheCon Europe.
If we really didn't sent this email or if it wasn't received
by you, I'm sorry ... we always receive some unsolicited proposals
for sessions are the CFP deadline and often we don't have
to time to answer these or just fall through the cracks.

> I guess that means we should follow the cocoon example and organize
> something for ourself to meet. 
> BTW if we do so I guess I will not even attend the conference but only
> meet up with the people of the forrest community. I cannot understand
> why committers do not get discounts for the conference and having to pay
> the fee by myself it is just *too* much money. It is a petty but who can
> spend 800¤ + traveling cost + ...

Sure, it would be great if we could find a sponsor to give every
committer or even every Apache user free admission to the conference, but
without such a big sponsor that's not possible.  ApacheCon is a
commercial tech conference and therefore there is a few for attending
the conference ... like with any other tech conference.  Do you get
in for free at O'Reilly or JavaOne conferences? No, you don't.

ApacheCon is not just a social get-to-gether of committers or members, 
but a conference that provides intense lectures, tutorials, and
presentations to Apache users. It's there for people to learn something
about Apache and related technologies.

Thorsten, as a committer you are probably aware of the ASF hackathon
that happens at the beginning of the conference (information about
this was provided some time ago). This event is a get-to-gether of
developers and open (only) to ASF members and committers. And
it's free of charge ... 

If you do not consider this sufficient, then I'm afraid you may
want to consider organizing something yourself.

> If my understanding is correct the organization of this conference is
> not directly from the ASF, right? 

ApacheCon is organized by the ASF in coorporation with a
commercial conference producer.

My $0.02

Lars Eilebrecht                  - "Imagination is more important
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            - than knowledge." (Albert Einstein)

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