The Forrest feels like home

2014-11-13 Thread Ross Gardler (MS OPEN TECH)
It's been many many years since I was in the Forrest, but it feels like home. 
Hello folks :)

I'm re-evaluating Forrest for a small project I have. After searching far and 
wide there still isn't a solution for my use case other than Forrest. So I've 
re-subscribed to the dev list, more out fond memories than any intention to 
contribute again - though if I do use it on this project who knows...

My first comment - damn this community documented Forrest well :-D


Re: s5 output plugin for Forrest

2011-01-27 Thread Ross Gardler
Forgive the terse response, I'm travelling but want to give a quick reply. 

I created an SF site for project for Forrest plugins that couldn't be apache 
licensed. Was never used significantly. May have put code there. However, 
consider moving it to a new project at (discuss with 
Forrest community, I'm no longer active)

With respect to my code, it's all open source do as you will, would be good to 
see someone improve it. Just make sure you respect the s5 license. 

Good luck

Sent from my mobile device.

On 27 Jan 2011, at 23:30, Sjur Moshagen wrote:

 Hello Ross,
 In the thread [1] the issue of moving the s5 plugin somewhere else was 
 mentioned. The Forrest whiteboard is blocked due to licensing issues, but I 
 could probably find a home for it at work - we have an open repository at If someone has other suggestions, that is 
 of course all very well (our svn repository is probably not the best place 
 since getting commit access requires manual set-up). Would moving it to a new 
 home be ok with you? (I see that the burrokeet sf site you mentioned in an 
 old discussion as a possible home hasn't been active for over 500 days - that 
 site is probably not the best one either, anymore - if it is still a 
 possibility, my sf username is 'moshagen').
 Also, the s5 plugin as it stands does not fit my needs that well, and I would 
 like to rewrite it from the bottom, more or less. In practice, I would 
 probably create a new plugin, but based on your work (yes, I am aware of the 
 w3c slides vs s5 discussions), with proper credits of course. Would that be 
 ok as well?
 Best regards,
 Sjur N. Moshagen
 Samediggi · Sametinget
 Project Manager for the Divvun project
 +358-9-49 75 29 (w)
 +358-505 634 319 (m)

Re: Merging back the dispatcher

2010-04-26 Thread Ross Gardler

On 26/04/2010 13:14, Tim Williams wrote:

I think there's another consideration
that I didn't mention too.  I feel irresponsible releasing software
that we can't support and I'm concerned that this would be the case
with the dispatcher.

This is a valid comment and one the Forrest committers should all think 

On the flip side, the dispatcher is pretty much the only part of Forrest 
that has received any attention in recent years. It may be irresponsible 
to not release it (from a community development perspective).


Re: Merging back the dispatcher

2010-04-22 Thread Ross Gardler

On 22/04/2010 00:54, Tim Williams wrote:

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 6:19 PM, Tim  wrote:

On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 9:38 PM, David  wrote:

Tim Williams wrote:

reason I ask, is that we have FOR-1198 and FOR-796 both as blockers

No such issue. Rather FOR-1108 and FOR-796.

Arghh, typo, Thanks David.  So, are we leaving dispatcher in the
whiteboard for now?

Hate to be a nag, but... are we leaving dispatcher in the whiteboard
for the 0.9 release?  It's complicated b/c we have [at least] two
things working at odds here:  1) dispatcher has come to be in popular
use despite its status and 2) being in the whiteboard, it wouldn't
make it in the actual release.

So, thoughts?

I've wanted dispatcher in core since the 0.8 release for this very reason.

However, now I'm only an observer here I'll refrain from arguing for or 
against, just settle with pointing out that I think it would be a 
mistake to leave it out of 0.9 unless it were to delay the release 
unreasonably (ahem).

If it doesn't go in I would want to see a 0.10 within months with 
dispatcher in.


Re: Using 0.9 for a new project?

2010-04-06 Thread Ross Gardler

On 06/04/2010 12:36, Tobias Neef wrote:

In general I like to participate as much as possible from future
Cocoon developments, also the 1.5/1.6 Java compatibility is a pro for
the 0.9 version. I haven't used Forrest prior to this so I rely on
your help.

- Is the 0.9 version stable enough to be used?

Hi Tobias,

There are quite a few sites using Forrest 0.9-dev in production. It is 
stable. In fact, it should really have been released some time ago.

Of course, like all development versions there can be hiccups. The 
dispatcher is still not fully stable as we found in a recent merge of 
the dispatcher branch.

The main problem with using 0.9-dev in production right now is the lack 
of active development that it is undergoing. There are still quite a few 
of the old devs around (like me for example), but in most cases we are 
not too active on Forrest. However, you will find your queries answered 
and pointers provided, so you will not be on your own.

- Is there a release timeframe for the stable 0.9 version?

There isn't want really. As I mention above, 0.9 is well overdue a 
release. There is a little housework to be done, but it is pretty much 
ready to go.

- What is the upgrade path between 0.8 to 0.9?


In summary I would say that since you indicate that you want to get 
invovled with development now is a perfect time for Forrest. There are 
enough old hands still around to help you solve the problems whilst 
there is plenty of scope for you to achieve whatever you need to achieve 
for your project.


Re: Blocking Issues

2009-11-24 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/11/24 David Crossley
 Ross Gardler wrote:
 David Crossley wrote:
  Ross Gardler wrote:
  David Crossley wrote:
   Ross Gardler wrote:
   Tim Williams wrote:
FOR-855 verify the license situation prior to each release
- housekeeping
   I believe Davids work with RAT fixes this issue.
   No it does not. There is much more to the job that that.
  I meant that running RAT shows all licence headers are in place. we
  still need to do the housekeeping work that is normal due diligence on
  a release, of course.
  I meant that FOR-855 has much more than just the license header situation.
  I have been working on it steadily for a long time now, and there is more
  to do.

 OK, I should have reviewed the issue. I have no opinion on whether
 this is a blocker or not. I assumed that previous releases were
 legally sound (which I believe they were since we voted them through).

 We have cut corners on previous releases. Our top-level LICENSE.txt file
 is not in line with agreed ASF best practice. It is supposed to display
 relevant licenses for supporting products.

Hmm not good.

I wonder if this has occured as things have crept into plugins.
Perhaps each plugin should have a licence.txt file and the build
system should merge them together at build time.

 Also all supporting product licenses need to be systematically reviewed.
 Since the last release some things have been haphazardly added to SVN.
 Also last time we could easily have missed some.

I've tried to review every commit for such things. I hope others have
been doing the same to catch the ones I miss. I'm pretty sure that a
review of licences is already in the release workflow - if not it
should be, for the reasons you give.

 Tim indicated that this was housekeeping which I took to mean the
 normal due diligence on a release.

 Yes, but i marked it as Blocker (same process as i did for the previous
 releases) because a release should not be rolled until the situation is

I'm not saying it is not a blocker, I'm agreeing it is part of the
required housekeeping of a release. In other words we are in agreement

 I will plod along with FOR-855 and FOR-857 while other people
 attend to other things.

Thank you. I'd like to say I'd help, but to be honest I doubt I'll
find the time.


Re: Blocking Issues

2009-11-23 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/11/23 David Crossley
 Ross Gardler wrote:
 David Crossley  wrote:
  Ross Gardler wrote:
  Tim Williams wrote:
   FOR-855 verify the license situation prior to each release
   - housekeeping
  I believe Davids work with RAT fixes this issue.
  No it does not. There is much more to the job that that.

 I meant that running RAT shows all licence headers are in place. we
 still need to do the housekeeping work that is normal due diligence on
 a release, of course.

 I meant that FOR-855 has much more than just the license header situation.
 I have been working on it steadily for a long time now, and there is more
 to do.

OK, I should have reviewed the issue. I have no opinion on whether
this is a blocker or not. I assumed that previous releases were
legally sound (which I believe they were since we voted them through).
Tim indicated that this was housekeeping which I took to mean the
normal due diligence on a release.

   FOR-1177 where does forrest use Rhino
  Not a blocker
  Yes it is. At the moment i think that it might be using an
  unsuitable license.

 Why? Rhino is dual licensed under GPL and MPL. MPL is compatible, as
 long as we have the relevant NOTICE file. What am I missing that you
 are seeing?

 I will try to clarify it at FOR-1177. When our packaged version of
 Rhino was prepared, it was probably the old NPL-licensed one.

OK, so that's probably a blocker then - we need to update to the MPL version.


Re: Blocking Issues

2009-11-21 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/11/21 David Crossley
 Ross Gardler wrote:
 Tim Williams wrote:
  FOR-855 verify the license situation prior to each release
  - housekeeping

 I believe Davids work with RAT fixes this issue.

 No it does not. There is much more to the job that that.

I meant that running RAT shows all licence headers are in place. we
still need to do the housekeeping work that is normal due diligence on
a release, of course.

  FOR-1177 ? ? ? ?where does forrest use Rhino

 Not a blocker

 Yes it is. At the moment i think that it might be using an
 unsuitable license.

Why? Rhino is dual licensed under GPL and MPL. MPL is compatible, as
long as we have the relevant NOTICE file. What am I missing that you
are seeing?


Re: Blocking Issues

2009-11-20 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/11/20 Tim Williams
 The following are the issues considered blockers.  I feel
 comfortable moving others under lazy consensus to the next release,
 but I felt there was a higher burden for these.  I figure if someone
 thought they blocked at the time, then I reckon they should get a
 say...  Anyway, can you peruse these issues and comment on any that
 you feel strongly about?

 FOR-681 Include xconf files in plugins using includes, not XPatch
 - I don't know, a blocker?

It was reported in 2005 and has not been worked on. I don't see how
this can be a blocker for the next release. Is it even relevant

 FOR-796 Merge all view/dispatcher work into
 org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher and
 - Thorsten's looking at this now.

Not a blocker if the goal is to get a release out. Dispatcher has been
holding back Forrest releases since 0.7, it should not block 0.9 too,
it's a whiteboard plugin.

If it is ready in time then brilliant, if not just get a release out
the door since you clearly have some momentum going here. Don't let a
nice to have stop that momentum. There's nothing stopping a 0.10
release a few weeks after the 0.9 if someone wants this plugin to go
into core soon (highly unlikely given how long this has sat around
unfinished but in use on peoples sites).

 FOR-911 decide content of release
 - I recommend punting on this one, we can do what we've always done.


 FOR-868 add relevant notes to the Upgrading xdoc
 - housekeeping


 FOR-1108        Dispatcher, Cocoon 2.1 and Windows
 - I dunno

Since dispatcher is a whiteboard plugin I'd say go with it anyway and
test/document that dispatcher is broken on windows. This is blocker
for dispatcher going into core, not a blocker on a 0.9 release.

 FOR-591 MaxMemory needs increasing for large document sets: Memory
 Leak with XMLFileModule
 - I'll give this another yet another attempt.

Sufficient to document for a 0.9 release, the same problem exists in
the 0.8 release.

 FOR-855 verify the license situation prior to each release
 - housekeeping

I believe Davids work with RAT fixes this issue.

 FOR-1177        where does forrest use Rhino

Not a blocker

 FOR-812 Remove dependency of projectInfo on skinconf.xml
 - maybe I don't understand it fully, but it doesn't seem like it
 should block us from a release


Thanks for doing all this Tim (and others). I'm afraid this kind of
feedback is about all I will be doing towards the release - keep up
the great work.


[jira] Commented: (FOR-993) Plugins not finding the optional plugin specific Locationmap causes Errors instead of warnings.

2009-11-19 Thread Ross Gardler (JIRA)


Ross Gardler commented on FOR-993:

See my most recent comment. It ends with:

This issue is about reporting an error that is actually a warning.

There are two ways to avoid this:

1) report as a warning not an error 


2) force all projects to have a default locationmap (that would normally be 

This issue is non-issue in my opinion. If it is an issue it is nothing to do 
with plugins. Gavin appears to have spotted this problem whilst working with 
plugins, but the behaviour would be the same in any content built with Forrest.

Project can OPTIONALLY provide a locationmap, there is no requirement for that 
to be present. The code reports this as an error, but it should be a warning 
(see 1. above)

If we don't want to see such a warning then we could require projects to have 
an empty locationmap as a minimum.

Personally I think reporting it as a warning not an error is just fine.

You could add an optional mount to the locationmap grammar, but why bother? 
Under what circumstances would it be required and what would you do if it were? 
If a required match is not provided the build will fail anyway and a warning 
would have been recorded against the missing locationmap. Adding the extra 
attribute would just add complexity for the user that brings no value other 
than reducing some logging information.

If I were to spend cycles fxing this I would simply change the error log to a 

 Plugins not finding the optional plugin specific Locationmap causes Errors 
 instead of warnings.

 Key: FOR-993
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Plugins (general issues)
Affects Versions: 0.8
Reporter: Gavin
Priority: Minor
 Fix For: 0.9-dev

 Whilst checking error logs for another issue, I spotted that the locationmap 
 was not being found.
 So I tried it in serveral plugins, all with the same result, the locationmap 
 is not being found.
 The locationmap is normally found in 
 %PROJECT_HOME%/src/documentation/content/ directory
 Our own site docs it can be found in site-author/content.
 However for Plugins all the locationmap.xml files are located in 
 %pluginHome%/ root directory.
 The locationmap.xml file for plugins is not being looked for in root but in 
 the content directory.
 Example :-
 ERROR   (2007-04-16) 19:13.27:578   [core.modules.mapper.lm] (/index.html) 
 PoolThread-4/SelectNode: Ignoring locationmap config exception: Unable to 
 build LocationMap.
 org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException: Unable to 
 build LocationMap.
   at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.process(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service

[jira] Commented: (FOR-993) Plugins not finding the optional plugin specific Locationmap causes Errors instead of warnings.

2009-11-19 Thread Ross Gardler (JIRA)


Ross Gardler commented on FOR-993:

Ahhh yes Now I understand your chicken and egg dilemma.

I'd still switch it to a warning though. If a locationmap is missing a later 
processing will throw an error about unfound resources.

 Plugins not finding the optional plugin specific Locationmap causes Errors 
 instead of warnings.

 Key: FOR-993
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Plugins (general issues)
Affects Versions: 0.8
Reporter: Gavin
Priority: Minor
 Fix For: 0.9-dev

 Whilst checking error logs for another issue, I spotted that the locationmap 
 was not being found.
 So I tried it in serveral plugins, all with the same result, the locationmap 
 is not being found.
 The locationmap is normally found in 
 %PROJECT_HOME%/src/documentation/content/ directory
 Our own site docs it can be found in site-author/content.
 However for Plugins all the locationmap.xml files are located in 
 %pluginHome%/ root directory.
 The locationmap.xml file for plugins is not being looked for in root but in 
 the content directory.
 Example :-
 ERROR   (2007-04-16) 19:13.27:578   [core.modules.mapper.lm] (/index.html) 
 PoolThread-4/SelectNode: Ignoring locationmap config exception: Unable to 
 build LocationMap.
 org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException: Unable to 
 build LocationMap.
   at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.process(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.service(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.service(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handleNext(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handle(
   at org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer.handle(
   at org.mortbay.util.ThreadPool$
 Caused by: org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceNotFoundException: Exception 
 during processing of cocoon://locationmap-project.xml

Re: problem with feeder plugin

2009-11-02 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/11/2 Vicent Mas


 This was wrong. The file has not xdoc format. Simply

   feed id=BBCSport_UK

 in a file named feedDescriptor.xml works.

You mean exactly as documented in
(which you linked to)

Thanks for following up onlist, this makes it easier for those coming
after you. Clearly the documentation is not very clear, if you can
provide a patch for the plugins documentation that would be very much


Re: New website using dispatcher

2009-10-25 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/10/25 Vicent Mas

 although I'm worried about the Forrest future (I'm a reader of the Status and
 future direction thread)

Please let me reassure you. Whatever happens Forrest as it exists
today is not going away. If it serves your needs today you have
nothing to worry about.


Re: svn commit: r825833 - /forrest/trunk/etc/rat-avoid.txt

2009-10-17 Thread Ross Gardler
 Author: crossley
 Date: Fri Oct 16 10:11:32 2009
 New Revision: 825833

 More patterns.
 Issue: FOR-1180


 Modified: forrest/trunk/etc/rat-avoid.txt
 --- forrest/trunk/etc/rat-avoid.txt (original)
 +++ forrest/trunk/etc/rat-avoid.txt Fri Oct 16 10:11:32 2009
 @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@

I'm pretty sure you can just do things like **/*.txt


Re: svn commit: r826147 - /forrest/trunk/etc/rat-avoid.txt

2009-10-17 Thread Ross Gardler
 Author: crossley
 Date: Sat Oct 17 00:34:38 2009
 New Revision: 826147

 More patterns.
 Issue: FOR-1180


 Modified: forrest/trunk/etc/rat-avoid.txt
 --- forrest/trunk/etc/rat-avoid.txt (original)
 +++ forrest/trunk/etc/rat-avoid.txt Sat Oct 17 00:34:38 2009
 @@ -5,8 +5,11 @@

and **/.*


Re: [Important] Status and future direction

2009-10-16 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/10/16 Gavin

 -Original Message-
 From: Ross Gardler []
 Sent: Friday, 9 October 2009 5:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [Important] Status and future direction

 I agree with Tim here, especially the bit where he can't agree with me
 more ;-)

 I don't know a great deal about Cocoon 3, but I have no personal
 interest in using it here - sledgehammer to crack a nut. Since I'm not
 active here my opinion doesn't count for much in that respect though.

 If someone wanted to look at and validate my evening hacks on Forrest
 2 I might be drawn back in, I do have a need for such a lightweight
 and embeddable solution. However, I don't have the time or resources
 to drive forward alone on this.

 I seem to be in the same camp as Ross and Tim. When it comes to the Cocoon
 side of things, even after all this time it is a maze [/haze] to me.

 I would like to take a look at Forrest2 more before deciding if that could
 be a possible future or not. A couple of questions on Forrest2

 How usable is it right now?

It isn't usable at all. I merely hacked together a very rough
prototype to illustrate what I was talking about. It works in a very
small number of test cases that are designed to demonstrate rather
than implement.

 Does it depend on our current core in any way or can the Forrest2 directory
 tree be moved away and still work independently?

It is fully independent.

 How far off do you think it is in terms of the tools that our current
 Forrest offers? (can you drop an odt file in from our current plugin system
 and get a tei output for example)

See above - it is a long way off. This is *not* the right route if
people are not fully supportive of the idea.


Re: [Important] Status and future direction

2009-10-16 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/10/16 David Crossley
 Gavin wrote:

 Either way, it looks like we should be voting soon on this, ...

 I disagree. We need to hear from more people.
 There are more Forrest PMC members, and there
 are over 100 people subscribed to this dev list.

Yes, there is no need to rush this. It's a very important decision to
make and we need to be sure to make the right one.

So far there have been two opposing views expressed, but I still see
nobody actually stepping up to do the work. Opinions (like mine) are
irrlevent unless they are followed through on.


Re: [Important] Status and future direction

2009-10-12 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/10/12 David Crossley
 What is development and developer in the context
 of Forrest? IMO every person who creates a documentation
 presentation system using Forrest is a developer.

A developer in the context of an open source project is someone who is
contributing to the ongoing sustainability of the project itself.
SOmeone who makes sure their own use of the tool is helping others.

 IMO if the requirement is for a basic website,
 then Forrest is not the correct tool.

Agreed - but that is what most users are using it for.

 On the other hand, if the content needs to be drawn from
 various different places, and integrated, and perhaps some
 specific content handled and presented in different ways.
 Then Forrest is relevant.

I disagree, Forrest *used* to be relevant. In my opinion it is too
hard to get anyting done these days. That's why I no longer use it in
new projects. It's easier to do per site systems now, at least it is
for me. You may have different views.

 One needs to be a developer to enhance the current set
 of plugins or to create new, perhaps private, plugins.
 For example i have an on-line store plugin for one of
 our websites.

Sure, but *you* have it. Why doesn't Forrest? That's the difference
between a user and a developer here. For Forrest to survive the people
who are still finding it useful need to step forward and move the
project onwards and stop relying on people like me who used to find it
useful but no longer do so.

 Configuring sitemaps and stuff requires a developer.
 IMO the sitemap and locationmap are fantastic.

I agree to an extend, that's why I spent so many thousands of hourse
working on those features (along with many others). Who is working on
it now?


Re: [Important] Status and future direction

2009-10-12 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/10/12 Johannes Schaefer
 Hello from a lurking user and committer!

 I'm top-posting because I just want to add our use case to the
 discussion which is different from producing a web site and maybe
 closer to the original vision of Forrest.


 There's much room for Forrest to improve, we always have some hassles
 when a new project starts and a long wish list. We don't have the
 resources to add substantially to Forrest beyond our internal hacks :-(

That, in my opinion is the problem. I find it easier to do internal
hacks of non-Forrest solutions than to work with Forrest now.
Technology has moved on since we started Forrest and Forrest has not
done so. We got bedded down chasing our own tales for a long time and
we never came out of it.

If Forrest was simpler and could be used as a library rather than as a
monolithic system I think we would have some realy developers rather
than real users.

If been involved with Forrest since day one, if even I find it easier
to hack around than to build decent reusable code then I think that is
a symptom of a problem. What I'm reading in this thread from those
other than the usual suspects is that the symptoms are seen elsewehere

How do we solve that?


Re: release process

2009-10-12 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/10/12 David Crossley
 Thorsten Scherler wrote:

 IMO A should be the way to wrap up current development. Like pointed
 out by David we need to have a release that  contains the work of the
 last years since the release.

 It may require two releases in reasonably quick succession.
 Otherwise we risk holding up the release for more ages.

Or even a release every 2-3 months regardless of the state of
development. I think one of our mistakes has been to wait for features
to be finished before releasing. Then they've been redesigned,
rejigged and broken.

Look at Locationmap - it took us three years to get that code in, once
in it was tidied up and polished. The XML config system was put into
the last release as an undocumented feature and, as a result has seen
significant work and is now ready for official release (yet there has
been no release).

It used to be just David doing releases. We discussed and agreed more
frequent releases. So I an Ferdinand cut a release. From memory I
think that was the last release Forrest had. All good intentions, but
no action.

 The last release was much easier with those notes.

+1000 - the process isn't actually that hard. It only looks complex
because it is well documented. Ironically, as David says, it is this
documentation that makes the process easier.



Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - supporting open source in education and research

Re: [Important] Status and future direction

2009-10-10 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/10/9 Thorsten Scherler

 On 08/10/2009, at 21:07, Ross Gardler wrote:

 I agree with Tim here, especially the bit where he can't agree with me
 more ;-)

 I don't know a great deal about Cocoon 3, but I have no personal interest
 in using it here - sledgehammer to crack a nut. Since I'm not active here my
 opinion doesn't count for much in that respect though.

 I am still developing mostly with cocoon in different versions. Just a
 couple of days back I had a chance to use cocoon 3 within droids and I have
 to say it is not sledgehammer anymore. You can use it without any sitemap if
 you want. ...

When the work on Cocoon 3 started I was excited that many of the
concepts and ideas were what I was calling for in Forrest 2
(embeddability, simplicty, programmatic control etc.) I've not kept up
with it, if you have and you say it is not a sledgehammer then I'm
happy to listen.

 On 8 Oct 2009, at 13:35, Tim Williams wrote:


 I have to admit that I am not sure about whole discussion about the future
 of forrest. We have a working product with a small committer community
 behind it. Our user base however is I guess larger then we imagine however
 we do not know them since forrest seems to just work. So no problems = no
 mails = no traffic.

I think this is true. Forrest is great for knocking together web
sites. If that's all you want then plain vanilla Forrest is great,
presents no problems and therefore no traffic.

 Regarding the traffic on our commit lists is similar, we do not add any new
 functionality to forrest for a while now and more or less maintain the code
 we have with the feedback from the list and individual test cases.

Here I disagree though.

Forrest was originally created as a way of combining content from
multiple sources in a single output format. However, the only well
supported output format is HTML, so if you want to create web pages
it's great. There are some well supported input formats, but most
users just use XDoc. Hence Forrest is used to create web pages and
nothing more.

At its height we had developers who needed the more advanced features
of merging data formats. However, we live in a different world today,
most data is available in some kind of syndicated feed that can be
passed through a simple XSL sheet and we're done. We don't need
complex pipelining anymore - if we do then there are a number of
simple GUI tools to provide them in a much simpler way than Forrest

The world has moved on and the original vision of Forrest, IMHO, is no
longer relevant. It is for this reason that we are not seeing new
features - it is not feature complete with respect to the original
vision (where's version 1?)

 The fear that I have that we will replace one complex beast with another.

This is a legitimate fear.

If that's where this discussion took us then you can count me out.

 Does our framework of input, internal and
 output plugins can be slimed down to a jar that I can add to my standard
 project where I need SOME of the functionality but not all?

IMHO yes - see my weekend hacks on Forrest 2 - that's exactly what
this is (in proof of concept form). If we remove the complex
pipelining and focus on embeddable data translation I think there is
still a space for Forrest. Whilst some people might want the
pipelining features (to produce websites for example) this should not
be a part of core Forrest. I'd not object, in fact I proposed, that
Forrest translations should be embeddable in Cocoon to provide these
pipelining features. If we did it this way round we would remove the
dependency on Cocoon, thus allowing us to proceed independently of
that (or any other project).

 In which
 programming language do we want to develop to start with? 

At this stage I don't care. I think that would be a diversion from the
important topic of whether it should be done at all.

 I do not see forrest in the attic neither. There are still quite a bunch of
 code in our rep that attracts people with certain usecase.

The attic is for code that is not being maintained. It does not mean
it has no users.  The fact that this conversation is happening shows
that there is some oversight, but how many of us have done anything
really useful for Forrest in the last 18 months? (not me)

Can those who have kept the project alive continue to do so? If so why
hasn't there been a release? I know I have grown tired of answering
questions for a project I no longer use in new projects and is not
under active development.

There have been two people in this thread say they think the right
route is X - so who is going to actually do it? If someone leads,
others may follow.


Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - supporting open source in education and research

Re: [Important] Status and future direction

2009-10-08 Thread Ross Gardler

I agree with

Sent from my mobile device.

On 8 Oct 2009, at 13:35, Tim Williams wrote:

Thanks David, this is a tough, but necessary, conversation.

I snipped A and B because I don't consider them fruitful options at  

C) Try to upgrade to Cocoon-3 version.
I don't know whether Cocoon-3 is ready or
possible for Forrest. Would someone else comment.

Cocoon-3 seems ready from what I can tell, though it is already
suffering from the same things that drove me away from enjoying
regular Cocoon.  It's overly complex.  There was a time when the
return on the steep Cocoon learning curve was worth it but that time,
for me, has passed.  I now have minimum amount of spare time to hack
at Forrest and when I've tried lately, it's no longer a pleasure
primarily because I spend much of that time re-learning Cocoon
complexity instead of being productive.  I must admit that when I was
at the height of my Cocoon knowledge I was unempathetic to Ross'
pleas, but now, I probably couldn't agree with his sentiments more.
Anyway, I think this is a long way of saying that i honestly don't see
there being a future in a Cocoon-based Forrest.

D) Develop some other core.

See past discussion in our dev mail archives.

I think it's ultimately going to be this or the Attic.  Implementing
something that's intuitive, prefers convention, and doesn't attempt to
solve all problems could very well bring the fun back.  I think we'd
have a much easier time attracting new devs too since we wouldn't have
the problem of yeah, forrest is easy to understand *after* you
understand this other ridiculously complex beast over there.

E) Cease Forrest and move to the Apache Attic.

I think there is a niche out there for Forrest.  I've got a need now,
for example, for a simple documentation site but, unfortunately,
forrest is too much of a burden to use for it - documentation is a
side-show that people don't want to have to spend hours/days coming
up to speed.  So I sincerely hope this option isn't where we end up.


Whatever happens, we still need to make a release.

Agreed, I've been poking around at JIRA lately seeing what I can
tackle - as i mentioned the Cocoon (re)-learning curve has kept me
pretty unproductive though.

Whatever happens, more people need to assist with
the project management tasks.

Agreed, since I haven't contributed much lately to the coding, I
haven't been compelled to contribute at all.  That's not good, I know.


My opinion is that Forrest needs to make a decision
about which direction, and stick with it, developers
get involved to start Forrest moving again, and build
the community.

Options A to D have previous discussion in the
dev mail archives.

Again, I think D or E are the only viable long-term options.


Re: [Important] Status and future direction

2009-10-08 Thread Ross Gardler
I agree with Tim here, especially the bit where he can't agree with me  
more ;-)

I don't know a great deal about Cocoon 3, but I have no personal  
interest in using it here - sledgehammer to crack a nut. Since I'm not  
active here my opinion doesn't count for much in that respect though.

If someone wanted to look at and validate my evening hacks on Forrest  
2 I might be drawn back in, I do have a need for such a lightweight  
and embeddable solution. However, I don't have the time or resources  
to drive forward alone on thIs.

David, thank you for raising this issue.

Sorry about top posting...
Sent from my mobile device.

On 8 Oct 2009, at 13:35, Tim Williams wrote:

Thanks David, this is a tough, but necessary, conversation.

I snipped A and B because I don't consider them fruitful options at  

C) Try to upgrade to Cocoon-3 version.
I don't know whether Cocoon-3 is ready or
possible for Forrest. Would someone else comment.

Cocoon-3 seems ready from what I can tell, though it is already
suffering from the same things that drove me away from enjoying
regular Cocoon.  It's overly complex.  There was a time when the
return on the steep Cocoon learning curve was worth it but that time,
for me, has passed.  I now have minimum amount of spare time to hack
at Forrest and when I've tried lately, it's no longer a pleasure
primarily because I spend much of that time re-learning Cocoon
complexity instead of being productive.  I must admit that when I was
at the height of my Cocoon knowledge I was unempathetic to Ross'
pleas, but now, I probably couldn't agree with his sentiments more.
Anyway, I think this is a long way of saying that i honestly don't see
there being a future in a Cocoon-based Forrest.

D) Develop some other core.

See past discussion in our dev mail archives.

I think it's ultimately going to be this or the Attic.  Implementing
something that's intuitive, prefers convention, and doesn't attempt to
solve all problems could very well bring the fun back.  I think we'd
have a much easier time attracting new devs too since we wouldn't have
the problem of yeah, forrest is easy to understand *after* you
understand this other ridiculously complex beast over there.

E) Cease Forrest and move to the Apache Attic.

I think there is a niche out there for Forrest.  I've got a need now,
for example, for a simple documentation site but, unfortunately,
forrest is too much of a burden to use for it - documentation is a
side-show that people don't want to have to spend hours/days coming
up to speed.  So I sincerely hope this option isn't where we end up.


Whatever happens, we still need to make a release.

Agreed, I've been poking around at JIRA lately seeing what I can
tackle - as i mentioned the Cocoon (re)-learning curve has kept me
pretty unproductive though.

Whatever happens, more people need to assist with
the project management tasks.

Agreed, since I haven't contributed much lately to the coding, I
haven't been compelled to contribute at all.  That's not good, I know.


My opinion is that Forrest needs to make a decision
about which direction, and stick with it, developers
get involved to start Forrest moving again, and build
the community.

Options A to D have previous discussion in the
dev mail archives.

Again, I think D or E are the only viable long-term options.


Fwd: board: r19010 - /foundation/board/board_agenda_2009_08_19.txt

2009-08-19 Thread Ross Gardler
I just noticed this addition to the board report for Forrest and have
not noticed a copy of it going to our developer list.

I totally agree with this addition and thank David for adding it. My
purpose for forwarding here is to highlight this issue to the widest
possible community.

In short we would welcome someone building a release for Forrest -
anyone can do it and as David says it is well documented (and I'm sure
people will come out of the woodwork to help in the odd spare minute).


-- Forwarded message --
Date: 2009/8/19
Subject: board: r19010 - /foundation/board/board_agenda_2009_08_19.txt

Author: crossley
Date: Wed Aug 19 08:03:49 2009
New Revision: 19010

Reply to Forrest comment from rf.


Modified: foundation/board/board_agenda_2009_08_19.txt
--- foundation/board/board_agenda_2009_08_19.txt (original)
+++ foundation/board/board_agenda_2009_08_19.txt Wed Aug 19 08:03:49 2009
@@ -435,6 +435,12 @@
       [ approved: jj, dc, rf
           rf: no releases in 2.33 years? why not?
+     crossley: One reason is that no one has stepped forward to be the Release
+               Manager. As we all know, that takes some effort. Also as our
+               past board reports indicate, the developers seem busy with other
+               things. It could release now as-is, the process is well-defined.
+               There are some improvements that developers have hoped to
+               integrate, but not yet managed to do.

    L. Apache HTTP Server Project [William A. Rowe Jr. / Brett]

Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - supporting open source in education and research

Re: prompting a release (Was: r19010 ... board_agenda_2009_08_19.txt

2009-08-19 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/8/19 David Crossley
 Ross Gardler wrote:
 I just noticed this addition to the board report for Forrest and have
 not noticed a copy of it going to our developer list.

 They are unpublished agenda items, so the dev list is not
 usually copied.

Yes, you are right, I should have repurposed your text. However, there
is nothing private in what I posted so no harm done.

 In short we would welcome someone building a release for Forrest -
 anyone can do it and as David says it is well documented (and I'm sure
 people will come out of the woodwork to help in the odd spare minute).


(just leving the key message in).


Re: ical output plugin - sitemap feedback wanted

2009-08-19 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/8/19 David Crossley
 Sjur Moshagen wrote:
 Hello all,

 For a long time our project group has been using an ical output
 project module that I'm now converting to a real plugin, which I
 intend to add to the whiteboard. For historical reasons, the url
 pattern matched against presupposes a certain file naming scheme, as

 !--   Will match weekly meeting files {2}, and extract the tasks for
 person in {3}, returning the task list as an iCal TODO list --
 map:match pattern=**/Tasks_*_*.ics
     map:generate src=cocoon://{1}/Meeting_{2}.xml /
     map:transform src={lm:ical.transform.document.ics}
         map:parameter name=date value={2} /
         map:parameter name=person value={3} /
     map:serialize type=ical /

 That is, the meeting date is encoded in the filename, and the person
 for which the ical file should be created is encoded in the URL in
 addition to the date. Also, the filename is fixed to the pattern
 Meeting_{DATE}.xml (or actually *.jspwiki in our case). Is this ok,
 or should I change to a more general pattern? One reasoning is that it
 doesn't make sense to create an ical file for a non-meeting document,
 and this dependency is expressed in the URL and filename patterns. But
 then again, the whole plugin depends on certain conventions in the
 source document, so you can anyway add non-working links (ie link to
 meeting documents that do not follow these conventions).

 Comments on the URL or filename patterns? Other comments?

 This is exiting. That seems like a fine approach to me.

I agree that it's great to see some new work here. I don't quite agree
that the URL patterns is a fine approach though. But don't worry,
it's a small change I am going to propose and it is backward
compatible with your current scheme.

Basically, some time ago we decided that fixed url patterns were a bad
idea since it creates potential clashes in peoples applications. We
therefore implemented the new (although not officially released) XML
properties system to allow the sitemap to be easily configured without
having to edit the plugin files (actually that was a side effect, but
that's not relevant right now).

You can see an example of this approach in use in the Daisy input
plugin (whiteboard):


map:call resource=daisy-to-document
  map:parameter name=docID value={1}/
  map:parameter name=path value={0}/

property name=daisy.pathPrefix value=/
property name=daisy.fileExt value=.daisy/

Now the project can override these properties in its local if it needs to do so, or it can leave them at
their defaults for the same behaviour as your existing sitemap.


Re: missing license headers

2009-07-20 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/7/20 David Crossley
 While doing the scan to ensure that our licensing is in order,
 i found some anomalies.



Thanks David. Sorry about that.

I can confirm that each of these has been contributed with the intent
to licence to the ASF.

I don't have a checkout of Forrest at present. I'll add these ASAP (as
it happens I need to do some Forrest work this afternoon if I get


Re: svn commit: r782008 - /forrest/trunk/whiteboard/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.input.skos/src/documentation/content/xdocs/index.xml

2009-06-05 Thread Ross Gardler
 Author: sina
 Date: Fri Jun  5 13:11:58 2009

Welcome Sina.


Re: How can I use class lists with XDocs?

2009-05-15 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/5/14 Brolin Empey
 2009/5/13 David Crossley

 That is what i thought too. Done now.

 Thanks!  I can use class lists in XDocs after updating my working copy of

 I should have asked about this limitation earlier because I had resorted to
 a kludge by hacking the generated HTML to add the additional class.

By asking early we can also help you come up with more efficienct
workarounds. before you know it you'll be submitting simple patches
and beoming a committer ;-)

Welcome to Apache Forrest.


Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - supporting open source in education and research

Re: reducing duplication in menus with pelt skin

2009-05-15 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/5/5 Brolin Empey

 See the Products menu on the left side of
 Currently, clicking on either the triangular bullet to the left of Products
 or on Products expands and collapses the Products menu.  The first child in
 the menu is Products.  Is it possible to make the top-level Products a link
 so that Products is not duplicated in the menu?  Then the triangular bullet
 would have to be used to expand and collapse the Products menu.

(sorry for the dealy in response)

To do this you will need to hack the javascript that does the menu
expansion to instruct the browser to open the index page as well as
expand the menu item. This is easy enough if you know Javascript, less
so if you don't.

Alternatively you could make all the menu items expanded by default. I
can't recall if we have a switch to do this, if this is something you
want to explore let us know.


Re: class attribute of body element in XDocs source is not included in generated HTML

2009-05-15 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/5/15 Brolin Empey
 I asked about this months ago, but will ask again because the issue still
 exists in the current version of Forrest.  The last time I asked, I was
 using a release version.

 Here is the body element of my XDocs source file:

 body class=product_heading

 The generated HTML does not include the class attribute.  Is there any way
 to get the class attribute included in the generated HTML?

 I guess this is a Cocoon issue.  It is annoying because I have to hack the
 generated HTML to add the class attribute.

This is not a Cocoon issue. It will be stripped by one of our XSLT
files. The question is, which one...

To narrow the possibilities request http://localhost:/foo.xml

This will return the intermediate format used by forrest (i.e. what we
have after all input side plugins have been executed).

Does the class attribute exist? If not then it is the input side XSLT
that is stripping it, since you indicate your source is in XDoc I
assume you are not using an input plugin and therefore it is in the
core stylesheets, see

It would really help you in tracking this problem if you familiarise
yourself with the Forrest processing pipelines, but brute force
examination of likely looking stylesheets may get you there.

If the class information appears in the intermediate format then the
problem is on the output side. Since you are talking about HTML then
the issue wll be somewhere in the skin stylesheets.

Sorry I can't be more specific, I don't have the time to track the
problem myself, I hope this info helps get you started debugging.


 Sometimes I forget how to do small talk:

 “What if there were no hypothetical questions?” — George Carlin

Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - supporting open source in education and research

Re: Simple include files?

2009-05-15 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/5/16 Gavin


 From: Brolin Empey []
 Sent: Saturday, 16 May 2009 9:40 AM
 Subject: Re: Simple include files?

 2009/5/14 Gavin

 P.S. - It makes it easier for replies to be inline if you post as plain text
 instead of html ;)

 What is so difficult about replying inline to an HTML message?  I have no
 trouble doing so.

It depends on the clinet being used - some don't do it will (like MS Outlook)

However, more importantly, many mail archives don't play well with
HTML emails and they are are really nasty for those not able to use a
graphical email client (i.e. Pine over and SSH tunnel whilst traveling
or some text readers).

Then there is the issue of bloat in the document etc.

All in all it's an etiquette issue when it comes to mailing lists.


Re: class attribute of body element in XDocs source is not included in generated HTML

2009-05-15 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/5/16 Brolin Empey
 Thanks for the quick replies!  I created FOR-1167 because I do not feel like
 debugging this issue.  I know, I am lazy, but my kludgey workaround works
 fine. ;)

Thanks for recording the issue and linking to this thread. Now it is
self-documenting up to the point we have it.


Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - supporting open source in education and research

Re: Simple include files?

2009-05-15 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/5/16 Brolin Empey
 2009/5/15 Gavin


 Anyway, can we please get back on track?  Can someone please change
 the XDocs DTDs so I can use xi:include/ as a child of a table
 (after the optional caption)?

Provide a patch via our issue tracker and I'm sure someone will apply
it (not me, I don't have a current checkout of Forrest right now I'm


Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - supporting open source in education and research

Re: problem skinning legacy html

2009-04-11 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/4/11 Vicent Mas

 I've searched for help in the mailing list archives with no luck. How
 can I fix these

Without specific examples of the source, output and processing
pipelines it would be impossible to answer this.


Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - supporting open source in education and research

Re: local-deploy on project-internal plugin

2009-03-23 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/3/23 Sjur Moshagen
 Replying to myself:

 Den 23. mar. 2009 kl. 14.59 skrev Sjur Moshagen:

 The action on line 117 in that build file reads:

   copy toDir=${forrest.plugins.localDeploy.dir}/${plugin-name}
     fileset dir=${forrest.plugins.dir}/${plugin-name}
       exclude name=lib/**/
       exclude name=build/**/

 If I change this to the following:

    copy toDir=${forrest.plugins.localDeploy.dir}/${plugin-name}
      fileset dir=${forrest.plugins.dir}
        exclude name=lib/**/
        exclude name=build/**/

 it works ok (cf the second line, where I removed the ${plugin-name}
 variable). But this would probably break the regular plugin deployment. This
 file has not been touched since end of April 2007, and bugs here would
 certainly have been found much earlier.

The code to allow a customisable local directory is much newer than
that. So you probably want to look there.


Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - supporting open source in education and research

Re: murmurs of a release

2009-03-18 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/3/18 David Crossley
 Gavin wrote:
 Thorsten Scherler
  I hope that people will give me support (as they always did) when
  I shortly will merge back the dispatcher rewrite and volunteer to
  get a long overdue forrest 0.9 release out.

Go Thorsten

If you want to get together at ApacheCon and force me to do some
testing I'd be happy to do so (if you can get hold of me for long
enough). At present Tuesday AM is the only time I have pretty free in
Hackathon time.

Failing to trap me at ApacheCon will probably mean I don't do any
testing. I don't have the cycles right now.


Re: [jira] Commented: (FOR-1160) Enhanced locationmap documentation, added example and fixed some typos

2009-03-11 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/3/11 David Crossley
 Ross Gardler wrote:
 EMMEL Thomas wrote
  Ok, next time, I keep an eye on that ;-)

 Thanks for your patch Emmel, it is much appreciated.

 Thank you David for applying it, ...

 Thanks Gavin instead.

Sorry Gavin - Thanks Gavin ;-)


Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - awareness and understanding of open source software
development and use in education

Re: [jira] Commented: (FOR-1160) Enhanced locationmap documentation, added example and fixed some typos

2009-03-03 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/3/3 EMMEL Thomas
 Ok, next time, I keep an eye on that ;-)

Thanks for your patch Emmel, it is much appreciated.

Thank you David for applying it, I really should put a version of
Forrest on my day job machine, but we don't use it here at present :-(


 David Crossley (JIRA) schrieb:


 David Crossley commented on FOR-1160:

 Thanks Thomas. When reviewing, i noticed that there was extra stuff added at
 the bottom about LocalWords. I removed that.

 Also we don't use tabs in any text file. I removed those.

 We are gradually reviewing docs to use CDATA sections in the source
 elements. No need to escape  etc. so easier to manage changes to such
 xml listing content.

 Enhanced locationmap documentation, added example and fixed some typos

 Key: FOR-1160
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Documentation and website, Locationmap
    Affects Versions: 0.9-dev
    Reporter: Thomas Emmel
    Priority: Minor
 Fix For: 0.9-dev

 Attachments: docs_0_90-locationmap.xml.diff

 during the last days I investigated the way forrest uses the locationmap,
 which I need to enhance the output for PDF (FOP).
 Therefore I added some more documentation to this section which
 (hopefully) shed some
 more light into this area and give an example that might be useful for

 This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
 You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - awareness and understanding of open source software
development and use in education

Re: site-author - no output during forrest run

2009-03-03 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/3/3 Gavin
 I just tried doing a forrest run on the site-author docs, although jetty
 runs fine, no html pages are output, and no .xml pages are available either.

 It has been a while since I tried building site-author directly, so this may
 be a windows issue not yet come up, just wanted others to confirm that
 site-author on trunk builds and runs fine ?

The tests in our zone are working fine:
Last Published: 03/03/2009 12:12:22

Look slike you broke your local copy ;-)


Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - awareness and understanding of open source software
development and use in education

Re: Applying patches

2009-03-03 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/3/3 David Crossley
 Ross Gardler wrote:
 Further to Davids recent developers must help developers email,

 To be clear, i deliberately did not use the word must.
 Instead i chose need to. People do whatever they like.
 However developers do need to help each other, to keep
 any project happening.

Yeah, sorry David.


Applying patches

2009-03-02 Thread Ross Gardler
Further to Davids recent developers must help developers email, can
I point out that recently some of us have been actively helping a
new contributor. That contributor has provided a useful patch to our docs in
direct response to our assistance and has identified a potential
problem in our FO stylesheets.

At this time I do not have a development version of Forrest on any of
my machines. Someone needs to apply this patch otherwsie all our
efforts are wasted.

Can someone please apply the patch supplied and thank the contributor.


Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - awareness and understanding of open source software
development and use in education

Re: plugin: output.pdf: a not resolved in helper-commonElements.xsl, bug or feature?

2009-02-27 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/2/27 EMMEL Thomas
 Ross Gardler schrieb:

 Such a hole would not show up when converting to HTML as the a
 element is legal there and would be passed through unmodified by the
 internal processing. However, given that Forrest is in use in a great
 many places and this hasn't raised it's head before I want to  check
 everything is in order. To that end we need an answer to my earlier
 question Under what circumstances do you find a document containing
 an a gets processed  by this stylesheet?



 I think this is connected to my own dtd, since I need some new elements
 and change others. For the default document-v20.dtd everything works fine.
 However, I never touched a inside my dtd,
 therefore I think it might be a general problem since it happens all the
 time I use an own dtd.
 For example I do a forrest seed, create a new dtd as described in the
 documentation that is only a copy to the document-v20.dtd, e.g.

 !ENTITY % common-charents PUBLIC
     -//APACHE//ENTITIES Common Character Entity Sets V1.0//EN

 !ENTITY % document PUBLIC
     -//APACHE//ENTITIES Documentation V2.0//EN

 and refere to it in a document like this:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 !DOCTYPE greeting PUBLIC -//Test//DTD myown V1.2//EN myown-v12.dtd

 ptest this link:
  a href=;Forrest/a./p

 I create the xcat-entry and run forrest
 Now, everything works fine for html-output, but fo and pdf miss the link.

 Any idea?

How is the above document processed? you should have an input plugin
that convers myown-v12.dtd to the internal XDoc v1.3, thus you would
not have any a elements internally only link, jump and fork. I
note that this is not clear in our docs.

You can choose to proceed as you are, but you need to be aware that if
you start using other output plugins you will continue to loose links.

However, since it works in HTML and your proposed change is quite
minor and will not affect users who are not making the kind of change
you suggest I'd be OK with that change going into the release. It does
not break backward compatability and would be correct if we eventually
move to XHTML2 subset anyway.

Feel free to provide a patch, please refer to this thread in the
description so that we can see why it is provided.



Re: question to FOR-1136 and locationmap.xml not found

2009-02-26 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/2/25 EMMEL Thomas

 In addition I realy like to understand how the locationmap-thing works but I
 cannot find enough input
 to understand the complete work-flow and debugging is very hard...

I'm going to paste links to sections of the docs that are supposed to
answer your questions. Of course, it's easy for me to understand these
as I already understand the locaitonmap. Please read the docs and come
back to us with more specific questions. We'll try and answer in more
detail but note that we will expect you to repay our time by providing
patches for the docs so that others can benefit.

Start here:

 For example there is a locationmap.xml and maybe a locationmap-project.xml
 but I don't know when they are used

 and where they should be stored, due to my problems above that no local
 locationmap after all will be read.

Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - awareness and understanding of open source software
development and use in education

Re: plugin: output.pdf: a not resolved in helper-commonElements.xsl, bug or feature?

2009-02-26 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/2/26 EMMEL Thomas

 there is a line in
 which I changed locally for me:

 @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
 -  xsl:template match=link|fork|jump
 +  xsl:template match=link|fork|jump|a
     xsl:variable name=color
       select=$config/colors/col...@name = 'body']/@link/

 Is it a bug or feature that a/a is not supported here?

 If I add it, the links will be activated, however they might be not useful
 in all cases yet when generating the wholesite.pdf, where
 external links need to be changed to internal links...

In theory it is feature.

Internally Forrest does not have the a element. Under what
circumstances do you find a document containing an a gets processed
by this stylesheet?


Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - awareness and understanding of open source software
development and use in education

Re: plugin: output.pdf: a not resolved in helper-commonElements.xsl, bug or feature?

2009-02-26 Thread Ross Gardler
2009/2/26 EMMEL Thomas
 Ross Gardler schrieb:

 2009/2/26 EMMEL Thomas

 there is a line in

 which I changed locally for me:

 @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
 -  xsl:template match=link|fork|jump
 +  xsl:template match=link|fork|jump|a
     xsl:variable name=color
       select=$config/colors/col...@name = 'body']/@link/

 Is it a bug or feature that a/a is not supported here?

 If I add it, the links will be activated, however they might be not useful
 in all cases yet when generating the wholesite.pdf, where
 external links need to be changed to internal links...

 In theory it is feature.

 Internally Forrest does not have the a element. Under what
 circumstances do you find a document containing an a gets processed
 by this stylesheet?



 a is the first element documented in the document-v20.dtd and is therefore
 very valid element in forrest I think.

 I use it everywhere I need a link since link and fork and jump are not
 in the DTD...

 Do I miss something?

Forrest does not use the V2 DTD *internally*, it uses the V1.3 DTD [1].

This is because of history rather than design. Ultimately the
intention is to move to a sbset of XHTML2 on the internals. XDoc V2 is
pretty much this subset already (give or take a few bits and pieces).
However, this has been the plan for a very long time and doesn't look
like being implemented any time soon - it's a major rewrite of both
input and output stylesheets.

It is likely that there is no harm in adding the match that you
identify. However, until we understand the circumstances in which you
are managing to get that element to the output plugin it is hard to
say. I'm worried that you might be doing something that bypasses the
internal processing (which is bad) or that we have a hole in one of
the internal processes.

Such a hole would not show up when converting to HTML as the a
element is legal there and would be passed through unmodified by the
internal processing. However, given that Forrest is in use in a great
many places and this hasn't raised it's head before I want to  check
everything is in order. To that end we need an answer to my earlier
question Under what circumstances do you find a document containing
an a gets processed  by this stylesheet?



Ross Gardler

OSS Watch - awareness and understanding of open source software
development and use in education

Re: Merge output plugins with OOo

2009-01-14 Thread Ross Gardler

Gavin wrote:

Hi All,

A little while back it was suggested that we remove the old plugin in favour of the newer OOo output plugin.

There was at least one voice that said the former was still useful.
Both do different jobs, one outputs in the older .xsi format whilst the
newer OOo currently outputs in .odt format (2.4+)

Well, what about a merger?

Sensible route.


Re: Piwi - Forrest in PHP

2008-12-22 Thread Ross Gardler

On 22 Dec 2008, at 11:44, Christian Grobmeier wrote:

Hi all,
sorry for my delay. My gmail account somehow skipped all the replies
from my inbox. :-)
Here are the answers for the first bunch of questions.

- Crawler for static content generation
- Forms (easy create web forms and assistants)  Form Validation

How do you justify the decision to implement forms support *and*  

generation. We've always been of the opinion that they are mutually
exclusive. Forrest does support forms, but not out of the box.
What happens when forms are submitted? Where does the data go?

We have a discussion about this currently.

You can give an external url to your form:
form action=;  
This is useful if you want to include some google boxes in your  
static site.

If one does static content generation, we assume he doesn't need any
dynamic features. Nothing happens. I mean, if you have PHP installed
on your webserver, why should you use static content generation? If
you need that, you may not need forms at all.

This would be requirements creep for Forrest. We are a content  
framework not a web framework. Given that the goal of Forrest is to  
provide many output formats from many input formats (and according to  
the PIWI website this goal is shared) then I am struggling with the  
above affirmation.

Either you don't need to support forms, or you need to support them in  
a way that is compatible with the goal of the project, i.e. give the  
best possible rendering of a page given the constraints of the output  

- Authentification

Again, how do you justify this alongside static generation?

This cannot work with static generation.

Exactly, see my comments above. I feel that either the PIWI objectives  
are poorly stated on your website or you have a sever case of  
requirements creep on your hands.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm genuinely  
trying to
understand the objectives of Piwi and why you believe they align  
nicely with
Forrest. Suffice it to say, it looks like you've done great job  
with Piwi.

First, thank you for your interest and your very helpful comments.

I think I should learn more about the differences from Cocoon to
Forrest. I always thought that Cocoon is a XML transformation
framework (not a web framework, even if it can used in the web
enviroment) and Forrest is one too, but with more specialized
functions for publishing on XML basis. Reduce the complexity of Cocoon
and publish your content, this is Forrest.

Historically Cocoon was an XML publishing framework. Over the years it  
migrated into being a web framework as requirements like forms  
processing and authentication crept in (I carefully chose those  
examples for obvious reasons, but I could have provided so many more  
such examples).

Forrest was created around the time it was clear Cocoon was more than  
an XML publishing framework, Forrest came along to satisfy a specific  
need of XML publishing (many formats in, many formats out) and  
stripped out most of the dynamic web framework stuff that had crept  
into Cocoon. Forrest was originally targeted at creating web sites and  
documentation for ASF projects. Over the years it has grown into more  
genera publishing jobs.

In other words, you are right about Forrest, but Cocoon is most  
definitely a web framework.

I consider PIWI as a xml transformation framework, which can be used
in the web too. I thought it fits to Forrest cause we simply looked at
the Forrest functionality and copied them over as good as it was
possible in PHP. For us the concept (and its interfaces) is more
important than the web features. We added those since PHP is usually a
web language.

Given the history of Forrest I doubt we would be interested in a  
project that brings back the requirements creep that resulted in the  
creation of Forrest in the first place. However, the idea of  
simplifying Forrest and making it more accessible to users is of  
interest to a number of Forrest devs.

However, as I said in my original mail. Most of us have a great deal  
invested in Forrest as it is currently designed. To get traction here  
I expect you will need to:

a) decide what the scope of PIWI is and, if necessary address the  
requirements creep issue
b) allow Forrest plugins to be reused without modification (a script  
for conversion might work)

Even then I'm not saying you will get traction, I'm only saying I  
doubt you will get traction without that.

I see some synergies in PIWI and Forrest. For example, I always wanted
to use Forrest but had no java host ready.

But this shows the misunderstanding you have of Forrest. The idea is  
that you host static content, not dynamic content. If you need dynamic  
content you need a web framework not a publishing tool. To host static  
content you don't need Java (or PHP)

I also remember the Forrest2 approach before a while. In fact 

Re: Piwi - Forrest in PHP

2008-12-22 Thread Ross Gardler

On 22 Dec 2008, at 16:50, Christian Grobmeier wrote:

Sure, and your work has gone further than my Forrest 2 experiments  
However, it has diverged from the goals of Forrest and is  
therefore, in its

current form, a very different project.

Totally true. Sadly - I really was excited about bringing some benefit
to forrest. Instead of that, I should better visit Cocoons

Before you do I would recommend you check out the work on Cocoon 3 -  
this is addressing many of the complexity issues. I doubt very much  
that Cocoon would be interested in Piwi for the opposite reason that I  
think Forrest is not interested. As a web framework Piwi offers far  
less features than Cocoon and the issue of requiring Java is not  
relevant for the Cocoon community. Furthrmore there are existing PHP  
frameworks for those who don't want java.

Still, I don't speak for the whole community only as an individual.

However, I learned much and would like to thank you for
your explainations. I will not bother this list again with my ideas of
contributing PIWI as a sub project of Apache Forrest - I may find a
Champion in a more appropriate project :-)

Indeed you may and I thank you for working with us on understanding  
the issues here. I'm glad I took the time to do so, I now know what  
Piwi is and, if it should find a champion and enter the incubator, as  
you seem to desire, then I will know which way to vote as an Incubator  
PMC member.


Re: Outdated docs?

2008-12-21 Thread Ross Gardler

On 21 Dec 2008, at 15:38, Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

I can't find the config file mentioned below. What is the new location
of this file?

Using Cocoon sitemap execution logger

In main/webapp/WEB-INF/xconf/forrest-core.xconf search for sitemap
execution and uncomment the component. For each sitemap component
that is executed, a message will go to WEB-INF/logs/debug.log

Extract from

It looks like the move to Cocoon 2.1 lost this style of configuration.  
The file is now

I found this using grep - grep is your friend.


Re: Piwi - Forrest in PHP

2008-12-20 Thread Ross Gardler

On 20 Dec 2008, at 02:13, David Crossley wrote:

I don't understand what this has to do with Forrest,
other than it was inspired by Forrest.

Why are we talking about the design of Piwi on this list?
Better on the Piwi mail list.

Because the developers seem to think it is appropriate to the Forrest  
project. Just because we don't see why at first glance doesn't mean it  
isn't relevant.

We have enough trouble getting people to develop Forrest,
let alone develop someone else's product.

The problems with Forrest, as I see them,  were clearly laid out a  
very long time ago. Piwi is addressing the same problems (overly  
complex, hard to host, impossible to embed, hard to understand).

Note for the mail archives:
Regarding PHP in Forrest, see the following FAQs:

How to use a different filename extension for output, e.g. *.php?

How to generate pages ready for serving via PHP?

Neither of those FAQs having anything to do with the motivations of  


Re: Piwi - Forrest in PHP

2008-12-19 Thread Ross Gardler

On 18 Dec 2008, at 15:27, Christian Grobmeier wrote:

Hi all,

I sent an E-Mail before a while about the PIWI project. Meanwhile a
lots of improvements have been done and I would like to point you to
the project again.

PIWI is a transformation framework written in PHP. It uses lots of
ideas and concepts from Cocoon and esspecially Forrest. Its current
project site can be found here:
Docs and Demo:

Its completly implemented under the Apache License.

Current features are:

- Crawler for static content generation
- Forms (easy create web forms and assistants)  Form Validation

How do you justify the decision to implement forms support *and*  
static generation. We've always been of the opinion that they are  
mutually exclusive. Forrest does support forms, but not out of the box.

What happens when forms are submitted? Where does the data go?

I did look at the site and found a demo, but no explanation of what is  
actually happening.

What validation mechanism do you use? that is how do you define  
validation rules?

- Internal PIWI-Format has been changed to a subset of XHTML

Cool - that was the big problem with your previous implementation (for  
me at least). A move to XHTML means that the XSL in our existing  
plugins can be more easily reused.

- Generators and Connectors (Generate XML from within other
XML-Structures; Connect a Generator to Databases)

I'm a little confused by your choice of names here. Looking at the  
demo the generator page displays data formatted in a particular way  
(i.e. a data table), there is no indication of what is actually  
happening. Is a generator the same as what we call a generator  
(something that creates XML for further processing, or is it a  
serializer (something that generates an output).

- Authentification

Again, how do you justify this alongside static generation?

You can see most features in action at

Several things have to be done, but at the moment we consider the
project as feature complete. We plan to wait a while and fix occuring
bugs or feature requests and then walk towards a version 1.0. We also
would like to write some more user docs.

It would be great to get some feedback of you guys. I think PIWI would
perfectly fit to the Forrest project and we might be interested in
this. I strongly believe that Apache needs a web framework in PHP.  If
you guys think so, let us know. Any help or ideas here are highly

I'm really not sure. Forrest is *not* a web framework, it is an XML  
publishing framework. Cocoon is a web framework.

I'm confused by what Piwi is. Is it a web framework or a publishing  
framework. If it is a web framework what does it give over the many  
other web frameworks out there and why would Forrest (a publishing  
framework) be interested?

If it is a publishing framework then why does it have some web  
framework features?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm genuinely  
trying to understand the objectives of Piwi and why you believe they  
align nicely with Forrest. Suffice it to say, it looks like you've  
done great job with Piwi.



Re: [jira] Commented: (FOR-1108) Dispatcher, Cocoon 2.1 and Windows

2008-12-03 Thread Ross Gardler

On 2 Dec 2008, at 11:52, Gavin wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Thorsten Scherler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sent: Tuesday, 2 December 2008 9:43 PM
Subject: RE: [jira] Commented: (FOR-1108) Dispatcher, Cocoon 2.1 and

El lun, 01-12-2008 a las 12:04 +1000, Gavin escribió:
I checked the PDF plugin again as this was never broken on Windows  


that the exact same fix we recently found we needed to do to other


was already present in the PDF plugin.

Thorsten committed this change back in February 18th [1] with the  

message of 'making resources usable from other plugins' .


[1] -


Yeah, actually if we want to reuse resources from other plugins the
relative path does not work in the lm for plugins.

The solution to add as fallback the absolute location will work for  

plugin as I understand it and brings the benefit of usability of the


However, if the above fix is useful in general for making reusable  
available by default then it doesn't feel so bad. Combine that with  
talk of
future and markably different direction(s) for Forrest as a whole  
then it

might just be acceptable.


Thorsten and I talked about the solution for reusing resources some  
time ago. The result was his commit you refer to.

A side effect that fixes a weird bug on a single platform is a plus.  
It is well documented thanks to your work and the discussion here and  
on the JIRA issue. I'd just make the patch and be done with it.

If it bites us in the ass in the future we can revisit.


[jira] Updated: (FOR-1133) PDF don't display images in deployed WAR file on Tomcat

2008-12-03 Thread Ross Gardler (JIRA)


Ross Gardler updated FOR-1133:

Priority: Major  (was: Critical)
 Urgency: Normal  (was: Urgent)

This is an issue with a version of Forrest that has been in production for 
quite some time. The problem would therefore appear to be with the specific 

Can you please report what happens when you do forrest run and retrieve a PDF, 
can you also tell us what the fo:external-graphic is when doing forrest run.

Testing a built war file in a diferent servlet engine (e.g. Jettry) would also 
be informative.

Please also test using 0.9-dev so that we can ascertain if this is a problem 
with 0.8 only or also a problem with SVN head.

On my configuration I am unabe to reproduce this problem, so the more 
information you can provide us the more likely we are to be able to help you 
fix the problem.

I'm reducing the priority to major as this issue needs to be confirmed as a 
problem in Forrest rather than a problem in your configuration (although I note 
you have tested on multiple operating systems). I'm also reducing the urgency 
to Normal, this means active devs are likely to help you solve the problem, but 
that they are not likely to do the work for you (i.e. an existing dev is not 
being affected by the issue)

 PDF don't display images in deployed WAR file on Tomcat

 Key: FOR-1133
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Plugin: output.pdf
Affects Versions: 0.8
Reporter: Antoine ROBERT

 In order to make this discussion as an official issue 
  i post a JIRA.
 Bug information :
 Tools : apache-tomcat-6.0.18 + apache-forrest-0.8 + java-1.6
 OS : Windows XP and CentOs (a RedHat)
 Step to reproduce
 1/ Download apache-forrest-0.8 (Actual release)
 2/ Downlaod apache-tomcat-6-0.18 (Actual release)
 3/ Use java 1.6 (Actual release)
 4/ forrest seed (To create sample forrest site)
 5/ forrest war (to create WAR sample forrest site)
 6/ put the .war in the tomcat webapps folder
 7/ Launch sample forrest application from tomcat
 8/ Go to any page with any image of this war sample forrest site
 9/ Try to see it in PDF version
 10/ See that you don't have image displayed 
 The issue is that, images are not displayed .. Any image (gif, png, jpg). 
 This issue is only in case of a deployed WAR, that works fine in jetty.
 Here are some clues about the issue :
 When i take a look in the graphical section of the .fo file I can see that : 
 And when I take a look in my WEB-INF/logs/core.log i can see that : 
  http-8080-1/ExternalGraphic: Error while creating area : Error with image 
  (No such file or directory) and no base URL is specified 
 I think that is a serious issue, and I would like your opinion about it.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

Re: [jira] Commented: (FOR-1108) Dispatcher, Cocoon 2.1 and Windows

2008-11-30 Thread Ross Gardler

On 30 Nov 2008, at 10:35, Gavin wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Gavin (JIRA) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, 30 November 2008 8:22 PM
Subject: [jira] Commented: (FOR-1108) Dispatcher, Cocoon 2.1 and  

tabpanelfocusedCommentId=12651805#action_12651805 ]

Gavin commented on FOR-1108:

Well, I got the .Text and .POD plugins working fine on Windows too,  
and I
expect if I make the same changes throughout the rest will too. I  

test on a couple of whiteboard plugins next.

Previously - with a seed-sample and no dispatcher, only the PDF  

worked, with the changes below then the above two also work now.

 match pattern=text.transform.*.*
 location src=resources/stylesheets/{1}-to-
{2}.xsl /


So, all I did there then was add in a second match using the more  
full path

to the plugins stylesheet(s) and so then it worked fine.

This is a workaround, one that we could extend and test to all  
plugins and

if works fine can get Windows devs back to working on trunk.

Getting windows up and running is the primary goal - well done!

Or, we need to find the real cause and fix it there, may only be a  
few lines

of one file rather than altering every single plugin.

We do need to figure out the real cause of the problem though. It used  
to work and now it doesn't - who knows what hidden surprises there are  
because of this.

However, since I wasn't finding the time to fix the windows problem  
myself I'm not about to start demanding you fix this. However, it's  
worth adding a fixme referring to the original issue when adding the  

As a windows user, I'll help with what I can, but I doubt 'll be  
actively working on this (my main machines are all Linux).


Re: [RT] Requirements for Spring-based Forrest (forrest2)

2008-11-29 Thread Ross Gardler

On 29 Nov 2008, at 00:56, Brian M Dube wrote:

I'd like to spend some time on a proof of concept version of Forrest
without Cocoon, whether that's whiteboard/forrest2 or a new
approach. One of the requirements, or at least functional tests, that
has already been mentioned with respect to forrest2 is that the seed
site must function correctly. I think this implies that current style
plugins need to be supported.

That really depends on your use case. The majority of work in the  
plugins is the XSLT, so reuse of part of the plugins would probably be  
acceptable. However, those plugins are based on XDoc and we have been  
intending to go to XHTML2 for a very long time and Forrest2 would be  
the sensible time to do that.

So, I'd say there is no need for it to be compatible with existing  
plugins. I would say that it should be compatible with the important  
part of Forrest. That is, existing sites should work without  
modification - or a tool be provided for conversion.

To support current plugins requires sitemap and locationmap
implementations that don't depend on Cocoon.

My original motivation for the Forrest2 experiments was to remove the  
complexity of the sitemap (an expressive language for web apps, not  
applicable to a publishing framework) and further enhance the ideas in  
the locationmap (decoupling of source and target data).

For me Forrest 2 should not be constrained by Forrest 1.

It looks difficult, but
not impossible, to extract sitemap support from the Cocoon
source. Is this the way to go?

Not for what I did with Forrest2 in whiteboard. I can't answer for  
your own use case.

Speaking personally, if your work went the sitemap route I would  
probably not be engaged by it. That's not to say it is a bad idea -  
just that if it doesn't solve the configuration complexities of the  
current system I'm not sure what utility it would have for me.

However, have you looked at the Cocoon 3 work? From what (little) I  
know of this it is a simplified Cocoon.

Implement support for sites and plugins
as they exist now, and use a new format for new development?

See above.

What are the other requirements to move away from Cocoon?

My motivations can be found in the archives, e.g.

Is there community interest to move away from Cocoon?

My Forrest2 proposal was never about moving away from Cocoon. It was  
about removing the need for a monolithic web framework for creating an  
XML publishing framework. My Forrest 2 design was all about allowing  
people who need to leverage Cocoon (or any other framework) in a  
Forrest content object - but not forcing them to do so.

Do I still think this is a good idea? Yes I do - see my RT thread  
linked above.

Will I work on it. Quite possibly. I don't find the time to work with  
Forrest these days - it doesn't match my needs anymore, but I still  
need an XML publishing framework that is something like Forrest (but  
allows more flexibility). There is, to my knowledge, no suitable  



Re: Forrest friendly searching

2008-11-20 Thread Ross Gardler

Tim Williams wrote:

I've been playing around with Google's Custom Search and thought I'd
use Forrest as my playground since I have a good idea of what I think
good results are.  Anyway, I haven't added a whole lot of
customization or refinements to it but think it's already fairly
useful nonetheless.


Let me know what you think and let me know if you want to contribute...

btw, i just picked a reasonable name, if it violates some rule, let me know...

Quite the contrary. As long as you are prepared to give committers who 
ask for it the ability to work on the resources then I'd propose that 
this become the default search facility on our site.


Re: input.wordpress (was Re: potential new plugin)

2008-10-01 Thread Ross Gardler

Brian M Dube wrote:

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 04:03:27PM +1000, David Crossley wrote:

The dependencies on the main facilities (e.g. WordPress and MySql)
seem okay to me. I expect that they would be treated as
system requirements, i.e. there is no use for the plugin if
there is no server available to connect to and extract content from.


Some of them (e.g. ehcache) are already in forrest core lib
but need to to updated.

If Forrest followed our usual technique of re-distributing
the supporting jars as a convenience, then definitely there
are some in that list that cannot be re-distributed:

e.g. hibernate - See 150 hits for that word on legal-discuss@
especially LEGAL-7 (and its linked issues) and the responses
to that and to LEGAL-9.

e.g. mysql-connector-java - I expect that there would be
similar issues. Is there no suitably licensed alternative?

I haven't found one. I don't have the energy to make the plugin work
without Hibernate and the MySQL driver. I'm happy to make the code
available elsewhere, but this is a blocker to host it here. Note I
have not contacted legal-discuss. The time and energy for that is
lacking, too.

If there is no way of getting into Forrest I'll give you commit rights 
to the SF plugins project. Just let me have your SF username (when I set 
this up we said any Forrest committer could have committ access over 
their simply by asking).

However, be aware that it is not an active community in its own right. 
It's merely a place to put stuff the ASF cannot distibute. We can (but 
at present do not) include plugins from there in the Forrest 
documentation (i.e. plugins.xml). Although to do this will require us to 
include a big this is not an approved ASF released plugin or something 
like that.


Re: [forrest seed] problem with dispatcher

2008-10-01 Thread Ross Gardler

Cyriaque Dupoirieux wrote:


I have not been working with my site for a long time, and now I
cannot generate it again.

The problem is with the recent change of Cocoon jars, head no longer 
works with Windows and it is waiting for a windows user to test and fgix 
the problem.

I my self have sites failing on windows. However, I am currently off 
work on compassionate grounds and that includes much of my involvement 
with projects such as Forrest.

I intend to fix it in the near future - but if it is critical to you 
then you need to debug.

There is some starting info in the issue tracker at


I have tried to generate a newly seeded site configured for the
dispatcher and I get :

cocoon 2.1.12-dev
Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.

X [0] linkmap.html  BROKEN:
\dataModel.xmap (Syntaxe du nom de fichier, de rÚpertoire ou de volume
Total time: 0 minutes 2 seconds,  Site size: 0 Site pages: 0
Java Result: 1

  Copying broken links file to site root.

Copying 1 file to D:\duc\ForrestSeed\build\site

D:\duc\forrest\main\targets\site.xml:183: Error building site.

Do I have to try the new Dispatcher branch or is there something I
haven't understood ?

Thank you,

Re: input.wordpress (was Re: potential new plugin)

2008-10-01 Thread Ross Gardler

David Crossley wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:

Brian M Dube wrote:

David Crossley wrote:

The dependencies on the main facilities (e.g. WordPress and MySql)
seem okay to me. I expect that they would be treated as
system requirements, i.e. there is no use for the plugin if
there is no server available to connect to and extract content from.


Some of them (e.g. ehcache) are already in forrest core lib
but need to to updated.

If Forrest followed our usual technique of re-distributing
the supporting jars as a convenience, then definitely there
are some in that list that cannot be re-distributed:

e.g. hibernate - See 150 hits for that word on legal-discuss@
especially LEGAL-7 (and its linked issues) and the responses
to that and to LEGAL-9.

e.g. mysql-connector-java - I expect that there would be
similar issues. Is there no suitably licensed alternative?

I haven't found one. I don't have the energy to make the plugin work
without Hibernate and the MySQL driver. I'm happy to make the code
available elsewhere, but this is a blocker to host it here. Note I
have not contacted legal-discuss. The time and energy for that is
lacking, too.

If there is no way of getting into Forrest ...

We don't know that yet. Brian is not the only person
in this community. It is a pity that no-one can make
the effort to follow up on such legal aspects.

Peronslly I don't need to follow up. There is GPL code - that's the end 
of the story for the ASF. I too have looked for alternatives in the past 
- they don't (to my knowedge exist) and I've wasted much time on this in 
the past.

I'm offering a solution. If others want to follow up on the legal front 
fine - for me it is a dead end so lets get the code where it can be used.


Re: input.wordpress (was Re: potential new plugin)

2008-10-01 Thread Ross Gardler

David Crossley wrote:

David Crossley wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:

David Crossley wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:

Brian M Dube wrote:

David Crossley wrote:

The dependencies on the main facilities (e.g. WordPress and MySql)
seem okay to me. I expect that they would be treated as
system requirements, i.e. there is no use for the plugin if
there is no server available to connect to and extract content from.


Some of them (e.g. ehcache) are already in forrest core lib
but need to to updated.

If Forrest followed our usual technique of re-distributing
the supporting jars as a convenience, then definitely there
are some in that list that cannot be re-distributed:

e.g. hibernate - See 150 hits for that word on legal-discuss@
especially LEGAL-7 (and its linked issues) and the responses
to that and to LEGAL-9.

e.g. mysql-connector-java - I expect that there would be
similar issues. Is there no suitably licensed alternative?

I haven't found one. I don't have the energy to make the plugin work
without Hibernate and the MySQL driver. I'm happy to make the code
available elsewhere, but this is a blocker to host it here. Note I
have not contacted legal-discuss. The time and energy for that is
lacking, too.

If there is no way of getting into Forrest ...

We don't know that yet. Brian is not the only person
in this community. It is a pity that no-one can make
the effort to follow up on such legal aspects.
Peronslly I don't need to follow up. There is GPL code - that's the end 
of the story for the ASF. I too have looked for alternatives in the past 
- they don't (to my knowedge exist) and I've wasted much time on this in 
the past.

I'm offering a solution. If others want to follow up on the legal front 
fine - for me it is a dead end so lets get the code where it can be used.

I am not referring to finding a replacement. I mean that
our legal-discuss list is not a boogey monster. They
want to treat everything on a case-by-case basis.

No-one has yet even approached them on this matter.

See Henri's answer in

The way that i see it is that is it up to our PMC.

It is an optional plugin. If it was the core of
Forrest then things would be very different.

Sure we cannot distribute those jars, but we can choose
to say to the user: You need to download xxx.jar and
add it to your lib directory.

If that approach is acceptable to this PMC then
so be it.

Someone needs to clarify that with legal-discuss.

As a PMC member I will support whatever those putting the effort into it 
want to do. What I care most about is getting the code out there uner 
clear legal terms. I respect the ASF hard line on licence compatailbity 
as it results in considerable cost saving for thos doing procurement 
(i.e. we can trust the ASF).

I don't like the idea of shipping code that does not work the way 
everything else does (i.e. add the plugin to and then 
download these jars). It breaks the way Forrest is supposed to learn.

By distributing from a place where we explicitly have a more relaxed 
attitude to the GPL compatability argument and by highlighting this to 
users we allow people to decide on the risk for themselves (if they do 
not intend to redistribute there is no risk in any case).

I said I'm prepared to support whatever those doing the work want to do 
- I set up an SF account for this purpose and I will do what is 
necessary to allow this code to reach that distribution point if that is 
what those doing the work want.

I don't think it is helpful to push in one direction or another and ask 
for others to do the work to move in that direction.


Re: Xdoc documentation

2008-09-30 Thread Ross Gardler

Carlos Tejo Alonso wrote:


I was reading about the intermediate language xdoc and I found that
there is no difference between all this web pages:
* document-v20
* howto-v20
* faq-v20

Would be like that or there is something wrong? If it is ok, what's the
reason to have the same content 3 times with different names?

Look again. They are all different. It's true that the how to and faq 
documents use most of the otehr dtd but they are different. Look at the 
top level elements for a start.


Re: Use of 3rd party template

2008-09-26 Thread Ross Gardler

Gavin wrote:


I have an OSSWatch ODT file to be used as a template to use for our OOo
output plugin. Can I get appropriate permissions to use the contents of
this file ?

Yes, Consider this email my permission to contribute it to the example 
site under the Apache Licence V2.


Re: [jira] Commented: (FOR-1068) plugins need to be managed via the ASF mirror system

2008-09-25 Thread Ross Gardler

David Crossley (JIRA) wrote:
[ ] 

David Crossley commented on FOR-1068:

I have made some local progress on this issue. I have a demonstration Ant build 
that finds the nearest mirror (list of preferred mirrors) try each until it 
gets the artefact, then get its signature and checksum from the main dist area.

Kudos to David!


[jira] Closed: (FOR-1114) Reference section in tei output can show each item several times

2008-09-24 Thread Ross Gardler (JIRA)


Ross Gardler closed FOR-1114.

Resolution: Fixed
  Assignee: Ross Gardler

Applied with thanks

 Reference section in tei output can show each item several times

 Key: FOR-1114
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Plugin: output.tei
Reporter: Pablo Barrera
Assignee: Ross Gardler

 xsl:sort does not filter the results to have uniq results, so if you have a 
 link twice in the document it will appear twice in the references. This patch 
 uses a key to show each link just once.
 More information at

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Re: Conditional locations and i18n

2008-09-23 Thread Ross Gardler

Sjur Moshagen wrote:

Den 23. sep. 2008 kl. 18.58 skrev Ross Gardler:


A long time ago I looked at using the locationmap to handle 
internationalisation. It never happened because I had no use case for 
it and it seems the current i18n solution was sufficient. I wonder if 
this is the first use case we have where it is not sufficient.

What would be the benefit compared to the i18n matcher already available 
in Cocoon (and thus Forrest)?

If the remote server understands i18n requests then there is no benefit. 
In other words, if we want the source to be and 
the remote serve honours the language preferences of the client all is well.

However, in this use case the remote server does not honour the clients 
i18n settings and the request breaks.

If i18n were handled in the locationmap the developer of the content 
object could override default i18n behaviour when needed, such as in 
this wiki instance.


I've not fully thought this through. I don't have any i18n sites and I'm 
not fully up to speed with i18n content negotiation. In other words, my 
argument could well be full of holes and I'm not about to start 
experimenting with it.

So, feel free to implement something that works for your use case and 
retains backward compatability (as discussed) if you don't want to 
explore this random thought.


[jira] Closed: (FOR-1113) New section in tei output with all the references in the document

2008-09-23 Thread Ross Gardler (JIRA)


Ross Gardler closed FOR-1113.

   Resolution: Fixed
Fix Version/s: 0.9-dev
 Assignee: Ross Gardler

Applied with thanks.

 New section in tei output with all the references in the document

 Key: FOR-1113
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Plugin: output.tei
Reporter: Pablo Barrera
Assignee: Ross Gardler
 Fix For: 0.9-dev

 Attachments: 0002-tei-references.patch, 0003-tei-docs.patch

 As commented in the mailing list, I have modified the XSL for the TEI output 
 to include a section at the end with all the links (references) in the 
 This section is optional and is controlled using a property included in the file. The patch depends on patch I submitted for the 
 bug # -
  as this patch modify the output.xmap file for the plugin.

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[jira] Closed: (FOR-1111) publicationStmt info in document-to-teiLite.xsl contains incorrect defaults

2008-09-23 Thread Ross Gardler (JIRA)


Ross Gardler closed FOR-.

   Resolution: Fixed
Fix Version/s: 0.9-dev

Applied with thanks.

 publicationStmt info in document-to-teiLite.xsl contains incorrect defaults

 Key: FOR-
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Plugin: output.tei
Reporter: Pablo Barrera
Assignee: Ross Gardler
 Fix For: 0.9-dev

 Attachments: 0001-tei-properties.patch

 Right now the xsl file at 
  contains this information:
   publisherOSS Watch, Oxford University/publisher
   authorityOSS Watch/authority
 email[EMAIL PROTECTED]/email
   datexsl:value-of select=datetime:date()//date
 The reference to a particular organization should be removed. Otherwise all 
 the documents generated with this plugin will show Oxford University as 
 publisher (and there is some change they are not).

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Re: Using dispatcher contracts with a not html output

2008-09-22 Thread Ross Gardler

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

On Mon, 2008-09-22 at 08:52 +0100, Pablo Barrera wrote:


I will try to get the dispatcher  
working looking to the files you suggested.

I personally have never worked with tei and I am not sure whether the
dispatcher makes sense for tei. Maybe Ross can comment on this.

TEI is just an XML format. However, it's a very, very old XML format 
(its roots are actually in SGML). Consequently, people expect to use it 
in extremely varied ways.

I'd say the dispatcher is ideal as it allows content to be moved from 
one place to another within the TEI document in order to accommodate for 
strange requirements placed on the system by downstream XSL.

Having said that, coding it directly in the TEI plugin is quicker and 
easier and could always be factored out into the dispatcher if it 
actually needs to be.


Re: Using inside a xsl

2008-09-22 Thread Ross Gardler

Pablo Barrera wrote:


I was completely unable to have a copy of the plugin working in my site 
directory, as I commented in other mail. So, I have decided to fix all 
the problems I am having with the tei plugin now instead of later.

I have added this template to document-to-teiLite.xsl of the plugin:
  xsl:template name=references
xsl:for-each select=//link
  xsl:sort select =./
  xsl:attribute name=href
xsl:value-of select=@href/
  xsl:value-of select=./

However this should not be execute for all tei outputs, as not everybody 
is interested in this particular section. I have included this into the 

  xsl:template match=body
xsl:apply-templates /
  xsl:when test=$reference-section = 'true'
xsl:call-template name=references/

but I need to control the variable reference-section. How do I read 
variables from the file?

I have tried to look for 
$properties//[EMAIL PROTECTED]'tei.reference-setion']/@value with no results 
(properties is defined as   xsl:variable name=properties 
select=//prop:properties /). The property tei.reference-section is 
listed in http://localhost:/index.props. Should I config the plugin 
to read the properties.xml file or it is done automatically?

I have looking to the pdf out plugin to learn a little bit more about 
this but I had little luck.

This needs documenting, but you can find an answer 9with pointers to 
examples) in

See (in particular the last 
set of comments

That'll hopefully give you a starter If you get stuck again, just yell.


Rename ODT example site

2008-09-22 Thread Ross Gardler
Gavin has committed an ODT example site which is nothing more than a 
simple sample at this time - it includes a TEI sample. Pablo is working 
on a wiki to TEI converter.

I'm planning on creating an example that demonstrates quite a few of the 
integration features of Forrest using Resume, TEI, wiki, DOAP, mySQL, RT 
and a few other sources (eventually).

I wonder if we should do these all in the same example.

You may recall, my original motivation for doing this was that we will 
be doing some development work on this internally (the wiki-TEI and 
TEI-HTML stuff Pablo is working on is part of this). My proposal was 
that we do this work in Forrest itself in order to demonstrate the 
functionality and felxibility of Forrest.

The ODT stuff looks like it could be useful to use as well.

Shall I rename the ODT sample to something more generic so that it can 
grow to include samples from our work?

I'm not sure what name to give it, perhaps: contentIntegration


[jira] Closed: (FOR-1112) Incorrect example with local plugin dirs in Extending Forrest with Plugins

2008-09-19 Thread Ross Gardler (JIRA)


Ross Gardler closed FOR-1112.

Resolution: Invalid
  Assignee: Ross Gardler

The text you quote is an example only. The local plugins can be placed anywhere 
you like and the directory added to the property should be the one chosen.

I've updated the docs to make this clear.

 Incorrect example with local plugin dirs in Extending Forrest with Plugins

 Key: FOR-1112
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Documentation and website
Reporter: Pablo Barrera
Assignee: Ross Gardler

 In this page
 it is said:
 For example,
 will add the project specific directory ${project.home}/plugins to the list 
 of directories to search in.
 but I think the correct one is:
 For example,
 will add the project specific directory ${project.home}/plugins to the list 
 of directories to search in. 

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[jira] Commented: (FOR-1106) Dispatcher quickstart documentation hard to follow

2008-09-19 Thread Ross Gardler (JIRA)


Ross Gardler commented on FOR-1106:

Applied patches 4, 5 and 6 - thanks for your contribution.

Patch 4 was invalid XML and needed changes as a result (please validate all XML 
before submitting a patch, if you don't use a valiating editor then you can fo 
forrest validate from the command line)

Patch 5 had lines that were very long, please stick to a maximum column count 
of 80 characters. This makes it easier to read in many editors and SVN commit 
mails. It also ensures that changes to a single word do not cause a whole 
paragrah to appear in the diffs, thus making it easier to read diffs (as 
illustrated by patch 6 in fact)

 Dispatcher quickstart documentation hard to follow

 Key: FOR-1106
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Documentation and website, Plugin: internal.dispatcher
Reporter: Pablo Barrera

 I am trying to use the dispatcher again. I have looking in the documentation 
 and I was only able to find this quickstart guide:
 I was looking for something in plugins_0_90-dev but all links pointed to 0_80.
 I think this guide is hard to follow. For example, if you follow it directly 
 you reach this point:
 Use another theme
 * Add property name=dispatcher.theme value=common/ to your
 * Re-start 'forrest run'
 * localhost:/index.html ... See the new view.
 But in the rest of the document the pelt theme is used. For example, the line:
 # Copy THEMER_PLUGIN/themes/pelt.fv into your project at 
 will be of no use if the user has changed the theme to the common one. 
 Forrest will ignore these changes.
 After that, in the section Create our own structurer by copy-and-customise 
 there are several problems. It's not straight forward to know where the 
 THEMER_PLUGIN is. A note with the default localisation will help.
 The file used in this example is pelt/panels/pelt-html.panel.xml, but 
 according to my logs locationmap is not looking for that file at all. Maybe 
 the example is outdated. Changing the file to other one could be enough.
 It can be also interesting mention that the url
 shows you the structurer in use. Any change to your pelt.fv file will be 
 shown here.
 The patch adds some comments about this problems but does not provide an 
 alternative file in for pelt/panels/pelt-html.panel.xml

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Re: Seed site, whiteboard or example?

2008-09-19 Thread Ross Gardler

Gavin wrote:

-Original Message-
From: David Crossley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 6 September 2008 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: Seed site, whiteboard or example?

Gavin wrote:

From: David Crossley

Ross Gardler wrote:

Thinking ahead to release time, how would we handle the examples?
Our release is big enough as it is, including complete example
sites would really add to the size. However, examples aren't really
useful unless they are downloaded for folks to look at/play with.

They should be as minimal as possible, mostly being configuration.
The actual functionality is documented in each plugin's own
documentation, so no need to repeat that. Sure we will need
minimal working examples in the content.

I've done seed site, enabled for tei input and odt output and pelt theme
dispatcher enabled. Theres not much there yet, a tei version of document-v20
and minimal docs, with odt output link  icon on each page.

This can be built upon - and is a current work in progress, is this the sort
of thing that can go into the examples section now or was the idea for
something more? 

Yes it is an example, since I will be adding a wiki2tei example to the 
same site and we will probably add code to bring stuff in from Simal and 
SugarCRM and an yes undecided CMS system. I'm delaying my own work on 
this as I want to debug the windows problem with the Cocoon version 
change first.


[jira] Commented: (FOR-1111) publicationStmt info in document-to-teiLite.xsl contains incorrect defaults

2008-09-17 Thread Ross Gardler (JIRA)


Ross Gardler commented on FOR-:

Ooops, that was sloppy of me. It must have been a quick hack to make things 
work. This should either come from the source document, or it should be 
parameterised. Is it available in the source?

 publicationStmt info in document-to-teiLite.xsl contains incorrect defaults

 Key: FOR-
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Plugin: output.tei
Reporter: Pablo Barrera

 Right now the xsl file at 
  contains this information:
   publisherOSS Watch, Oxford University/publisher
   authorityOSS Watch/authority
 email[EMAIL PROTECTED]/email
   datexsl:value-of select=datetime:date()//date
 The reference to a particular organization should be removed. Otherwise all 
 the documents generated with this plugin will show Oxford University as 
 publisher (and there is some change they are not).

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[jira] Assigned: (FOR-1111) publicationStmt info in document-to-teiLite.xsl contains incorrect defaults

2008-09-17 Thread Ross Gardler (JIRA)


Ross Gardler reassigned FOR-:

Assignee: Ross Gardler

 publicationStmt info in document-to-teiLite.xsl contains incorrect defaults

 Key: FOR-
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Plugin: output.tei
Reporter: Pablo Barrera
Assignee: Ross Gardler

 Right now the xsl file at 
  contains this information:
   publisherOSS Watch, Oxford University/publisher
   authorityOSS Watch/authority
 email[EMAIL PROTECTED]/email
   datexsl:value-of select=datetime:date()//date
 The reference to a particular organization should be removed. Otherwise all 
 the documents generated with this plugin will show Oxford University as 
 publisher (and there is some change they are not).

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Re: Dispatcher cache deactivation not working

2008-09-16 Thread Ross Gardler

Pablo Barrera wrote:

On 16/09/2008, at 13:14:34, Ross Gardler wrote:

Pablo Barrera wrote:

On 16/09/2008, at 12:21:09, Ross Gardler wrote:

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

On Tue, 2008-09-16 at 11:22 +0100, Pablo Barrera wrote:


I am trying to modify an structurer but every time I make a change 
I  have to reboot forrest, otherwise I don't see the new changes. 
Looking  around I have read I should turn off the cache adding:

property name=dispatcher.caching value=off /

I'm not sure what this is supposed to do in the disaptcher, but it 
does not turn off the locationmap cache because:

DEBUG   (2008-09-16) 12:05.07:961   [core.modules.mapper.lm] 
(/index.dispatcher.css): Locationmap cached location returned for 
hint: resolve.panels.pelt-html.content value: 

Try the traditional approach to turning off the LM caching.

In main/webapp/WEB-INF/xconf/cocoon.xconf change the cacheable 
element for the LocationMapModule to false.

   !-- LocationMap is used to map one URL to another, allowing 
content to be stored anywhere --

 logger=core.modules.mapper.lm name=lm
 file src=cocoon://locationmap.xml/

This is main/webapp/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf in FORREST_HOME, isn't it? I 
have change it to:

!-- LocationMap is used to map one URL to another, allowing content 
to be stored anywhere --

  logger=core.modules.mapper.lm name=lm
  file src=cocoon://locationmap.xml/

but same result. I have to reboot forrest to see the changes.

Then I can't help any further this is an issue with the dispathcer only. 
LM caching works elsewhere (to the best of my knowledge0.


[jira] Updated: (FOR-1108) Dispatcher, Cocoon 2.1 and Windows

2008-09-13 Thread Ross Gardler (JIRA)


Ross Gardler updated FOR-1108:

Attachment: core.log

Log level upped to Debug

forrest run -v  testRunWithDebug.log


Attached testRunWithDebug.log and core.log

Main problem:

Caused by: C:\projects\forrest\main\webapp\C:\tmp
\forretTest\build\tmp\C:\projects\forrest\build\plugins\dataModel.xmap (The file
name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)

Not attempted to debug - time presses.

 Dispatcher, Cocoon 2.1 and Windows

 Key: FOR-1108
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Core operations, Plugin: internal.dispatcher
Affects Versions: 0.9-dev
Reporter: Ross Gardler
Priority: Blocker
 Fix For: 0.9-dev

 Attachments: core.log, test.log,, 

 Since the update to Cocoon 2.1 Forrest and Dispatcher have broken on windows.

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Re: [STATUS] [heads-up] merging our branch Cocoon-2.1

2008-09-12 Thread Ross Gardler

David Crossley wrote:

Or any other Windows developer can answer really.

I'm afraid I can't right now. SVN is down./ If it comes up within the 
hour I should be able to test.


[jira] Created: (FOR-1108) Dispatcher, Cocoon 2.1 and Windows

2008-09-12 Thread Ross Gardler (JIRA)
Dispatcher, Cocoon 2.1 and Windows

 Key: FOR-1108
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Core operations
Affects Versions: 0.9-dev
Reporter: Ross Gardler
Priority: Blocker
 Fix For: 0.9-dev

Since the update to Cocoon 2.1 Forrest and Dispatcher have broken on windows.

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[jira] Updated: (FOR-1108) Dispatcher, Cocoon 2.1 and Windows

2008-09-12 Thread Ross Gardler (JIRA)


Ross Gardler updated FOR-1108:


Results of running on windows + cygwin (but using forrest.bat, rather than

test.log is the console output for build.bat test is a zip of build/test_dispatcher_site

I've not had the time to look at these and am unlikely to do so for at least a 
week as I'm travelleing a great deal next week.

However, I shuld be able to rerun tests and the like, just ask.

 Dispatcher, Cocoon 2.1 and Windows

 Key: FOR-1108
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Core operations
Affects Versions: 0.9-dev
Reporter: Ross Gardler
Priority: Blocker
 Fix For: 0.9-dev

 Attachments: test.log,

 Since the update to Cocoon 2.1 Forrest and Dispatcher have broken on windows.

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Re: [STATUS] [heads-up] merging our branch Cocoon-2.1

2008-09-12 Thread Ross Gardler

David Crossley wrote:

Please provide the error.log ... If it is too big
then create a Jira Issue.

After doing:
]$ cd main
]$ build test

Re: svn commit: r691518 - /forrest/trunk/plugins/

2008-09-11 Thread Ross Gardler


Author: sjur
Date: Tue Sep  2 22:35:58 2008
New Revision: 691518

Added i18n matching to the source file lookup, thus allowing l10n of page 
content for wiki-format pages:


can be used to serve localised content using the simple markup format of wikis.

Also added some comments.

We have used this setup for jspwiki for months at our site, so should work 
without problems. But it is not tested for the other wiki formats.


This causes problems when pulling content from a live wiki rather from a 
local server.

I'm reverting this change until we find a workaround for this as it just 
broke about a dozen sites for me.

I strongly suspect this was the problem Pablo was desribing on the user 
list as well in which he reported it worked with local files but not 
remote files.

(NB Pablo is with our team for a few months so I'll try this with him 


Re: [STATUS] [heads-up] merging our branch Cocoon-2.1

2008-09-11 Thread Ross Gardler

David Crossley wrote:

The new trunk using Cocoon-2.1 is working fine
on these systems:

Ubuntu - okay
Mac OS X Tiger - okay
Solaris10 - okay

We have reports from one person with unknown troubles.
Not sure what operating system (Windows?).

Would other people test ASAP please.

I can report that it *fails* on windows + cygwin at the dipatcher test.

I'm currently building and deploying a production site and immediately 
reverted using the same command line shell so can't post the logs right now.

Why do these things always occur at critical times? (that is not a 
complaint, merely an observation about life in an open source world, I 
am very grateful for the work David and Thorsten have done on this, I'm 
particularly grateful for Davids thoughtful post indicating which 
version I should revert to in order to get working, another observation 
about life in an open source world).

I'll try and do a test again soon and send the log output.

I'm afraid I'm unlikely to be able to debug it for at least a week 
though (although I will try)


Re: Resolving relative locations in the locationmap

2008-09-10 Thread Ross Gardler

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 23:26 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:


So, my question is. How can I get the location of the locationmap file 
itself for use in these relative matches?

Have you tried {properties:home}../../../subsiteA ?

IMO should work as I understand your mail.

AhHa - of course, that should work. Sometimes new eyes are what is 
needed, I spent hours trying to find a way of getting it out of our Java 
code last night.

This is the first time in years I broke my rule of if struggling for 
more than 30 mins to figure it out, ask on the list - good to have it 
reaffirmed occasionally.

Thanks Thorsten.


Re: Resolving relative locations in the locationmap

2008-09-10 Thread Ross Gardler

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 08:56 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:


This is the first time in years I broke my rule of if struggling for 
more than 30 mins to figure it out, ask on the list - good to have it 
reaffirmed occasionally.

Yeah, lists are just great. How many times I solved my problem starting
a mail and with reading what I wrote I actually found the solution (even
without sending the mail). 

That's the other advantage of course. Must put that in our (OSS Watch) 
upcoming briefing doc on why to work with the community mailing lists.


Re: Properties for contract (was Re: Dispatcher 1.0 - towards a stable version)

2008-09-10 Thread Ross Gardler

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

On Fri, 2008-09-05 at 14:59 +0200, Thorsten Scherler wrote:


The first solution is fast to implement and seems quite clean. The
downside is that we cannot use xml anymore. Which actually IMO is not
that bad since maybe we start to use the actual
to configure contracts.

The second solution is more complicated to implement since the
aggregation has to be done in the DispatcherTransformer which does not
feel right but we could use xml in the properties.

Personally the cleaner solution is 1 but that would break downward
compatible by a couple of contracts.


I haven't thought long and hard about this. I'm going on your assessment 
and my gut reaction.

I'd say go for option 1 because:

a) I like that it brings more configuration into the new properties system

b) you said it is easier to implement

c) we currently have no use case for using XML in the properties

d) if we find a use case for XML we can deal with it at that point (and 
maybe implement the second solution by adapting the properties system to 
allow XML)


Re: i18n message catalogue in dispatcher and skins

2008-09-10 Thread Ross Gardler

Sjur Moshagen wrote:

Hello all,

I'm starting on the next step to make the pdf plugin fully i18n - 
support for i18n text.

To that extent I have a couple of questions:


In $FORREST_HOME/main/webapp/sitemap.xmap, the following lines are found:

  map:transformer name=i18n 

catalogues default=common
  catalogue id=common name=CommonMessages 


Why is the path to the message catalogue soft-coded to the project 
instead of using a LM?

Quite possibly missed when I did the move to LM. I probably did a search 
for 'src=' which would have missed this.

I certainly didn't intentionally leave it out.

[I'll have to pass on questions 2 and 3]

Basic point for all these questions:

now we have copies of the same info all over the place, and most is not 
used - I would like to remove all the unnecessary ones, and use LM in 
all cases - and remove the messages from the seed. As part of that I 
would like to update the user documentation for i18n as well, to make 
sure it reflects the current state and how to set up proper i18n 
support, as well as how to add new languages to the translation catalogue.

Yes please!


Re: Properties for contract (was Re: Dispatcher 1.0 - towards a stable version)

2008-09-10 Thread Ross Gardler

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 10:10 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

On Fri, 2008-09-05 at 14:59 +0200, Thorsten Scherler wrote:


The first solution is fast to implement and seems quite clean. The
downside is that we cannot use xml anymore. Which actually IMO is not
that bad since maybe we start to use the actual
to configure contracts.

The second solution is more complicated to implement since the
aggregation has to be done in the DispatcherTransformer which does not
feel right but we could use xml in the properties.

Personally the cleaner solution is 1 but that would break downward
compatible by a couple of contracts.

I haven't thought long and hard about this. I'm going on your assessment 
and my gut reaction.

I'd say go for option 1 because:

a) I like that it brings more configuration into the new properties system

b) you said it is easier to implement

c) we currently have no use case for using XML in the properties

d) if we find a use case for XML we can deal with it at that point (and 
maybe implement the second solution by adapting the properties system to 
allow XML)

To not break downward compatibility I will implement the option 1 but
with a flag allowXmlProperties. I added the javadoc that setting this
properties to true will be paid by performance but this let our current
dispatcher user decide when to update their contracts and structurer.



Resolving relative locations in the locationmap

2008-09-09 Thread Ross Gardler
I've hit a problem with my work on multiple site integration in the 
whiteboard. I thought it was all going too well ;-)

I've got a site that is made up of 1 master site and 3 sub sites. The 
process for doing this is documented in the sample in whiteboard. The 
primary trick is a locationmap that mounts the sub sites.

In my worksite I've done this with relative paths and it worked great. 
That is, subsiteA is mounted from ../../../subsiteA.

Unfortunately someone else has just tried to build this on their machine 
and it doesn't work.

After some digging I discovered that the resolved location from the 
sitemap is relative to the Forrest install not the site being built.

i.e. instead of 
/mysite/src/documentation/content/../../../../subsiteA... we get 

On my machine this works because Forrest is at the same directory depth 
as my master site. On my colleagues machine this is not the case and so 
it fails.

So, my question is. How can I get the location of the locationmap file 
itself for use in these relative matches?


Re: Fresh seed build errors (PDF)

2008-09-08 Thread Ross Gardler

David Crossley wrote:

On Sep 06, 2008 Brian M Dube wrote:

On Jun 25, 2008 David Crossley wrote:

Sorry, in my last message i intended to suggest the obvious.
Have you set FORREST_HOME and PATH to point to the new fresh
forrest installation? Also you might need to do a 'forrest clean'
in any of your existing project workspaces.

Oops, I intended to reply to this a long time ago. FORREST_HOME and
PATH are correct, and I tried 'forrest clean' in each project.

Again grasping at obvious things to be verified ...

What about Java version? That should not matter.

Just another straw to clutch at...

I know some versions of Ubuntu has problems because the default Java VM 
is not compatible with Forrest. I can't recall what the error was, so 
not sure if this is related.


Re: Dispatcher 1.0 - towards a stable version

2008-09-06 Thread Ross Gardler

David Crossley wrote:

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

My initial plan is to reuse the code from whiteboard/dispatcher, conduct
the needed changes to work with java contracts and add spring support.

Any thoughts.

When we all talk about Dispatcher i thought that we were
talking about the whiteboard/plugins/o.a.f.plugin.internal.dispatcher
That is what i use and what the zone demos use.

I missed that nuance. Thanks for picking it up David.

All my comments were targtetted at getting the dispatch plugins into core.

In particular, my one about lets finish one feature before starting the 


Re: Dispatcher 1.0 - towards a stable version

2008-09-05 Thread Ross Gardler

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

Hi all,

I will have some time in the next week to enhance the performance of the
dispatcher. The performance always have been the Achilles’ heel of the

Actually, the achilles' heel is the lack of clarity in the documentation.

This mail is an amazing coincidence. One of our team hear asked me this 
morning how to do something with the dispatcher. I've done it before and 
have sites running dispatcher, but I can't remember how I did it and I 
can't point to any documentation about it.

In many cases this will mean that the dispatcher is not used and a 
potential contributor is lost.

Performance is irrelevant if there are no users.

Another week point was/is the readability of the code. 

Indeed, this is part of the documentation.

Another thing that I always wanted to integrate are java based
contracts. I want to allow within the next version of the dispatcher
that one can use a class instead of a xsl. 

How about we finish one feature before adding another?

Since future version of cocoon are based on Spring and I am really
appreciate Spring as an excellent IoC container the dispatcher will be
as well based it.


My plan is that this work will be compatible with the current version of
the dispatcher. It will provide simple shell scripts to update the
current version of structurer/contracts to the new form. I do not like
the specific extension we have for structurer (.fv)/contracts (.ft)
anymore since they are historic and do not reflect anymore the reality.
To remember ft stands for forrestTemplate and fv for forrestView which
is the first names of contracts and structurer. 

Instead I suggest *.contracts.xml and *.structurer.xml.


My initial plan is to reuse the code from whiteboard/dispatcher, conduct
the needed changes to work with java contracts and add spring support.

Any thoughts.

Documentation. Documentation and, er, documentation.

Other than that go for it!


Re: Dispatcher 1.0 - towards a stable version

2008-09-05 Thread Ross Gardler

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

On Fri, 2008-09-05 at 14:51 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

Hi all,

I will have some time in the next week to enhance the performance of the
dispatcher. The performance always have been the Achilles’ heel of the

Actually, the achilles' heel is the lack of clarity in the documentation.

This mail is an amazing coincidence. One of our team hear asked me this 
morning how to do something with the dispatcher. I've done it before and 
have sites running dispatcher, but I can't remember how I did it and I 
can't point to any documentation about it.

How about

I agree that documentation always can be enhanced but we have some.

I didn't say there was no documentation I said there was a documentation 

Pointing to a resource that is unintelligible does not help.

I've read those docs, even written some of them, but they make little 
sense to me and I have the background of Forrest. The individual I'm 
talking about has also read them and failed to achieve what he needs.

(and yes I have directed him to the lists - he'll turn up soon I'm sure 
- but this is a low priority project for us so time is not on our side)


I totally agree that the next version should be documented in more
detail. I promise I will write as much javadocs as possible and we
should review above linked documentation and see how we can be more
clear about it.

Excellent - thank you.

Of course, I should help myself, but I don't have the time. I only 
mention it because you asked for opinion.

Another week point was/is the readability of the code. 

Indeed, this is part of the documentation.

Yes, I agree. I found a nice tool to create uml diagrams in javadocs:
UmlGraph. Have a look at the droids javadoc to see it in action.

What about the horrible mess of redirection (indirection) between 
sitemap and locationmap. I've found it near to impossible to figure out 
what is coming from where in the dipatcher.

I'm sure it doesn't need to be as complex as it is, but I can't figure 
out how to simplify it.

Perhaps an effort to document the flow will help make it understandable 
or illustrate where we can simplify.

Again, I doubt I'm going to be able to do this myself, I'm just flagging 
areas for improvement - sine you ask ;-)


I'll have to take a look at UMLGraph - thanks.

Another thing that I always wanted to integrate are java based
contracts. I want to allow within the next version of the dispatcher
that one can use a class instead of a xsl. 

How about we finish one feature before adding another?

Which feature is unfinished? I have more or less a week for the rewrite
and yes I will first concentrate on implementing everything we have till
now in a clean efficient way and then if time allows at the java
contract support. 


It's still in whiteboard , therefore it is unfinished.

I'm just saying we should get a usable version out there that people can 
use (normal people, not just those with years of Forrest history) and 
then start adding new features.

Cheers Ross for your feedback.

You're welcome. I know your big enough to pick and choose the most 
important bits, rather than think I'm demanding the world (although if 
you want to deliver the world...)


Re: output.inputModule Plugin dependency

2008-09-01 Thread Ross Gardler

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

On Mon, 2008-09-01 at 13:40 +0300, Sjur Moshagen wrote:


I agree with Ross that the easiest solution would be to just move the  
code to core.

Yeah, it is just one generator. It is fine with me to move this class
directly to the core, best solution IMO is to leave it in the plugin
structure but build it by default with the core. Meaning we can drop the
dependency in the required plugin section. 

However ATM I cannot look into the needed changes for that. I am fine
with either move the class directly to the core or generate the jar once
and add it to the lib dir. In both cases we need the one match that the
plugin offers in the main sitemap.

Looks like we have a solution then.

I don't understand the motivation for leaving the code in a plugin but 
building it with core, I'm -0 on that.

Easiest solution is certainly just to take the code into core and lose 
the plugin, I'm +0 for that.


Re: Could Forrest use Hudson?

2008-08-27 Thread Ross Gardler

David Crossley wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:

Gavin wrote:
Just wondering, 

Would Hudson [1] and its variety of Plugins [2] be of any use to Forrest?
I'm not at all sure. Most of the utility of Hudson is in managing 
executble code. We have some code, but it is mostly XML and XSLT. What 
little code we have has almost no tests - thus making the continuous 
integration efforts rather pointless.

Using such tools might encourage tests to be contributed
and general code improvement to happen.

We do have six modules in main/java/org/apache/forrest/
and some of those are extremely important to us.

We have eight plugins that have some Java code.

All true.

Finally, we don't really have a 
great deal of code that depends on other code.

Hmmm ... Cocoon, Avalon, Excalibur, etc. classes are
mentioned a lot in the above code.

Let me clarify. We don't depend on code to the extent that we are 
pouching the boundaries of that code and therefore need CI. We run 
packaged and released code. All our dependencies are inside those releases.

Having Hudson won't harm us. I'm just not sure well see much benefit.

Having said that, it is true that I get a kick out of seeing the graphs 
of tints go up and defects go down. It does indeed encourage good 
behaviour. Problem is we don't get all that by installing Hudson, we 
need much more than that. If someone is going to put that effort in 
then, of course, I'd be happy to see it. I just think there are other 
more important things to focus on.


Re: [Proposal] use Cocoon-2.1

2008-08-27 Thread Ross Gardler

Gavin wrote:

I also agree with the proposal of Option 2.

And I will find time to test it over the next few days, I will provide
feedback soon.

Thorsten and David, great work, and it does deserve our immediate attention
to this important time of Forrest, I hope other devs will be able to find
some time to test also if possible.


(I had hoped to test over the weekend, but it didn't happen, will get it 
tested ASAP).


Re: ODT - Specifying images to be zipped?

2008-08-25 Thread Ross Gardler

Gavin wrote:

zip:entry name=blah .../zip:entry

So I need a way to automatically create zip:entry blocks for images
referenced within the file. The file may or may not be local, and as far as
I can tell, we don't need to physically copy them anywhere, just reference
their current locations as a zip entry.

Something like...

xsl:template match=/
  !-- create other archive entries --
  xsl:call-template name=createImageEntries/
  !-- more processing --

xsl:template name=createImageEntries
  xsl:for-each select=./image
  xsl:attribute name=namePictures/xsl:value-of 
select=@src//xsl:attribute !-- need to extract the relevant part 
of the URI here --
  xsl:attribute name=srcPictures/xsl:value-of 
select=@src//xsl:attribute !-- will probably need to make the path 
absolute, cocoon://... --



Re: output plugins license (Was: svn commit: r682286)

2008-08-14 Thread Ross Gardler

David Crossley wrote:

Thanks for explaining. No i didn't know any of that.
Perhaps it should go into the documentation for that

What frightened me was seeing this in the XSL stylesheet:$Win32 

However, now i see that it is for default output
rather than part of the XSL itself.

A great example of CTR in action - thanks.


[jira] Closed: (FOR-617) Forrest DOAP file

2008-08-13 Thread Ross Gardler (JIRA)


Ross Gardler closed FOR-617.

Resolution: Fixed

Closed as recommended by Carlos Tejo

 Forrest DOAP file

 Key: FOR-617
 Project: Forrest
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Documentation and website
Affects Versions: 0.8
Reporter: Diwaker Gupta
Priority: Trivial
 Attachments: doap.xml

 See for background.
 I've created an initial DOAP file for Forrest. Its easy to do this manually 
 at each release. I wasn't sure how to publish it, so I thought I'd let it 
 burn on JIRA for a while. What do people think?
 Its a regular XML file, but we want it published as-is, without any 
 processing from Forrest. Will putting an exclude directive for doap.xml in 
 cli.xconf be enough?

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