Re: Question related to gateway-receivers connection load balancing

2022-03-11 Thread Barry Oglesby

I'm not sure about the coordinator / non-coordinator behavior you're 
describing, but I see the other behavior. It doesn't seem quite right.

Here is a detailed explanation of what I see.

LocatorLoadSnapshot.getServerForConnection increments the LoadHolder's 
connections which updates its load. In the receiver's case, 
getServerForConnection is called by the remote sender to get a server to 
connect to (as you said using a ClientConnectionRequest).

Normally, the LoadHolder's load is updated when load is received in 
LocatorLoadSnapshot.updateMap (also as you said using a 
CacheServerLoadMessage). This doesn't happen in the receiver's case.

Locator behavior:

When the receiver connects, it sends its profile to the locator which causes 
its LoadHolder to be added to the __recv__group map. It is not added to the 
null group map. Thats the map for normal servers that have no group. Based on 
current implementation, it can't be added to this map or it would be used for 
normal local (to the receiver) client connections.

LocatorLoadSnapshot.addServer location=; groups=[__recv__group]
LocatorLoadSnapshot.addGroups group=__recv__group; location=
LocatorLoadSnapshot.addGroups not adding to the null map group=__recv__group; 

When the load is received for the receiver, it is ignored. updateMap gets the 
LoadHolder from the null group map. Since that map was not updated for the 
receiver, there is no entry for it (holder=null below).

LocatorLoadSnapshot.updateLoad about to update connectionLoadMap 
LocatorLoadSnapshot.updateMap location=; load=0.0; 
LocatorLoadSnapshot.updateMap location=; load=0.0; 
loadPerConnection=0.00125; holder=null
LocatorLoadSnapshot.updateLoad ignoring load location=
LocatorLoadSnapshot.updateLoad done update connectionLoadMap 

So, load is not updated in this way for a receiver.

When a request for a remote receiver is received, it uses the __recv__group 
load to provide that server. It also increments the load to that server (in 
LoadHolder.incConnections). This is how load is updated for a receiver.

LocatorLoadSnapshot.getServerForConnection group=__recv__group
LocatorLoadSnapshot.getServerForConnection group=__recv__group; 
potentialServers={[0.0,, loadPollInterval=5000, 0.00125]}
LoadHolder.incConnections location=; load=0.00125
LocatorLoadSnapshot.getServerForConnection group=__recv__group; 

Receiver server behavior:

When a receiver gets a new connection, the ServerConnection.processHandShake 
updates the LoadMonitor. The LoadMonitor explicitly does not update the 
connection count because isClientOperations=false, so the load is never changed 
on the server. This is interesting behavior. I'm not sure if it wasn't updated 
because it was unnecessary given the behavior of the locator above.

ServerConnection.processHandShake about to update the LoadMonitor 
LoadMonitor.connectionOpened isClientOperations=false; 
LoadMonitor.connectionOpened did not increment connectionCount=0; 
ServerConnection.processHandShake done update the LoadMonitor

The LoadMonitor on the server does send the load periodically to the locator 
but only because skippedLoadUpdates>forceUpdateFrequency (which is 10 times 
through the polling loop by default): got load type=GatewayReceiverStatistics; load=Load(0.0, 
0.00125, 0.0, 1.0) forceUpdateFrequency=true about to send CacheServerLoadMessage 
type=GatewayReceiverStatistics; load=Load(0.0, 0.00125, 0.0, 1.0)

So, the load sent by the server is not accurate and its ignored in the locator.

I haven't had a chance to look at your PR yet.


From: Jakov Varenina 
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022 1:21 AM
Subject: Question related to gateway-receivers connection load balancing

Hi devs,

We have observed some weird behavior related to load balancing of
gateway-receivers connections in the geode cluster. Currently,
gateway-receiver connection load is only updated on coordinator locator
when it provides server location to remote gateway-sender in
messages exchange. Other locators never update gateway-receiver
connection load, since they are not handling these messages.
Additionally, locators (including the coordinator) ignore
CacheServerLoadMessage messages that are carrying the receiver's
connection load. This means that locators will not adjust the load when
the connection on some receiver is shut down.

Is this expected behavior or this is a bug?

You can find more information in 


2022-03-11 Thread Jason Huynh
As an fyi, in the past we disabled applying limits at the index level for range 

I’m surprised in this case that we would add all the entries to the 
intermediate results instead of applying the filter first and checking the 
condition before adding to the intermediate results..

I would have thought it would have to apply the condition as seen in 
CompactRangeIndex.addToResultsFromEntries :

  if (ok && runtimeItr != null && iterOps != null) {
  ok = QueryUtils.applyCondition(iterOps, context);

I haven’t walked this query through the code, perhaps it’s hitting a different 
index type (I’d think a map index but that probably is backed by 
CompactRangeIndexes for each key…)

From: Jason Huynh 
Date: Friday, March 11, 2022 at 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: Question about INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE
I think may have changed what that 
property represented.  I believe it was some arbitrary threshold to abort using 
index look ups (if the intermediate results were small, it was deemed faster to 
just iterate through and not do a lookup – at least from my interpretation of 
the code)
It looks like with the change, it now munges it with limit.. so now limit is 
applied to that value.. gfsh happens to always pass in a limit too, so there is 
possibly additional confusion

From the diff there is also one spot where a limit != -1 had not been added..  
In CompactRangeIndex line 489:

  if (limit < indexThresholdSize) {
limit = indexThresholdSize;

This might be affecting the usage of limit at the index level?

From: Anilkumar Gingade 
Date: Friday, March 11, 2022 at 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: Question about INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE

There is similar test/example added by you in QueryWithRangeIndexDUnitTest. 
When I run that test (on develop); I see the results as expected:
Command result for :
Result  : true
Limit   : 100
Rows: 1
Query Trace : Query Executed in 85.1964 ms; indexesUsed(1):IdIndex(Results: 

Are you running your test with any additional change like as you are saying :
>> I was working on allowing INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE System property to override 
>> CompiledValue.RESULT_LIMIT.

If so , you need to look at the change and see why its impacting that way.
If not, please let me know what change can be made in that test to reproduce 
the issue you are seeing; that will help to debug/analyze the issue.


On 3/11/22, 12:18 AM, "Mario Kevo"  wrote:


It works without an index but it doesn't work with an index.
When I revert changes, it takes INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE default value(100). 
And if the entry that matches the condition is not in that resultset it will 
not be printed.
Without index:
​gfsh>query --query="SELECT e.key, e.value from 
/example-region.entrySet e where e.value.positions['SUN'] like 'someth%'"
Result  : true
Limit   : 100
Rows: 1
Query Trace : Query Executed in 11.502283 ms; indexesUsed(0)

key | value
--- | 

300 | 
​With index:
gfsh>query --query="SELECT e.key, e.value from 
/example-region.entrySet e where e.value.positions['SUN'] like 'someth%'"
Result  : true
Limit   : 100
Rows: 0
Query Trace : Query Executed in 8.784831 ms; indexesUsed(1):index1(Results: 

Šalje: Anilkumar Gingade 
Poslano: 10. ožujka 2022. 23:16
Predmet: Re: Question about INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE


There are few changes happened around this area as part of GEODE-9632 fix; 
can you please revert that change and see if the query works both with and 
without index.
Looking at the code; it seems to restrict the number index look up that 
needs to be performed; certain latency/throughput sensitive queries that or not 
expecting exact result may use this (my guess) but by default it should not be 
resulting in unexpected results.


On 3/10/22, 6:50 AM, "Mario Kevo"  wrote:

Hi geode-dev,

Some time ago I was working on allowing INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE System 
property to override CompiledValue.RESULT_LIMIT.
After this change, adding this attribute will take into a count if you 
set it.
But I need some clarification of this INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE attribute. 
Why is this set by default to 


2022-03-11 Thread Jason Huynh
I think may have changed what that 
property represented.  I believe it was some arbitrary threshold to abort using 
index look ups (if the intermediate results were small, it was deemed faster to 
just iterate through and not do a lookup – at least from my interpretation of 
the code)
It looks like with the change, it now munges it with limit.. so now limit is 
applied to that value.. gfsh happens to always pass in a limit too, so there is 
possibly additional confusion

From the diff there is also one spot where a limit != -1 had not been added..  
In CompactRangeIndex line 489:

  if (limit < indexThresholdSize) {
limit = indexThresholdSize;

This might be affecting the usage of limit at the index level?

From: Anilkumar Gingade 
Date: Friday, March 11, 2022 at 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: Question about INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE

There is similar test/example added by you in QueryWithRangeIndexDUnitTest. 
When I run that test (on develop); I see the results as expected:
Command result for :
Result  : true
Limit   : 100
Rows: 1
Query Trace : Query Executed in 85.1964 ms; indexesUsed(1):IdIndex(Results: 

Are you running your test with any additional change like as you are saying :
>> I was working on allowing INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE System property to override 
>> CompiledValue.RESULT_LIMIT.

If so , you need to look at the change and see why its impacting that way.
If not, please let me know what change can be made in that test to reproduce 
the issue you are seeing; that will help to debug/analyze the issue.


On 3/11/22, 12:18 AM, "Mario Kevo"  wrote:


It works without an index but it doesn't work with an index.
When I revert changes, it takes INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE default value(100). 
And if the entry that matches the condition is not in that resultset it will 
not be printed.
Without index:
​gfsh>query --query="SELECT e.key, e.value from 
/example-region.entrySet e where e.value.positions['SUN'] like 'someth%'"
Result  : true
Limit   : 100
Rows: 1
Query Trace : Query Executed in 11.502283 ms; indexesUsed(0)

key | value
--- | 

300 | 
​With index:
gfsh>query --query="SELECT e.key, e.value from 
/example-region.entrySet e where e.value.positions['SUN'] like 'someth%'"
Result  : true
Limit   : 100
Rows: 0
Query Trace : Query Executed in 8.784831 ms; indexesUsed(1):index1(Results: 

Šalje: Anilkumar Gingade 
Poslano: 10. ožujka 2022. 23:16
Predmet: Re: Question about INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE


There are few changes happened around this area as part of GEODE-9632 fix; 
can you please revert that change and see if the query works both with and 
without index.
Looking at the code; it seems to restrict the number index look up that 
needs to be performed; certain latency/throughput sensitive queries that or not 
expecting exact result may use this (my guess) but by default it should not be 
resulting in unexpected results.


On 3/10/22, 6:50 AM, "Mario Kevo"  wrote:

Hi geode-dev,

Some time ago I was working on allowing INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE System 
property to override CompiledValue.RESULT_LIMIT.
After this change, adding this attribute will take into a count if you 
set it.
But I need some clarification of this INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE attribute. 
Why is this set by default to 100?
The main problem with this attribute is that if you want to get the 
correct result, you need to know how many entries will be in the region while 
starting servers and set it on that value or higher. Sometimes it is too hard 
to know how many entries will be in the region, so maybe better will be to set 
it by default to some higher number, something like Integer.MAX_VALUE.

Where this attribute is used?
It is used to get index results while doing queries.

What is the problem?
If we have INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE set to 500, and we have 1k entries it 
can happen that while doing a query it will get only 500 entries and where 
clause cannot be fulfilled and we got no results.
Let's see it by an example!

We have only one entry that matches the condition from the query, 


2022-03-11 Thread Anilkumar Gingade

There is similar test/example added by you in QueryWithRangeIndexDUnitTest. 
When I run that test (on develop); I see the results as expected:
Command result for : 
Result  : true
Limit   : 100
Rows: 1
Query Trace : Query Executed in 85.1964 ms; indexesUsed(1):IdIndex(Results: 

Are you running your test with any additional change like as you are saying :
>> I was working on allowing INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE System property to override 
>> CompiledValue.RESULT_LIMIT.

If so , you need to look at the change and see why its impacting that way. 
If not, please let me know what change can be made in that test to reproduce 
the issue you are seeing; that will help to debug/analyze the issue.


On 3/11/22, 12:18 AM, "Mario Kevo"  wrote:


It works without an index but it doesn't work with an index.
When I revert changes, it takes INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE default value(100). 
And if the entry that matches the condition is not in that resultset it will 
not be printed.
Without index:
​gfsh>query --query="SELECT e.key, e.value from 
/example-region.entrySet e where e.value.positions['SUN'] like 'someth%'"
Result  : true
Limit   : 100
Rows: 1
Query Trace : Query Executed in 11.502283 ms; indexesUsed(0)

key | value
--- | 

300 | 
​With index:
gfsh>query --query="SELECT e.key, e.value from 
/example-region.entrySet e where e.value.positions['SUN'] like 'someth%'"
Result  : true
Limit   : 100
Rows: 0
Query Trace : Query Executed in 8.784831 ms; indexesUsed(1):index1(Results: 

Šalje: Anilkumar Gingade 
Poslano: 10. ožujka 2022. 23:16
Predmet: Re: Question about INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE


There are few changes happened around this area as part of GEODE-9632 fix; 
can you please revert that change and see if the query works both with and 
without index.
Looking at the code; it seems to restrict the number index look up that 
needs to be performed; certain latency/throughput sensitive queries that or not 
expecting exact result may use this (my guess) but by default it should not be 
resulting in unexpected results.


On 3/10/22, 6:50 AM, "Mario Kevo"  wrote:

Hi geode-dev,

Some time ago I was working on allowing INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE System 
property to override CompiledValue.RESULT_LIMIT.
After this change, adding this attribute will take into a count if you 
set it.
But I need some clarification of this INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE attribute. 
Why is this set by default to 100?
The main problem with this attribute is that if you want to get the 
correct result, you need to know how many entries will be in the region while 
starting servers and set it on that value or higher. Sometimes it is too hard 
to know how many entries will be in the region, so maybe better will be to set 
it by default to some higher number, something like Integer.MAX_VALUE.

Where this attribute is used?
It is used to get index results while doing queries.

What is the problem?
If we have INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE set to 500, and we have 1k entries it 
can happen that while doing a query it will get only 500 entries and where 
clause cannot be fulfilled and we got no results.
Let's see it by an example!

We have only one entry that matches the condition from the query, 
INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE set to 500, and 1k entries in the region.
If we run the query without an index we got the result.
gfsh>query --query="SELECT e.key, e.value from 
/example-region.entrySet e where e.value.positions['SUN'] like 'someth%'"
Result  : true
Limit   : 100
Rows: 1
Query Trace : Query Executed in 10.750238 ms; indexesUsed(0)

key | value
--- | 

700 | 
​If we create an index and then run again this query there is 

Odg: Question about INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE

2022-03-11 Thread Mario Kevo

It works without an index but it doesn't work with an index.
When I revert changes, it takes INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE default value(100). And if 
the entry that matches the condition is not in that resultset it will not be 
Without index:
​gfsh>query --query="SELECT e.key, e.value from /example-region.entrySet 
e where e.value.positions['SUN'] like 'someth%'"
Result  : true
Limit   : 100
Rows: 1
Query Trace : Query Executed in 11.502283 ms; indexesUsed(0)

key | value
--- | 

300 | 
​With index:
gfsh>query --query="SELECT e.key, e.value from /example-region.entrySet 
e where e.value.positions['SUN'] like 'someth%'"
Result  : true
Limit   : 100
Rows: 0
Query Trace : Query Executed in 8.784831 ms; indexesUsed(1):index1(Results: 100)

Šalje: Anilkumar Gingade 
Poslano: 10. ožujka 2022. 23:16
Predmet: Re: Question about INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE


There are few changes happened around this area as part of GEODE-9632 fix; can 
you please revert that change and see if the query works both with and without 
Looking at the code; it seems to restrict the number index look up that needs 
to be performed; certain latency/throughput sensitive queries that or not 
expecting exact result may use this (my guess) but by default it should not be 
resulting in unexpected results.


On 3/10/22, 6:50 AM, "Mario Kevo"  wrote:

Hi geode-dev,

Some time ago I was working on allowing INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE System 
property to override CompiledValue.RESULT_LIMIT.
After this change, adding this attribute will take into a count if you set 
But I need some clarification of this INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE attribute. Why 
is this set by default to 100?
The main problem with this attribute is that if you want to get the correct 
result, you need to know how many entries will be in the region while starting 
servers and set it on that value or higher. Sometimes it is too hard to know 
how many entries will be in the region, so maybe better will be to set it by 
default to some higher number, something like Integer.MAX_VALUE.

Where this attribute is used?
It is used to get index results while doing queries.

What is the problem?
If we have INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE set to 500, and we have 1k entries it can 
happen that while doing a query it will get only 500 entries and where clause 
cannot be fulfilled and we got no results.
Let's see it by an example!

We have only one entry that matches the condition from the query, 
INDEX_THRESHOLD_SIZE set to 500, and 1k entries in the region.
If we run the query without an index we got the result.
gfsh>query --query="SELECT e.key, e.value from 
/example-region.entrySet e where e.value.positions['SUN'] like 'someth%'"
Result  : true
Limit   : 100
Rows: 1
Query Trace : Query Executed in 10.750238 ms; indexesUsed(0)

key | value
--- | 

700 | 
​If we create an index and then run again this query there is no result.
gfsh>query --query="SELECT e.key, e.value from 
/example-region.entrySet e where e.value.positions['SUN'] like 'someth%'"
Result  : true
Limit   : 100
Rows: 0
Query Trace : Query Executed in 22.079016 ms; 
indexesUsed(1):index1(Results: 500)
​This happened because we have no luck getting that entry that matches the 
condition in the intermediate results for the index.
So the questions are:
What if more entries enter the region that will make the index return more 
entries than this threshold sets? Then we're again in jeopardy that the query 
condition will not match.
Why is this attribute set by default to 100?
Can we change it to the Integer.MAX_VALUE by default to be sure that we 
have the correct result? What are the consequences?
