RTC Thoughts

2006-06-18 Thread Stefan Arentz

I've been reading the RTC discussion here and I would like to express
my thoughts about it. I'm not a comitter and not very familiar with
the Apache house rules so forgive me if I raise some silly points :-)

I think RTC will be good for maintaining a stable release. Keeping
1.1.x stable is extremely important for people running production on
it and if RTC will improve that stability and conformity then I think
it is a good procedure. Peer review always helps in that respect.  I
would call this 'Maintenance Mode RTC'. Commits in maintenance mode
will probably be small and quick to the point. So review is easy and
quick. Which is important because I think the team just decided to
release 1.1.1 in about two weeks.

On the other hand, I'm afraid that the possible burocracy and
'latancy' of RTC will put Geronimo much further behind than it already
is in the app server world. As Aaron pointed out Geronimo is very
innovative on certain areas while significantly behind in others. With
EJB3 probably being the most important. (At least for industry/j2ee

Working on something big as EJB3 is imo only going to work if a small
group of core developers can move some mountains of code and not be
bothered by the RTC process while they are still playing around,
discovring how to builld that new module, reaching a point where it
can be called a first alpha release and thus committing many little
changes. I would call this 'Sandbox Mode RTC'. Needing votes here
delays things and also makes it very difficult to do patch management
because while you are waiting for people to vote you have probably
alreasy invalidated your patches since you did not stop working during
that voting period.

Geronimo does has some very strong features  that should be used to
make the 'Sandbox Mode RTC' process easier; gbeans and plugins. Many
things, even the whole new Klustering and Kache architecture for
example, can mostly be developed outside of the main project and then
submitted as a new component as a whole. This just only requires a
stable 'core'.

A module or component can then be accepted / voted for as a whole when
code is stable enough to be included in Geronimo. Does this make the
process less open? Does this translate to monster commits that nobody
is going to read? Personally I don't think so. The code is still
available (also during development), people can still jump in and help
and you can still follow the progress and express your opinion when
you see things you don't like. There will still be someone who takes
the lead (and responsibility!) for a component. From what I've seen
the last 18 months the ocmmiters on this project have always been open
for discussion and change. The trust is there. I think they have
established that and proved that they can 'run' a large community
project like Geronimo.

I understand where Ken is coming from and how RTC works fine for a
project like Apache's httpd. But just look at the number of
sub-projects that Geronimo contains now, well over a hundred, and you
might realize that the traditional Apache development model might not
be suited anymore for a project of Geronimo's scale. I don't know what
that should mean in practice though. But I know for sure that Geronimo
is not going to be the last project of this scale. This is a somewhat
deeper thought but I think very essential in a RTC discussion for a
project this complex.


What to do in a GBean's doFail

2006-06-17 Thread Stefan Arentz

public void doFail()
  // TODO: What do we here? When is this called? Do we do cleanup here when
  // doStart() failed somehwere half way and left things in an
unpredictable state?



Re: Reloading GBeans during development

2006-06-17 Thread Stefan Arentz

On 6/17/06, Aaron Mulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I haven't seen this before.  Perhaps it would help to do "mvn clean
package" instead of "mvn package" to make sure you always have the
latest code in your JAR?

That is not going to make a difference, I know for sure that the jar
is up to date. I checked that a couple of times already. I'll try to
investigate the Geronimo side next time it happens.


Reloading GBeans during development

2006-06-17 Thread Stefan Arentz

I'm developing my first Geronimo plugin and so far all goes well,
mostly thanks to all the great hints people are giving me here :-)

My workflow is this: write code, mvn package, deployer.jar redeploy
target/plugin.jar. This works most of the time, but what I see a lot
is that I'm running old code, even though the redeploy happened
without warnings or errors.

The problem is rather vague and not reproducable but it does happen.
I've seen my code print stuff to the log that simply isn't in the last
version anymore.

What helps is to do a full geronimo restart.

Oh, my GBean only has a reference to the Kernel and the MBeanServer.
Nobody references me. I think.

Does this sound familiar? Anything I can do about it?


Re: Klustering and Kache

2006-06-17 Thread Stefan Arentz

On 6/17/06, Jeff Genender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey community,

I just wanted to pass a note that some of us are working on the
geronimo-cache which is a "first-pass" at clustering in the sandbox:


Its the beginning of a full replication implementation...its a start.  I
would like to invite any and all to feel free to jump in and chat about
it on the lists.

Its not fully functional but its a hopeful move in the right direction.

Cool. Is this going to be a generic replicated cache service that can
be used for things like apache sessions, EJB state or even my own
custom code?


Re: Getting the JSR77 MEJB / ManagementHome

2006-06-16 Thread Stefan Arentz

Thanks. That was a really good hint! Things ARE easier when you talk
to the MBean server directly :-)


On 6/16/06, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I suggest you just go directly to the mbean server.  It is much more
powerful, and is what the MEJB uses under the covers. You can find an
example of getting a reference to the MBean server in the OpenEJB
MEJB code:


and an example configuration of the mejb is here:


Note that your plan will need a dependency on rmi-naming since that
is where MBeanServerReference is defined.


On Jun 16, 2006, at 11:08 AM, Stefan Arentz wrote:

> Is it possible to get a reference to the ManagementHome from a GBean?
> (I'm try to install a notification listener). I see there is a
> org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.mejb.MEJB but I cannot find the right object
> name to look it up from my GBean.
> S.

Getting the JSR77 MEJB / ManagementHome

2006-06-16 Thread Stefan Arentz

Is it possible to get a reference to the ManagementHome from a GBean?
(I'm try to install a notification listener). I see there is a
org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.mejb.MEJB but I cannot find the right object
name to look it up from my GBean.


Re: Deployment events

2006-06-16 Thread Stefan Arentz

On 6/16/06, Aaron Mulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In 1.1, your GBean just needs to implement DeploymentWatcher (from the
kernel module) and declare that in its list of interfaces.

Hmm. Good hint, but it only solves halve of my puzzle :-)

The DeploymentWatcher is only called when a web app is
deployed/undeployed. I would also like to listen to start/stop events.
Is that defined in the app server or is it web container specific?

Also, is there an easy way to get more specific information about an
artifact? When I print the web app's artifact is looks like this:
default/foo-webapp/1150467344244/war. Is the 1150467344244 some unique
id that I can lookup somewhere?


Plugins - Wow!

2006-06-16 Thread Stefan Arentz

I just installed the JSP examples through:

java -jar $GERONIMO_HOME/bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager \
   search-plugins http://www.geronimoplugins.com/repository/geronimo-1.1

Which I accidentally found while catching up with this list.

Wow. This is really nice! I can imagine telling the admins of my
current customer to download Geronimo and pointing it to the internal
plugin repository to turn a plain vanilla geronimo into a website
cluster node or a backend component. This will make my life so much
easier :-)

Some questions though:

Will standard components like ActiveMQ and Derby also become available
as plugins? It would be really nice to simply start with
geronimo-minimal and then just add those components that you need.

When I installed the JSP Examples component it also installed
commons-collections-.3.1. But when I undeployed the examples, it kept
the commons-collections in the repository. I know this is very tricky,
but maybe it is nice to have a 'uninstall-plugin' command that also
purges dependencies that are not referenced anymore.

Documentation :-) I have questions like what is a plugin, what does
the repository look like, how do I build my own plugin, etc. Is there
anything available now that I can start with? I have some ideas for
plugins and I can easily document one of them on my blog. I just have
no idea where to start now.


Deployment events

2006-06-16 Thread Stefan Arentz

Is there a way to have a GBean receive events about
deployment/undeployment? I'm interested in writing a plugin that runs
some actions when a WAR is deployed or undeployed.


Article: Building Geronimo 1.1 GBeans with Maven 2.0

2006-06-16 Thread Stefan Arentz

I wrote a little article about building a GBean on Geronimo 1.1. It
would be nice if someone could read and review it. This is all pretty
new for me so I'm sure I wrote something silly or plain wrong about it



Re: Other items to clarify how releases are managed

2006-06-11 Thread Stefan Arentz

On 6/11/06, Matt Hogstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


To be honest, my big concern over feature / bug debates is that we seem to be 
on a multi-month
release cycle.  At that rate and pace it will be difficult to fix bugs / 
performance issues without
making users wait a very long time in between stable drops.  Do others have 
suggestions on how to
handle this?

Hi Matt,

If I had a choice then I would like to see more frequent minor
releases. With only bug fixes and performance improvements. While
keeping the APIs/schemas/tools stable and compatible.

JBoss is a good example of how it should not work. They had more than
300 issues open between 4.0.4 and 4.0.5. That is crazy and it will
take them months to do releases like that. My choices are then to wait
for that release or stay current with JBoss-HEAD and use daily
development releases. Which are unstable.

I think it is fine to have multi-month releases to plan bigger
features and improvements. But for me as a user of the software it is
annoying to wait for a very long time for minor releases. Also many
times those minor fixes are pushed forward because the next big
release is around the corner.

I have of course no idea how the Geronimo team works and what kind of
work is involved to do a release. I can image that apart from
developing it also takes a substantial amount of energy and time to
coordinate the release, run a test kit, etc.

Oh also, take a look at how the Glassfish team is doing releases and
weekly builds. That could also be an interesting model.


Re: Thoughts about what a release is

2006-06-11 Thread Stefan Arentz

On 6/11/06, Matt Hogstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Ahhh the version number game. Perception is reality :-)

When I see a headline about Geronimo 1.2, I will probably think 'pfff
still no EJB3 support, what are those slow coders doing all the
time?!'. However, if it would see a  'Geronimo 2.0' headline then I
would be immediately curious and check it out in detail because I know
good stuff has happened in a major release. People will generally also
think the product is more mature. (Which is is of course, a version
number increment will just confirm that feeling more)


Re: Building 1.1-Minimal

2006-06-10 Thread Stefan Arentz

On 6/10/06, Kevan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The new5 assembly phase will build the j2ee and minimal distributions
for both jetty and tomcat. So, 'maven new' will build the minimal
release. It should be possible to assemble only the minimal release,
by cd'ing into assemblies/minimal-jetty-server (or minimal-tomcat-

Great. Takes a very long time though, and I see things like:

Attempting to download geronimo-common-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar.
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download
16:12:54,598 INFO  [DependencyVerifier] Attempting to download

is that normal behaviour? Is it really trying to get those artifacts
from a whole bunch of mirrors and failing?

The reason that I'm doing this is that I want to understand for
example how the jetty-deployer module works. When I search in the svn
checkout then I only find a deployment plan for this module. Not the
actual source. And from what I see now during a 'maven new' it looks
like it just gets binaries for those modules.

I guess what I need to know is, how do I get the source code for modules?


Building 1.1-Minimal

2006-06-10 Thread Stefan Arentz


I have a couple of questions regarding the 1.1 minimal release. I
would like to build it from source code but I don't know how.

I could not find instructions on how to build the minimal profile with
jetty. Does anyone have a recipe for that?

Am I correct that I need to stay current with


until the 1.1 final release is tagged?

I understand that I need to use Java 1.4 for building the full J2EE
Geronimo. Due to some Corba incompatibilities with 1.5 or so. If I
just build the minimal profile, can I then do everything with 1.5?

Thanks :-)


Re: Module restructure

2005-05-27 Thread Stefan Arentz

On May 27, 2005, at 8:25 PM, Brian K. Wallace wrote:


I'm not a committer, nor have I been more than an observer to what
Geronimo is doing and where it's going - primarily because everything
I've seen has placed it in the JBoss realm. I've used JBoss for  
quite a

while and am always amazed at the functionality it has ingrained in it
for which I just have no use. Most of my time spent upgrading is in
finding out how to turn things off that have changed.

Security-wise it is also a nightmare. There is so much stuff running  
in the container that I have no idea of. I usually bind the instance  
to localhost and do port translation for those TCP/IP services that  
need to be exposed, but even then there are still many ways to  
connect to it from localhost that could potentially expose  
information or give control to unauthorized people.


Re: Module restructure

2005-05-27 Thread Stefan Arentz

On May 27, 2005, at 6:07 PM, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

Stefan brings up the question of whether we want to release sub- 
modules of Geronimo separately. I think this is a good idea and  
would propose the following restructure of the tree to move in this  

Let me just explain my motivation a bit, maybe that will also help  
for the plan.

In my original email I said something about not needing all the J2EE  
stuff. I exaggerated a bit of course, but most of the applications  
that I have been writing in the last couple of years are done mostly  
with a subset of the whole J2EE umbrella. Some apps were just some  
network service wrapped in (JMX) beans, a service exposed with Spring  
(Burlap, XML-RPC) other apps were simply a web app backed by a shared  
Spring context. I've never needed all the stuff in J2EE.

So far I've always done this on JBoss. Their MBean stuff works ok,  
but I wish it was easier to 'downsize' jboss to just a container with  
the stuff I need. That never really seemed to be their goal however.  
The complexity of their configuration files shows that.

So, what I would really like to see wrt Geronimo is an absolute  
minimal server with add-on packages for things like a web container,  
jms provider, etc. You want to host a web app? Throw in the Tomcat or  
Jetty personality. Need JMS too, add ActiveMQ. Persistence? Simply  
add a hibernate deployer. Mix and match so that it does what your app  

This is where Geronimo could shine and even take away a large chunk  
of Tomcat; most people just want to deploy their web app and  
optionally add some more services without having to understand a full  
J2EE stack. Geronimo can fill that void extremely well I think.  
(Simple Web Container ..  .. J2EE Monolith)

Ok so just complaining doesn't work well for this project, so what I  
really would like to do is start figuring out how I can give Geronimo  
'personalities' for popular combinations of technology. Like,

 - Geronimo Kernel + Tomcat + JSTL2.0 + Spring + Hibernate
 - Geronimo Kernel + Web Services
 - Geronimo Kernel + JMX Enabled custom network service

and then do some writing about it on the wiki. Make recipes for  
people, or even complete packages that are downloadable.

I really think this is how Geronimo can also get acceptance with a  
much larger crowd.



2005-05-27 Thread Stefan Arentz

Ok cool, I did a build on

 OS X 10.4.1 / Java 1.4.2_07

took an hour (I was also watching a movie on my slow powerbook).

The build works, and the server starts.

So what is next? :-)

I have a bunch of Spring applications that I would like to deploy. I  
think I'm just going to see how that works and give feedback.


Re: Geronimo M4

2005-05-26 Thread Stefan Arentz

On May 26, 2005, at 9:26 PM, David Blevins wrote:

That would be great.  But a lot of our components are inseparable  
at the moment.  Build-your-own-server is certainly a goal to shoot  
for, but we'd need a lot of help getting there.

What kind of help?


Re: Geronimo M4

2005-05-26 Thread Stefan Arentz

On May 26, 2005, at 5:39 AM, Jeff Genender wrote:

Hi Philippe,

We are currently working towards an official release, so thanks for  
inquiring.  However, in the mean time, you are welcome to download  
the source and build a latest version for youself.  The source tree  
will contain the closest-to-M4 version and you should be able to  
get started using Geronimo with the latest and greatest code.

Would it make sense to split the release into two and have a  
'Geronimo Core (or Kernel)' and 'Geronimo J2EE' part? I would really  
like to start doing some more serious work with Geronimo but I have  
absolutely no interest in a complete J2EE environment. I'm sure there  
are many people in the same situation.

It could also make sense from a PR kind of view; right now it looks  
like the project is stalled ... it has been a long time since an  
official release was made. With a 'Geronimo Core' package that has a  
v1.0.x version number that could change. Perception is reality :-)


Hosting Spring Applications

2004-11-28 Thread Stefan Arentz
Before I start asking my stupid newbie questions it is probably a good 
idea to explain what I am trying to achieve here :-)

My goal is to create a Geronimo configuration to deploy 
Hibernate/Spring/Web applications in. Despite that Geronimo is 
'marketed' as a J2EE container, I see it more like a generic 
application server that can be used to host any kind of application in.

This will be an open source effort. Either as part of one of the two 
projects are simply published through sourceforge.

Starting simple seemed like a good idea, so what I am trying to setup 
now is a Spring hosting platform that can deploy an EAR archive variant 
that contains SPR and WAR archives. I'll get back about the SPR 
archives later.

My ideal setup would be this; you start Geronimo with a  Spring 
Container configuration/personality. You can then deploy applications 
to it that have a structure like this:

The SPR would contain all the spring beans, business logic and 
persistence support (like hibernate mappings + domain classes). The WAR 
would simply be a 'client' of the logic deployed through the SPR, but 
also include its own spring configuration.

When this EAR is deployed, the container first processes the SPR; a new 
bean factory is created and all the meta-inf/spring/*.xml files are 
processed. Then the WAR is deployed, which also has a meta-inf/spring 
directory. All its spring bean configurations are then also deployed in 
the context of the global bean factory for thie EAR deployment.

So now my questions :-)
1) What do people think of this idea? :)
2) Am I right that a '*-plan.xml' is only used to give a Geronimo 
instance a 'personality' ? It is a bit confusing because the plans are 
now used as both personality configuration and deployment of (GBean) 
services. Or is the latter so because there is no simple way yet to 
deploy .sar like packages (as part of an EAR)?

3) Any hints on adding a new archive type (SPR) to Geronimo? What would 
be a good starting point to look at? Is the M3 API stable enough to 
start writing these kind of things?
