// Apologize, forgot to click on "Reply All".

Best Regards,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: rahul.soa <rahul....@googlemail.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: Initial Draft for gsoc [WS-Security support for JAX-WS
Web Services] project
To: Jarek Gawor <jga...@gmail.com>

Hello Jarek/Daniel/Devs,

Thanks for your comments.

I added the proposal quickly as I sent in my previous email on the
following link:


I will keep it updating with the discussion we are having.


Best Regards,

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:08 PM, Jarek Gawor <jga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Rahul,
> A few comments. I would drop the 1) bullet since in the grand scheme
> of things this is a little detail and instead I would focus more on
> the 2) bullet.
> I like the WS-SecurityPolicy idea but it might be a little too much to
> do at once. So I would stage things in the following way:
> 1) First work on the basic WS-Security support. Add support for
> Username Token Profile and X509 Certificate Token Profile.
> 2) Once 1) is working, add support for WS-SecurityPolicy
> 3) Once 2) is working, add support for WSSecurityFeature as described.
> That will probably require adding similar extensions to CXF and Axis2
> first.
> Besides configuring WS-Security properties for web services we also
> want to configure the same sort of properties for Web Service
> references (@WebServiceRef). So that clients can also make WS-Security
> secured calls.
> Also, to make life easier, can you put this proposal onto some
> personal Apache wiki page (http://wiki.apache.org/general) and I think
> that way we could edit this together.
> Thanks,
> Jarek
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 8:04 PM, rahul.soa <rahul....@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Devs,
>> I have written a very initial draft for gsoc "WS-Security support for
>> JAX-WS Web Services" project [1]. Please suggest any modifications.
>> Thanks to Jarek for his thoughts and immediate help.
>> // Quote
>> Title: WS-Security support for JAX-WS Web Services
>> Abstract:
>> To integrate and enable the WS-Security features of Apache Axis2 and
>> Apache CXF in Apache Geronimo on web services.
>> Description:
>> Apache Geronimo supports two JAX-WS providers: Axis2 and CXF and both
>> of these libraries have some WS-Security features. But these features
>> are not integrated/enabled in Geronimo. So the goal is to enable these
>> features from within Geronimo. That involves basically two things:
>> 1) that the modules (i.e. WSS4J) that provide the WS-Security features
>> for Axis2 and CXF are installed with Geronimo, and
>> 2) that the WS-Security features such as [XML Security ('XML
>> Signature' - allows one to send along with the message a digital
>> signature of it, which assures that no one modified the message
>> content between the sender and receiver, 'XML Encryption' -allows one
>> to encrypt the message body or only its part using the given
>> cryptography algorithm) and Tokens ('Username Tokens' - WS-Security
>> scenario adds username and password values to the message header,
>> 'Timestamps' - Timestamps specify how long the security data remains
>> valid, 'SAML Tokens')] can be enabled and configured on web services
>> via Geronimo deployment descriptors and/or annotations. For example,
>> given some web service that is annotated with @WebService; so to
>> ensure that the service only accepts WS-Security -secured messages, it
>> should be something like “to add @WS-Security annotation”.
>> Further in detail, we can consider WS-Security policies which can be
>> applied to the SOAP messages that pass between web services and web
>> service controls. A WS-Security is controlled in WS-Security policy
>> files. The WS-Security policy file (WSSE file) defines the security
>> policy applied to the SOAP messages that pass between web services and
>> their clients.[1]
>> So we can use something like following annotation
>> @WS-Security file="MyWebServicePolicy.wsse"
>> Example:
>> @WebService
>> @WS-Security file="MyWebServicePolicy.wsse"
>> public class xyz
>> The @WS-Security annotation determines the WS-Security policy file
>> (WSSE) to be applied to (1) incoming SOAP invocations of the web
>> service's methods and (2) the outgoing SOAP messages containing the
>> value returned by the web service's methods.[1]. The attribute file in
>> the above mentioned annotation specifies the path to the WS-Security
>> policy file (WSSE file - MyWebServicePolicy.wsse) used by the web
>> service.
>> In addition, I think we can also define some security feature
>> something like SecurityFeature similar to other WebService Feature(s)
>> such as AddressingFeature, MTOMFeature
>>  and RespectBindingFeature
>> . This new feature can also have the “enabled property” like other
>> features that is used to store whether a particular feature should be
>> enabled or disabled. This type should provide either a constructor
>> argument
>>  and/or a method that will allow the web service developer to set the
>> enabled property. The meaning of enabled or disabled is determined by
>> each individual WebServiceFeature. It is important that web services
>> developers be able to enable/disable specific features when writing
>> their web applications. [2]
>> [1] http://e-docs.bea.com/workshop/docs81/doc/en/core/index.html
>> [2] http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/mrel/jsr224/index2.html
>> //Unquote
>> Any suggestion will be appreciable.
>> * Please put my email id in cc if you reply to mailing list only as I
>> am not on the mailing list at this time. I have sent requests many
>> times but could not get the confirmation reply for joining the mailing
>> list so far.
>> Many Thanks.
>> Best Regards,
>> Rahul
>> [1] http://wiki.apache.org/general/SummerOfCode2009#cxf-project

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