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 1 WEEK (4 issues)

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      Key                                    Summary                            
         Reporter        Created
 GERONIMO-2064 Mail archive links in the Welcome portlet should use the 
redirects   Paul McMahan       May 26, 2006
               at geronimo.apache.org
 GERONIMO-2066 Openejb migration to M2                                          
    Anita Kulshreshtha May 29, 2006
 GERONIMO-2072 Client-Deployer config is using wrong/hardcoded 
commons-primitives   Donald Woods       May 31, 2006
 GERONIMO-2073 Copyright date in the console needs to be updated                
    Hernan Cunico      May 31, 2006

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

 30 DAYS (20 issues)

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      Key                                    Summary                            
        Reporter         Created
 GERONIMO-2026 1.1 Server fails to start by throwing an InvalidConfigException 
for Shiva Kumar H R     May 15, 2006
               JMXService GBean
 GERONIMO-2042 ConfigurationAwareReference needs Serial Version UID             
   Aaron Mulder        May 19, 2006
 GERONIMO-2058 Invalid gbean names in config.xml do not prevent server starting 
or David Jencks        May 24, 2006
               module starting
 GERONIMO-1986 TranQL Connector doesn't check Driver Class during deployment    
   Aaron Mulder        May 04, 2006
 GERONIMO-1976 Change Welcome Application for G1.1                              
   Dave Colasurdo      May 03, 2006
 GERONIMO-1980 Move Plugin Installer from rmi-naming to j2ee-system             
   Aaron Mulder        May 03, 2006
 GERONIMO-1984 New Keystore portlet - Add Trust Certificate throws exception    
   Vamsavardhana Reddy May 04, 2006
 GERONIMO-2014 Geronimo uses outdated version of ApacheDS                       
   Alexei Zakharov     May 12, 2006
 GERONIMO-2028 Plugin export errors don't stop process, but cause it to fail 
much  Aaron Mulder        May 15, 2006
 GERONIMO-2025 Undeploy and redeploy with no version leaves dangling entries in 
   Aaron Mulder        May 14, 2006
 GERONIMO-2015 Let's replace JKS to PKCS12 key store type                       
   Nikolay Chugunov    May 12, 2006
 GERONIMO-2030 Allow WebServiceBuilder determine if there are WebServices to be 
   Conrad O'Dea        May 16, 2006
 GERONIMO-2044 Compilation failure: java.nio.BufferOverflowException            
   chenjianghong       May 20, 2006
 GERONIMO-2045 Plugin prerequisites: for DB pools, support DB type/version and  
   Aaron Mulder        May 21, 2006
               table validation
 GERONIMO-2023 Improve sample app install process                               
   Aaron Mulder        May 14, 2006
 GERONIMO-2063 Stopping a TSSbean also stops the orb it's attached to           
   David Jencks        May 25, 2006
 GERONIMO-1982 server try to deploy the modules in hot deployment directory 
again  Rakesh Ranjan       May 04, 2006
               during server startup
 GERONIMO-1983 CLI undeploy interactive mode                                    
   Erin Mulder         May 04, 2006
 GERONIMO-2027 Mismatched passwords when editing user in web console            
   Erin Mulder         May 15, 2006
 GERONIMO-1995 The installer should allow the default settings to be restored   
   Anita Kulshreshtha  May 06, 2006

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 60 DAYS (30 issues)

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      Key                                       Summary                         
              Reporter     Created
 GERONIMO-1849 Attribute Manager broken WRT Reference                           
          Aaron Mulder     Apr 14,
 GERONIMO-1942 InPlace deployment does not work with EjbModules                 
          Sachin Patel     Apr 29,
 GERONIMO-1805 org.apache.geronimo.directory.RunningTest hangs on BEA Jrockit 
VMs         Alexei Zakharov  Apr 05,
 GERONIMO-1804 The name of JNDI/RMI service provider is hardcoded in the 
sources.         Andrey Pavlenko  Apr 05,
 GERONIMO-1818 ActiveMQ broker is shutting down before the rest of the server   
          Kevan Miller     Apr 07,
 GERONIMO-1821 "maven new4" in 1.1 leaves loads of /tmp/packageNNNNN.tmpdir 
directories   Aaron Mulder     Apr 08,
 GERONIMO-1823 Add Embedded LDAP Server Viewer Portlet                          
          Chris Cardona    Apr 09,
 GERONIMO-1826 Naming tests might not work on non-Sun VMs.                      
          Andrey Pavlenko  Apr 11,
 GERONIMO-1829 Service Plans should allow GBean references by interface (vs. by 
name)     Aaron Mulder     Apr 11,
 GERONIMO-1833 Non-public Sun classes dependencies in tests                     
          Nellya           Apr 12,
          Udovichenko      2006
 GERONIMO-1835 Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance 
of class  Arthur Ryman     Apr 12,
 GERONIMO-1842 Dynamically load jars from the WEB-INF/lib directory             
          Prasad Kashyap   Apr 13,
 GERONIMO-1868 Calculate /console prefix dynamically for SVG, etc.              
          Aaron Mulder     Apr 19,
 GERONIMO-1880 To Allow configurable password digests during REALM Deployment.  
          Phani Balaji     Apr 21,
          Madgula          2006
 GERONIMO-1885 Resource/EJB Refs search top-level deployments (or change docs)  
          Aaron Mulder     Apr 21,
 GERONIMO-1909 Errors in JMS Server portlet                                     
          Vamsavardhana    Apr 25,
          Reddy            2006
 GERONIMO-1939 Server Info portlet doesn't display the 'Server Memory Usage' 
live graph   Chris Cardona    Apr 28,
               on Internet Explorer                                             
 GERONIMO-1944 Add test of MDB to ActiveMQ with only message-destination-type 
and         Aaron Mulder     Apr 29,
 GERONIMO-1955 Move user applications out of Geronimo repo                      
          Dave Colasurdo   May 01,
 GERONIMO-1817 "Test a Login" while adding LDAP Realm fails with 
NullPointerException     Vamsavardhana    Apr 07,
          Reddy            2006
 GERONIMO-1813 When already deployed application is hot deployed once gain , 
Server       Mansoor          Apr 06,
               doesn't delete the module from hot deployed directory            
 GERONIMO-1801 Restart/Shutdown functionality for Geronimo when using Java 
Service        Mario Ruebsam    Apr 04,
 GERONIMO-1840 NamingPropertiesTest is not compatible with non-Sun VMs.         
          Andrey Pavlenko  Apr 13,
 GERONIMO-1911 HTTPS algorithm=Default is not preserved after the server is 
started       Donald Woods     Apr 25,
 GERONIMO-1914 Installer option for creating an installation script should give 
more      Rick McGuire     Apr 25,
 GERONIMO-1913 Exception data presented when using installer to install Tomcat  
          Rick McGuire     Apr 25,
 GERONIMO-1915 Geronimo server built by installer will not start                
          Rick McGuire     Apr 25,
 GERONIMO-1921 Console should display context root for the installed web apps   
          Anita            Apr 26,
          Kulshreshtha     2006
 GERONIMO-1948 assemble:assemble-configurations: goal installs a configuration 
even when  Anita            Apr 30,
               its dependencies are missing                                     
          Kulshreshtha     2006
 GERONIMO-1912 Small typos on installer CORBA Configuration panel               
          Rick McGuire     Apr 25,

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

 6 MONTHS (123 issues)

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      Key                                   Summary                             
       Reporter          Created
 GERONIMO-1277 Change group-id to org.apache.geronimo                           
 Dain Sundstrom        Dec 02, 2005
 GERONIMO-1492 Many "org/apache/geronimo" configIds still live in source tree   
 Aaron Mulder          Jan 18, 2006
 GERONIMO-1410 Configuration geronimo/jetty/1.0-SNAPSHOT/car defines Spring     
 Gianny Damour         Jan 01, 2006
               Framework - Hibernate based Web-app do not work
 GERONIMO-1423 log4j.properties's category is ignored                           
 viewhero              Jan 06, 2006
 GERONIMO-1454 Deploy tool/API running on 1.5 jre fails against Geronimo 1.0    
 Daniel S. Haischt     Jan 11, 2006
               running in 1.4
 GERONIMO-1547 Legal license issue in schemas                                   
 Daniel Bornkessel     Jan 26, 2006
 GERONIMO-1597 Extra '/'s in webservices URL                                    
 Phani Balaji Madgula  Feb 06, 2006
 GERONIMO-1371 ActiveMQ SQL Exception logged during shutdown                    
 Dave Colasurdo        Dec 15, 2005
 GERONIMO-1366 Maven deployment plugin should use deployer stored               
 Aaron Mulder          Dec 14, 2005
 GERONIMO-1358 Switch database config file looking to geronimo.apache.org       
 Aaron Mulder          Dec 14, 2005
 GERONIMO-1354 The var/config.xml file is always re-written even if no 
attribute John Sisson           Dec 13, 2005
               changes are made by the user
 GERONIMO-1351 Separate Derby network listener from system-databsae             
 Aaron Mulder          Dec 13, 2005
 GERONIMO-1347 Generate a plan for a synthetic EAR                              
 Dain Sundstrom        Dec 12, 2005
 GERONIMO-1314 Provide documentation that helps users make an informed decision 
 John Sisson           Dec 08, 2005
               as whether to use Tomcat or Jetty Web Container
 GERONIMO-1302 Server side exception classes are exposed to EJB clients         
 Dain Sundstrom        Dec 06, 2005
 GERONIMO-1265 Preserve comments added by users in the config.xml file          
 John Sisson           Dec 01, 2005
 GERONIMO-1381 [Daytrader] Removed unused code                                  
 Vincent Massol        Dec 18, 2005
 GERONIMO-1394 JMX Debug Console should require admin-level authentication      
 Kevan Miller          Dec 19, 2005
 GERONIMO-1393 Add test of EAR/WAR security options                             
 Aaron Mulder          Dec 19, 2005
 GERONIMO-1396 Provide consistent look and feel for table views in the web      
 Joe Bohn              Dec 20, 2005
               console across all portlets
 GERONIMO-1404 Can't set server startup verbosity to INFO                       
 Sachin Patel          Dec 29, 2005
 GERONIMO-1415 [Adventure Builder] Configure Mutual Authentication for Web      
 Jacek Laskowski       Jan 03, 2006
 GERONIMO-1427 Create a stripped down assembly that includes ActiveMQ, Derby,   
 Bruce Snyder          Jan 06, 2006
               Jetty/Tomcat and transaction
 GERONIMO-1487 create gbean-permission                                          
 simon godik           Jan 17, 2006
 GERONIMO-1488 externalize sensitive data out of the deployment plans           
 simon godik           Jan 17, 2006
 GERONIMO-1486 create secure vault gbean                                        
 simon godik           Jan 17, 2006
 GERONIMO-1496 purge the dependency of cookie for admin console login           
 Gao Yong Pan          Jan 19, 2006
 GERONIMO-1493 Deadlock in ActiveMQ close processing                            
 Kevan Miller          Jan 18, 2006
 GERONIMO-1498 DriverDownloader.DriverInfo causes                               
 Kristian Koehler      Jan 19, 2006
               java.io.NotSerializableException during server shutdown
 GERONIMO-1512 Database driver download portlet should take HTTP proxy          
 Aaron Mulder          Jan 20, 2006
 GERONIMO-1511 Rewrite JMS portlet                                              
 Aaron Mulder          Jan 20, 2006
 GERONIMO-1515 Installer - some GBeans do not start correctly after install     
 erik daughtrey        Jan 20, 2006
 GERONIMO-1518 Installer - only copy jars needed by selected configuration      
 erik daughtrey        Jan 20, 2006
 GERONIMO-1516 Installer - add new components to install: openejb,              
 erik daughtrey        Jan 20, 2006
               openejb-builder, axis and axis-builder
 GERONIMO-1521 JMSManager should participate in create connection factory,      
 Aaron Mulder          Jan 21, 2006
               create destination
 GERONIMO-1522 Add Geronimo plan to JSR-77 API for deployed                     
 Aaron Mulder          Jan 21, 2006
 GERONIMO-1542 Console portlets should validate all formatted values (numbers,  
 Aaron Mulder          Jan 25, 2006
 GERONIMO-1543 Virtual Host Configuration                                       
 S**rgio Eduardo       Jan 26, 2006
 GERONIMO-1551 Jetty and Tomcat WADI integrations do not work against current   
 Jules Gosnell         Jan 29, 2006
               WADI distro
 GERONIMO-1556 UserTransaction may be in wrong state after ejb >> ejb call      
 David Jencks          Jan 30, 2006
 GERONIMO-1559 Console displays the incorrect locale                            
 Mihael Sedmak         Jan 31, 2006
 GERONIMO-1560 [DayTrader] EJB spec violations                                  
 Vincent Massol        Jan 31, 2006
 GERONIMO-1565 PASSWORD hashing to be considered during declarative security    
 Phani Balaji Madgula  Feb 01, 2006
 GERONIMO-1567 Plan XML files aren't included in Geronimo distributions (was    
 John Sisson           Feb 01, 2006
               included in M5 release)
 GERONIMO-1568 Installer - Have ConfigInstaller optionally delete CARs after    
 erik daughtrey        Feb 01, 2006
               configuration is complete.
 GERONIMO-1577 Installer - User Interface changes                               
 Dave Colasurdo        Feb 02, 2006
 GERONIMO-1583 Servlet web service is created once and destroyed many times     
 Aaron Mulder          Feb 05, 2006
 GERONIMO-1584 Servlet web service WSDL mangling has http://host:port//path     
 Aaron Mulder          Feb 05, 2006
 GERONIMO-1594 deployment of a simple (only one jsp) web project failed         
 Mark Mauerwerk        Feb 06, 2006
 GERONIMO-1602 Switching from Tomcat causes error in JAAS module: "Unable to    
 Karsten Voges         Feb 08, 2006
               instantiate login module"
 GERONIMO-1614 Installer - Console portal servlet fails to load properly after  
 erik daughtrey        Feb 09, 2006
 GERONIMO-1621 [Daytrader] TradeWSAction class is not a Servlet                 
 Vincent Massol        Feb 11, 2006
 GERONIMO-1626 Update Wiki pages about m: goals                                 
 Jacek Laskowski       Feb 15, 2006
 GERONIMO-1628 [DayTrader] Tweaks to some wsappclient client files to match the 
 Vincent Massol        Feb 15, 2006
               WSDL file
 GERONIMO-1631 NoSuchConfigException when restarting app after undeploying      
 Sachin Patel          Feb 15, 2006
 GERONIMO-1652 EJBModuleImpl.getEJBs() always return an empty array             
 Chris Cardona         Feb 24, 2006
 GERONIMO-1657 CommandSupport doesn't bubble up the exception. Prints           
 Prasad Kashyap        Feb 27, 2006
 GERONIMO-1662 ActiveMQ client not able to send message to destination in Tx    
 Phani Balaji Madgula  Mar 01, 2006
 GERONIMO-1663 Ability to test database pool connections after editing.         
 Hernan Cunico         Mar 01, 2006
 GERONIMO-1665 Module migration to Maven2: axis                                 
 Henri Yandell         Mar 01, 2006
 GERONIMO-1674 Daytrader gets NullPointerException attempting to log in a user  
 Joe Bohn              Mar 02, 2006
 GERONIMO-1682 remote deployment fails when server is running on machine with   
 Song                  Mar 03, 2006
 GERONIMO-1692 Creating Web Connectors using Console                            
 Ilya Kanonirov        Mar 05, 2006
 GERONIMO-1701 Improve the EJB Server portlet                                   
 Chris Cardona         Mar 06, 2006
 GERONIMO-1709 Translate documentation to Polish lang.                          
 Marcin Maciukiewicz   Mar 07, 2006
 GERONIMO-1727 Module migration to Maven2: connector                            
 Jacek Laskowski       Mar 09, 2006
 GERONIMO-1734 Module migration to Maven 2: naming-builder                      
 Jacek Laskowski       Mar 09, 2006
 GERONIMO-1726 Module migration to Maven 2: common                              
 Jacek Laskowski       Mar 09, 2006
 GERONIMO-1733 Module migration to Maven 2: mail                                
 Jacek Laskowski       Mar 09, 2006
 GERONIMO-1735 Module migration to Maven 2: transaction                         
 Jacek Laskowski       Mar 09, 2006
 GERONIMO-1739 Plugin migration to Maven 2: geronimo-izpack-plugin              
 Jacek Laskowski       Mar 09, 2006
 GERONIMO-1736 Module migration to Maven 2: web-builder                         
 Jacek Laskowski       Mar 09, 2006
 GERONIMO-1746 Updates to Logger through Log Manager portlet under Console are  
 Vamsavardhana Reddy   Mar 16, 2006
               not reflected in the server
 GERONIMO-1747 HTTP-methods checks                                              
 Ilya Platonov         Mar 16, 2006
 GERONIMO-1749 Server Logs portlet - Web Access Log Viewer improvements         
 Vamsavardhana Reddy   Mar 17, 2006
 GERONIMO-1758 Can not use Realm with SQL database over connection pool         
 Torsten Markwardt     Mar 21, 2006
 GERONIMO-1761 Change geronimo-util module to geronimo-crypto, give credit 
where Aaron Mulder          Mar 22, 2006
               credit is due
 GERONIMO-1786 JMS Listeners for protocols activeio, peer and openwire fail to  
 Donald Woods          Mar 28, 2006
 GERONIMO-1341 POP3 Implementation                                              
 Rajith Attapattu      Dec 12, 2005
 GERONIMO-1380 New Graphics for Geronimo Web Site                               
 Glenn Wheaton         Dec 16, 2005
 GERONIMO-1389 "About" and "Logout" icons on top of console not visible without 
 John Sisson           Dec 19, 2005
               lots of scrolling to the right on server logs page
 GERONIMO-1388 "Go" button should be moved to another location on the console 
as John Sisson           Dec 19, 2005
               it may not be visible without scrolling right
 GERONIMO-1390 Edit TomcatWebSSLConnector option on Web Server Manager page     
 Anita Kulshreshtha    Dec 19, 2005
               should display 'LIst Connector" link on top
 GERONIMO-1391 Portlet Exception Thrown by "generate key pair"                  
 Anita Kulshreshtha    Dec 19, 2005
 GERONIMO-1397 Clustering of SFSB                                               
 Gianny Damour         Dec 21, 2005
 GERONIMO-1398 ConnectorGBean is creating an attribute 'address' with value     
 Anita Kulshreshtha    Dec 21, 2005
 GERONIMO-1400 modularize daytrader deployment plan                             
 simon godik           Dec 22, 2005
 GERONIMO-1403 hot-deployer reports error msg every pollIntervalMillis          
 Gao Yong Pan          Dec 27, 2005
 GERONIMO-1408 Display statistics for web NetworkListeners                      
 Anita Kulshreshtha    Dec 31, 2005
 GERONIMO-1413 Console needs to set JSP and Servlet contentType to UTF-8        
 Donald Woods          Jan 03, 2006
 GERONIMO-1436 [daytrader] Build instructions in applications\daytrader\README  
 John Sisson           Jan 08, 2006
               file out of date
 GERONIMO-1439 Precompile JSPs in all apps (e.g., console, daytrader, etc.)     
 Bruce Snyder          Jan 09, 2006
 GERONIMO-1464 Avoid use of file.deleteOnExit() - will cause allocation of 1K 
of John Sisson           Jan 12, 2006
               memory per call until JVM terminates
 GERONIMO-1484 Display username who is logged into the Webconsole               
 Matthias Schmidt      Jan 17, 2006
 GERONIMO-1494 Potential infinite loop in ActiveMQ shutdown processing          
 Kevan Miller          Jan 18, 2006
 GERONIMO-1499 Daytrader: uncomment the drop table statements in daytrader.sql  
 Lin Sun               Jan 19, 2006
 GERONIMO-1501 Daytrader: remove hardcoded dependency versions in project.xml   
 Lin Sun               Jan 19, 2006
 GERONIMO-1509 Maven logging output multipled                                   
 Aaron Mulder          Jan 19, 2006
 GERONIMO-1519 ResourceException.toString() can return null                     
 J**rg Heinicke        Jan 20, 2006
 GERONIMO-1534 Daytrader: ejb-ql-compiler-factory element is wrong for DB2 or   
 Lin Sun               Jan 23, 2006
               Oracle db
 GERONIMO-1546 Problem with ActivationSpec setters for MessageDribenBean        
 johnxmas              Jan 26, 2006
 GERONIMO-1588 ActiveMQ directory as peer to geronimo-1.0 directory             
 Jason Dillon          Feb 05, 2006
 GERONIMO-1633 "resource-ref" not available in ServletFilter.init(..)           
 Andrus Adamchik       Feb 15, 2006
 GERONIMO-1648 Eliminate unnecessary config parent (import) dependencies        
 Joe Bohn              Feb 22, 2006
 GERONIMO-1698 Module migration to Maven2: hot-deploy                           
 Rakesh Ranjan         Mar 06, 2006
 GERONIMO-1700 Web Console prints a stack trace when attempting to deploy an    
 Joe Bohn              Mar 06, 2006
               application that is already deployed.
 GERONIMO-1702 The latest maven 1 Build process                                 
 Anita Kulshreshtha    Mar 07, 2006
 GERONIMO-1711 WebServer Connectors portlet should provide a "restart" option   
 Vamsavardhana Reddy   Mar 08, 2006
               for connectors
 GERONIMO-1721 Security Realms portlet should provide link to delete an 
existing Vamsavardhana Reddy   Mar 09, 2006
 GERONIMO-1748 Site migration to Maven 2                                        
 John Sisson           Mar 16, 2006
 GERONIMO-1750 Unable to run tradeStreamerAppclient                             
 Lin Sun               Mar 17, 2006
 GERONIMO-1757 rarRelativePath is not set correctly cause showplan.jsp          
 Lin Sun               Mar 21, 2006
               displayswrong instruction
 GERONIMO-1764 Daytrader createDB.sh script does not support cygwin users on    
 Bryan Noll            Mar 23, 2006
 GERONIMO-1775 Internationalization of the Admin Console                        
 Yeray Cabrera Santana Mar 27, 2006
 GERONIMO-1774 baseDir NPE in org.apache.geronimo.deployment.DeploymentContext  
 John Sisson           Mar 27, 2006
 GERONIMO-1783 Welcome application i18n                                         
 Yeray Cabrera Santana Mar 28, 2006
 GERONIMO-1792 Ant Tasks Mirror of Maven Plugins                                
 Heinie Barnard        Mar 30, 2006
 GERONIMO-1557 When you enter the url of a web service in the console You 
should Manu T George         Jan 31, 2006
               get a page showing the service name
 GERONIMO-1356 Clean up <distributionDirectory> element in project.xml files as 
 John Sisson           Dec 13, 2005
               it contains 'incubator'
 GERONIMO-1420 HTTP Status 500 message should refer to geronimo logs            
 Anita Kulshreshtha    Jan 05, 2006
 GERONIMO-1504 scout.log is created in current directory when running the       
 Kevan Miller          Jan 19, 2006
 GERONIMO-1552 Geronimo website                                                 
 Anita Kulshreshtha    Jan 29, 2006
 GERONIMO-1685 Need to ignore .DS_Store files in deployment dirs                
 Matt Bishop           Mar 03, 2006

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

 1 YEAR (51 issues)

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      Key                                      Summary                          
          Reporter       Created
 GERONIMO-1053 Session Bean, Finder, & Method Permissions                       
       Aaron Mulder    Oct 10, 2005
 GERONIMO-735  Openejb container is burdened with several transport specific 
items     David Jencks    Jul 10, 2005
 GERONIMO-730  Sample application to illustrate typical webapp (WAR) deployment 
-      Sing Li         Jul 09, 2005
               webapp containing JSP, JSTL, custom tag lib, MVC servlet
 GERONIMO-731  Sample application to illustrate EAR deployment - application 
with JSP, Sing Li         Jul 09, 2005
               taglib, servlet + stateless session bean, using local EJB 
 GERONIMO-660  Referential integrity checking on role names                     
       David Jencks    Jun 02, 2005
 GERONIMO-700  Renaming cmp-field-name to field-name in CMP mapping             
       Jacek Laskowski Jul 04, 2005
 GERONIMO-704  Pluggable SocketFactory to RMIRegistryGBean                      
       Aaron Mulder    Jul 04, 2005
 GERONIMO-1697 Can't set listen host/IP for Sun CORBA Name Service GBean        
       Aaron Mulder    Jul 04, 2005
 GERONIMO-723  Allow jUDDI configuration via a GBean                            
       Jeremy Boynes   Jul 06, 2005
 GERONIMO-720  server should give client more feedback on deployment and 
starting      David Jencks    Jul 06, 2005
 GERONIMO-941  Change console-standard to portlets-for-console or something     
       Aaron Mulder    Aug 29, 2005
 GERONIMO-776  Support user-specific properties through an individual property 
file    Jeremy Boynes   Jul 18, 2005
 GERONIMO-789  builder tests are ridiculously overcomplicated                   
       David Jencks    Jul 21, 2005
 GERONIMO-795  Extend Portlet skin capabilities to support minimize and 
maximize       Joe Bohn        Jul 22, 2005
 GERONIMO-806  Reduce log file output / separate log file for server stuff      
       Aaron Mulder    Jul 24, 2005
 GERONIMO-841  Provide the ability to isolate applications                      
       Aaron Mulder    Aug 02, 2005
 GERONIMO-842  Enhance DerbyNetworkGBean to allow secure Derby Network Client   
       John Sisson     Aug 02, 2005
               connections (once Derby is enhanced to allow secure connections).
 GERONIMO-869  Management API: JMS Destinations                                 
       Aaron Mulder    Aug 08, 2005
 GERONIMO-868  Management API: JMS Connection Factories                         
       Aaron Mulder    Aug 08, 2005
 GERONIMO-891  Improve the Java Mail portlet                                    
       Chris Cardona   Aug 19, 2005
 GERONIMO-895  Remove JAAS login's reliance on remote JMX                       
       Alan Cabrera    Aug 21, 2005
 GERONIMO-920  Failure in deployer:distribute plugin does not cause maven build 
to     Dain Sundstrom  Aug 26, 2005
 GERONIMO-921  figure out if message-destination-refs from an app client to a   
       David Jencks    Aug 26, 2005
               different module make sense
 GERONIMO-931  Rename administrative security realm                             
       Aaron Mulder    Aug 27, 2005
 GERONIMO-955  Provide separate client container distribution                   
       Aaron Mulder    Aug 30, 2005
 GERONIMO-962  App client does not have a J2EEServer gbean, which causes some 
other    David Jencks    Aug 31, 2005
               jsr-77 beans not to start
 GERONIMO-975  Problems with SOAPArrayType                                      
       Stefan Schmidt  Sep 03, 2005
 GERONIMO-979  Deployment/startup hangs when another instance is up             
       Jacek Laskowski Sep 06, 2005
 GERONIMO-1001 Derby NetworkServer does not use TCCL                            
       Jeremy Boynes   Sep 10, 2005
 GERONIMO-1204 Jetty Stack Dump                                                 
       Aaron Mulder    Nov 19, 2005
 GERONIMO-1187 Connection listeners for both Tomcat and Jetty not displayed     
       Joe Bohn        Nov 16, 2005
 GERONIMO-1180 setup a periodic clean of published snapshots                    
       Brett Porter    Nov 15, 2005
 GERONIMO-1168 Bundle TranQL Oracle XA Driver                                   
       Aaron Mulder    Nov 14, 2005
 GERONIMO-1163 improve jmx debug console                                        
       simon godik     Nov 11, 2005
 GERONIMO-1156 Explicit support for uploading/downloading JDBC driver           
       Aaron Mulder    Nov 10, 2005
 GERONIMO-1130 Implement WebServer Manager (statistics gathering/reporting) 
management Joe Bohn        Nov 03, 2005
 GERONIMO-1141 Need a better way for a client to programtically determine 
server start Sachin Patel    Nov 06, 2005
 GERONIMO-1057 PKGenerators should validate their configuration                 
       Aaron Mulder    Oct 11, 2005
 GERONIMO-1066 There should be an "All Application" view in the console         
       Joe Bohn        Oct 13, 2005
 GERONIMO-1085 Authentication between an OpenEJB client and the OpenEJB 
EjbDaemon      John Sisson     Oct 17, 2005
               needs to be implemented
 GERONIMO-663  Request to improve Geronimo's JMX support for remote management 
systems Sing Li         Jun 05, 2005
 GERONIMO-807  Better handling for system log viewer portlet render requests    
       Aaron Mulder    Jul 24, 2005
 GERONIMO-828  Add ability to detect if a server is already running to maven 
plugin    Dain Sundstrom  Jul 28, 2005
 GERONIMO-917  Unfriendly error message from mavendeploy:start plugin           
       Dain Sundstrom  Aug 25, 2005
 GERONIMO-1142 Thread in RMI Runtime ThreadGroup occasionally keeps stale       
       Kevan Miller    Nov 07, 2005
               MultiParentClassLoader alive
 GERONIMO-1058 Client container outputs misleading shutdown messages even if 
threads   Nell Gawor      Oct 11, 2005
               still running
 GERONIMO-1260 simplify construction of the combined deployment plan: 
deployment plan  simon godik     Nov 30, 2005
               template and preprocessor
 GERONIMO-903  Update Log4J usage from 1.2.8 to latest maintenance version of 
1.2.11   Donald Woods    Aug 23, 2005
 GERONIMO-1113 WWW site: Add Apache Directory to list of related projects       
       Stefan Zoerner  Oct 27, 2005
 GERONIMO-1078 org.openejb.client.ServerMetadata does not handle IPv6 addresses 
       John Sisson     Oct 17, 2005
 GERONIMO-1086 Implement support for JNDI_LIST and JNDI_LIST_BINDINGS methods 
in       John Sisson     Oct 18, 2005

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

 OLDER THAN 1 YEAR (17 issues)

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

     Key                                     Summary                            
         Reporter        Created
 GERONIMO-605 ServletContext parameters are not visible in                      
    Archimedes Trajano Mar 10, 2005
 GERONIMO-592 Startup failure in Turkish language settings                      
    Gorkem Ercan       Feb 21, 2005
 GERONIMO-583 Missing J2EE Validations                                          
    Aaron Mulder       Feb 13, 2005
 GERONIMO-585 No indication when DefaultWorkManager pool is exhausted           
    Aaron Mulder       Feb 13, 2005
 GERONIMO-555 Write a thread-safe timer/interrupt based transaction timout      
    David Jencks       Jan 27, 2005
 GERONIMO-557 smooth application upgrade/versioning                             
    David Jencks       Jan 27, 2005
 GERONIMO-481 HTTPS Connector should work with a keystore GBean                 
    Jeremy Boynes      Nov 13, 2004
 GERONIMO-470 Online deployer locks module file                                 
    Jeremy Boynes      Nov 10, 2004
 GERONIMO-471 M3 does not run on WinXP/JRockit                                  
    Jeremy Boynes      Nov 11, 2004
 GERONIMO-461 Standalone remote CLI deployer/JSR-88 deployer package            
    Aaron Mulder       Nov 08, 2004
 GERONIMO-345 Integrate Geronimo and Derby ThreadPools                          
    Jeremy Boynes      Sep 30, 2004
 GERONIMO-344 Support Derby database admin via GBean                            
    Jeremy Boynes      Sep 30, 2004
 GERONIMO-306 Implement jdbc driver specific ExceptionSorter classes            
    David Jencks       Sep 16, 2004
 GERONIMO-282 servlet calls ejb: "class not found" at deployment and run time   
    toby cabot         Aug 05, 2004
 GERONIMO-226 Locical dependency support                                        
    David Blevins      Apr 26, 2004
 GERONIMO-593 Make error handling in deployment plugin more user friendly       
    John Sisson        Feb 23, 2005
 GERONIMO-641 Compile fails using forked compiler when directory contains 
spaces    Waimun Yeow        May 04, 2005

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