Re: javamail problems

2006-10-26 Thread Rick McGuire

Dain Sundstrom wrote:
I have been hacking on JavaMail lately and have run into difficulty 
overriding the JavaMail SMTP implementation.  In the great wisdom of 
Sun Microsystems, the only way to add a new protocol provider to the 
JavaMail implementation is have the implementation discover it via a 
META-INF/javamail.providers or META-INF/javamail.default.providers in 
the class loader.  Once your provider has been discovered, you can get 
it instantiated by either making it the default provider defined by 
the first META-INF/javamail.default.providers found in the class 
loader, programatically selecting the provider with 
session.getProviders() and session.setProvider(provider), or by 
passing in the mail.smtp.class=your.SMTPClass to the 
Session.getInstance(properties) method.  The third option seems really 
cool but the class you specify must be mentioned in a META-INF 
providers file otherwise the property is silently ignored.
If Sun had just made the constructor for the javax.mail.Provider class 
public, you'd be able add additional providers programatically too...sigh.

This appears to only be an issue if you're using the mail session GBeans 
to configure the mail sessions.  If the code is directly instantiating 
the mail session, then it picks up the context classloader for the 
application and can load additional providers.  The default is still a 
bit dependent on search order within the classloaders, however. 
I'd like to propose a couple of changes for the next release after 1.2 
which should make JavaMail (and some other lame specs) easier to use.

1) Add the ability to declare additional dependencies to the 
configuration via the config.xml file.  We probably want a way to 
exclude a dependency and maybe add to the front of the dependency list 
(unless remove re-add works).  This is required to add a new provider 
to the existing javamail configuration.  Without this, you must update 
every application to point to a new configuration that contains your 
provider jar.

2) Add a className attribute to 
org.apache.geronimo.mail.ProtocolGBean and all subclasses.  If this is 
set then, in addOverrides, we add a 
mail.${protocol}.class=${className} to the properties object.  There 
is no reason to add this until item 1 is complete, since you can't 
extend the class path, and would be very confusing to users.
The combination of the 2 sounds reasonable.  2) could be useful without 
1), if you're hand constructing your own mail configuration, so it might 
be worth adding now.

What do you think?


javamail problems

2006-10-25 Thread Dain Sundstrom
I have been hacking on JavaMail lately and have run into difficulty  
overriding the JavaMail SMTP implementation.  In the great wisdom of  
Sun Microsystems, the only way to add a new protocol provider to the  
JavaMail implementation is have the implementation discover it via a  
META-INF/javamail.providers or META-INF/javamail.default.providers in  
the class loader.  Once your provider has been discovered, you can  
get it instantiated by either making it the default provider defined  
by the first META-INF/javamail.default.providers found in the class  
loader, programatically selecting the provider with  
session.getProviders() and session.setProvider(provider), or by  
passing in the mail.smtp.class=your.SMTPClass to the  
Session.getInstance(properties) method.  The third option seems  
really cool but the class you specify must be mentioned in a META-INF  
providers file otherwise the property is silently ignored.

I'd like to propose a couple of changes for the next release after  
1.2 which should make JavaMail (and some other lame specs) easier to  

1) Add the ability to declare additional dependencies to the  
configuration via the config.xml file.  We probably want a way to  
exclude a dependency and maybe add to the front of the dependency  
list (unless remove re-add works).  This is required to add a new  
provider to the existing javamail configuration.  Without this, you  
must update every application to point to a new configuration that  
contains your provider jar.

2) Add a className attribute to  
org.apache.geronimo.mail.ProtocolGBean and all subclasses.  If this  
is set then, in addOverrides, we add a mail.${protocol}.class=$ 
{className} to the properties object.  There is no reason to add this  
until item 1 is complete, since you can't extend the class path, and  
would be very confusing to users.

What do you think?
