Hi all,

I today worked on "HBASE-20904 Prometheus /metrics http endpoint for
monitoring" and sent a PR (1814). I need your reviews on what I have
tried to implement.

What I have done
1. Not all metrics are exposed using the new API, so implemented two
    /prom using new API
    /prom2 using older hadoop 2 metrics API

2. prom2 servlet can be removed once all the metricssources will start
using the new API.

1. Should I create a config entry for enabling either one of them or is
it okay to leave both servlets up.
2. Sorry if this documented somewhere and I have not read it. The
source files (non-tests) automatically change after I save the file. I
haven't enabled any such settings in IntelliJ so I think this comes
from the .idea settings which are in the project. One problematic
formatting it does is merging the class name line and the annotation
line. Is this coding style okay?


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