Andrew Lee created HIVE-12222:

             Summary: Define port range in property for RPCServer
                 Key: HIVE-12222
             Project: Hive
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: CLI
    Affects Versions: 1.2.1
         Environment: Apache Hadoop 2.7.0
Apache Hive 1.2.1
Apache Spark 1.5.1

            Reporter: Andrew Lee

Creating this JIRA after discussin with Xuefu on the dev mailing list. Would 
need some help to review and update the fields in this JIRA ticket, thanks.

I notice that in 

The port number is assigned with 0 which means it will be a random port every 
time when the RPC Server is created to talk to Spark in the same session.
Because of this, this is causing problems to configure firewall between the 
HiveCLI RPC Server and Spark due to unpredictable port numbers here. In other 
word, users need to open all hive ports range 
from Data Node => HiveCLI (edge node).

{code} = new ServerBootstrap()
      .childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
          public void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
            SaslServerHandler saslHandler = new SaslServerHandler(config);
            final Rpc newRpc = Rpc.createServer(saslHandler, config, ch, group);
            saslHandler.rpc = newRpc;

            Runnable cancelTask = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                  LOG.warn("Timed out waiting for hello from client.");
            saslHandler.cancelTask = group.schedule(cancelTask,


2 Main reasons.

- Most users (what I see and encounter) use HiveCLI as a command line tool, and 
in order to use that, they need to login to the edge node (via SSH). Now, here 
comes the interesting part.
Could be true or not, but this is what I observe and encounter from time to 
time. Most users will abuse the resource on that edge node (increasing 
HADOOP_HEAPSIZE, dumping output to local disk, running huge python workflow, 
etc), this may cause the HS2 process to run into OOME, choke and die, etc. 
various resource issues including others like login, etc.

- Analyst connects to Hive via HS2 + ODBC. So HS2 needs to be highly available. 
This makes sense to run it on the gateway node or a service node and separated 
from the HiveCLI.
The logs are located in different location, monitoring and auditing is easier 
to run HS2 with a daemon user account, etc. so we don't want users to run 
HiveCLI where HS2 is running.
It's better to isolate the resource this way to avoid any memory, file 
handlers, disk space, issues.

>From a security standpoint, 

- Since users can login to edge node (via SSH), the security on the edge node 
needs to be fortified and enhanced. Therefore, all the FW comes in and auditing.

- Regulation/compliance for auditing is another requirement to monitor all 
traffic, specifying ports and locking down the ports makes it easier since we 
can focus
on a range to monitor and audit.

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