RE: [PATCH] Logging, Two dots, MMAP, etc

2003-10-06 Thread Cliff Woolley
On Mon, 6 Oct 2003, Sung Kim wrote:

> PS - Can I assume that the previous patch for http_pop3 is rejected? :)

No, I just haven't gotten around to committing it yet.  Lots to do, little
time to do it in... :)

If somebody else has a minute, feel free to jump in...


Re: mod_throttle

2003-10-06 Thread albertochan
[ ... ]
> Could somebody point me to some useful resources of
> where could I find a tool(module?) which does what I want?

Take a look at mod_bwshare.

It does what you want by IP.

Re: mod_ldap Cache Issues

2003-10-06 Thread Jess Holle

Jess Holle wrote:

Jess Holle wrote:

I ran into similar issues to this deadlock with Apache 1.3.28 (EAPI_MM)
and auth_ldap 1.6.0 (with a shared cache) on Solaris 8.
Actually I should correct the record here -- the issue I ran into on
Solaris actually turned out to be due to building against a rather old
Solaris 8 patch level.  Rebuilding against a newer patch level seems to
have stabilized this.  The instability was in the Apache core in this
case, not in auth_ldap.
I was wrong yet again.

My first issue with Apache 1.3.28 on Solaris 8 is not auth_ldap related
-- but it is not a patch level issue.  I can get it to hang quite
easily with 'ab' with a 25K static HTML file and 50K requests with
concurrency of 64.  I can still get Apache 1.3.28 to hang on Solaris 8
with lower concurrencies, but less easily.  I cannot get it to hang,
however, if I increase MaxSpareServers from 10 (the default) to 15.

Once that was resolved, however, then I discovered that Apache 1.3.28
(EAPI_MM) with auth_ldap 1.6.0 (with shared memory cache) will hang
just like Apache 2.0.47 when the LDAP cache's entry count is exceeded,
i.e. while trying to purge the cache.

I guess the solution is just to set the cache big enough for now...

Jess Holle


2003-10-06 Thread Bogdan TARU

Hi everyone,

 I would like to establish a limit on the number of request a certain
client (identified by her/his IP) can make on a virtualhost (or a whole
server if it can't be done on virtualhost-basis) in a certain
amount of time. As far as I've read, mod_throttle can do this, but
mod_throttle seems kind of old (and dusty), and trying to configure
it results in errors. Could somebody point me to some useful resources of
where could I find a tool(module?) which does what I want? I run some
pretty busy webservers, so size does matter (I would hate to compile in
mod_perl or so, I want something small & fast).

 Please include my email address in the reply, I am not subscribed to the

 Thank you,

Re: mod_ldap Cache Issues

2003-10-06 Thread Jess Holle

Jess Holle wrote:

I ran into similar issues to this deadlock with Apache 1.3.28 (EAPI_MM)
and auth_ldap 1.6.0 (with a shared cache) on Solaris 8.

Actually I should correct the record here -- the issue I ran into on
Solaris actually turned out to be due to building against a rather old
Solaris 8 patch level.  Rebuilding against a newer patch level seems to
have stabilized this.  The instability was in the Apache core in this
case, not in auth_ldap.

Jess Holle

mod_auth_ldap weirdness (no, not mod_ldap)

2003-10-06 Thread Chris Knight
Ok, so I'm running 2.0.47 with mod_ldap, mod_auth_ldap, and a bunch of 
other modules. I've already stumbled across the mod_ldap problems and 
I've disabled caching entirely (LDAPCacheEntries 0) and LDAP 
authentication seems to work generally.

However, when I ldap-protect a Location (as opposed to using the 
built-in htpasswd authentication) I get occasional (like 5% of the time) 
failures to load images and html documents. The access logs look normal 
(no 500's) and there is nothing in the error_log (no coredump or anything.)

My LDAP server is running OpenLDAP 2.0.27 and my web server is running 
OpenLDAP 2.1.22.

Any ideas what could be causing this? Is this a known problem? (Seems to 
be a fatal bug.)

Hints as to where to look? I can run gdb on the server as well as Ethereal.

Should I patch the mod_ldap stuff as well? (Does the latest CVS checkins 
contain the mod_ldap fixes?)

Relevant Location section:

 AuthType Basic
 AuthName "Authentication Required"
 #AuthUserFile /usr/people/netmarkFTP/webdav/private/90.htpasswd
 require valid-user
 AuthLDAPEnabled on
 AuthLDAPURL "ldap://myserver:389/dc=nasa,dc=gov";
 AuthLDAPAuthoritative on
 AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=Manager,dc=nasa,dc=gov"
 ModMimeUsePathInfo on

Re: Installation directories bindir and sbindir

2003-10-06 Thread Thom May
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (direkt) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :
> Hi.
> I'm just writing a configure documentation. While trying to find out
> some more information about some configure options, I found all server
> and supporting programs like httpd, apachectl, suecex, htpasswd,
> dmmanage, etc. to be installed in the sbindir. Only apr-config and
> apu-config are installed in the bindir. This is not, what I would expect.
> I would assume that tools like htpasswd, dbmmanage, htdigest  and so on
> are installed in the bindir.
I don't think we ever came to a conclusion on this one - i would agree that
putting the support programs into bindir rather than the sbindir makes a lot
more sense.