Bug report for Apache httpd-1.3 [2008/10/19]

2008-10-19 Thread bugzilla
| Bugzilla Bug ID   |
| +-+
| | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New ASS=Assigned|
| | OPN=ReopenedVER=Verified(Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
| |   +-+
| |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker CRI=Critical  REG=Regression  MAJ=Major   |
| |   |   MIN=Minor   NOR=NormalENH=Enhancement TRV=Trivial |
| |   |   +-+
| |   |   | Date Posted |
| |   |   |  +--+
| |   |   |  | Description  |
| |   |   |  |  |
|10744|New|Nor|2002-07-12|suexec might fail to open log file|
|10747|New|Maj|2002-07-12|ftp SIZE command and 'smart' ftp servers results i|
|10760|New|Maj|2002-07-12|empty ftp directory listings from cached ftp direc|
|14518|Opn|Nor|2002-11-13|QUERY_STRING parts not incorporated by mod_rewrite|
|16013|Opn|Nor|2003-01-13|Fooling mod_autoindex + IndexIgnore   |
|16631|Inf|Min|2003-01-31|.htaccess errors logged outside the virtual host l|
|17318|Inf|Cri|2003-02-23|Abend on deleting a temporary cache file if proxy |
|19279|Inf|Min|2003-04-24|Invalid chmod options in solaris build|
|21637|Inf|Nor|2003-07-16|Timeout causes a status code of 200 to be logged  |
|21777|Inf|Min|2003-07-21|mod_mime_magic doesn't handle little gif files|
|22618|New|Maj|2003-08-21|MultiViews invalidates PATH_TRANSLATED if cgi-wrap|
|25057|Inf|Maj|2003-11-27|Empty PUT access control in .htaccess overrides co|
|26126|New|Nor|2004-01-14|mod_include hangs with request body   |
|26152|Ass|Nor|2004-01-15|Apache 1.3.29 and below directory traversal vulner|
|26790|New|Maj|2004-02-09|error deleting old cache file |
|29257|Opn|Nor|2004-05-27|Problem with apache-1.3.31 and mod_frontpage (dso,|
|29498|New|Maj|2004-06-10|non-anonymous ftp broken in mod_proxy |
|29538|Ass|Enh|2004-06-12|No facility used in ErrorLog to syslog|
|30207|New|Nor|2004-07-20|Piped logs don't close read end of pipe   |
|30877|New|Nor|2004-08-26|htpasswd clears passwd file on Sun when /var/tmp i|
|30909|New|Cri|2004-08-28|sporadic segfault resulting in broken connections |
|31975|New|Nor|2004-10-29|httpd-1.3.33: buffer overflow in htpasswd if calle|
|32078|New|Enh|2004-11-05|clean up some compiler warnings   |
|32539|New|Trv|2004-12-06|[PATCH] configure --enable-shared= brocken on SuSE|
|32974|Inf|Maj|2005-01-06|Client IP not set |
|33086|New|Nor|2005-01-13|unconsistency betwen 404 displayed path and server|
|33495|Inf|Cri|2005-02-10|Apache crashes with "WSADuplicateSocket failed for|
|33772|New|Nor|2005-02-28|inconsistency in manual and error reporting by sue|
|33875|New|Enh|2005-03-07|Apache processes consuming CPU|
|34108|New|Nor|2005-03-21|mod_negotiation changes mtime to mtime of Document|
|34114|New|Nor|2005-03-21|Apache could interleave log entries when writing t|
|34404|Inf|Blk|2005-04-11|RewriteMap prg can not handle fpout   |
|34571|Inf|Maj|2005-04-22|Apache 1.3.33 stops logging  vhost|
|34573|Inf|Maj|2005-04-22|.htaccess not working / mod_auth_mysql|
|35424|New|Nor|2005-06-20|httpd disconnect in Timeout on CGI|
|35439|New|Nor|2005-06-21|Problem with remove "/../" in util.c and mod_rewri|
|35547|Inf|Maj|2005-06-29|Problems with libapreq 1.2 and Apache::Cookie |
|3|New|Nor|2005-06-30|Can't find DBM on Debian Sarge|
|36375|Opn|Nor|2005-08-26|Cannot include http_config.h from C++ file|
|37166|New|Nor|2005-10-19|Under certain conditions, mod_cgi delivers an empt|
|37185|New|Enh|2005-10-20|AddIcon, AddIconByType for OpenDocument format|
|37252|New|Reg|2005-10-26|gen_test_char reject NLS string   |
|38989|New|Nor|2006-03-15|restart + piped logs stalls httpd for 24 minutes (|
|39104|New|Enh|2006-03-25|[FR] fix build with -Wl,--as-needed   |
|39287|New|Nor|2006-04-12|Incorrect If-Modified-Since validation (due to syn|
|39937|New|Nor|2006-06-30|Garbage output if README.html is gzipped or compre|
|40176|New|Nor|2006-08-03|magic and mime|
|40224|Ver|Nor|2006-08-10|System time crashes Apache @year 2038 (win32 only?|
|41279|New|Nor|2007-01-02|Apache 1.3.37 htpasswd is vulnerable to buffer ove|
|42355|New|Maj|2007-05-08|Apache 1.3 permits non-rfc HTTP error code >= 600 |
|43626|New|Maj|2007-10-15|r->path_info returning invalid value  |

Fwd: [EMAIL PROTECTED] DirectoryIndex reset ?

2008-10-19 Thread Eric Covener
On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 6:57 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr.
> Provided that trunk doesn't recognize 'disabled' unless it's a single
> argval, then
>  DirectoryIndex disabled
> turns it off
>  DirectoryIndex disabled nothere
> would serve disabled[.html] and then nothere[.html].
> Can we also ensure it's only 'disabled' (vs 'disable' vs 'none) so there
> is only one special-pattern to work around?
> (Of course DirectoryIndex disabled.html is just fine to serve that doc.)

I think I have a match for the semantics, but not sure shoehorning
into DirectoryIndex is still worth saving an ugly
"DirectoryIndexDisable"-like directive.


Eric Covener

Re: CRL verification in mod_ssl

2008-10-19 Thread Erwann ABALEA
2008/10/15 Dr Stephen Henson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Erwann ABALEA wrote:
>> 2008/10/15 Dr Stephen Henson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
 On Aug 28, 2008, at 9:41 PM, Nicob wrote:
>> [...]
> This issue does have some security implications. For example a revoked
> client certificate could appear valid by substituting a delta CRL for a
> full CRL.

As I said, you're right. CRL verification is definitely not done
properly by the most widely adopted web server...
The threat is also linked to how much trust is put into the CA
producing those CRLs.

> I'll have a look at that in more detail. There are some security issues
> with separate CRL and certificate signing keys which were debated on the
> PKIX lists some time ago.

Mr Patterson told me about these issues, but the URLs given pointed to
a "solution" proposed by someone from Microsoft to circumvent the fact
that the CAPI doesn't handle it either. The solution was to have both
the old and new keys sign the CRL.
I'll try to google some informations about this discussion.

> Multiple paths can be used by OpenSSL but each path can contain both
> CRLs and certificates.
> Would there be a need to be able to restrict paths to one or the other?

No need to do that. The real need is to make sure identical
configuration variables will lead to the same behaviour.

> CRL refresh has some performance issues particularly in multi-process
> servers. For example a CRL might be 500K or more and be reloaded on each
> new connection.

CRL doesn't need to be "refreshed" on each connection, of course. It
should at least be done on a regular basis.
CRLs need to be carefully verified, I don't think you'll disagree with
that. And "properly" also means checking up-to date CRLs.

Talking big numbers... We operate several CAs, the biggest CRL we
produce is a 83MB one, today... This, in itself, is an aberration, but
as we say here, "le client est roi" (could be translated to: the
customer is king). So this CRL exists, and the webservers this
customer operates do check them. In fact, the same customer divided
its population into 4 pieces, hence 4 CAs, and the 4 CRLs all together
"weigh" 260MB. Refreshing those CRLs on each connection is of course
out of question, everybody agrees with that. But it still needs to be
refreshed on a periodic basis. Those CRLs are produced at least once a
day. Some of them every hour.
That's an extreme case, one OpenSSL can't handle properly (the memory
needed to parse the CRL is really huge). But the arguments are still
valid, for smaller CRLs.

> OpenSSL 0.9.9 does have some reload support though. If
> CRL processing was delegated to OpenSSL it would be available automatically.

What is the decision criteria to reload a CRL? expiration of the
"notAfter" date? An application based period would be better.

[PKITS tests]
> It should be OK. The script pkits-run.pl sets the necessary flags for
> each case. It wont verify all such cases by default.

Thanks, I played with it, it seems there are new execution paths for
me to discover  :)

All in all, CRL validation performed by mod_ssl exists, that's good,
since it was written when OpenSSL didn't provide a "clean" solution.
But it has some several flaws, and now OpenSSL is able to do the job,
maybe it's time to rewrite the glue between them?


Re: leak on graceful restarts

2008-10-19 Thread Ruediger Pluem

On 10/19/2008 07:25 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> On Oct 18, 2008, at 3:04 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:
>> Ruediger Pluem schrieb:
>>> On 10/18/2008 01:25 AM, Paul Querna wrote:
 Looking at a problem that seems easy to re-produce using un-patched
 trunk, 2.2.10 and 2.0.63.

 Using a graceful restart causes higher memory usage in the parent,
 is then passed on to the 'new' children processes.

 And, at least over here, httpd consistently grows in RSS, without any
 obvious cause.

 Seems reproducible on Ubuntu and Darwin, using 2.2.10, 2.0.63 and

 Any ideas?
>>> Two quick thoughts:
>>> 1. Memory fragmentation in the allocator lists (we had this
>>> discussion either here
>>>   or on [EMAIL PROTECTED] a short time ago).
>>> 2. At some locations we use a global pool (process->pool) to allocate
>>> memory, e.g. mod_ssl
>>>   and when setting up the listeners. I haven't checked so far if this
>>> global pool usage is
>>>   justified.
>> Using my production configurations on Solaris with 2.2.10 worker I can
>> only reproduce a leak during graceful restart when loading mod_ssl. The
>> memory size does not always increase though, after a couple of restarts
>> it decreases again, but not back to the previous minimum so over all
>> there is a small leak related to restarts.
> This is weird... I can recreate this under OS X but not under Sol10,
> and only with mod_ssl in the mix as well. But at least it appears that
> mod_ssl is the main culprit.

In 2.2.x I guess we leak in ssl_scache_shmcb_init when we create a shared
memory segment passing apr_shm_create a global pool. Maybe the actual
amount of the leak depends on the platform specific details of the
shm implementation. As said this is just a guess.
AFAICT this leak does not happen on trunk.



Re: strange usage pattern for child processes

2008-10-19 Thread Ruediger Pluem

On 10/19/2008 07:35 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> On Oct 18, 2008, at 4:22 PM, Graham Leggett wrote:
>> Ruediger Pluem wrote:
 As a result, the connection pool has made the server slower, not
 and very much needs to be fixed.
>>> I agree in theory. But I don't think so in practice.
>> Unfortunately I know so in practice. In this example we are seeing
>> single connections being held open for 30 second or more. :(
>>> 1. 2.0.x behaviour: If you did use keepalive connections to the backend
>>>   the connection to the backenend was kept alive and as it was bound
>>> to the
>>>   frontend connection in 2.0.x it couldn't be used by other connections.
>>>   Depending on the backend server it wasted the same number of resources
>>>   as without the optimization (backend like httpd worker, httpd
>>> prefork) or
>>>   a small amount of resources (backend like httpd event with HTTP or
>>> a recent
>>>   Tomcat web connector). So you didn't benefit very well from this
>>> optimization
>>>   in 2.0.x as long as you did not turn off the keepalives to the
>>> backend.
>> Those who did need the optimisation, would have turned off keepalives
>> to the backend.
> Trying to grok things better, but doesn't this imply that
> for those who needed the optimization, disabling the
> connection pool would be the required work-around for 2.2?

No. Without a connection pool (e.g. the default reverse worker) the backend
connection does not get freed any faster than without a connection pool.
Ok strictly spoken you cannot turn off the connection pools at all (reverse
is also one), you can only turn off a reuse of the connections.



Re: strange usage pattern for child processes

2008-10-19 Thread Jim Jagielski

On Oct 18, 2008, at 4:22 PM, Graham Leggett wrote:

Ruediger Pluem wrote:

As a result, the connection pool has made the server slower, not  

and very much needs to be fixed.

I agree in theory. But I don't think so in practice.

Unfortunately I know so in practice. In this example we are seeing  
single connections being held open for 30 second or more. :(

1. 2.0.x behaviour: If you did use keepalive connections to the  
  the connection to the backenend was kept alive and as it was  
bound to the
  frontend connection in 2.0.x it couldn't be used by other  
  Depending on the backend server it wasted the same number of  
  as without the optimization (backend like httpd worker, httpd  
prefork) or
  a small amount of resources (backend like httpd event with HTTP  
or a recent
  Tomcat web connector). So you didn't benefit very well from this  
  in 2.0.x as long as you did not turn off the keepalives to the  

Those who did need the optimisation, would have turned off  
keepalives to the backend.

Trying to grok things better, but doesn't this imply that
for those who needed the optimization, disabling the
connection pool would be the required work-around for 2.2?

Re: leak on graceful restarts

2008-10-19 Thread Jim Jagielski

On Oct 18, 2008, at 3:04 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:

Ruediger Pluem schrieb:

On 10/18/2008 01:25 AM, Paul Querna wrote:

Looking at a problem that seems easy to re-produce using un-patched
trunk, 2.2.10 and 2.0.63.

Using a graceful restart causes higher memory usage in the parent,  

is then passed on to the 'new' children processes.

And, at least over here, httpd consistently grows in RSS, without  

obvious cause.

Seems reproducible on Ubuntu and Darwin, using 2.2.10, 2.0.63 and  

Any ideas?

Two quick thoughts:

1. Memory fragmentation in the allocator lists (we had this  
discussion either here

  or on [EMAIL PROTECTED] a short time ago).

2. At some locations we use a global pool (process->pool) to  
allocate memory, e.g. mod_ssl
  and when setting up the listeners. I haven't checked so far if  
this global pool usage is


Using my production configurations on Solaris with 2.2.10 worker I can
only reproduce a leak during graceful restart when loading mod_ssl.  
memory size does not always increase though, after a couple of  

it decreases again, but not back to the previous minimum so over all
there is a small leak related to restarts.

This is weird... I can recreate this under OS X but not under Sol10,
and only with mod_ssl in the mix as well. But at least it appears that
mod_ssl is the main culprit.

Re: mod_dbd and prepared statements (httpd-2.2.9)

2008-10-19 Thread Andrej van der Zee
Hi Tom,

Thanks a lot for your help! Everything works as expected...


Memory leak in mod_proxy_http and in mpm_event components.

2008-10-19 Thread harish kulkarni
Hello All,

After spending quite some time on apache and components ( specifically
mod_proxy_http, mod_mem_cache etc) we have noticed some memory leaks which
we are publishing with attached patch.

The leak can be observed when requests are sent on keep-alive connection
without closing the connection. As long as the connection is open, in apache
we tend to allocate some memory from connection pool for processing each
request. So when you have more requests per connection you tend to see
apache consuming more memory. If we release the connection and we see that
apache frees the memory and don't see this leaks impact.

I have also attached plots ( thanks to Paul for good article
http://journal.paul.querna.org/articles/2005/02/23/apr-memory-pools-rock/ )
on memory utilization of apr pools which clearly show the issue. The plots
are drawn using apr pool logs collected with and without the attached patch
for 25K requests on one connection.

Please help us to know if there is any issue with this patch, we have found
this patch working at high loads for long time period confirming the patch
doesn't break code and also see that without closing the connection with
more requests we don;t see any big time leaks.

But we are not sure if this patch breaks any of the features apache has
implemented, which we are not aware of.

thanks to every on apache support.

 //depot/httproxy/httpd-2.2.9/modules/proxy/mod_proxy_http.c#4 - 
--- /tmp/tmp.30411.87   2008-10-14 19:59:29.0 +0530
   2008-10-14 19:35:39.0 +0530
@@ -1895,9 +1895,12 @@ static int proxy_http_handler(request_re
  * connection ID of the current upstream connection is the same as that
  * of the connection when the socket was opened.
-apr_pool_t *p = r->connection->pool;
+// Fix for bugId:9
+// The allocation from connection pool to request pool was done
+// to avoid request processing allocating memory from connection pool.
+apr_pool_t *p = r->pool;
 conn_rec *c = r->connection;
-apr_uri_t *uri = apr_palloc(r->connection->pool, sizeof(*uri));
+apr_uri_t *uri = apr_palloc(r->pool, sizeof(*uri));
 /* find the scheme */
 u = strchr(url, ':');
 //depot/httproxy/httpd-2.2.9/server/mpm/experimental/event/event.c#1 - 
--- /tmp/tmp.30411.142  2008-10-14 19:59:29.0 +0530
2008-10-14 19:50:53.0 +0530
@@ -566,9 +566,18 @@ static int process_socket(apr_pool_t * p
 int csd;
 int rc;
 apr_time_t time_now = 0;
-ap_sb_handle_t *sbh;
+ap_sb_handle_t *sbh = NULL;
+// Fix for bugId:9
+// memory from connection pool was getting used every time
+// an new request is served and if case if the connection is keep-alive
+// this memory never gets freed and we see a leak.
+// The fix would help allocation of memory to hold child_num and thread_num
+// in ap_create_sb_handle once in life time of connection
+#if 0
 ap_create_sb_handle(&sbh, p, my_child_num, my_thread_num);
+#endif /* 0 */
 apr_os_sock_get(&csd, sock);
 time_now = apr_time_now();
@@ -577,6 +586,9 @@ static int process_socket(apr_pool_t * p
 cs = apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(conn_state_t));
+// Fix for bugId:9
+ap_create_sb_handle(&sbh, p, my_child_num, my_thread_num);
 pt = apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(*pt));
 cs->bucket_alloc = apr_bucket_alloc_create(p);
@@ -620,7 +632,12 @@ static int process_socket(apr_pool_t * p
 else {
 c = cs->c;
+// Fix for bugId:9
+#if 0
 c->sbh = sbh;
+#endif /* 0 */
+sbh =  c->sbh;
+ap_create_sb_handle(&sbh, p, my_child_num, my_thread_num);
 if (c->clogging_input_filters && !c->aborted) {
 //depot/httproxy/httpd-2.2.9/server/scoreboard.c#1 - 
--- /tmp/tmp.30411.190  2008-10-14 19:59:29.0 +0530
+++ /home/harish/harish-desktop/depot/httproxy/httpd-2.2.9/server/scoreboard.c  
2008-10-14 19:25:18.0 +0530
@@ -378,7 +378,10 @@ int find_child_by_pid(apr_proc_t *pid)
 AP_DECLARE(void) ap_create_sb_handle(ap_sb_handle_t **new_sbh, apr_pool_t *p,
  int child_num, int thread_num)
-*new_sbh = (ap_sb_handle_t *)apr_palloc(p, sizeof(ap_sb_handle_t));
+// fix for bugId: 9
+if ( *new_sbh == NULL )
+  *new_sbh = (ap_sb_handle_t *)apr_palloc(p, sizeof(ap_sb_handle_t));
+// ends of fix
 (*new_sbh)->child_num = child_num;
 (*new_sbh)->thread_num = thread_num;

Re: mod_dbd and prepared statements (httpd-2.2.9)

2008-10-19 Thread Tom Donovan

Andrej van der Zee wrote:

* apr_dbd_pvquery is only for string values.
 You must use apr_dbd_pvbquery (with a "b") for binary values.


I tried both versions, but without success. But that was because I did not
pass pointers to float obviously.

* You don't pass a float value directly - %f takes a *pointer* to a float.

O yes, thank you! That did the trick. I definitely missed this in the
documentation. Is it there?

describes the binary datatypes.  Note that they all take pointers, e.g.

  APR_DBD_TYPE_FLOAT  %f : in, out: float*

* It is best not to call ap_dbd_prepare and ap_dbd_acquire directly.
 You should populate your own function pointers at config time using

 If APR_RETRIEVE_OPTIONAL_FN gives you NULL pointers, that means that
mod_dbd is not loaded.

I have no problems with calling these function directly. If mod_dbd is not
loaded, Apache simply does not start. But it does impose a restriction on
the order that the modules are loaded.

True, these functions still work when your module links directly to mod_dbd - but 
APR_RETRIEVE_OPTIONAL_FN is worth using for several reasons:

1) You won't need to load modules in a specific order (as you observed)
2) It lets you return meaningful error messages while processing config 
directives, e.g.
if (dbd_acquire_fn == NULL)
return "this directive requires mod_dbd";

Re: strange usage pattern for child processes

2008-10-19 Thread Ruediger Pluem

On 10/19/2008 01:21 PM, Ruediger Pluem wrote:
> On 10/18/2008 10:22 PM, Graham Leggett wrote:
>> Ruediger Pluem wrote:
>>>Plus the default socket and TCP buffers on most OS should be already
>>>larger then this. So in order to profit from the optimization the time
>>>the client needs to consume the ProxyIOBufferSize needs to be
>>> remarkable.
>> It makes no difference how large the TCP buffers are, the backend will
>> only be released for reuse when the frontend has completely flushed and
> Sorry I maybe wrong here, but I don't think this is the case. If there is
> space left in the TCP buffer you write to the socket non-blocking and the
> data seems to be processed for the sending process then. It does not block
> until the data is sent by the OS. And even flush buckets do not seem to cause
> any special processing like a blocking flush. So returning to your CNN
> example I am pretty much sure that if the TCP buffer for the socket of the
> client connection holds 92k plus the header overhead your connection to the
> backend will be released almost instantly.
> I don't even think so that a close or shutdown on the socket will block until
> all data in the TCP buffer is sent. But this wouldn't matter on keepalive
> connection to the client anyway since the connection isn't closed.

I did some further investigations in the meantime. Using the following 

ProxyPass /cnn/ http://www.cnn.com/
Sendbuffersize 285168
ProxyIOBufferSize 131072

and the following "slow" testclient

!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Socket;

my $proto;
my $port;
my $sin;
my $addr;
my $url;

my $oldfh;

$proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
$port = getservbyname('http','tcp');
$addr = "";
$url = "/cnn/";

$sin = sockaddr_in($port,inet_aton($addr));
$oldfh = select SOCKET_H;
$| = 1;
select $oldfh;
print SOCKET_H "GET $url HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
close SOCKET_H;

I was able to have the connection to www.cnn.com returned back to the pool
The strange thing that remains is that I needed to set the Sendbuffersize about
3 times higher than the actual size of the page to get this done. I currently
do not know why this is the case.

Another maybe funny sidenote: Because of the way the read method on socket 
work and the way the core input filter works, the ap_get_brigade call when 
the http body of the backend response in mod_proxy_http never returns a brigade 
contains more then 8k of data no matter what you set for ProxyIOBufferSize.
And this is the case since 2.0.x days. So the optimization was always limited to
sending at most 8k and in this case the TCP buffer (the send buffer) should have
fixed this in many cases.



Re: strange usage pattern for child processes

2008-10-19 Thread Ruediger Pluem

On 10/18/2008 10:22 PM, Graham Leggett wrote:
> Ruediger Pluem wrote:

>>Plus the default socket and TCP buffers on most OS should be already
>>larger then this. So in order to profit from the optimization the time
>>the client needs to consume the ProxyIOBufferSize needs to be
>> remarkable.
> It makes no difference how large the TCP buffers are, the backend will
> only be released for reuse when the frontend has completely flushed and

Sorry I maybe wrong here, but I don't think this is the case. If there is
space left in the TCP buffer you write to the socket non-blocking and the
data seems to be processed for the sending process then. It does not block
until the data is sent by the OS. And even flush buckets do not seem to cause
any special processing like a blocking flush. So returning to your CNN
example I am pretty much sure that if the TCP buffer for the socket of the
client connection holds 92k plus the header overhead your connection to the
backend will be released almost instantly.
I don't even think so that a close or shutdown on the socket will block until
all data in the TCP buffer is sent. But this wouldn't matter on keepalive
connection to the client anyway since the connection isn't closed.

