"Dziugas Baltrunas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi list,
> I'm wondering if there any plans to implement implement a response
> body length limitation inside mod_proxy?
> For now we have only a global LimitRequestBody and what I'm looking is
> an analog "LimitResponseBody". In case Apache HTTP works as a
> reverse/forward proxy, it's usual case for a proxy to block
> downloading files of a certain size (huge MP3 files as an example).
> To illustrate, squid for this purpose has reply_body_max_size [1]
> parameter. Looks like it is only Content-Length response header (if
> any) dependent, but IMHO with Apache filtering mechanism it should be
> possible to cancel a fetch transaction when output byte counter
> reaches some boundary.
> I've also tried to look at exiting third party modules like
> mod_throttle [2] (deprecated), mod_cband [3] and mod_bw [4], but all
> of them seem to be tied on bandwidth limitations and not a limits of a
> single request.

mod_security may do the trick.

> Thanks in advance.
> [1] 
> http://www.visolve.com:81/squid/squid30/accesscontrols.php#reply_body_max_size
> [2] http://www.snert.com/Software/apache.html
> [3] http://cband.linux.pl/
> [4] http://bwmod.sourceforge.net/, http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/httpd/mod_bw/
> -- 
> Dziugas Baltrunas

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