Thanks Graham, Joost and Sander, I hadn't expected for Apache to need to know which virtual host to use so early in the request process.



From: Sander Temme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NameVirtualHosts & SSL
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 11:34:40 -0700


On Oct 25, 2005, at 10:43 AM, Kenevel wrote:

My question is why the server couldn't do some sort of reverse- lookup on its register of SSL certificates that are in use. Surely the server knows which certificate it is using to service the request (or else it wouldn't be able

No, it doesn't. At the moment the SSL connection handshake occurs, the server needs to present a certificate to the client. The client has certain expectations of the Common Name (CN) field of the Distinguished Name (DN) string embedded in the certificate, so it is important that the server sends the correct certificate.

At this point in the handshake, the server simply doesn't know enough of what the client wants, unless the client connects to a distinct IP address and the server has a virtual host configured on that IP address. Otherwise, the decision on which virtual host to send the request to is made way too late.

to decrypt its contents) and hence work out which virtual host uses  that
certificate? This approach means of course that each name-based virtual host would have to use a different certificate - but as those sites are more than likely on different domains the certificates would necessarily be different.

There is an extension to the TLS ClientHello that allows the client to indicate which servername it is trying to connect to: see http:// paragraph 3.1. However, I don't think mod_ssl currently supports this. mod_gnutls may be closer, you may want to check that out. Of course, until enough of your client base supports this extension it is perfectly useless to you.


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