RE: stable 2.0 trees

2002-10-15 Thread Padwa, Daniel

 At the risk of racing too far ahead in this discussion, here is my
 2.0.43 becomes 2.1 and the MMN major does not change for subsequent 2.1
 releases (except for a compelling reason, eg a security fix -requires- a
bump).  Why
 2.1?  No technical reason; purely a PR tactic to telegraph to the user
community we
 are putting a lot of focus on maintaining binary backward compatability
and to get
 rid of the *.0.* in the version number (yea, to appease the folks who are
allergic to
 0's in version numbers).

 New ROADMAP development is started in 3.0.

thunderous applause/

I think Bill hit an important point here.version numbers signal a lot to
the user community about the compatability of the code, and the pain in
migrating to various versions.   To a developer, the name of 2.0.43++ isn't
so imporant - call it 2.0.44, call it 2.1.0, call it 17.9 - it's the same
code.   To a user, the migration from 2.0.43 to 2.0.44 should be easy.
From 2.0.43 to 2.1 can be a little harder.

It's much easier for end-users to understand releases if major functionality
and/or API changes are coupled with minor version number bumps (instead of
subversion bumps).  From that perspective, changing the auth semantics
(which have been pretty stable since at least early 1.3) 2.0.44 seems almost
sneaky compared to changing them in 2.1.0.

If minor version numbers are bumping weekly, that's not so good.   If they
are bumping quarterly or so as APIs change, that may well be healthier than
carrying the 2.0 series on until the next major code reorganization.

Version numbers are a marketing issue at least as much as a technology issue
- here's an easy chance to give non-developers more insight into what is
going on.

RE: Interesting Apache 2.0 project...

2002-02-13 Thread Padwa, Daniel

 It could be a chicken-and-egg problem.  If the developers of those tools
don't have a
 lot of users asking for Apache 2.0 support, what is their motivation for
providing it?   They are probably like us, with lots of other things on
their to-do lists.  If we had a  golden release, perhaps that would help
change the situation.

Really not trying to throw out flamebait, but...

I think Greg hit the nail on the head here.There hasn't been much
visibility to anyone not following this list (or even to many following it)
of a timeline or roadmap to gold on 2.0.   Do people know that all the major
interfaces are stable?Are they?

Not faulting anyone here, just pointing out that in the eyes of people not
day-to-day involved, Apache 2 feels like it has been almost ready for a
very, very, very long time.Did the additional development time yield a
better product?   Absolutely.  But it did have a cost, at least in terms of
public perception and excitement.

Is there yet a consensus on a timetable for getting this to gold, or is it
still a when it is ready approach?   If the latter, it's going to be hard
to get people very excited about even kicking the tires on the betas.

It's going to be really hard to build momentum towards a release without a
release target and active release management.  According to the latest
STATUS, we've had only one tag/roll event (2.0.31) in the last three months.

It's also confusing to customers when at least two vendors are distributing
Web servers that are based on 2.0 when 2.0 is still not fully baked.

Justin's work on coordinating the .32 release has been extremely positive in
this regard (way to go Justin!).   A few more releases like this can
probably get 2.0-gold out the door.  Without that kind of focus on and
ownership of releases, it's going to be really hard to ship this thing.

- Danny

PS A simple roadmap and timeline, like the one that Subversion has at, would go a very long way
towards addressing these issues.

RE: [PATCH] Add mod_gz to httpd-2.0

2001-09-01 Thread Padwa, Daniel

 You know what's really funny?  Every time this has been brought up before,
 the Apache core has always said, if you want to have gzip'ed data, then
 gzip it when you create the site.  That way, your computer doesn't have to
 waste cycles while it is trying hard to serve requests.  I personally
stand  by that statement.  If you want to use gzip, then zip your data
 putting it on-line.  That doesn't help generated pages, but perl can
 already do gzip, as can PHP.

A couple of points here

- a lot of authors can't easily zip content before putting it on-line.
Most people don't update Web sites via makefiles/scripts/whatever that can
easily be extended to zip for them.   A lot of people use FrontPage or the
Windows Web Publishing Wizard - good luck explaining how to run gizp.
Remember - most users of Apache are not software develoeprs.

- a LOT of third party tools make it really hard to insert gzip output
filters in the right place.   Last I checked Tomcat 3.X did not support this
without hacking at their classes.Other JSP engines are even worse.
Don't even start thinking about some of the more pricey site-management

I haven't studied either of these two modules in depth, but the lack of a
simple negotiate on gzip encoding for text/html option has been a major
flaw in most (all?) Web servers to date.   Putting one of these in the
default Apache distribution would be a wonderful thing.

- Danny