Re: [RFC] Enable OCSP Stapling by default in httpd trunk

2015-09-04 Thread Rob Stradling
ove the SSLUseStapling directive closer to the cert settings,
> and make people aware of the outgoing connections this will trigger)
>> Part of what makes the 2.4.x tangent is confusing is that sometimes your 
>> objections seem to be qualified on the assumption that 2.4.x would be 
>> updated.  Can we please drop 2.4.x from this conversation?
> Will do, yes. When trunk becomes 2.6/3.0 one day (and a GA release), the
> basic question remains, though: is it acceptable that configuring an SSL
> certificate potentially triggers outgoing OCSP requests in mod_ssl,
> without having been explicitly instructed to do so by an admin? My view
> is still the same as in November 2014: admins should opt in for this
> feature, not be forced to opt out.
>>>   It's also for this reason that I'm not in favor of a global
>>> "SSLUseStapling On", it should really be configured on a per-vhost basis.
>> I don't follow.  What does that help?  With which attack vector does 
>> that improve the situation?
> The point I was trying to make is that stapling is a per-certificate
> feature (not a global one like SSLRandomSeed, SSLSessionCache etc.), so
> it would be best if the admin becomes aware of it when configuring the cert.
>>>> While I find the "not make accidental outgoing connections" argument
>>>> compelling (though perhaps with a different word than "accidental") the
>>>> server already takes actions that cause outgoing connections to services
>>>> not explicitly configured (DNS), and these occasionally cause problems.
>>> Are you referring to queries when doing PTR lookups for connecting
>>> clients? I think that's one of the very reasons why "HostnameLookups
>>> Off" was chosen for extra/httpd-default.conf.
>> Not HostnameLookups; resolving ServerName at startup (configured or 
>> defaulted).
> Ok, but I wouldn't consider DNS as being implicitly configured - after
> all, the resolvers are specified when network access on the OS level is
> configured (and DNS queries are sent to nameservers which are hopefully
> authoritative for lookups of hosts in the local net).
>>>> Is there a principle at stake which could be followed consistently across
>>>> disparate features in how the server behaves a) with compiled in defaults
>>>> and minimal config, or b) with default/recommended config?
>>> The default configuration should not trigger unsolicited outgoing
>>> queries to untrusted systems, for both a) and b), that's how I would
>>> put it.
>> Admin configures a certificate that has a domain name of attacker in the 
>> responder URI?  DNS entry for domain name in responder URI is taken over 
>> to point to attacker?
> I was primarily trying to come up with a generic principle "which could
> be followed consistently across disparate features", so I'm not sure if
> considering specific attacks for the stapling case is the right way to
> continue the discussion... as another example, take the "Version check
> idea" thread from April 2015 [1] - even though there might not be an
> immediate threat if it were enabled by default, I really hope that httpd
> doesn't move into the direction of automatically enabling features
> requiring outgoing connectivity (without the admin's explicit
> instruction and consent).
>> So forgetting 2.4.x, are you vetoing changing the trunk default config 
>> to enable stapling, and are the criteria of the veto both
>> 1. The default configuration should not trigger unsolicited outgoing 
>> queries to untrusted systems, for both a) and b), that's how I would put it.
>> 2. Additionally, features enabled by default need to have sufficient 
>> coverage in the test framework.
> For GA releases, my position is that both criteria apply, yes. If it's
> enabled in trunk, an alpha or a beta for getting broader testing exposure,
> then the docs and release notes/announcement should prominently say so
> (not only for OCSP stapling specifically, but in general for those
> features which may trigger unsolicited outgoing connections).
> Kaspar
> [1] 

Rob Stradling
Senior Research & Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: AW: [RFC] Enable OCSP Stapling by default in httpd trunk

2015-07-03 Thread Rob Stradling

On 03/07/15 11:13, Plüm, Rüdiger, Vodafone Group wrote:

Thanks for the detailed explanation. So yes OCSP stapling is really beneficial
if it is possible for the server admin to set it up. But it likely requires 
configuration steps outside of httpd to make the OCSP responder reachable (like 
firewall clearances)
and leads to otherwise strange slow responses if this is not prepared.
Another obstacle with the current stapling code is that the connection to the 
OCSP responder of the
CA needs to happen directly and cannot be done via a proxy.
Hence I agree with Kaspar that it should be off by default.

Given the current stapling code, that's fair enough.

Is it feasible to engineer around these issues so that stapling could be 
enabled by default in some future httpd release?  If not, what's the 


Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: [RFC] Enable OCSP Stapling by default in httpd trunk

2015-07-03 Thread Rob Stradling

On 02/07/15 19:03, Ruediger Pluem wrote:

Just to be sure I don't miss anything. This is not about disabling OCSP, its 
about disabling OCSP stapling by default.
Maybe I have a wrong understanding of OCSP stapling, but to me stapling only 
provides performance improvements, not
security improvements for the client as the client still could connect to the 
OCSP URL given in the cert directly and
get the answer from there. If the response is stabled it does not need to (with 
the same level of security) and saves
itself a roundtrip to the OCSP server of the CA and the OCSP server of the CA a 
request to process.

Yes, the client _could_ connect to the OCSP URL given in the cert 
directly and get the answer from there.  However, at least one major 
browser (Chrome) no longer does this, but it does process stapled OCSP 

Even if we could ignore Chrome...
There will always be some clients that cannot reach the CA's OCSP 
responder directly (due to connectivity issues at the client side), 
whereas the TLS servers that those clients connect to may well have 
better connectivity (and thus be able to staple OCSP responses that the 
client cannot obtain by any other means).

Also, this isn't just about performance.  If a client contacts an OCSP 
responder directly, it reveals to the CA that it is interested in a 
particular certificate.  That's a far worse privacy leak than a TLS 
server contacting a CA's OCSP responder and revealing that it's 
interested in the status of its own certificate!!

These are the same organization whose management are often those targeted by 
malware anyways.  It's on them if they
choose to ignore what few security measures are available to the less savvy end 

Again I don't get what this has to do with malware attacks on these 
organizations, but maybe my understanding of OCSP
stapling is entirely wrong.



Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: TR of 2.2.13 [corresponding to Re: TR of 2.4.13]

2015-06-04 Thread Rob Stradling



Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: mod_ssl patch: use new OpenSSL features to autofix cert chains

2014-03-27 Thread Rob Stradling

On 26/03/14 15:29, Emilia Kasper wrote:

Wow, thanks for all the great feedback!

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:


This is a pretty perverse situation, though, and perhaps the answer is
that CA X just shouldn't do that kind of weird/chained reissuance over
the key in Y.  I've also done no certificate surveys to see if this sort
of scenario has actually happened anywhere in the modern landscape.

Cross-signing happens all the time but afaik the other way around, i.e.,
an intermediate Y' corresponding to a _newer_ root cert Y is
cross-signed by some _older_ root cert Z. So an old client would usually
know only Z and a newer client would know Z and Y (or even Y' - some
clients directly trust intermediates these days).

That's true in many cases, but...

Comodo gained entry into the CA marketplace by purchasing one set of 
roots (from AddTrust) that were in the Netscape trust store, and another 
set of roots (from The USERTrust Network, aka UTN) that were in the 
Microsoft trust store.  Neither set of roots were older or newer.

UTN cross-certified AddTrust.  A few years later we were able to get one 
of the AddTrust roots added to the Microsoft trust store.  After that, 
it made more sense to have the cross-certification relationship the 
other way around, and so AddTrust cross-certified UTN.

(Cue various cross-certification loop bugs in Mozilla's code, but I digress)

Oh, BTW, bi-directional cross-certification also occurs in Bridge CA 
scenarios such as the Federal PKI.


CT might be a good place to gather this information from -- are there
plans to ensure that all intermediate CAs are logged publicly?

No current plans for CT to require logging intermediates. But actually,
if we go the autocorrect route then we should just implement AIA
fetching. Modern certs should have a CA Issuers field in the
AuthorityInformationAccess extension in them that the chain builder
could follow recursively. I've now looked a bit more at the mod_ssl code
and it's a bit of work but maybe not all that different from doing OCSP,

So, we arrived at the point where AddTrust External CA Root became our 
primary root certificate, but we still needed to involve UTN in the cert 
chain in order to be trusted by old Windows platforms (i.e. Windows 
2000, and XP boxes that have Automatic Root Update disabled).

Noting that Windows clients do AIA fetching, we started including a 
carefully constructed pair of AIA-caIssuers URLs in many of the 
intermediate certs we issue and still use today.


CA Issuers - URI:
CA Issuers - URI:

Most platforms trust AddTrust External CA Root, so they don't chase 
either of these AIA URLs.
Old Windows boxes download the first URL (a PKCS#7 certs only bundle 
containing the self-signed AddTrust External CA Root root and a 
cross-cert issued to it by one of the UTN roots), and are able to build 
a chain up to AddTrust, or failing that, UTN.
Even older Windows boxes don't support PKCS#7 AIA caIssuers URLs, so 
they then download the second URL and build a chain up to UTN.

A correctly configured TLS server that uses one of our certs will send a 
cert chain terminating with AddTrust External CA Root.

I do _not_ want mod_ssl to autocorrect this by following the AIA 
URL(s) and deciding to also send the cross-certificate issued by UTN.

Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: mod_ssl patch: use new OpenSSL features to autofix cert chains

2014-03-27 Thread Rob Stradling

On 26/03/14 16:46, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:

it doesn't even need to fetch the certificate itself, it could just make
the big noisy error log say you should fetch the cert from AIAURL and
append it to SSLCertificateChainFile

AIAURL is supposed to be DER-encoded rather than Base64-encoded, so 
the user would need to convert it using openssl x509 -inform der -out 
before appending it to SSLCertificateChainFile.

AIAURL is sometimes a PKCS#7 certs only bundle of multiple certs, 
all issued to the same Subject CA.  The certs can be extracted using 
openssl pkcs7 -inform der -print_certs, but which one of those certs 
(if any) should the user append to SSLCertificateChainFile ?

Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: mod_ssl patch: use new OpenSSL features to autofix cert chains

2014-03-27 Thread Rob Stradling

On 27/03/14 14:04, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:

On 03/27/2014 09:27 AM, Emilia Kasper wrote:


As I said, I have low faith in admin intervention.. According to SSL pulse,
6% of Alexa top 200K sites serve an incomplete chain. You'd think they'd

I share your skepticism, but to be fair, most of the tools folks are
faced with right now don't give them *any* pointers about what needs to
be done, or even whether they've done the right thing or not.

For most sysadmins (who have lots of different tasks to take care of
that don't relate to the arcana of X.509 validation) the prospect of
sorting this out is spend a couple hours on search engines reading
random blog posts that disagree with each other to figure out what you
might need to do, and when you're done you won't even be sure that
you're done.

Given this disappointing and frustrating scenario, i am not surprised
that many people don't even bother trying.

You're talking about improving the toolchains they have so that they get
more concrete feedback about what they're doing and explicit suggestions
about what needs to be done to fix the problems.  i think that's great.

BTW, a big +1 on wanting to do something to reduce the number of servers 
with misconfigured chains!

Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: mod_ssl patch: use new OpenSSL features to autofix cert chains

2014-03-27 Thread Rob Stradling

On 27/03/14 17:11, Emilia Kasper wrote:

Right. So this particular case could be handled by carefully
constructing the shortest possible chain from all AIA information
available (system store, p7c, crt).

In that particular case, yes, I suppose so.  However, our older 
AddTrust/UTN roots have also cross-certified some of our newer roots. 
 So, in some cases, shortest possible chain (to a known, trusted root) 
would be too short!

But I agree that it's gnarly, a
bunch of ugly code, and hugely undeterministic (what if the .crt
responds but the .p7c request errors out?).


Would you agree that it's safe to do a one-hop AIA-autocorrection for
leaves only, i.e. certs with NO intermediates configured? My hunch is
that this would fix the bulk of misconfigured chains while leaving the
ugly cross-signing cornercases alone.

I think it's probably safe in the sense that it wouldn't cause 
additional misconfiguration (and would sometimes cause correct 

But I'm in two minds about whether or not it's a good idea.  IMHO, AIA 
chasing bears much of the blame for the problem we're trying to fix 
here.  Why?  Because when a site administrator tests their site in a 
browser that does AIA chasing (such as Internet Explorer), it works, 
so they don't notice and fix the misconfiguration.

One-hop AIA-autocorrection might well make the configuration less broken 
(e.g. a missing intermediate is added), but still not correct (e.g. a 
missing cross-certificate is not added).  Being less broken would mean 
that the remaining brokenness is less likely to be detected and corrected.

So if the goal is to maximize the % of servers that are 100% correctly 
configured, one-hop AIA-autocorrection might actually be counterproductive.

Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: mod_ssl patch: use new OpenSSL features to autofix cert chains

2014-03-27 Thread Rob Stradling

On 27/03/14 16:45, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:

Do we have a robust, free tool that, given a single X.509 EE cert, can
do automagic fetching and trying of all combinations of these things and
produce a reasonable PEM-encoded SSLCertificateChainFile on stdout?

If we had such a tool, then the detection code in mod_ssl could just
encourage people to run that tool.

I'm not aware of any existing tool that does this, but creating one has 
been on my todo list for a while.  :-)

I was thinking of putting the CA certificate discovery (using AIA 
fetching, CT Log parsing, ZMap scanning, or whatever), chain building 
and chain selection logic in a cloud-based service, rather than on the 
client.  I think this would make it more robust and deterministic (i.e. 
you wouldn't have AIA fetches succeeding for some clients and failing 
for others) and it wouldn't require a client-side update whenever the 
(gnarly, ugly) chain selection logic needs tweaking.

The client would simply HTTP(S) POST a certificate (or maybe just the 
AKID / Issuer Name) to the cloud-based service, and receive back a 
PEM-encoded SSLCertificateChainFile.

Sound reasonable?

(As it happens, I have a project that does most of this already... ;-) )

Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: [PATCH 55593] Add SSLServerInfoFile directive

2013-10-15 Thread Rob Stradling

On 14/10/13 17:28, Kaspar Brand wrote:

On 14.10.13 10:51, Rob Stradling wrote:

Kaspar, I don't think data from 2010 (or even data from today) should be
assumed to be a reliable indicator of future use of non-RSA certs on
public sites.

Past performance is not indicative of future performance, as they use
to say in other industries, yes. Did the situation with Certicom's
licensing terms for ECC cert issuance change recently?

Not that I know of.  But, with or without a licence from Certicom, it's 
gradually starting to happen.

Symantec are already issuing ECC certs [1].  Here's one for


AFAICT, interest (amongst the commercial CAs) in ECC certs continues to
grow.  Since a significant proportion (I estimate ~20%) of deployed
clients will accept RSA server certs but not ECC server certs, I think
that configuring both an ECC cert and an RSA cert on a single vhost may
yet become popular!

I'm not saying we should no longer support multiple certs per vhost (in
fact, with my PoC patch, you can send as many certs to OpenSSL if you
increase SSL_AIDX_MAX - though OpenSSL currently can't really cope with
it)... what I'm saying is that I don't see a need for an additional
per-cert directive. To support the current cert concept of OpenSSL for
the SSL_CTX calls, we just need to make sure that we're applying the
OpenSSLConfCmd directives (ServerInfoFile etc.) at the proper place.


Ah, I see.  Thanks for explaining.


Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: [PATCH 55593] Add SSLServerInfoFile directive

2013-10-14 Thread Rob Stradling

On 13/10/13 10:29, Kaspar Brand wrote:

On 11.10.2013 13:53, Dr Stephen Henson wrote:

IMHO though there needs to be a way to be able to tie a directive to a
certificate in mod_ssl anyway though. I'm surprised no one has needed to do that

I'm not sure we really need this for mod_ssl, as configuring more than
one cert per vhost is probably a very rare case (the number of non-RSA
certs on public sites is extremely small - in the 2010 SSL Survey from
Qualys e.g., a few more than 100 out of 600,000 were DSA [1]). If people
deliberately want to go for something other than RSA, I would assume
that they either omit the RSA cert completely, or set up a dedicated
vhost for (EC)DSA.

Kaspar, I don't think data from 2010 (or even data from today) should be 
assumed to be a reliable indicator of future use of non-RSA certs on 
public sites.

AFAICT, interest (amongst the commercial CAs) in ECC certs continues to 
grow.  Since a significant proportion (I estimate ~20%) of deployed 
clients will accept RSA server certs but not ECC server certs, I think 
that configuring both an ECC cert and an RSA cert on a single vhost may 
yet become popular!


Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: Diffie-Hellman group parameters 1024 bit and Perfect Forward Secrecy

2013-06-28 Thread Rob Stradling

How about making ECDH parameters configurable from within Apache too?

On 28/06/13 09:57, MikeM wrote:


I agree that the configuration of DH parameters should be possible from
within Apache. Ideally the configuration should allow the size of random
DH Parameters to be chosen and also allow the user to provide a
preconfigured DH Parameter file.

This patch should be included into 2.2 and 2.4, and of course 2.5-dev :)

Many thanks,

On 28/06/2013 08:46, Hanno Böck wrote:


There has been lately some attention to perfect forward secrecy in TLS,
mainly due to an article on netcraft:

What worries me is that apache still fixes the DH group size to 1024
bit. If one uses an RSA key with, e.g., 2048 bit, then using a DHE TLS
cipher will actually downgrade the security of the connection.

DLP or factoring-based public key cryptography with 1024 bit has been
known to be potentially week for quite some time now. NIST recommended
to phase out 1024 bit keys by 2010.
(we don't have a key here, but the security of a DHE group with 1024
bit is equivalent to a 1024 bit DSA key)

There's been a patch in bugzilla for a while to allow user-defined DH
parameters, however it hasn't gotten any attention by apache developers

I'd like to ask apache devs to raise some attention to this issue. I
think user-defined dh groups would be a good thing, but probably the
default should also be raised to e.g. 2048 bit.


Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online
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Enabling OCSP Stapling by default (was Re: mod_ssl ssl_util_stapling.c warnings)

2011-02-09 Thread Rob Stradling
On Wednesday 05 Jan 2011 10:03:19 Rob Stradling wrote:
 On Friday 24 December 2010 16:24:03 Igor Galić wrote:
  If we want to see more extensive testing in the field,
  then this is the right time to make 'On' the default.
 Steve, has Igor persuaded you?

I was hoping to generate a bit more discussion and to reach consensus on the 
when question here on-list, but never mind.

I've just filed Bug 50740 - Enable OCSP Stapling by default.

Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: Enabling OCSP Stapling by default (was Re: mod_ssl ssl_util_stapling.c warnings)

2011-02-09 Thread Rob Stradling
On Wednesday 09 Feb 2011 09:39:36 Rob Stradling wrote:
 On Wednesday 05 Jan 2011 10:03:19 Rob Stradling wrote:
  On Friday 24 December 2010 16:24:03 Igor Galić wrote:
   If we want to see more extensive testing in the field,
   then this is the right time to make 'On' the default.
  Steve, has Igor persuaded you?
 I was hoping to generate a bit more discussion and to reach consensus on
 the when question here on-list, but never mind.
 I've just filed Bug 50740 - Enable OCSP Stapling by default.

On a related note, I've also just filed Bug 50742 - Detect when the OpenSSL 
runtime library is vulnerable to CVE-2011-0014.  I think it makes sense to 
*not* enable OCSP Stapling by default when a vulnerable version of OpenSSL is 
being used.

Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: mod_ssl ssl_util_stapling.c warnings

2011-01-05 Thread Rob Stradling
On Friday 24 December 2010 16:24:03 Igor Galić wrote:
 If we want to see more extensive testing in the field,
 then this is the right time to make 'On' the default.

Steve, has Igor persuaded you?

Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: mod_ssl ssl_util_stapling.c warnings

2010-12-23 Thread Rob Stradling
On Wednesday 22 December 2010 16:11:21 Dr Stephen Henson wrote:
 On 22/12/2010 15:32, Rob Stradling wrote:
  On Friday 03 December 2010 10:31:24 Rob Stradling wrote:
  Would it be possible to make OCSP Stapling enabled by default (when the
  server certificate contains an OCSP Responder URL in the AIA extension)
  instead of disabled by default?
  (Perhaps SSLUseStapling could be replaced by SSLDisableStapling)
  Steve et al,
  Could you possibly spare a moment to answer this question?
 I was seeing if anyone else would comment on this first. It is of course
 technically possible.
 The OCSP stapling code requires an additional directive to enable an OCSP
 stapling cache: so this would break existing configuration files if enabled
 by default.

Would it be possible to change the OCSP stapling code so that it will setup 
the OCSP stapling cache with some sensible default settings if the 
SSLStaplingCache directive is not specified anywhere in the config files?

 More significantly the code hasn't been tested extensively in the field
 so there may be problems that have yet to be uncovered.

That's a fair point.

 My personal opinion would be to, at least initially, require an explicit
 directive to enable it and leave the option in future to have it enabled by

Makes sense.  tested extensively in the field isn't likely to happen until 
httpd 2.4.x is released and significant numbers of sites upgrade.  Hopefully 
it would be safe to enable it by default in a fairly early 2.4.x point 

 Anyone else have any thoughts on the matter?

Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: mod_ssl ssl_util_stapling.c warnings

2010-12-22 Thread Rob Stradling
On Friday 03 December 2010 10:31:24 Rob Stradling wrote:
 Would it be possible to make OCSP Stapling enabled by default (when the
 server certificate contains an OCSP Responder URL in the AIA extension)
 instead of disabled by default?
 (Perhaps SSLUseStapling could be replaced by SSLDisableStapling)

Steve et al,

Could you possibly spare a moment to answer this question?


 I just wonder how many webmasters would bother to add SSLUseStapling on
 to their config files, even though OCSP Stapling benefits all parties.
 I understand that Microsoft IIS 7.x enables OCSP Stapling by default.

Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

Re: mod_ssl ssl_util_stapling.c warnings

2010-12-03 Thread Rob Stradling
On Tuesday 30 November 2010 00:55:48 Dr Stephen Henson wrote:
 On 30/11/2010 00:03, Dr Stephen Henson wrote:
  On 29/11/2010 21:46, Guenter Knauf wrote:
  I think that we had some similar already in the past, and you suggested
  a change which was compatible with both 0.9.8 and 1.0.0 branches, but I
  cant recall ... Or do we need to cleanly solve this with some
  version-depent defines?
  See of the patch for bug #50121 resolves this for you.
 There's a slightly cleaner way of doing that r1040366 in trunk fixes it for

Steve, thanks for cleaning and applying my patch.  A quick question, if I 

Would it be possible to make OCSP Stapling enabled by default (when the server 
certificate contains an OCSP Responder URL in the AIA extension) instead of 
disabled by default?
(Perhaps SSLUseStapling could be replaced by SSLDisableStapling)

I just wonder how many webmasters would bother to add SSLUseStapling on to 
their config files, even though OCSP Stapling benefits all parties.

I understand that Microsoft IIS 7.x enables OCSP Stapling by default.

Rob Stradling
Senior Research  Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online